3 research outputs found

    Geographic Distribution of the Anopheles labranchiae Species Malaria Vector in the Province of Sidi Slimane, Morocco

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    The mosquitoes Culicidae have a medical and veterinary interest as they play an important role in the transmission of many parasitic and / or viral diseases and are a source of nuisance to humans. The province of Sidi Slimane remains exposed to the risk of emergence and recurrence of new cases of malaria due to the existence of breeding sites constituting a favorable biotope for the development and evolution of Culicidea, vectors of diseases. In the context of geographical distribution study of the Anopheles labranchiae specie in the province of Sidi Slimane during the period 2015- 2017, twenty larval breeding sites were monitored and surveyed in time and space. We have mapped the positive larval breeding sites of Anopheles labranchiae, the main vector of malaria transmission in Morocco, and identified the localities at risk in order to facilitate the fighting operations and to maintain the epidemiological situation at zero cases of indigenous malaria in the zone of study

    Biodiversity and distribution of larvae of the genus Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Gharb Region: Case of the Province of Sidi Slimane, Morocco

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    Mosquitoes play an important role in the transmission of many diseases as vectors of several pathogens: viral, parasitic, etc. which cause health problems to humans and even animals. The analysis of the specific composition of Culicidae in the different larval sites of the province of Sidi Slimane shows first of all that each habitat has a particular faunistic characteristic. Indeed, six species of the Culicinae family were inventoried during the 2018 hydrological cycle in the different larval sites surveyed: Culex pipiens, Culex hortensis, Culex theileri, Culex modestus, Culex brempti, Culex laticinctus. The geographical distribution of these species differs according to the requirements of each species. The physico-chemical, pedological, faunistic, floristic… etc. parameters of each environment play an important role in the biodiversity of this fauna, which explains the differences in specific richness of each larval biotope

    Population Genetic Structure of Peninsular Malaysia Malay Sub-Ethnic Groups

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    Patterns of modern human population structure are helpful in understanding the history of human migration and admixture. We conducted a study on genetic structure of the Malay population in Malaysia, using 54,794 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism genotype data generated in four Malay sub-ethnic groups in peninsular Malaysia (Melayu Kelantan, Melayu Minang, Melayu Jawa and Melayu Bugis). To the best of our knowledge this is the first study conducted on these four Malay sub-ethnic groups and the analysis of genotype data of these four groups were compiled together with 11 other populations' genotype data from Indonesia, China, India, Africa and indigenous populations in Peninsular Malaysia obtained from the Pan-Asian SNP database. The phylogeny of populations showed that all of the four Malay sub-ethnic groups are separated into at least three different clusters. The Melayu Jawa, Melayu Bugis and Melayu Minang have a very close genetic relationship with Indonesian populations indicating a common ancestral history, while the Melayu Kelantan formed a distinct group on the tree indicating that they are genetically different from the other Malay sub-ethnic groups. We have detected genetic structuring among the Malay populations and this could possibly be accounted for by their different historical origins. Our results provide information of the genetic differentiation between these populations and a valuable insight into the origins of the Malay sub-ethnic groups in Peninsular Malaysia