83 research outputs found


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    In this article, we present an approach to identify functions in population process model with continuous-time age. The main consideration was given to functions identification of birth, mortality, migration and specific function “becoming mature”. Such functions could be defined analytically or by using specific numeric procedure. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the method, along with computer application to population analysis in Canada and Ukraine.In this article, we present an approach to identify functions in population process model with continuous-time age. The main consideration was given to functions identification of birth, mortality, migration and specific function “becoming mature”. Such functions could be defined analytically or by using specific numeric procedure. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the method, along with computer application to population analysis in Canada and Ukraine

    Coordination of Cu(II) and Ni(II) in polymers imprinted so as to optimize amine chelate formation

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    Molecular imprinting has become an established technique. However, little was done on direct investigation of the sorbents produced. In the present work, en ESR method was used for the investigation of the complex formation processes within the sorbents imprinted with copper(II) and nickel(II). The sorbents were synthesized from a mixture of linear low molecular weight polyethyleneimine oligomers. The composition, structure and distribution of complexes in the resin phase were investigated. The effects of the synthesis conditions, loading degree and water content were examined. The presence of certain copper complexes was found to be a convenient characteristic of the imprinting efficiency. The optimum synthesis conditions for obtaining sorbents imprinted with copper(II) or nickel(II) were identified. The imprinting results in the improvement of the stability of the complexes and the selectivity and working capacity of the sorbents. The imprinted samples are also characterized by a more even distribution of chelating sites. The synthesis conditions and loading by ions allow for the regulation of the ratio between individual complexes and magnetic associates in the resin phase. This is a critical point on the future use of the metal containing imprinted sorbents as catalysts. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd

    Calculation of function for population dynamics model with continuous-time age

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    In this article, we present an approach to identify functions in population process model with continuous-time age. The main consideration was given to functions identification of birth, mortality, migration and specific function “becoming mature”. Such functions could be defined analytically or by using specific numeric procedure. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the method, along with computer application to population analysis in Canada and Ukraine.В статті запропонований підхід до визначення функцій – параметрів моделі популяційної динаміки з неперервним віком. Головна увага приділяється ідентифікації функцій народжуваності, смертності та спеціальної функції швидкості дорослішання. Ці функції можуть бути визначенні аналітично, або за допомогою спеціальної чисельної процедури. Для демонстрації моделі розглянутий приклад порівняльного аналізу моделей динаміки населення України та Канади

    Electromagnetic Fluctuations in Limited Plasma-and-Molecular Systems

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    Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Ion Exchange Properties of Georgian Natural Zeolites

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    The deprotonation of quinolic resin P-127 and iminodiacetic resin Amberlite IRC-718 has been studied. The process of salt transfer into the resin phase is considered to be an important contributor to the deprotonation process. Estimation of the salt transfer was based on the principle of equal activity of the salt in both phases at equilibrium. Two assumptions were made: sorbed alkali metal ions are not associated with functional groups, while all hydrogen ions are associated with functional groups. The associated hydrogen ions and functional groups do not contribute to the internal ionic strength value. Two thermodynamic models, describing the deprotonation of ion-exchange resin, were used and compared: the Gibbs-Donnan-based model of Bukata and Marinsky and the model proposed by Erik Hogfeldt. Thermodynamic characteristics of the resins’ deprotonation are obtained using two different thermodynamic approaches. Ho¨gfeldt’s three-parameter model provides a better agreement with experimental data. The fitting of the data to Marinsky’s method can be improved by taking into account the influence of the resins’ macroporosity; however, this requires an additional empirical parameter to describe the resin

    Метод хирургического лечения сложного перелома вертлужной впадины, сочетающегося с центральным вывихом бедра

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    The article describes the method and presents the clinical case of a complex fracture of the acetabulum, which was combined with a central hip dislocation and an impression fracture of the femoral head. Evidence base of paraclinical methods of research is presented - computed tomography and selective angiography, the results of which influenced the authors' choice of the method of early total hip arthroplasty. Present-day patent works by leading Russian specialists are presented, which suggested various ways of fixing the acetabular fracture. A comparative analysis of these methods is presented with the author's invention.В статье приведен клинический случай сложного перелома вертлужной впадины, сочетающегося с центральным вывихом бедра и импрессионным переломом головки бедра, и описан метод лечения. Представлена доказательная база параклинических методов исследования - компьютерной томографии и селективной ангиографии, результаты которых повлияли на выбор авторами метода раннего тотального эндопротезирования тазобедренного сустава. Приведены современные патентные работы ведущих специалистов России, которые предлагали различные способы фиксации перелома вертлужной впадины. Представлен сравнительный анализ этих методов с авторским изобретением

    Особенности оперативного лечения внутри- и околосуставных переломов нижней трети бедренной кости у больных с политравмой

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    Treatment of patients with fractures of femur has a particular relevance in modern traumatology, especially in patients with polytrauma. The treatment of such fractures is complicated by the fact that it depends not only on the nature of the fracture, but also on the general condition of the patient. These fractures are caused by high-energy trauma, they have the tendency to be splintered or fragmented, and often accompanied by neurovascular complications, especially in the distal part. Such fractures are often accompanied by soft tissue damage. Purpose: improving the results of treatment of intra-and periarticular fractures of the distal femur in patients with polytrauma. Material and methods. In the present study, a prospective analysis of using conversion osteosynthesis in the treatment of 72 patients with intra-and periarticular fractures of the lower third of the femur patients with polytrauma, according to the ISS severity scale (ISS 17-40) was performed in a multidisciplinary hospital. Results. The most optimal time for conversion osteosynthesis to patients with polytrauma was 5-7 days, which prevented the occurrence of traumatic shock and prevented the occurrence of inflammatory complications in the postoperative period. Conclusion. The study confirmed the feasibility of conversion osteosynthesis in the treatment of patients with intra-and periarticular fractures of the lower third of the femur. The use of the technique of transferring the fixation of fragments by the external fixation to the internal osteosynthesis (conversion) contributed to a reduction in the duration of treatment of patients in the hospital with fractures of the long bones.Лечение пациентов с переломами бедренной кости приобретает особую актуальность в современной травматологии, особенно у пострадавших с политравмой. Лечение таких переломов осложняется тем, что зависит не только от характера перелома, но и от общего состояния пациента. Переломы, вызванные высокоэнергетической травмой, имеют, как правило, оскольчатый характер и часто сопровождаются повреждением сосудов и нервов (особенно в дистальном отделе) и часто - повреждением мягких тканей. Цель исследования. Улучшение результатов лечения внутри- и околосуставных переломов дистального отдела бедренной кости у пациентов с политравмой. Материал и методы. Проведен проспективный анализ использования конверсионного остеосинтеза при лечении 72 пациентов с внутри- и околосуставными переломами нижней трети бедренной кости на фоне политравмы по шкале оценки тяжести ISS 17-40 в условиях многопрофильного стационара. Результаты. Оптимальные сроки для конверсионного остеосинтеза пациентам с политравмой составили 5-7 сут, что предотвратило развитие травматического шока, воспалительных осложнений в послеоперационном периоде. Выводы. Подтверждена целесообразность конверсионного остеосинтеза в лечении больных с внутри- и околосуставными переломами нижней трети бедренной кости. Использование методики перевода фиксации отломков аппаратом наружной фиксации на внутренний остеосинтез (конверсия) способствовало сокращению сроков стационарного лечения пациентов с переломами длинных костей