16 research outputs found

    Contextual bipolarity and its quality criteria in bipolar linguistic summaries

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    Bipolar linguistic summaries of data are assumed to be an extension of the ‘classical’ linguistic summarization, a data mining technique revealing complex patterns present in data in a human consistent form. The extension proposal is based on the possibilistic interpretation of the ‘and possibly’ operator and introduced notion of context, which results in the introduction of the new ‘contextual and possibly’ operator. As the end user is expecting the most relevant summaries, ways of determining the quality of summary propositions (quality measures) needs to be developed. Here we focus on specific insights into the quality measures of proposed bipolar linguistic summaries of data and present some basic examples of their correctness and necessity of introduction

    A novel text classification problem and its solution

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    A new text categorization problem is introduced. As in the classical problem, there is a set of documents and a set of categories. However, in addition to being assigned to a specific category, each document belongs to a certain sequence of documents, referred to as a case. It is assumed that all documents in the same case belong to the same category. An example may be a set of news articles. Their categories may be sport, politics, entertainment, etc. In each category there exist cases, i.e., sequences of documents describing, for example evolution of some events. The problem considered is how to classify a document to a proper category and a proper case within this category. In the paper we formalize the problem and discuss two approaches to its solution

    A novel approach to hierarchical contextual bipolar queries : a winnow operator approach

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    We propose a new approach to the bipolar database queries, which involve a necessary (required) and optional (desired) conditions, connected with a non-conventional aggregation operator “and possibly”, combined with a context, exemplified by “find houses which are cheap and – with respect to other houses in town – possibly close to a railroad station”. We use our winnow operator based interpretation of the bipolar queries. We assume that the query, posed by the human user, involves terms, which do not directly relate to attributes, and which are then to be decoded using a concept of a query hierarchy, leading to the queries, which involve terms directly related to attribute values. The original query is considered to be of level 0, at the bottom of the precisiation hierarchy, then its required and optional parts are assumed to be bipolar queries themselves, both accounting for context. The precisiation proceeds further, to level 1 queries, level 2, etc. A real estate related example is provided as illustration

    On a new type of contextual queries and linguistic summaries of a bipolar type

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    A new type of linguistic summaries, so-called contextual linguistic summaries, are further developed. The point of departure are contextual bipolar queries which play the same role for a new type of summaries as flexible fuzzy queries do with respect to the classical linguistic summaries. The bipolar queries employed are of a special type, following the required/desired semantics formalized using the “and possibly” operator and a recently introduced “or, if impossible” operator. The latter is inspired by the work of Lietard et al. on another bipolarity related operator “or else”. The “or, if impossible” operator is its non truth functional counterpart, interpreted in the same vein as the “and possibly” operator employed and studied in our previous work. In the paper we extend the concept of contextual linguistic summaries using this new operator and study its basic properties as well as some more general properties of this class of summaries

    Klasyczne i rozmyte bazy danych : modele, zapytania i podsumowania

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    Serie : Problemy Współczesnej Nauki : Teoria i Zastosowanie - Informatyka ; Edytor serii : Bolc, LeonardAutorstwo rozdziałów: K. Myszkorowski: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ; S. Zadrożny: 8, 9 ; P.S. Szczepaniak 7, 1

    Memory in Backpropagation-Decorrelation O(N) Efficient Online Recurrent Learning

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    Steil JJ. Memory in Backpropagation-Decorrelation O(N) Efficient Online Recurrent Learning. In: Duch W, Kacprzyk J, Oja E, Zadrożny S, eds. Artificial Neural Networks: Formal Models and Their Applications – ICANN 2005. Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 3697. Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer; 2005: 649-654

    Esculetin reduces leukotriene B4 level in plasma of rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis

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    Objectives : Esculetin (6,7-dihydroxycoumarin) is a natural coumarin with anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity. It acts as a potent inhibitor of lipoxygenases (5-LOX and 12-LOX) and decreases the production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1, MMP-3 and MMP-9). Because both inhibition of lipoxygenases and inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases are effective strategies in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, we investigated whether esculetin may be effective in adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats. Material and methods : The study was performed on male Lewis rats, in the adjuvant-induced arthritis model. Rats were divided into two groups: control (treated with 1% methylcellulose) and experimental (treated with esculetin – 10 mg/kg ip.). The tested compound was administered for 5 consecutive days starting on the 21st day after induction of arthritis. Each group consisted of 7 animals. After 5 days of treatment, rats were anesthetized. The concentration of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) in plasma was determined by a competitive enzyme immunoassay. Results : The LTB4 level in plasma of rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis is increased in comparison to rats without inflammation (362 ±34 vs. 274 ±15 pg/ml, p < 0.01, respectively). Five-day treatment with esculetin in adjuvant-induced arthritis rats decreases the LTB4 level to a level comparable with rats without inflammation (284 ±23 pg/ml, p < 0.01). Conclusions : LTB4 is the most potent chemotactic agent influencing neutrophil migration into the joint. It is known that its level in serum of patients with active rheumatoid arthritis is increased and correlates with disease severity. Some other lipoxygenase inhibitors have already been tested as potential drug candidates in clinical and preclinical trials for rheumatoid arthritis (Zileuton, PF-4191834). Because esculetin decreases the LTB4 level in plasma of rats in adjuvant-induced arthritis, it may also be considered as an attractive drug candidate for patients with rheumatoid arthritis

    Perspectives and Views of Flexible Query Answering

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    Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS) is a multidisciplinary research field at the crossroad of Information retrieval, databases, data mining, multimedia and geographic information systems, knowledge based systems, social networks, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and semantic web technologies, whose aim is to improve human ability to retrieve relevant information from databases, libraries, heterogeneous archives, theWeb and theWeb 2.0. The present paper has the objective to outline the perspectives and challenges offered by the heterogeneous panorama of current techniques