17 research outputs found

    Assessment of self-efficacy levels of Toros University students

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    This study aimed to examine the self-efficacy levels of Toros University students according to some demographic characteristics between 2012-2013 academic year. The sample group includes 325 students studying in different departments in Toros University. Besides the questionnaire that contains demographic information, the self-efficacy scale was used in order to gather the data. The scale was developed Yıldırım and İlhan (2010).  One way ANOVA for more than two groups and t test analysis were used. The results showed that there was not any significant difference for self-efficacy levels of students according to their gender, age and families’ income level (p>0.05). As a result it could be said that self-efficacy levels of students did not differ according to the demographic variables which were examined in this research

    A Field Study On Fertılıty Traıts Of Holsteın Heıfer And Cows Artıfıcıally Insemınated Wıth Sexed Belgıan Blue Sperm And Growth Characterıstıcs Of Crossbreed Belgıan Blue _ Holsteın (F1) Male Calves

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    The study was conducted to investigate some reproductive traits of Holstein cattle inseminated with imported sexed male Belgian Blue semen and the growth characteristics of calves in Aydin province of Turkey. Totally 82 Holstein cattle including 29 heifers and 53 cows were inseminated. After the inseminations, some reproductive (the number of insemination per conception, conception rate, the dystocia rate, the rate of stillbirth) values were determined in the enterprises. The birth weights of the male calves were determined and in the following periods, the chest girth and body length values were determined for 6 months of age. In the study, it was observed that the average age of the first insemination was 14.05 months for heifers and 38.11 months for cows (P < 0:05). While more than half of the cows (52.08%) became pregnant in the first insemination, a great majority of the pregnancies (69.03%) of heifers occurred in the second inseminations (P < 0:05). The number of inseminations per conception were 2.13 and 1.79 for heifers and cows, respectively. While the conception rate was determined as 47.76% and 55.62% for heifers and cows respectively, dystocia rate were 43.10% and 25.75%, respectively. The average birth weight of the male calves were found as 42.75 kg and the 90th and 180th day live weights were 106.22 kg and 154.16 kg, respectively. While, the height at withers, body length and chest girth values were detected as 80.60 cm, 78.28 cm, 81.04 cm at birth, the same measurements were 94.45 cm, 94.22 cm and 109.79 cm; 108.46 cm, 110.88 cm and 129.45 cm for the 90th and 180th day, respectively. The corresponding study has clearly shown that the application in the project can create a dramatical meaning in dairy farms. This application can be used in dairy farms in a certain period to whole herd or a part of it. © 2022 Academic Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Effect of Xylitol Lozenge on Remineralization of Artificial Carious Lesions - In Situ

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of lozenges containing xylitol on in situ remineralization of artificial carious lesions. Eleven patients (aged between 12 and 15 years old) treated by fixed orthodontic therapy with bilateral maxillary first premolar extractions were included into this study. Each subject wore a modified transpalatal arch that was prepared by adding an acrylic resin to the U region for positioning of the enamel blocks (4X4X3 mm) on it. Three enamel blocks were prepared from the extracted tooth of each patient for both control and experimental groups. Artificial caries lesions were prepared by a low pH solution. This was a two stages study of 14 day periods: no-lozenge and xylitol lozenge (5 times/day, after meals). After each stage, the surface enamel microhardness testing was performed using a Vickers Hardness Tester. Three penetrations were made with a load of 300 g for 15 seconds into the enamel. Friedman's test was used for statistical analyses. The microhardness values were 197.5±127.3, 185.2±106.7, 193.2± 103.4 kgf/mm2 for control, no-lozenge and xylitol groups, respectively. Microhardness results demonstrated that there were no statistically significant differences between amount of remineralization in the control and experimental groups. The results showed that xylitol lozenge was not effective on in situ remineralization of artificial carious lesions but at least non-cariogenic

    How fish populations in Lake Bafa (Western Anatolia) respond to ecological shifts

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    Long-term biodiversity monitoring is crucial for freshwater ecosystems as it enables the detection of even subtle changes and biodiversity trends, guiding conservation efforts and ensuring the sustainability of these vital habitats. Despite becoming more commonly considered in the field of freshwater ecology and biological invasions, studies using long-term time series from T & uuml;rkiye's freshwater resources have remained scarce. To assess the availability of data and ultimately present a baseline for future efforts, we combined published museum records and samples from recent field studies from the highly anthropogenically-altered Lake Bafa in Western Anatolia covering the period 1958-2019. Lake Bafa has a very diverse aquatic ecosystem, providing habitat for both freshwater and saltwater species, and is one of the allottees in T & uuml;rkiye's inland fish production. In the current study, we investigated how fish populations in Lake Bafa were affected by environmental changes and examined changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of non-native species over time. The analyses revealed-concomitant to an increase in native marine and freshwater species richness-an increase in non-native species richness over time. Non-native species did not interfere with native species' niche space, whereas applied models indicate that in this highly altered ecosystem, foremost temperature and salinity shaped the fish community over time, limiting the impacts of non-native species. These results have implications for the fishery of the lake, which includes highly valuable catadromous fish species, highlighting the value and importance of collecting long-term data in T & uuml;rkiye to better understand both invasion dynamics and changes in the naturality of Turkish ecosystems. These findings further underline the importance of long-term data to create new management strategies for the lake and to start restoration processes, thus improving fisheries management

