8 research outputs found

    Penelusuran Intelegensi, Minat dan Bakat Bagi Siswa MAN 1 Pidie Jaya Provinsi Aceh

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    One of the success factors of higher education is the match between the interests and talents of students. The survey states that 87% of students in Indonesia feel that they are in the wrong major. It can be influenced by several factors, including: friend's ask, too many suggestions, parents intimidation and scholarship offer. Kuliah Pengabdian Masyarakat (KPM) aim to introduce higher education system, the importance recognize of intelegence, interest and talent for the students in MAN 1 Pidie Jaya Aceh. This engagement program use 2 approaches with 2 methods namely assessment and intervention. Asessment methods use test technic and inventory namely IQ Test, Interest Test, Talent Test and Personality Test. Intervention Method use training about career, socialization about Interest, Talent and Study in higher education. The result show that 36 students in MAN 1 Pidie Jaya have choosen their study program in accordance with the abilities suggested by the team and have ambition to pursue in higher education such colleges and universities. Therefore, it is recommended that students can choose a study program that has been suggested by team of Psychology Facult

    Riyeuk : Aceh Plualisme dan Inisiatif

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    xvii + 116 hal; 142x 210 x 88 m

    Social threat and authoritarianism

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    This research examined a model of authoritarian personality development within people from Aceh, the province in Indonesia that has been in political conflict since 1976. A number of measures were administered online using InQsit BSU software. These measures assessed bad wartime experiences (BE), social identification with Aceh, social conformity, a worldview of social threat, social uncertainty, chronic anger rumination, individualist-collectivist cultural orientation, and right-wing authoritarianism (RWA). 215 Achenese citizens between 18 to 57 years of age served as participants. The results showed that participants were clearly collectivists. As predicted, regression analyses demonstrated that BE correlated positively with social threat, when threat was measured at a societal level [i.e., Belief in a Dangerous World (BDW)]. The relationship of BEBDW was completely mediated by social identification. Also as predicted, a strong and positive correlation was found between BDW-RWA. A hypothesis concerning anger rumination was not supported. Anger rumination did not mediate the relationship between BDW-RWA or between Uncertainty-RWA. Interestingly, the relationship between rumination and RWA was in a negative direction. The present study replicated work by Duckitt (2002), and extended that work by examining the mediational role of both Social Identification and BDW in the Conformity-RWA relationship. Another new finding is that cultural orientation (especially vertical collectivism) contributed to RWA in much the same way as social conformity. The limitations of this study are discussed and suggestions for future research are presented.Thesis (M.A.)Department of Psychological Scienc

    Rangkeum 2009 (Olah-pikir Aceh Institute di Media)

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    Transitional Justice Delayed in Aceh, Indonesia

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    Riyeuk : Aceh, Pluralisme dan Inisiatif

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    xviii + 116 hal; 142x210x88 m

    Geunap Aceh Perdamain Bukan Tanda tangan

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