10 research outputs found

    Sera İşletmelerinde Yağmur Sularının Hasadı ve Depolama Kapasitesinin Belirlenmesi

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    Su kaynaklarının yeterli olmadığı alanlarda yağmur sularının toplanarak sera sulamasında kullanılması sürdürülebilirlik açısından büyük öneme sahiptir. Depolanacak yağış miktarının belirlenebilmesi için yağış miktarı ve bitki su tüketimi bilinmelidir. Akdeniz bölgesindeki dar sahil şeridinde su kaynakları yetersiz olup, sera üreticisi çok uzak mesafelerden borularla su taşımaktadır. Yapılan bu çalışmada Mersin iklim koşullarında düzenli olarak ısıtılmayan seralarda yapılan domates yetiştiriciliğinde aylara bağlı günlük su tüketimi farklı yöntemlere göre hesaplandıktan sonra düşen yağışın serada kullanılan aylık miktarından arta kalan kısmının depolama kapasitesi belirlenmiştir. Mersin iklim koşullarında FAO-Radyasyon yöntemine göre hesaplanan su tüketimi ve yağış miktarından gidilerek depolama kapasitesi 0,25 m3.m-2 olarak belirlenmiş ve depolanan bu su ile ile Kasım-Mayıs döneminde 7 ay boyunca bitki su ihtiyacının karşılanabileceği belirlenmiştir. Serada Bitki su tüketiminin FAO-Blaney-Criddle yöntemine göre hesaplanması durumunda depolama kapasitesi 0,19 m3.m-2 olacak ve Kasım – Nisan dönemindeki 6 aylık sürede bitki su tüketimi karşılanabilecektir

    Modeling of Heat Requirements for Agricultural Greenhouse in Different Climate Regions

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    Seralardan kaliteli yüksek verimin alınabilmesi için seraların ısıtılması gereklidir. Ancak ısıtma giderleri üretim maliyetini ciddi anlamda etkilemektedir. Seralarda sürdürülebilirlik, enerji verimliliğini artırmakla sağlanabilir. Enerji verimliliğinin artırılması fosil enerji kaynakları yerine atık üretmeyen yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanılması ile mümkün olabilmektedir.Türkiye'de seracılık iklimin sağladığı avantajlar nedeniyle yaygın olarak Akdeniz sahil ?eridinde yapılmaktadır. Ancak son yıllarda jeotermal kaynakların bulunduğu alanlarda seracılık önem kazanmaya ba?lamı? ve bu yerlerde kurulan modern seralardan kaliteli yüksek verim alınmaya ba?lanmı?tır. Yapılan bu çalı?mada Türkiye'de sera ısıtmasında kullanılan kömür ile jeotermal enerji kaynaklarının maliyeti ve kömürün atmosfere olan CO2 salınımı kar?ıla?tırılmı?tır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre jeotermal enerjinin birim fiyatı 0,06 ?/kWh olduğunda, jeotermal kaynaklara sahip Aydın ilinde yapılacak seracılık büyük avantajlara sahip olurken, Kütahya'da serada yapılacak domates üretimi Antalya ile ancak rekabet edebilecektir. Ancak sera ısıtmasında çevreye zarar vermeden jeotermal kaynakların kullanılması durumunda CO2 salınımı açısından jeotermal bölgelerin Akdeniz bölgesindeki seracılığa göre büyük avantajları olacaktırIt is necessary to heat the greenhouses in order to obtain a high quality yield from the surroundings. However, heating costs seriously affect the cost of production. Sustainability can be achieved by improving energy efficiency. Increasing energy efficiency is possible by using renewable energy sources that do not produce waste instead of fossil energy sources. Due to the advantages of greenhouse climate in Turkey, it is widely used on the Mediterranean coast. However, in recent years, greenhouses have gained importance in areas where geothermal resources are present and high quality yields have been started to be obtained from modern greenhouses established in these places. In this study, the cost of coal and geothermal energy sources used in greenhouse heating in Turkey and the CO2 emissions of the cargo atmosfere are compared. According to the results obtained, when the unit price of the geothermal energy is 0.06 ? / kWh, the greenhouse production in Aydın province with geothermal resources will have great advantages, while the production of tomatoes to be made in Kütahya can only compete with Antalya. However, in case of using geothermal resources without harming the environment in the greenhouse heating, geothermal regions will have great advantages in terms of CO2emission compared to greenhouse in the Mediterranean regio

    Plastik seralarda ısıtmanın bitki gelişimine etkisi ve ısıtma ekonomisinin belirlenmesi

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    TEZ3353Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1999.Kaynakça (s. 119-129) var.xii, 136 s. ; res. ; 30 cm.

