51 research outputs found

    Automation from lean perspective-potentials and challenges

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    The competitive climate of production and high labour cost, motivate western companies to use technologies like automation as a mean to increase manufacturing competitiveness. On the other hand companies are aware about cost reductive policies like lean production which has shown noticeable achievement, consequently some manufacturers tend to follow such system. In this situation, in order to have lean enterprise, it is vital to find a clear picture of challenges and potentials of implementing automation within a lean environment. So, finding the right level and type of automation becomes vital for companies, and achieving this is not possible without a lean development of automation. The paper presents an overview of automation development from a lean perspective. The focus is on manufacturing and a case study in the automotive industry is presented. Challenges and potentials of automation are pinpointed and some suggestions regarding automation development is given

    A study on staphylococcus aureus and bacillus cereus contamination in pastry products in Gorgan

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    Background and purpose: Pastry products are an important part of food products in Iran. They are highly consumed now and there is high risk of bacterial contamination in these products. The present study investigated bacterial contamination of creamy pastries with Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus. Materials and methods: A total of 945 pastry cream (jelly, fruit and plain) samples were randomly taken. All samples were tested according to Iran national standards for microbial tests and data was analyzed in SPSS V.18. Results: The highest level of contamination was found to be with Staphylococcus aureus in summer in pastries with fruit cream (19%). No significant difference was observed in contamination of pastry cream (jelly, fruity and plain) in different seasons (P≄0.05). Conclusion: High level of bacterial contamination in pastry cream calls for more personal and workplace hygiene. © 2015, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural soil irrigated by sewage sludge and industrial effluent (case study: Agh ghallah industrial estate)

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    Background and purpose: Industrial effluent and sewage sludge are used as fertilizer since they contain high levels of nutrient. The main pollutant in industrial effluent is heavy metals. In this study an assessment was made on the impact of industrial wastewater effluent and sewage sludge on accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural soil at Agh ghallah industrial Estate. Materials and methods: In a descriptive-analytic study, 72 samples (sewage sludge, effluent and soil) were collected from the Industrial state. All sampling and tests were performed according to standard methods and concentration of heavy metals was determined using polarography method. To analyze the data, SPSS was used and 95 confidence intervals (P 0.05). Conclusion: The concentrations of heavy metal were found lower than the maximum allowable level. Therefore, in this area, wastewater and sewage sludge could be used to irrigate agricultural lands and greenspaces in shortage of water, however, environmental regulations should be taken into account. © 2015 Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Effect of dissolved oxygen and chemical oxygen demand to nitrogen ratios on the partial nitrification/denitrification process in moving bed biofilm reactors

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    Partial nitrification was reported to be technically feasible and economically favorable, especially for wastewater with high ammonium concentration or low C/N ratio. In this study, the effect of dissolved oxygen (DO) and influent ratio of chemical oxygen demand to nitrogen (COD/N) ratio on biological nitrogen removal from synthetic wastewater was investigated. Experiments were conducted in moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs) on partial nitrification process in pilot-plant configuration for 300 days. DO levels were changed from 0.04 to 0.12 and 0.42 to 3.4 mg/l in the anoxic (R1) and aerobic (R2) reactors, respectively. The optimum DO for partial nitrification was between 1-1.5 mg/l in the aerobic reactor (R2). Influent COD/N ratios between 20 and 2 g COD/g-N were tested by changing the nitrogen loading rate (NLR) supplied to the pilot plant. During operational conditions when the DO concentration in aerobic reactor was above 1 mg/l, near complete organic carbon removal occurred in the total MBBRs system. The effluent total nitrogen concentration in the operational conditions (1.7-2.1 mg O2/l and NH+ 4-N=35.7 mg N/l) was obtained in the range of 0.85-2 mg/l. The highest nitrite accumulation (50%- 52%) took place at the DO concentration of 1-1.5 mg/l and increased with decreasing COD/N ratio in aerobic reactor (R2). This study showed that the average nitrification rate at various COD/N ratios is about 0.96 gN/m2 per day while the maximum nitrification rate is about 2 gN/m2 per day at COD/N ratios lower than 6. The experimental COD/N ratio for denitrification was close to complete sum of NO2 - and NO3 - (NOx) removal efficiency (about 99%) at COD/N ratio equal 14 in the operational conditions in the anoxic reactor (R1)

