119 research outputs found
Some aspects of modernization in Udmurt rural society
This paper is based on paper presented at the meeting “Многокультурность на Поволжье. Модернизация и идентичность марийцев, удмуртов и татаров. Семинар финно-угорской этнографии в Хельсинки 27октября 2004 года. Modernization and the identity of Mari, Udmurts and Tatars in the multiethnic Volga-area. Meeting of Finno-Ugrian Ethnography in Helsinki on October 27, 2004.
The Scientist and Authority in the History of Finno-Ugric Research in Russia
The history of Finno-Ugric Ethnology has already come a considerable way. There have been periods of brilliant discovery as well as periods of stagnation; or, what was worse, periods when what was said depended on what the prevailing conditions demanded. Looking back, we are to some degree able to reconstruct the facts and to follow the development of the ideas that contributed to contemporary studies. The main subject of this paper is the interpretation of mutual understanding between the ethnologist and government in the history of Finno-Ugric studies in Russia between the 18th and 20th centuries
Approaches and Solutions for Creating Atlases in Geographic Information Systems
U radu se razmatraju obilježja, prednosti i nedostatci softvera QGIS, ArcGIS i MapInfo Pro za izradu različitih tipova atlasa (geografskih, složenih i tematskih). Prikazane su sheme moguće organizacije takvih atlasa te predložene tehnološke sheme za njihovu automatsku izradu u razmatranim geografskim informacijskim sustavima (GIS). Ishod je formulacija pristupa i rješenja za poboljšanje softvera za GIS. Razvijeni su algoritmi i moduli čiji je glavni cilj formaliziranje strukture atlasa i automatizacija procesa oblikovanja njihove matematičke osnove. Razvoj funkcionalnosti ugrađen je s pomoću postojećih alata u softveru MapInfo kao jezik MapBasic, a u softverima ArcGIS i QGIS u jeziku Python. Izrađena je pregledna tablica koja prikazuje osnovne funkcionalnosti potrebne za izradu atlasa u GIS-u te njihovu ugradnju u razmatrani softver. Ti će prijedlozi osigurati ispunjenje svih potrebnih zahtjeva za izradu atlasa, pogotovo na regionalnoj razini kartiranja.The features, advantages and disadvantages of using QGIS, ArcGIS and MapInfo Pro when creating atlases of various types (geographic, complex and thematic) are considered in this paper. Schemes for their potential organization are presented and technological schemes for their automated creation in these geographic information systems are proposed. As a result, approaches and solutions for improving geographic information software can be formulated. Algorithms and modules were developed, primarily aimed at formalizing the structure of atlases and automating the design process of their mathematical basis. The development of functionality was implemented using built-in developer tools implemented in MapInfo as the MapBasic language, and in ArcGIS and QGIS in the Python programming language. A summary table was compiled, which presents the basic functionalities required to create atlases in GIS and their implementation in the appropriate software. These proposals will ensure the fulfillment of all requirements necessary for atlas design, primarily at the regional mapping level
Pristupi i rješenja za izradu atlasa u geografskim informacijskim sustavima https://doi.org/10.32909/kg.19.33.1
The features, advantages and disadvantages of using QGIS, ArcGIS and MapInfo Pro when creating atlases of various types (geographic, complex and thematic) are considered in this paper. Schemes for their potential organization are presented and technological schemes for their automated creation in these geographic information systems are proposed. As a result, approaches and solutions for improving geographic information software can be formulated. Algorithms and modules were developed, primarily aimed at formalizing the structure of atlases and automating the design process of their mathematical basis. The development of functionality was implemented using built-in developer tools implemented in MapInfo as the MapBasic language, and in ArcGIS and QGIS in the Python programming language. A summary table was compiled, which presents the basic functionalities required to create atlases in GIS and their implementation in the appropriate software. These proposals will ensure the fulfillment of all requirements necessary for atlas design, primarily at the regional mapping level.U radu se razmatraju obilježja, prednosti i nedostatci softvera QGIS, ArcGIS i MapInfo Pro za izradu različitih tipova atlasa (geografskih, složenih i tematskih). Prikazane su sheme moguće organizacije takvih atlasa te predložene tehnološke sheme za njihovu automatsku izradu u razmatranim geografskim informacijskim sustavima (GIS). Ishod je formulacija pristupa i rješenja za poboljšanje softvera za GIS. Razvijeni su algoritmi i moduli čiji je glavni cilj formaliziranje strukture atlasa i automatizacija procesa oblikovanja njihove matematičke osnove. Razvoj funkcionalnosti ugrađen je s pomoću postojećih alata u softveru MapInfo kao jezik MapBasic, a u softverima ArcGIS i QGIS u jeziku Python. Izrađena je pregledna tablica koja prikazuje osnovne funkcionalnosti potrebne za izradu atlasa u GIS-u te njihovu ugradnju u razmatrani softver. Ti će prijedlozi osigurati ispunjenje svih potrebnih zahtjeva za izradu atlasa, pogotovo na regionalnoj razini kartiranja