    Determınatıon Of Ideal Norms Of Dental Arch, Cortıcal And Apıcal Base Wıdths In Adult Turkısh Populatıon

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    The aims of this study are 1. To establish the ideal transversal norms of dental arch, cortical and apical bone base widths for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning using adult dental models, 2. To determine any existing gender differences between these norms and 3. To determine the relationships among investigated transversal dimensions. Dental models obtained from 150 patients (78 women and 72 men) with ideal occlusion and the well-balanced facial proportions consisted of the materials of this study. From the dental casts 6 parameters for dental arch width, 12 parameters for cortical and apical base widths were measured. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent sample t test and Pearson correlation analysis on computer with SPSS package program. Using the obtained data, transverse dimensional model norms for adult Turkish population were determined. These findings were compared with previous findings from similar studies. Normative values were formed for adult man and woman subjects separately. For upper and lower jaws, statistically significant gender differences were found between men and women. In all of both jaw findings it was determined that men's transversal width dimensions were found higher than women's. Statistically significant correlations were determined among all investigated parameters (p<0.01). Upper intermolar width and lower intermolar width showed the highest (0,869), ÜAC-C and AAC-C widths showed the lowest correlation (0,439) between two jaws

    Bafa Gölünde Küçük Ölçekli Balıkçılıkta Kullanılan Av Araçlarının Yapısal Özellikleri

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    Bu çalışmada, Bafa Gölü balıkçılığının karakteristik özelliği olan küçük ölçekli av araçlarının teknik ve yapısal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Av araçlarının donamsal ve operasyonel özellikleri 2018-2019 yılları arasında yerinde ve balıkçılar ile yüz yüze yapılan görüşmeler ile elde edilmiştir. Av araçlarının teknik ve detay planları FAO kataloglarına uygun standartlarda, MS-Visio Programı kullanılarak çizilmiştir. Gölde 200-250 tekne olmasına rağmen bu teknelerin sadece %10-15’i düzenli balıkçılık faaliyetinde bulunmaktadır. Küçük ölçekli av araçlarından galsama ve fanyalı uzatma ağları ile birlikte yoğun bir şekilde pinterlerin kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu av araçları ile levrek, çipura, kefaller, gümüş balığı (camgöz) ve yılan balıkları yakalanmaktadır. Bu türler içerisinde en fazla kefal türleri yakalansa da en yüksek kazancı yılan balıkları sağlamaktadır. Bafa Gölü balıkçılığın sürdürülebilirliği, göl ekosistemi ile doğrudan ilişkilidir ve bağlantılı Büyük Menderes Nehri suları göl için hayati bir önem taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle, Bafa Gölü ve balıkçılığının sürdürülebilirliği için en kısa sürede Ekosistem Temelli Balıkçılık yönetimine geçilmelidir

    Dlstallzatlon of Mandibular Molars Using Mini-Plate Anchorage Fixed on Ramus: Case Report

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    Distalization of the lower molars has been one of the most difficult biomechanical problems in the orthodontic treatments. Nowadays it has become possible to move mandibular molars distally with temporary skeletal anchorage systems to correct mandibular crowding and dental asymmetries without lower premolars extraction. In this study, the efficacy and potency of mini-plates in lower molar distalization were evaluated and skeletal, dental and soft tissue changes were analyzed with cephalometric radiographs and dental casts

    Investıgatıon Of The Influence Of Compensatıon Treatments On Soft Tıssues In Class Iı Dıvısıon 1 Mandıbular Retrognathıe Cases

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    The aims of this study were, 1. To determine the changes in soft tissues with Holdaway soft tissue analysis of Class II Division 1 mandibular retrognathie patients treated with upper two first premolars extraction, 2. To investigate the sexual differences between pre- and post-treatment values of boy and girl subjects, 3. To compare these values with the Holdaway soft tissue Turkish norms. The study group comprised the lateral cephalo-grams of 14 boys (mean age: 16.07+1.08 years) and 14 girls (mean age: 17.05+1.05 years) totally 28 (mean age: 17.00±1.06 years), skeletal Class II, dental Class II division 1 patients. Ten linear and 2 angular measurements were analyzed according to the definition provided by Holdaway on pre and post treatment radiographs. For statistical evaluation paired samples t-test and student t-test were performed. Soft tissue subnasale to H line, H angle, upper lip sulcus depth, skeletal profile convexity and upper lip strain measurements decreased and nose prominence, upper lip thickness and soft tissue chin thickness measurements increased during treatment period. Statistically significant sex differences were only found in nose prominence and H angle measurements between pre- and post-treatment values. In the comparison of these values with Holdaway soft tissue Turkish norms, soft tissue facial angle, nose prominence, soft tissue subnasale to H line, basic upper lip thickness, upper lip thickness and H angle measurements become closer to the Turkish norms. All changes were desirable for improvement of patients' soft tissue profile with extraction of upper two first premolars. The results of this study indicated that, generalizations concerning the negative effects of extraction compensations treatments on the profile of Class II Division 1 mandibular ret-rognathie patients are not true. It is necessary to investigate this difference in further investigations, using the parameters for soft-tissue analysis, need to be repeated with a larger sample