    Application of Taguchi’s experimental design method for optimization of Acid Red 18 removal by electrochemical oxidation process

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    Background: Electro-oxidation is developed as an electrochemical method to overcome the problems of the conventional decolorization technologies and is an appropriate alternative for the treatment of colored wastewater from various industries. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the electrochemical oxidation process in removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and Acid Red 18 (AR18) dye from aqueous solutions. Methods: In this research, a laboratory scale of electro-coagulation reactor for the treatment of synthetic wastewater was made and studied. The effects of different variables including pH, current density, dye concentration, and electrolysis time were investigated. The experiment steps were designed by Design- Expert 10 software using the selected variables. Finally, the dye and COD analysis was performed by spectrophotometer. The optimization was performed using Taguchi fractional factorial design during the removal of dye and COD. Results: Maximum removal of dye (89%) and COD (72.2%) were obtained at pH=3, current density=20 mA/cm2, initial dye concentration=100 mg/L, and reaction time=45 min. ANOVA test showed a significant relationship between statistical model and test data. Also, the results indicate that the distribution of the residues of the model was normal. Conclusion: By designing experiments through Taguchi method, the removal process will be optimized and by decreasing the number of experiments, the optimal conditions for pollutant removal will be prepared. The results suggest that the Electro-oxidation system is a very suitable technique for the enhancement of wastewater treatment. Keywords: Electrolysis, Wastewater, Azo compounds, Models, Statistical, Analysis of varianc

    Digital twin testbed and practical applications in production logistics with real-time location data

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    Nowadays, digital twins exist everywhere in various fields. However, an analysis of existing applications in manufacturing and logistics revealed that many entirely apply the concept. To identify when a complete implementation of the concept is beneficial, we analyse the need and the implications within production logistics. This study also presents an architecture supporting integrating a digital twin into production logistics and a corresponding application scenario. Based on this, we have derived practical applications. Each application is applied to different situations, and actual benefits can overcome the limitations of the previous studies