Shore-based Counts of Bowhead Whales along the Chukotka Peninsula in May and June 1999-2001
This study presents the results of shore-based counts of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) along the Chukotka Peninsula in 1999, 2000, and 2001. These counts confirmed that at least a small proportion of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock migrates along the western Bering Strait in late spring. The results of the counts in the Bering Strait were somewhat consistent between years. Taking into account that the whales passed by rapidly at great distances, we believe the number of whales seen during these counts is an underestimate of the actual number of whales migrating through the area. Our results indicate that the beginning of the spring migration of bowhead whales out of the Gulf of Anadyr varies by up to 30 days between cold and mild years, but in both cases, the area migration continues at least until 20 June. During the spring migration in the western Bering Strait, at the exit from the Gulf of Anadyr, whales moved over a broad front from near shore out to sea. When the directed migration began in May, the whales were not (or were seldom) observed to rest, feed, or engage in social behavior. Instead, we saw whales traversing long distances under water, swimming at speeds considerably faster than those of bowhead whales noted previously at Point Barrow.Cette étude présente les résultats de dénombrements côtiers de baleines boréales (Balaena mysticetus) effectués le long de la presqu'île des Tchouktches en 1999, 2000 et 2001. Ces comptages ont confirmé qu'au moins une petite proportion du stock de la mer de Béring, de la mer des Tchouktches et de la mer de Beaufort migre à la fin du printemps le long du détroit de Béring occidental. Les résultats des dénombrements dans le détroit de Béring étaient relativement uniformes d'une année à l'autre. Si l'on tient compte du fait que les baleines passaient rapidement, et ce, à une grande distance, on pense que le nombre des baleines aperçues durant ces comptages représente une sous-estimation du nombre réel de ces cétacés qui traversent la région durant leur migration. Nos résultats révèlent que le début de la migration printanière des baleines boréales quittant le golfe de l'Anadyr peut varier jusqu'à 30 jours entre les années froides et les années plus tempérées, mais que, dans chaque cas, la migration dans la région se poursuit au moins jusqu'au 20 juin. Durant la migration printanière dans le détroit de Béring occidental, à la sortie du golfe de l'Anadyr, les baleines formaient un large front qui s'étendait de la proximité de la côte jusqu'au large. Lorsque la migration dirigée commençait en mai, on n'a pas (ou rarement) observé de baleines qui se reposaient, s'alimentaient ou manifestaient un comportement social. Par contre, on les a vues qui traversaient de grandes distances sous l'eau, nageant à des vitesses bien supérieures à celles de leurs congénères observées précédemment à Point Barrow
First Principles Investigation of Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ni-Mn-Al Heusler Alloys
AbstractThe composition dependences of crystal lattice parameters, magnetic moments and magnetic exchange parameters in FexNi2−xMn1+y Al1−y (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 2.0; 0.0 ≤ y ≤ 0.6) Heusler alloys are investigated with the help of first principles calculations. Our simulations have shown that crystal lattice parameter is decreased with Fe content (x) increasing. Our calculations show that increase of Fe content (x) leads increasing of magnetic exchange interactions between Mn atoms at regular positions and Mn atoms at Al positions and change of interaction sign from antiferromagnetic type to ferromagnetic one for Fe content x ≥ 1.4. Competitive behavior between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions shows that these alloys have a complex magnetic structure. Calculated data for crystal lattice parameter, magnetic moment and magnetic exchange parameters for pure compounds (x = 0.0 and x = 2.0) are in an agreement with theoretical and experimental data
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