33 research outputs found

    Angažman i strast prema poslu – zajednički aspekti i konceptualne razlike

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    With the emergence of positive psychology and the subsequent positive organizational behavior movement, focusing on the employee experience and factors of positive psychological states in employees has come to the forefront. In recent years, several studies have emphasized the practical value of employee engagement and passion (the dualistic model of passion; Vallerand et al., 2003) in predicting various positive individual and organizational outcomes (e.g., performance, well-being). Although engagement and passion seem relatively easy to spot at first glance, they are rather difficult to define and distinguish one from another. Therefore, the aim of the present article is to provide a comprehensive discussion on the shared aspects and conceptual differences between these two constructs within the work environment. The most noticeable overlap is proposed to exist between engagement and harmonious passion. It concerns the common underlying development mechanism, a very strong motivational force to engage in one\u27s work, strong identification with work, and similar relationships with various antecedents and consequences. It is suggested that broader scope theories (such as the self-determination theory) should be taken into consideration in order to unify common findings from both theoretical backgrounds and overcome redundancy and the risk of multiplication of concepts in positive psychology.La psicología positiva, tanto como el movimiento del comportamiento organizacional positivo, enfocándose en experiencias de los empleados, ponen en la vanguardia factores de estados psicológicos positivos de los empleados. En los últimos años varias investigaciones han acentuado la importancia práctica que tienen el compromiso del empleado y la pasión por el trabajo (modelo dualista de la pasión; Vallerand et al., 2003) para la predicción de diferentes resultados personales y organizativos positivos (p. ej. rendimiento, bienestar). Aunque tanto compromiso como pasión parecen ser constructos relativamente claros, fácil de notar, en realidad es muy difícil definirlos claramente y diferenciarlos entre sí. Por eso el objetivo de este estudio fue dar una imagen detallada de sus aspectos comunes y diferencias conceptuales en el contexto del entorno laboral. La mayor superposición existe entre el compromiso y así llamada pasión armoniosa. Se basa en el mecanismo común de desarrollo que se encuentra en la base de ambos constructos, una fuerte motivación para desempeñar un trabajo, una fuerte identificación con el trabajo y relaciones similares con diferentes factores que preceden o son consecuencia de estos constructos. Se considera que una teoría más amplia (como p. ej. la teoría autodeterminativa) sería más aplicable en la explicación de los constructos nombrados y de esta manera se igualarían los rasgos comunes de ambos constructos y se evitaría la repetición y el riesgo de multiplicación de conceptos en la psicología positiva.Pozitivna psihologija i pokret pozitivnoga organizacijskog ponašanja, usredotočujući se na iskustva zaposlenika, stavljaju u prvi plan faktore pozitivnih psiholoških stanja zaposlenika. Posljednjih je godina nekoliko istraživanja naglasilo praktičnu važnost zaposlenikova angažmana i strasti prema poslu (dualni model strasti; Vallerand i sur., 2003) u predviđanju različitih pozitivnih osobnih i organizacijskih ishoda (npr. izvedba na zadacima, dobrobit). Iako se i angažman i strast čine relativno transparentnim konstruktima koji se mogu lako uočiti, njih je zapravo teško jasno definirati i međusobno razlikovati. Stoga je cilj ovog rada pružiti detaljan prikaz njihovih zajedničkih aspekata i konceptualnih razlika, u kontekstu radnog okruženja. Najveće preklapanje postoji između angažmana i tzv. skladne strasti, aono se temelji na zajedničkom razvojnom mehanizmu koji se nalazi u podlozi obaju konstrukata, snažnoj motivaciji za bavljenjem poslom, snažnoj identifikaciji s poslom i sličnim odnosima s različitim faktorima koji prethode ili su posljedica razvoja ovih konstrukata. Smatra se da bi šira teorija (poput npr. samodeterminirajuće teorije) bila primjenjivija u objašnjavanju navedenih konstrukata te bi se na taj način ujednačila zajednička obilježja obaju konstrukata i time izbjeglo ponavljanje i rizik multipliciranja koncepata unutar pozitivne psihologije

    Colocando situacionismo en las investigaciones de flujo: Características situacionales y de la personalidad como predictores de flujo

