24 research outputs found

    Strukturna lega Habečkovega brezna (Idrijsko, Slovenija)

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     With detailed geological mapping at a scale 1:5 000, beside general geological data also the structural and tectonical circumstances of the surrounding of Habečkovo brezno were recognised. The complicated tension deformations developed in compressive condition and the thrust contact are the main reasons for development of hydrological and surface karst features. With kinematical reconstruction we recognised that 400 m deep Habečkovo brezno has a special structural and hydrological location.   S podrobnim geološkim kartiranjem smo poleg splošnih geoloških podatkov rekonstruirali tudi strukturne in tektonske razmere. Pri tem smo ugotovili zapletene natezne deformacije, ki jih sicer na prvi pogled ni mogoče razložiti v splošnih tlačnih pogojih. Prav natezne deformacije predstavljajo poleg narivnega kontakta bistveno osnovo za razvoj hidroloških razmer in površinske kraške morfologije obravnavanega terena. Z rekonstrukcijo kinematskega razvoja ozemlja smo ugotovili, da ima 400 m globoko Habečkovo brezno izjemen strukturni in hidrološki položaj.


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    »Na tem svetu razen smrti in davkov ni nič zanesljivega.« (Benjamin Franklin, 1789) Davki tako ali drugače zadevajo skoraj vsakega posameznika. Vsakdo, ki razpolaga s premoženjem ali ustvarja prihodek, je zavezan plačevati davke. Razlikujemo med posrednimi in neposrednimi davki. Preprosto povedano, posredne davke plačujemo skupaj s ceno blaga ali storitve. Posredni davki so že vključeni v končno ceno, ki jo plačamo. Neposredni davki pa so odmerjeni neposredno zavezancu. Pri neposrednih davkih gre predvsem za obdavčitev prihodka in premoženja zavezanca. Dohodnina je eden izmed neposrednih davkov in obdavčuje dohodek fizičnih oseb. Vsakdo, ki v Republiki Sloveniji ustvari dohodek ali je rezident Republike Slovenije in ustvari prihodek v tujini, je zavezanec za plačilo dohodnine. Med davčnimi prihodki proračuna za leto 2016 je načrtovano, da bo imela dohodnina tretji največji delež, takoj za DDV in trošarinami, in naj bi pomenila 11,2 % državnega proračuna. Bistveno večji delež (ponekod tudi bistveno več kot 50 %) prihodkov pa pomeni v proračunu občin. Sistem obračunavanja dohodnine določa Zakon o dohodnini. Hkrati določa tudi sistem olajšav, ki zavezancem znižujejo davčno osnovo in s tem višino davčne obveznosti. Sistem davčnih olajšav je pomembno orodje davčnega sistema, saj lahko z njim uveljavlja različne socialne korektive in politične cilje. Ker pa so se družbene in politične razmere v naši državi v zadnjih petindvajsetih letih korenito spreminjale, sta se spreminjali tudi davčna zakonodaja in z njo obdavčitev dohodkov fizičnih oseb. V tem obdobju se je spreminjal tudi sistem davčnih olajšav pri dohodnini, kar je podrobneje prikazano v tej diplomski nalogi.»In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.« (Benjamin Franklin, 1789) Taxes are something, that in one way or another touches almost every individual. Anyone holding assets or generating income is subject to at least one form of taxation. We distinguish between direct and indirect taxes. Simply put, indirect taxes are paid together with the price of the goods or services. Indirect taxes are already included in the final price we pay. Direct taxes are imposed on individuals based on their income or property. Income tax is one of the direct taxes and is taxing personal income. Everyone who deries income in the Republic of Slovenia or who is a resident of the Republic of Slovenia and generate income abroad, is liable to pay income tax. Among tax revenues of the budget for 2016, it is planned for income tax, to come on the third place, just behind the VAT and excise duties and should represent 11.2% of the state budget. In the budget of municipalities income tax represents even highers proportion of income (sometimes even significantly over 50%). The system of taxation of personal income is subject of the Law on Personal Income Tax. Law on Personal Income Tax provides the exact taxation system of personal income and at the same time it offers a tax relief system. Tax relief system is an important tool of the tax system, since it can exercise various social correctives and political objectives. Social and political changes in our country in the past twenty-five years also influenced a significant change on income taxation. During this period, the tax relief system incorporated in Law on Personal Income Tax, experienced some major changes, which is shown in more detail in this thesis

    Politique de l'antibiothérapie à l'hôpital (l'exemple du centre hospitalier de Boulogne sur mer)

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    AMIENS-BU Santé (800212102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Psychosocial consequences of laryngectomy

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    The paper presents the psychological and social consequences of laryngectomy, focuses on issues related to emotions, communication, sexuality, social functioning and quality of life. The authors present a review of research results in this field and underline the importance of psychosocial rehabilitation.Praca prezentuje psychologiczne i społeczne konsekwencje laryngektomii, koncentruje się na problematyce związanej z  emocjami, komunikacją, seksualnością, funkcjonowaniem społecznym i jakością życia. Autorzy dokonują przeglądu badań w tym zakresie i podkreślają wagę rehabilitacji psychospołecznej

    Tuning the Biological Activity of PI3K<i>δ</i> Inhibitor by the Introduction of a Fluorine Atom Using the Computational Workflow

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    As a member of the class I PI3K family, phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ (PI3Kδ) is an important signaling biomolecule that controls immune cell differentiation, proliferation, migration, and survival. It also represents a potential and promising therapeutic approach for the management of numerous inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. We designed and assessed the biological activity of new fluorinated analogues of CPL302415, taking into account the therapeutic potential of our selective PI3K inhibitor and fluorine introduction as one of the most frequently used modifications of a lead compound to further improve its biological activity. In this paper, we compare and evaluate the accuracy of our previously described and validated in silico workflow with that of the standard (rigid) molecular docking approach. The findings demonstrated that a properly fitted catalytic (binding) pocket for our chemical cores at the induced-fit docking (IFD) and molecular dynamics (MD) stages, along with QM-derived atomic charges, can be used for activity prediction to better distinguish between active and inactive molecules. Moreover, the standard approach seems to be insufficient to score the halogenated derivatives due to the fixed atomic charges, which do not consider the response and indictive effects caused by fluorine. The proposed computational workflow provides a computational tool for the rational design of novel halogenated drugs

    Preclinical characterization of CPL302-253, a selective inhibitor of PI3Kδ, as the candidate for the inhalatory treatment and prevention of Asthma.

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    Asthma is a common chronic inflammatory disease. Although effective asthma therapies are available, part of asthmatic population do not respond to these treatment options. In this work we present the result of development of CPL302-253 molecule, a selective PI3Kδ inhibitor. This molecule is intended to be a preclinical candidate for dry powder inhalation in asthma treatment. Studies we performed showed that this molecule is safe and effective PI3Kδ inhibitor that can impact many immune functions. We developed a short, 15-day HDM induced asthma mouse model, in which we showed that CPL302-253 is able to block inflammatory processes leading to asthma development in vivo