    Data-driven Production Logistics : A value-oriented transition approach

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    In the current manufacturing environment, the constant evolution ofproducts and services creates complexities in managing the flow ofinformation. Production logistics (PL), as a vital element of manufacturingsystems, are highly influenced by these dynamics. Earlier research hasemphasised the need for seamless data flow from start to finish to cope withthese dynamics through digitalisation transition projects. However, earlierresearch argue that these projects are often technology-oriented and lack avalue-oriented perspective.Earlier research has indicated that digitalisation initiatives such asIndustry 4.0 emphasise the technological aspects of transitioning to a datadrivenfuture for production logistics. Thus, it is argued by earlier researchthat value creation is not solely technical but also socio-technical,highlighting the interplay between technology and social factors in shapingindustrial outcomes. Existing literature often overlooks the critical aspectof value orientation. This thesis contends that it is crucial for companies toadopt frameworks that guide the transition from data to value. Theseframeworks are designed to emphasise a value-oriented perspective, whichis particularly important when advancing towards data-driven productionlogistics.However, three major areas require further research. Firstly, it isimportant to understand the characteristics of a data-driven PL system.Secondly, there is an absence of tools or systematic methods to assess theflow of information in production logistics for the purpose of mapping valueand pinpointing waste resulting from data inefficiencies. Thirdly, it isnecessary to understand how to align data-driven solutions with the sociotechnicalenvironment and user-centric considerations.This thesis begins by identifying PL system requirements through asystematic literature review, case studies, and experiments, establishing asystematic foundation for value creation in the transition to data-driven PL.It also proposed a method for detection of waste on the shopfloor caused byinformation flow inefficiencies.The major contribution to the literature is the proposed framework forvalue-oriented transition to data-driven production logistics. Thisframework includes several findings of the thesis. The findings offerpractical tools for waste detection, digital service design, and acomprehensive framework for a value-oriented transition in data-drivenproduction logistics, providing valuable guidance to industry practitioners.Dagens tillverkande miljöer prÀglas av komplexa informationsflöden med kontinuerlig utveckling och lansering av produkter och tjÀnster.  Produktionslogistik (PL), som ett viktigt element i tillverkningssystem, pÄverkas starkt av denna komplexa och dynamiska miljö. Tidigare forskning har betonat behovet av ett sömlöst flöde av data frÄn början till slut för att hantera denna dynamik inom digitaliseringsprojekt. Forskningen har dock ocksÄ visat att dessa projekt, inom ramen för Industri 4.0, riskerar att bli teknikorienterade och sakna ett vÀrdeorienterat perspektiv, i detta fall vid övergÄngen till en datadriven produktionslogistik. I dessa sammanhang mÄste vÀrdeskapandet ses som inte enbart tekniskt utan ocksÄ sociotekniskt, vilket framhÀver samspelet mellan teknik och sociala faktorer i formandet av industriella resultat. Denna avhandling fokuserar den kritiska aspekten av vÀrde och utgÄr frÄn att det Àr avgörande för företag att anta ramverk som knyter data till vÀrde och tar ett vÀrdeorienterat perspektiv, vilket Àr sÀrskilt viktigt i utvecklingen mot datadriven produktionslogistik (PL). Det finns dock tre omrÄden som krÀver ytterligare forskning. För det första Àr det viktigt att förstÄ egenskaperna hos ett datadrivet PL-system. För det andra finns det en brist pÄ verktyg eller systematiska metoder för att bedöma informationsflöden inom produktionslogistik i syfte att kartlÀgga vÀrde och identifiera slöserier orsakade av ineffektiv datahantering. För det tredje Àr det nödvÀndigt att förstÄ hur man anpassar datadrivna lösningar till den sociotekniska miljön och anvÀndarcentrerade övervÀganden. Denna avhandling börjar med att identifiera krav pÄ PL-system genom en systematisk litteraturöversikt, fallstudier och experiment, vilket etablerar en systematisk grund för vÀrdeskapande i övergÄngen till datadriven PL. Den beskriver ocksÄ en metod för att upptÀcka slöserier pÄ verkstadsgolvet som orsakas av ineffektiviteter i informationsflödet. Slutligen presenterar avhandlingen ett ramverk för en vÀrdeorienterad övergÄng till datadriven produktionslogistik. Det största bidraget till litteraturen Àr det föreslagna ramverket för vÀrdeorienterad övergÄng till datadriven produktionslogistik. Detta ramverk innehÄller flera resultat av avhandlingen. Resultaten sammanfattas Àven i praktiska verktyg för att identifiera slöserier, utveckling av digitala tjÀnster och ett omfattande ramverk för en vÀrdeorienterad övergÄng mot datadriven produktionslogistik, vilket framförallt riktar sig mot en anvÀndning av industrins praktiker. Nyckelord Intern logistik, Smart, VÀrde, Tillverkning, Teknolog