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    The aim of the present study was to extend the existing findings on environmental flow precursors by adopting the DIAMONDS taxonomy of psychologically meaningful situation characteristics as a comprehensive theoretical framework. It was hypothesized that an individual\u27s perception of the flow-related situation, particularly the dimensions of duty, intellect and positivity, would represent a more powerful predictor of the intensity of flow as compared to his or her basic personality traits. The first sample consisted of 169 employees who had to focus on the most engaging work-related event they had experienced in the past three months. They rated the characteristics of that situation and estimated the intensity of their flow experience. The second sample consisted of 96 students who participated in a challenging group activity. After the activity, they filled-in the same questionnaires as the first sample. Participants from both samples also rated their basic personality traits. Despite differences in the settings and flow-related situations evaluated, the obtained findings were similar for the two samples studied. While the association between flow and personality was weak, the situation characteristics were more strongly related to flow. Although the two samples differed with respect to the mean levels of the flow-related situation characteristics, regression analyses yielded similar results, suggesting that the intensity of flow at work and in studying is most prominently determined by situation characteristics related to intellect and positivity. Stable personality characteristics, on the other hand, had low predictive power in explaining the intensity of flow.El objetivo de este estudio fue extender los hallazgos existentes sobre precursores del flujo medioambiental adoptando la taxonomía DIAMANTES de características situacionales psicológicamente significativas como marco teórico exhaustivo. Se hizo la hipótesis que la percepción que un individuo tiene sobre la situación relacionada con el flujo, especialmente las dimensiones de obligación, intelecto y positividad, representaría un predictor más poderoso de la intensidad de flujo en comparación con los rasgos básicos de su personalidad. La primera muestra constó de 169 empleados que tenían que enfocarse en el evento más atractivo que han experimentado en relación con el trabajo en los últimos tres meses. Valoraron las características de esta situación y estimaron la intensidad de su experiencia de flujo. La segunda muestra constó de 96 estudiantes que participaron en una actividad desafiante de grupo. Después de la actividad completaron unos cuestionarios, igual que la primera muestra. Participantes de las dos muestras valoraron también los rasgos básicos de su personalidad. A pesar de las diferencias en el contexto y en las situaciones evaluadas relacionadas con el flujo, los hallazgos obtenidos eran similares para las dos muestras estudiadas. Mientras que la relación entre el flujo y la personalidad era débil, las características de la situación se relacionaban más fuerte con el flujo. Aunque las dos muestras se diferenciaban respecto a los niveles medios de las características situacionales relacionadas con el flujo, análisis regresivo produjo resultados similares, sugiriendo que la intensidad de flujo en el trabajo y en los estudios está determinada en la mayor medida por las características situacionales relacionadas con el intelecto y la positividad. Por otro lado, características estables de la personalidad, tuvieron una fuerza predictiva baja para explicar la intensidad de flujo

    Role of socio-demographic characteristics and working conditions in experiencing burnout

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    U istraživanju smo pokušali utvrditi demografske varijable i radne uvjete koji se značajno razlikuju među skupinama osoba s različitim profilima izraženih osnovnih dimenzija izgaranja na poslu. Istraživanje, koje je provedeno u Sloveniji, uključilo je 942 sudionika koji su ispunili Inventar izgaranja na poslu Christine Maslach i mjeru radnih uvjeta. Utvrdili smo četiri odvojena klastera: nisko izgaranje, visoko izgaranje, visoku emocionalnu iscrpljenost i nisko osobno postignuće. Osobe u različitim klasterima značajno se razlikuju s obzirom na dob i broj djece u kućanstvu. Najviši udio mlađih ispitanika (ispod 30 godina) smješten je u klastere niskog osobnog postignuća i visoke emocionalne iscrpljenosti, dok je klaster niskog izgaranja imao najveći broj ispitanika starijih od 49 godina. Klaster visoke emocionalne iscrpljenosti imao je najveći broj ispitanika s malom djecom, dok je najveći udio ispitanika bez djece smješten u klaster niskog osobnog postignuća. Radno okruženje bez stimulacije glavni je faktor koji doprinosi osjećaju izgaranja. Naši rezultati upućuju na postojanje profila pojedinaca s različitim rasponom dimenzija izgaranja na poslu te su stoga važan doprinos prethodnim teorijskim nalazima utemeljenim na pristupu usmjerenom na varijable.In the present study we attempted to identify those demographic variables and working conditions that differ significantly between groups of individuals with different profiles of expression of the basic dimensions of burnout. The study, which took place in Slovenia, included 942 participants, who completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory and a working conditions measure. We identified four distinctive clusters: low burnout, high burnout, high emotional exhaustion, and low personal accomplishment. We found that individuals in different clusters differ significantly from each other in terms of age and number of children in the household. The highest proportion of younger respondents (under 30 years) was in the low personal accomplishment and high emotional exhaustion clusters, while the low burnout cluster had the highest proportion of respondents over 49 years. The high emotional exhaustion cluster had the highest proportion of respondents with small children, whereas the highest share of respondents without children were in the low personal accomplishment cluster. An unstimulating working environment was the main contributor to the feeling of burnout. Our results point to the existence of profiles of individuals with different constellations of burnout dimensions and are thus an important complement to previous theoretical findings based on a variable-centred approach