    Analyzing the Economic Viability and Energy Requirements of Soilless Greenhouse Tomato Cultivation in the Context of Climate Change in the Mediterranean Basin

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    Controlling environmental conditions in agricultural production has a direct influence on the yield. In vegetative production, the most common and effective implementation of environmentally controlled production is in greenhouses. In the event that the daily average temperature drops below 12oC, greenhouses should be heated. Heating in greenhouses has a significant share in production costs. While overall production costs in high technology greenhouses depend on the size of the greenhouse and the length of the production period, the heating costs vary depending on the greenhouse equipment and external climatic conditions. In this study, the costs of inputs used in the production of truss tomatoes in the great majority of high technology greenhouses in the Mediterranean climate zone were determined, their share in the total cost was calculated and a comparison with the costs of truss tomato production in Southeastern European countries was made. The calculations show that among the production costs under Mediterranean climate conditions, cost of labor is the highest with a ratio of 37% while energy (heat + electricity) cost is the second highest. While the unit cost of truss tomatoes in Southeastern Europe is 0.51 €.kg-1, the production cost under Mediterranean climate conditions is 0.59€.kg-1

    Analysis of Environmental and Energy Policies in Turkey, the European Union and the United States

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    Energy consumption plays a pivotal role in the development of societies. Sustainable Energy Resources are vital inputs for daily life, and energy and industrial products are essential for economic growth (Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, 2022). Consequently, those responsible for managing a country's energy sector must ensure the uninterrupted, reliable, timely, clean, and affordable supply of energy, as well as diversify energy sources to enhance energy security. The concept of "sustainable development" has emerged in response to the need to prevent irreversible environmental damage caused by conventional energy sources and outdated technologies while ensuring access to energy as a fundamental human right under optimal conditions (Pamir, N 2005). Developed societies have transitioned from planning based solely on energy source acquisition and production to a planning approach that carefully considers the energy-economy-ecology balance (3E) while taking into account resource diversity and geopolitical realities (Energy Policies and Global Developments, emo.org.tr). Turkey remains heavily dependent on energy imports, accounting for approximately 74% of its energy needs (Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, 2023). The multifaceted nature of Turkey's energy strategy and its energy dependence emphasize the importance of international relations in this field. U.S. energy policies have global ramifications, particularly in areas such as energy resource utilization, energy trade, and energy independence (Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, 2022). U.S. energy policies play a significant role in international relations, impacting relationships with other countries, especially in matters related to energy exports and imports. In Europe, there is uneven progress towards clean electricity, with both successes and challenges in transitioning to a low-carbon energy system. While the European energy sector has taken significant steps towards decarbonization, there has been limited progress in some countries, and much more progress is needed. Achieving a fully decarbonized energy system in Europe requires united efforts and coordination to address the challenges posed by fossil fuel dependence and climate change

    Determination of the effect of heating on crop growing and heating economy in plastic greenhouse's