    The transition to data-driven production logistics:Opportunities and challenges

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    A data-driven approach is considered a viable means of dealing with thehigh degree of dynamics caused by the constant changes that occur withinproduction logistics systems. However, there is a dearth of knowledgeregarding the consequences of employing a data-driven approach inproduction logistics in real industrial environments. This thesis aims toextend the existing body of knowledge concerning the opportunities andchallenges of a transition to a data-driven state in relation to productionlogistics through investigating real industrial cases.In addition to reviewing the literature, this thesis aims to answer threeresearch questions. First, it seeks to determine how enabling technologiescontribute to value creation in a data-driven production logistics system.Second, it studies three industrial companies, analyses their productionlogistics flows and compares the tradition approach to a data-drivenapproach by means of discrete event simulation. Third, through interviewswith several experts with different competences who work for the casecompanies, it aims to identify the challenges associated with the transitionto a data-driven approach.The results show that following a systematic and balanced approach totechnology implementation is important with regard to value creation. Thepotential benefits include improved operational performance, improvedvisibility through real-time control and the possibility for dynamicscheduling and planning. The challenges associated with the transition canbe divided into two major categories: organisational and technical.Moreover, the identified challenges can be mapped against each step in theproduction logistics data life-cycle.Among the identified challenges, some represent potentially valuableavenues for future research. Investigating the possibilities for addressingthe data ownership challenge among stakeholders is one such avenue.Additionally, future studies could address the fact that the technologiesrelated to data analytics, such as artificial intelligence, big data andblockchain, lack a large-scale implementation history when compared withtechnologies such as radio frequency identification. Given the limitations ofprior studies, another possible research avenue involves analysing the dataanalytics use cases in more detail within real industrial environments. Datadrivna metoder betraktas som ett sĂ€tt att hantera den höga dynamik som orsakas av stĂ€ndiga förĂ€ndringar i industriella system för produktionslogistik. Dock finns det idag begrĂ€nsad kunskap gĂ€llande konsekvenser av att tillĂ€mpa datadrivna tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt pĂ„ produktionslogistik i industriell miljö. Denna avhandling syftar till att utöka den befintliga kunskapen om möjligheter och utmaningar vid övergĂ„ngen till datadriven produktionslogistik genom att utreda verkliga industrifall och genomföra litteraturstudier. Tre forskningsfrĂ„gor har formulerats för att nĂ„ detta syfte. Först, att utreda hur den möjliggörande tekniken bidrar till vĂ€rdeskapande i ett datadrivet produktionslogistiksystem. För det andra, att utreda potentiella förbĂ€ttringar i och med en övergĂ„ng till datadrivet produktionslogistiksystem, dĂ€r studier har genomförts pĂ„ tre industriföretag, deras produktionslogistikflöde samt en jĂ€mförelse (genom diskret hĂ€ndelsestyrd simulering) mellan nulĂ€ge och börlĂ€ge. För det tredje, att identifiera utmaningarna vid en övergĂ„ng till datadrivet produktionslogistiksystem, dĂ€r flera experter med olika kompetenser har intervjuats i företagen. Resultatet visar att ett systematiskt balanserat tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt för teknikimplementering Ă€r viktigt för vĂ€rdeskapande. Potentiella fördelar inkluderar förbĂ€ttrad driftsprestanda, förbĂ€ttrad synlighet genom att ha realtidskontroll och underlĂ€tta dynamisk schemalĂ€ggning och planering. ÖvergĂ„ngsutmaningar Ă€r indelade i tvĂ„ huvudkategorier; organisatoriska och tekniska. De identifierade utmaningarna kartlĂ€ggs mot varje steg i produktionslogistikens livscykel. Bland de identifierade utmaningarna har vissa en sĂ€rskild potential för framtida forskning. Att undersöka möjligheten att ta itu med utmaningen för dataĂ€gande bland intressenter Ă€r en av möjligheterna för vidare forskning. Dessutom, teknologier relaterade till dataanalys, sĂ„som AI, big data och block chain har mindre storskalig implementeringshistorik jĂ€mfört med annan teknik, sĂ„som RFID. Ett möjligt alternativ för vidare forskning Ă€r att analysera anvĂ€ndningsfall av dataanalys i mer detalj, givet alla begrĂ€nsningar som finns inom verklig industriell produktionsmiljö. Nyckelord Produktionslogistik, Data-driven, Smart, Transition, Teknologi, Simulerin