    Role of socio-demographic characteristics and working conditions in experiencing burnout

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    U istraživanju smo pokušali utvrditi demografske varijable i radne uvjete koji se značajno razlikuju među skupinama osoba s različitim profilima izraženih osnovnih dimenzija izgaranja na poslu. Istraživanje, koje je provedeno u Sloveniji, uključilo je 942 sudionika koji su ispunili Inventar izgaranja na poslu Christine Maslach i mjeru radnih uvjeta. Utvrdili smo četiri odvojena klastera: nisko izgaranje, visoko izgaranje, visoku emocionalnu iscrpljenost i nisko osobno postignuće. Osobe u različitim klasterima značajno se razlikuju s obzirom na dob i broj djece u kućanstvu. Najviši udio mlađih ispitanika (ispod 30 godina) smješten je u klastere niskog osobnog postignuća i visoke emocionalne iscrpljenosti, dok je klaster niskog izgaranja imao najveći broj ispitanika starijih od 49 godina. Klaster visoke emocionalne iscrpljenosti imao je najveći broj ispitanika s malom djecom, dok je najveći udio ispitanika bez djece smješten u klaster niskog osobnog postignuća. Radno okruženje bez stimulacije glavni je faktor koji doprinosi osjećaju izgaranja. Naši rezultati upućuju na postojanje profila pojedinaca s različitim rasponom dimenzija izgaranja na poslu te su stoga važan doprinos prethodnim teorijskim nalazima utemeljenim na pristupu usmjerenom na varijable.In the present study we attempted to identify those demographic variables and working conditions that differ significantly between groups of individuals with different profiles of expression of the basic dimensions of burnout. The study, which took place in Slovenia, included 942 participants, who completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory and a working conditions measure. We identified four distinctive clusters: low burnout, high burnout, high emotional exhaustion, and low personal accomplishment. We found that individuals in different clusters differ significantly from each other in terms of age and number of children in the household. The highest proportion of younger respondents (under 30 years) was in the low personal accomplishment and high emotional exhaustion clusters, while the low burnout cluster had the highest proportion of respondents over 49 years. The high emotional exhaustion cluster had the highest proportion of respondents with small children, whereas the highest share of respondents without children were in the low personal accomplishment cluster. An unstimulating working environment was the main contributor to the feeling of burnout. Our results point to the existence of profiles of individuals with different constellations of burnout dimensions and are thus an important complement to previous theoretical findings based on a variable-centred approach

    Cross-Cultural and Gender Measurement Invariance of the Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Emotional Competence Questionnaire

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    The Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Emotional Competence Questionnaire (IIECQ) was developed from the Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire, addressing some of its content issues. Measurement invariance of the two-factor IIECQ model (interpersonal and intrapersonal emotional competence factors) was examined across countries and gender groups using a sample of 998 students from five different countries (Slovenia, Russia, Croatia, India, and theCzech Republic). Our results supported partial scalar invariance of the IIECQ across countries with three items having varying intercepts in different countries. Scalar invariance was fully confirmed across gender groups. Latent means for the two IIECQ factors were compared between the five countries and the two gender groups. While men and women reported similar levels of intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional competences, significant differences were observed between some of the countries. To assess the construct validity of the IIECQ, correlations were examined between the IIECQ subscale scores and the measures of emotion regulation, personality, and well-being. In general, correlations were low to moderate and in accordance with expectations, showing adequate convergent validity of the new scales. Overall, the IIECQ represents a psychometrically sound measure of the intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional competences, which are measured in the same way across the five countries examined as well as across genders

    An International Study on Psychological Coping During COVID-19: Towards a Meaning-Centered Coping Style