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    Bu çalışmada Çukurova iklim koşullarında ısıtmanın verime etkisi ve plastik seralarda ısılına ekonomisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla Akdeniz sahil şeridinde yaygın aynı özelliklere sahip iki serada farklı sıcaklık değerleri (Min 5\circC - Min 13\circC) ve farklı dikim tarihleri oluşturularak domates bitkisi yetiştirilmiştir. Ara/.i koşullarında elde edilen sonuçlar Fransa'da INRA tarafından geliştirilen "Simulsera La Tomate" adlı bitki büyüme modelinin sonuçlan ile karşılaştınlıruşür. Modelden hesaplanan verim değerleri ile arazi uygulaması sonucu elde edilen verim değerleri arasında %14.7'lik bir fark belirlenmiştir. Yapılan hesaplamalar sonucunda en yüksek verimin 16/24\circC (gece/gündüz) sıcaklık değeri ve 1000 ppm CO2CO_2 gübrelemesinin yapıldığı koşullarda elde edildikleri belirlenmiştir. Ancak ürünün yıl içerisindeki pazar fiyatları dikkate alındığında en yüksek karlılığı tek katlı plastik ile örtülmüş plastik serada CO2CO_2 gübrelemesinin yapılmadığı ve gece gündüz sera iç sıcaklığının 13\circC'de tutulduğu koşullarda elde edildiği belirlenmiştir.Ayrıca modelden elde edilen, sonuçlara göre üretim periyodunun uzaması verim olumlu yönde etkilemiştir.In this study, to investigate the adjustment of the model, tomato has been produced in two plastic greenhouses (one of them was standardized to minimum 13\circC heating at night time) and in two different plantation time. 14.7 % of difference lias been found between the field and model results on yield. The study results showed that producers can earn maximum gross profit if they produce the tomato in one floor plastic greenhouse, at 304 days of plantation period (September, 1 -July,1) without CO2CO_2 fertilization and 13\circC heating during the night time and no heating during the day time. Furthermore, it has been found that to increase the yield with day time heating CO2CO_2 fertilization is also needed

    Antioxidative enzyme activities in Brassica juncea L. and Brassica oleracea L. plants under chromium stress

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    Chromium (Cr) is one of the most common heavy-metal contaminant in groundwater, soil and sediments. Cr is a toxic element that occurs in highly variable oxidation states. Since Cr (VI) is a strong oxidant, it may cause severe oxidative stress in plant tissue. However, the antioxidative responses of plants to excess Cr have not been studied critically. Thus, the present study was undertaken to assess antioxidative responses of Brassica juncea L. and Brassica oleracea L. plants as models because of their phytoremediation capacity of metal enriched soils under different levels of Cr (VI) treatments. Seedlings were grown in 15 cm x 17 cm pots containing turf mixture in a greenhouse for 6 weeks. Then plants were irrigated with the solutions containing 0, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 mM Cr (VI) for 10 weeks. Fully expanded leaves were collected from the plants at the end of the treatments for catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR) analyses. Even though both species showed a similar trend in response to Cr (VI) treatments, the total enzyme activities were higher in Brassica oleracea L. than in Brassica juncea L. Cr (VI) treatments significantly decreased the activities of CAT depending on the Cr concentrations in both species. After the significant increase, a sharp decrease was observed in the activity of APX and GR in both species. Data indicated that a coordinated increase in APX and GR activities in both Brassica species under Cr stress played a role as signals to protect the plants from Cr-induced stress

    Removal of pollutants from landfill leachate by adsorption with nano zero-valent iron particles: adsorption isotherms and kinetic studies

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    Nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) is an effective adsorbent for removing various organic and inorganic contaminants. In this study, nZVI particles, synthesized in our previous work, were used for landfill leachate pretreatment. The adsorption performance was tested at various adsorbent concentrations (50–500 mg Fe0/L), pH (3–8), and contact times (15–330 min). Chemical oxygen demand, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrate (NO3-), and ammonium (NH4+) removal efficiency were approximately 75%, 60, 57, and 33%, respectively. The obtained data were fitted well by the Langmuir isotherm and adsorption kinetics of pseudo-second-order equations (R2 > 0.9). The adsorption capacities were found to be 29.62, 21.01, and 3.12 mg/g for DOC, NH4+, and NO3−, respectively, at Fe0 concentration of 50 mg Fe0/L, pH of 8, and contact time of 120 min, which was determined as the effective operational conditions in this work. The obtained removal levels were higher compared to the conventional activated carbon adsorption (72.3%). Results suggest that nZVI has the potential to create effective adsorption relevant to landfill leachate pretreatment, thereby providing more efficient biological treatment by decreasing important pollutants before biological treatment. HIGHLIGHTS Nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) can be used as an effective adsorbent for removing chemical oxygen demand, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), NO3-, and NH4+ from landfill leachate.; The adsorption capacities were found to be 29.62, 21.01, and 3.12 mg/g, for DOC, NH4+, and NO3−, respectively, at an nZVI concentration of 50 mg nZVI/L.; The obtained data were fitted well by the Langmuir isotherm and adsorption kinetics of pseudo-second-order equations.