    Data-driven Production Logistics : A value-oriented transition approach

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    In the current manufacturing environment, the constant evolution ofproducts and services creates complexities in managing the flow ofinformation. Production logistics (PL), as a vital element of manufacturingsystems, are highly influenced by these dynamics. Earlier research hasemphasised the need for seamless data flow from start to finish to cope withthese dynamics through digitalisation transition projects. However, earlierresearch argue that these projects are often technology-oriented and lack avalue-oriented perspective.Earlier research has indicated that digitalisation initiatives such asIndustry 4.0 emphasise the technological aspects of transitioning to a datadrivenfuture for production logistics. Thus, it is argued by earlier researchthat value creation is not solely technical but also socio-technical,highlighting the interplay between technology and social factors in shapingindustrial outcomes. Existing literature often overlooks the critical aspectof value orientation. This thesis contends that it is crucial for companies toadopt frameworks that guide the transition from data to value. Theseframeworks are designed to emphasise a value-oriented perspective, whichis particularly important when advancing towards data-driven productionlogistics.However, three major areas require further research. Firstly, it isimportant to understand the characteristics of a data-driven PL system.Secondly, there is an absence of tools or systematic methods to assess theflow of information in production logistics for the purpose of mapping valueand pinpointing waste resulting from data inefficiencies. Thirdly, it isnecessary to understand how to align data-driven solutions with the sociotechnicalenvironment and user-centric considerations.This thesis begins by identifying PL system requirements through asystematic literature review, case studies, and experiments, establishing asystematic foundation for value creation in the transition to data-driven PL.It also proposed a method for detection of waste on the shopfloor caused byinformation flow inefficiencies.The major contribution to the literature is the proposed framework forvalue-oriented transition to data-driven production logistics. Thisframework includes several findings of the thesis. The findings offerpractical tools for waste detection, digital service design, and acomprehensive framework for a value-oriented transition in data-drivenproduction logistics, providing valuable guidance to industry practitioners.Dagens tillverkande miljöer prÀglas av komplexa informationsflöden med kontinuerlig utveckling och lansering av produkter och tjÀnster.  Produktionslogistik (PL), som ett viktigt element i tillverkningssystem, pÄverkas starkt av denna komplexa och dynamiska miljö. Tidigare forskning har betonat behovet av ett sömlöst flöde av data frÄn början till slut för att hantera denna dynamik inom digitaliseringsprojekt. Forskningen har dock ocksÄ visat att dessa projekt, inom ramen för Industri 4.0, riskerar att bli teknikorienterade och sakna ett vÀrdeorienterat perspektiv, i detta fall vid övergÄngen till en datadriven produktionslogistik. I dessa sammanhang mÄste vÀrdeskapandet ses som inte enbart tekniskt utan ocksÄ sociotekniskt, vilket framhÀver samspelet mellan teknik och sociala faktorer i formandet av industriella resultat. Denna avhandling fokuserar den kritiska aspekten av vÀrde och utgÄr frÄn att det Àr avgörande för företag att anta ramverk som knyter data till vÀrde och tar ett vÀrdeorienterat perspektiv, vilket Àr sÀrskilt viktigt i utvecklingen mot datadriven produktionslogistik (PL). Det finns dock tre omrÄden som krÀver ytterligare forskning. För det första Àr det viktigt att förstÄ egenskaperna hos ett datadrivet PL-system. För det andra finns det en brist pÄ verktyg eller systematiska metoder för att bedöma informationsflöden inom produktionslogistik i syfte att kartlÀgga vÀrde och identifiera slöserier orsakade av ineffektiv datahantering. För det tredje Àr det nödvÀndigt att förstÄ hur man anpassar datadrivna lösningar till den sociotekniska miljön och anvÀndarcentrerade övervÀganden. Denna avhandling börjar med att identifiera krav pÄ PL-system genom en systematisk litteraturöversikt, fallstudier och experiment, vilket etablerar en systematisk grund för vÀrdeskapande i övergÄngen till datadriven PL. Den beskriver ocksÄ en metod för att upptÀcka slöserier pÄ verkstadsgolvet som orsakas av ineffektiviteter i informationsflödet. Slutligen presenterar avhandlingen ett ramverk för en vÀrdeorienterad övergÄng till datadriven produktionslogistik. Det största bidraget till litteraturen Àr det föreslagna ramverket för vÀrdeorienterad övergÄng till datadriven produktionslogistik. Detta ramverk innehÄller flera resultat av avhandlingen. Resultaten sammanfattas Àven i praktiska verktyg för att identifiera slöserier, utveckling av digitala tjÀnster och ett omfattande ramverk för en vÀrdeorienterad övergÄng mot datadriven produktionslogistik, vilket framförallt riktar sig mot en anvÀndning av industrins praktiker. Nyckelord Intern logistik, Smart, VÀrde, Tillverkning, Teknolog
