336 research outputs found
Restituting Justice: Applying the Holocaust Restitution Process to Subsequent Genocides and Human Rights Violations
This masterâs thesis was developed at KTH-dESA, the division of Energy Systems Analysis of the Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm, in close collaboration with the research organization Prayas Energy Group (PEG) and the Indian government institution NITI Aayog. The focus of this work, part of a wider project aimed at carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the entire Indian energy system, is placed on the electricity sector of the country, which is modeled from a multi-regional perspective. Through the use of the open-source energy systems modeling software OSeMOSYS, cost-optimal configurations for Indiaâs future electricity mix were developed, thus obtaining valuable insights regarding potential decarbonization pathways for the power sector of the country.  According to the simulation results, Indiaâs future electricity mix will see a much stronger presence of renewable energy sources. In particular, the vast majority of them will be equally represented by utility-scale solar PV and onshore wind, mainly deployed in the resource-endowed Western and Southern Region. Nevertheless, in the upcoming decades, the countryâs dependence on coal will remain as well. Notable additions in coal capacity are forecasted to take place in the form of captive power connected to the final Industrial sector, due to the overall economic convenience and sustained electricity outputs allowed by such energy source. On the other hand, only a limited amount of utility-level coal plants is foreseen to be added to the power generating fleet. By means of gradually incrementing the currently implemented coal tax, or substituting it with an equivalent carbon tax, GHG emissions could be reduced by 18-20% compared to the BAU scenario, at a system cost increment per each Mt of CO2eq avoided respectively equal to 3.03 and 3.48 million USD. Both policy measures will, in fact, foster a much larger deployment of renewables, especially of both utility-level and rooftop solar PV.  The results shown in this report, although rather realistic, should not be considered definitive. More effort will, in fact, be needed in order to further increase the level of resolution and site-specificity of part of the input data. Nevertheless, the model developed during this masterâs thesis work can serve as a valid and comprehensive foundation for future energy planning initiatives focusing on the Indian electricity sector.Denna masteruppsats utfördes pĂ„ KTH-dESA, Energisystemanalysdivisionen pĂ„ Stockholms Kungliga Tekniska Högskola, i samarbete med forskningsorganisationen Prayas Energy Group (PEG) och den indiska myndigheten NITI Aayog.  Fokus för detta arbete, som Ă€r del av ett bredare projekt som syftar till att genomföra en omfattande analys av hela det indiska energisystemet, Ă€r placerat pĂ„ landets elsektor, som Ă€r modellerat ur ett mĂ„ngregionalt perspektiv. Genom anvĂ€ndningen av open-source energisystem modelleringsprogrammet OSeMOSYS utvecklades kostnadseffektiva konfigurationer för Indiens framtida energimix, vilket gav vĂ€rdefulla insikter om potentiella decarboniseringsvĂ€gar för landets energisektor.  Enligt simuleringens resultat kommer Indiens framtida energimix att innebĂ€ra en mycket starkare nĂ€rvaro av förnybara energikĂ€llor. I synnerhet kommer de allra flesta av dem att vara lika representerade av fotovoltaik och vindkraft i bruk, huvudsakligen utplacerade i de resursrika vĂ€stra och södra regionerna. Men under de kommande Ă„rtiondena kommer landets beroende av kol ocksĂ„ finnas kvar. AnmĂ€rkningsvĂ€rda tillĂ€gg i kolets kapacitet bedöms ske i form av kraft som Ă€r kopplad till den slutliga industrisektorn, pĂ„ grund av den övergripande ekonomiska bekvĂ€mligheten och kontinuerlig anvĂ€ndning elektriska utgĂ„ngar som tillĂ„ts av sĂ„dan energikĂ€lla. Ă
andra sidan förvÀntas endast en begrÀnsad mÀngd kolkraftverk pÄ nytt nivÄ kunna lÀggas till kraftgenerering flottan. Genom att gradvis öka den nuvarande skatten pÄ kol eller ersÀtta den med en ekvivalent kolskatt kan utslÀppen av vÀxthusgaser minskas med 18-20% jÀmfört med BAU-scenariot, vid en ökad systemkostnad per varje Mt CO2eq undviks respektive lika med 3,03 och 3,48 miljoner USD. BÄda principer kommer i sjÀlva verket att frÀmja en mycket större utplacering av förnybara energikÀllor, sÀrskilt pÄ bÄde nytta och tak pÄ solceller.  Resultaten som visas i denna rapport bör inte betraktas som slutgiltiga. Mer anstrÀngning kommer behövas för att ytterligare öka nivÄn pÄ upplösning och platsspecifika som delar av input data. Modellen som utvecklats under denna masteruppsats kan fungera som en giltig och övergripande grund för framtida energiplanering med inriktning pÄ den indiska elsektorn
Holistic Open Practice for Educators (HOPE): Supporting Mental Health Through the Lifespan
This presentation explores the concept of holistic open practice for educators (HOPE), describing an approach to embedding mental health practice holistically within preK through higher education settings. Open educational resources can support both knowledge and skill sharing, particularly in the area of promoting and improving mental health of individuals across the lifespan. Utilizing these resources can improving access and opportunity for diverse and underserved audiences, thereby increasing occupational justice
Memory and History in Israeli Post-Apocalyptic Theatre Zahava Caspi
Past catastrophes function as primary models for apocalyptic dystopias and as catalysts of imagined retrospection. Their function as paradigms of memory enables them to shed a sobering light on contemporary dangers as well as to trigger desirable change. The relation between memory, history, and post-apocalyptic theatre should therefore be examined with a view not only to the circumstances that give rise to such theatre, but also to the meanings that emerge from the catastrophic historical episodes which function as paradigms of memory. In the following article I shall discuss two Israeli dystopian plays, Joshua Sobolâs The Jerusalem Syndrome (1987) and Shimon Buzagloâs Black Rain (2007), and their performances in Israeli theatre. I will examine the efficacy of apocalyptic theatre rooted in historical memory, by activating new forms of Theatre (Sobol: Polydrama; Buzaglo: Theatre as a Testimonial Medium) relative to other avenues of historical commemoration, in averting future dangers rooted in a deficient present
DNA methylation: A molecular lock
AbstractIn mammals, the promoters of expressed genes are generally unmethylated, whereas those of genes that are not expressed are methylated. Two recent papers help to explain the mechanism by which methylation modulates gene expression
The new within the given : collage principles and processes in contemporary painting
Collage is presented as an allegoric art-form sui generis, considering allegory
itself as an open-ended form of art.