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    Background/Objective This study examined the role of different psychological coping mechanisms in mental and physical health during the initial phases of the COVID-19 crisis with an emphasis on meaning-centered coping. Method A total of 11,227 people from 30 countries across all continents participated in the study and completed measures of psychological distress (depression, stress, and anxiety), loneliness, well-being, and physical health, together with measures of problem-focused and emotion-focused coping, and a measure called the Meaning-centered Coping Scale (MCCS) that was developed in the present study. Validation analyses of the MCCS were performed in all countries, and data were assessed by multilevel modeling (MLM). Results The MCCS showed a robust one-factor structure in 30 countries with good test-retest, concurrent and divergent validity results. MLM analyses showed mixed results regarding emotion and problem-focused coping strategies. However, the MCCS was the strongest positive predictor of physical and mental health among all coping strategies, independently of demographic characteristics and country-level variables. Conclusions The findings suggest that the MCCS is a valid measure to assess meaning-centered coping. The results also call for policies promoting effective coping to mitigate collective suffering during the pandemic

    Disentangling the Overlap Between Employee Engagement and Passion

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    With the emergence of positive psychology and the subsequent positive organizational behavior movement, focusing on the employee experience and factors of positive psychological states in employees has come to the forefront. In recent years, several studies have emphasized the practical value of employee engagement and passion (the dualistic model of passion; Vallerand et al., 2003) in predicting various positive individual and organizational outcomes (e.g., performance, well-being). Although engagement and passion seem relatively easy to spot at first glance, they are rather difficult to define and distinguish one from another. Therefore, the aim of the present article is to provide a comprehensive discussion on the shared aspects and conceptual differences between these two constructs within the work environment. The most noticeable overlap is proposed to exist between engagement and harmonious passion. It concerns the common underlying development mechanism, a very strong motivational force to engage in one's work, strong identification with work, and similar relationships with various antecedents and consequences. It is suggested that broader scope theories (such as the self-determination theory) should be taken into consideration in order to unify common findings from both theoretical backgrounds and overcome redundancy and the risk of multiplication of concepts in positive psychology

    Measurement invariance of the CD-RISC-10 across gender, age, and education

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    The study aimed to investigate measurement invariance of the 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC-10) across gender, age, and education. Adults from a general population of Slovenia (N = 43158% femaleage 18 to 59 years) filled in the CD-RISC-10, the short form of the Mental Health Continuum and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. Measurement invariance of the proposed one-factor model of CD-RISC-10 by gender, age, and level of education was examined using multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed configural, metric, and scalar invariance of the CD-RISC-10 across gender, age, and educational groups. The measure showed satisfactory reliability, positive associations with emotional, psychological, and social well-being, and negative links with negative emotional states. Group differences in latent means suggested higher resilience in men than women, early adults as compared to emerging adults, and people with higher as compared to those with lower level of education. The Slovenian version of the CD-RISC-10 is an acceptably reliable and valid measure of resilience, suitable to detect possible differences between gender, age, and educational groups. Resilience shows favorable associations with enhanced positive mental health and diminished symptoms of mental problems

    Associations of adverse and positive childhood experiences with adult physical and mental health and risk behaviours in Slovenia

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    Background: Many studies demonstrated the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and diminished health functioning in adulthood. A growing literature has shown that positive childhood experiences (PCEs) co-occurring with ACEs reduce the risks for negative outcomes.Objective: The aim was to investigate how ACEs and PCEs are simultaneously associated with health outcomes in adulthood, including self-rated health, physical and mental health outcomes, and health-risk behaviours. Methods: A panel sample of 4,847 Slovenian adults was used and the data were weighted to closely resemble the Slovenian population. A series of logistic regression analyses were performed to examine how ACEs and PCEs predict the risk of various health outcomes.Results: Significant associations, as measured by adjusted odds ratios, were found between higher ACEs exposure and each of the 16 health outcomes evaluated. Adjusting for above median PCEs attenuated the association between ACEs and 6 health outcomes (poor self-rated physical and mental health, depression, anxiety, suicide attempt, physical inactivityOR for ▫gege▫ 4 vs. 0 ACEs, 1.48-9.34). Mirroring these findings, above median PCEs were associated with lowered odds of these 6 health outcomes after adjusting for ACEs (OR for above vs. below median PCEs, 0.46-0.67), but not with odds of physical health outcomes and most of the health-risk behaviours. Stratified analyses by ACEs exposure level showed that the association between PCEs and self-rated health remained stable across ACEs exposure levels, while the association between PCEs and mental health outcomes and physical inactivity varied across ACEs exposure levels. Conclusions: Our results suggest that above median PCEs attenuate the association between ACEs and poor self-rated health, mental health problems, and physical inactivity in later life, and are negatively associated with these health problems even in the concurrent presence of ACEs. Interventions to promote PCEs can help to reduce unfavourable long-term health outcomes following childhood adversity