19,910 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Menyiapkan Media Pembelajaran Serbaneka Melalui Bimbingan Kelompok di SDN 195/X Sungai Jambat Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022

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    This research aims to improve teachers' abilities in preparing various learning media through group guidance at SDN 195/X Sungai Jambat even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. This research is a school action research which consists of two cycles. This research was conducted at SDN 195/X Sungai Jambat in the even semester of the 2021/2022 school year with 8 teacher research subjects. Data collection techniques using observation, field notes and documentation. Data were analyzed using percentages and data reduction. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that group guidance can improve teachers' abilities in making various learning media at SDN 195/X Sungai Jambat even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year

    Analisis Penerapan SAK ETAP dalam Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan pada KSU Sumber Rezeki Kota Binjai

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    SAK ETAP merupakan solusi dari masalah yang kerap menerpa koperasi, yaitu masalah pengelolaan keuangan. Sebagai standar yang ditujukan untuk memudahkan koperasi dalam membuat laporan keuangan yang dapat dipahami oleh pihak eksternal perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimana penerapan SAK ETAP dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan pada KSU Sumber Rezeki Kota Binjai. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan studi dokumentasi dan wawancara. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik Analisis Deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Laporan Keuangan KSU Sumber Rezeki Kota Binjai belum menerapkan SAK ETAP secara benar. Penyusunan laporan keuangan untuk pihak ekstrenal KSU Sumber Rezeki Kota Binjai hanya menyajikan neraca, laporan perhitungan hasil usaha dan catatan laporan keuangan namun belum menyusun laporan arus kas dan laporan perubahan ekuitas sesuai SAK ETAP. Pada laporan neraca dan perhitungan hasil usaha ada beberapa akun yang digunakan kurang sesuai dengan SAK ETAP

    In House Training Untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Menyusun RPP di SDN 195/X Sungai Jambat Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022

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    This study aims to obtain information and discuss in-house training in increasing teacher competency in compiling lesson plans at SDN 195/X Sungai Jambat in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. This type of research is school action research (PTS) conducted by the principal at SDN 195/X Sungai Jambat in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 school year with 8 teacher subjects. Data collection techniques using observation, field notes and documentation. Data were analyzed using percentages and data reduction. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that there is an increase in teacher competence in preparing lesson plans at SDN 195/X Sungai Jambat through in-house training (IHT) which can be seen from the percentage of completeness from cycle I to cycle I

    Regulasi Haji Indonesia Dalam Tinjauan Sejarah

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    Bebeapa aturan yang terbit terkait pengelolaan perjalan haji sebelum berdirinya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia ini merupakan sebuah kebutuhan untuk memberikan Kenyamanan dalam perjalanan menuju Ka\u27batullah. Mulai dari system kerajaan, Kolonial hingga pemerintah Indonesia tetap saja pelaksanaan haji sudah menjadi perhatian khusus. Terlepas terkait dengan keuntungan ekonomi bagi pengelola seperti dari pihak kolonial, yang jelas perhatian mereka telah mempunyai andil dalam menata pengelola perjalanan Haji. Semenjak Indonesia merdeka, tetap saja perbaikan demi perbaikan terus berjalan berdasar UU, Keppres, dan Permenag dan segala macamnya. Pada intinya sejarah telah mencerminkan bahwa dinamika regulasi Haji terus berlangsung hingga menemukan kematangan

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Kerja, Pengalaman Kerja Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil (Pns) Pada Kantor Kecamatan Bahodopi Kabupaten Morowali

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    The aims of this research are: 1) to determine and analyze the influence of work ability, work experience, and work discipline on civil servants'performance at Bahodopi District Office, Morowali Regency; 2) to determine and analyze the influence of work ability on civil servants' performance; 3) to determine and analyze the influence of work experience on civil servants' performance; 4) to determine and analyze the influence of work discipline on civil servants' performance. Type of the research is explanative that shows the causalities between independent and dependent variabels, and consist of 30 respondents who selected through census method. Based on multiple linear regressions analysis test, the research concludes that: 1) work ability, work experience, and work discipline simultaneously influence civil servants' performance at bahodopi district office, Morowali Regency; 2) work ability significantly and positively influence civil servants' performance; 3) work experience significantly and positively influence civil servants' performance; 4) work discipline significantly and positively influence civil servants' performance

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Komik Materi Persamaan Dasar Akuntansi pada Siswa Kelas XI di Sman 1 Sambas

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    The purpose of this research is to develop learning media comic matter the fundamental equation accounting to their students class XI at SMA Negeri 1 Sambas and to knows the effectiveness of learning media comic in improving the study results students class X at SMA Negeri Sambas 1. Methods used in this research is research and development (R&D). While for measuring effectiveness of media be held on a students class XI IIS 1 (30 students). For data collection in this research used technique quesioner and tests ( pre-test and post-test ). The data collected from chief and tests analyzed qualitatively. The result of this research is: The effectiveness of learning media comic results of the try out analyzed of tests before and after learning comic media uses, where first trial students passed KKM increased from 43,33% be 93,33%, while the trial two students passed KKM increased from 60% be 93,33%. From the pilot implemented times as many as 2 , it can be argued that the media learning comic matter the fundamental equation of accounting effective in improving the study results students subjects economic class XI SMA Negeri 1 Sambas

    Evaluasi Program Pengawas SMA Negeri di Kota Makassar

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    This study aims to determine the components of supervisory SMA program in Makassar consisting of: 1) Component inputs (antecedents); 2) The components of the process (transactionts); 3) Components of results (output). This study is the evaluation by using Stake's Countenance Model, subjects in this study is a school superintendent, coordinator of school supervisors, principals and teachers. Selection of informants in this study conducted by purposive sampling. Data was analyzed using descriptive and qualitative analysis through three grooves. Conclusion of the Program Supervisor Senior High School in the city of Makassar as follows: 1) Component inputs (antecedents), namely: (a) recruitment / appointment and administrative requirements of the supervisor High School, head of SMA is not yet fully meet the evaluation criteria, (b) subject teachers in SMA has been fully qualified S-1 but still there are teachers who do not teach according to the educational background of the S-1; 2) The components of the process (transactionts), namely: (a) control of a school supervisor in preparing the planning administration supervision is maximum, (b) the implementation of the supervision of the managerial to the principal adequate, but the implementation of academic supervision is considered inadequate, (c) the interaction between the Supervisory school principals well established, while the interaction between the school superintendent with the subject teachers in schools have not been well established; 3) components results (output), namely: (a) the effectiveness of managerial principals in the preparation of school programs and implement the eight National Education Standards still needs to be improved, (b) the effectiveness of managerial principals in the implementation of school programs are good, (c) increase the capacity subject teachers in preparing lesson plans and PBM implementation is still low

    A Conceptual Model: The Impact of Sociodemographic on Coronary Heart Disease

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    The paper aims to examine the conceptual model on the impact of sociodemographic towards coronary heart disease. There is still limited study on the association between cost of living particularly the cost of food and housing and its impact on coronary heart disease. Therefore, this study incorporates five essential sociodemographic attributes namely, cost of food, children education cost, housing cost, smoking habit and gender. The study provides greater understanding on how the cost of living and lifestyle may give impact to coronary heart disease. It may provide the awareness among the regulators as the society faces burden of high cost of living. The burden may threaten the Malaysians quality of life particularly the lower income group
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