The research provides a suggestion to a different understanding of collage i.e.:
as a catalyst for a search for structure and semiotic relationships in an attempt to
overcome a constant disordered expansion of an intertextual web and hermeneutic
possibilities; and as an open work, providing multi-layered meanings. As an open
work collage is typified by the prominent role of its "readers", its ambiguity and
the infinite net of references it summons.
Collage may be conceived as a bridge between modernism and postmodernism,
structuralism and post-structuralism; as a model for constant innovation and
suppleness; as a stimulator for meta-artistic questions, acceptance of "soft"
universals and reevaluation of the role of the Other within an artwork.
Works by Jasper Johns, Michal Na'aman, Dina Hoffman and myself exemplify
these ideas.Visual ArtsM.A. (Visual Arts
The Impact of War Stress on Veterans Families
ProuÄavajuÄi liÄnosti i sociodemografske varijable koje su povezane s oporavljanjem od BSR-a, autorica ovoga rada i njene kolege, pronaĆĄli su neoÄekivanu vezu izmeÄu braÄnog statusa i PTSP-a. Ovi nalazi doveli su do niza istraĆŸivanja koja su usredotoÄena na obitelji veterana koji pate od PTSP-a. IstraĆŸivanja koja su prezentirana u sljedeÄem radu pokazala su visoku stopu sekundarne traumatizacije. Naime, psihiÄka trauma moĆŸe stvoriti valove koji se ĆĄire u krugovima i koji ne pogaÄaju samo ĆŸrtve sĂąme, veÄ i one koji su im bliski. Dok su veterani direktno traumatizirani ratom, njihove ĆŸene i obitelji postaju indirektnim ĆŸrtvama traume. Osim toga, prikazani su i raspravljeni korelati sekundarne traumatizacije u veteranskim obiteljima. Rad nadalje raspravlja o ublaĆŸujuÄim faktorima te o implikacijama nalaza na roditeljstvo i obiteljski ĆŸivot.Studying the personality and sociodemographic variables implicated in recovery from CSR, the author of this paper and her colleagues found a surprising association between marital status and PTSD. This finding had led to a series of studies focusing on families of veterans suffering from PTSD. The studies, presented in the following paper, revealed high rates of secondary traumatizationt. That is, psychic trauma may create ripples which affect not only the victims themselves, but also those who are close to them. While veterans were traumatized directly by the war their wives and families become indirect victims of the trauma. Furthermore correlates of secondary traumatization in veterans\u27 families are presented and discussed. The paper further discusses some moderating factors and the implications of the findings for parenthood and family life
The Uses of Fantasy Fiction for Transformational Learning and Personal Growth
In this thesis I explore the concept of transformational learning through the reading of and immersion into the world of fantasy fiction with an application to my own biography. I explore the way fantasy literature has played a part in my own self-discovery and aim to explain how fantasy fiction can be used for educational and not merely entertainment purposes. By exploring the works of theorists such as Mezirow, Greene, Freire and Dashiell, amongst others, I try to make the case for fantasy fiction to become another tool with which classroom teachers can teach intangible concepts to their students such as integrity, passion, valour, and compassion. I also explore the value of fantasy fiction and imagination as integral parts of learning. I then discuss the way fantasy fiction compares to and integrates with our ordinary world in order to bring about an extraordinary learning experience. Finally, I posit that with the integration of fantasy literature into the classroom, we may open up, for some students and teachers, yet another way of acquiring or imparting knowledge in a safe, neutral environment, where ideas can be shared and discussed openly, leading to transformational experiences in learning and self-discovery
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