8 research outputs found

    Combination of Autohemotherapy and Vincristine Sulfate in Treatment of Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor in Bitches in Mozambique

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    Background: Canine transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a tumor of round cells. Vincristine sulfate is the most effective for TVT. Alternatively, hemotherapy is an alternative therapy that consists of the administration of autologous blood and the positive effects are associated with an immunomodulatory effect. Since chemotherapy has some collateral effects, it is necessary to study another treatment with minimal side effects. In this context, this report case aimed to describe the use of autohemotherapy associated with vincristine sulfate for treating a transmissible venereal tumor in the vulvar mucosa of 7 adult bitches, being the first case report in Mozambique, Africa.Case: Seven adult bitches, median size, were referred to the School Veterinary Hospital, School of Veterinary, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique, Africa, with a diagnosis of TVT in the vulvar mucosa. All bitches were treated weekly with autohemotherapy and vincristine sulfate for 21 days. The parameters assessed included clinical and TVT macroscopic examination, complete blood count, serum biochemical examination and urinalysis, and were evaluated 60-min before each treatment. No clinical side effects were identified during the treatments. Color, appearance and tumor size were changed during the treatment period, and all bitches showed complete remission of the tumor 21 days after the beginning of treatment or after the third therapeutic session. The values of the complete blood count, serum biochemical and urinalysis did not demonstrate significant variations throughout the evaluated time-points. The TVT cytopathological classification was lymphocytic (42.9 %), plasmacytic (28.6 %) and lymphoplasmacytic (28.6 %). Discussion: The aims of this report were to describe the combination of autohemotherapy and vincristine sulfate for treating the transmissible venereal tumor located in the vulvar mucosa of adult bitches, through clinical and laboratory evaluation, and was not identified side and significant hematological changes. The novelty of this case report was associated with the use of adult bitches with TVT in the vulvar mucosa. Other authors conducted a similar study however with male dog with TVT identified at the base of the penis. The complete remission of the tumor after 3 applications and the absence of side effects showed the effectiveness of this treatment compared with use of chemotherapy without autohemotherapy. In contrast, dogs diagnosed with TVT and treated with vincristine sulfate showed complete remission after 4 treatment sessions However, the use of autohemotherapy alone for treating extragenital TVT in bitches did not induce complete remission after 6 weekly treatments. Doses and administration of autologous blood and vincristine sulfate were in accordance with the recommendations of the literature, and were determined according to body mass. Other routes of administration through the cephalic vein were also used and showed complete remission after 4 treatments. The decrease in size tumor associated with the changes in appearance and color was associated with regression of the TVT. The connective tissue isolating groups of cells identified in the literature were not confirmed in this report, probably due to the phase of the progression of the tumor. The highest percentage of animals with lymphocytoid TVT was different from the literature, which referred to the predominance of the plasmacytoid pattern. The combination of autohemotherapy and vincristine sulfate every 7 days encouraged complete remission of TVT in the vulvar mucosa of adult median size bitches after 3 sessions

    Manejo do paciente epiléptico canino no Intensivismo: revisão de literatura / Management of canine epileptic patients in intensive care: literature review

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    A epilepsia é uma afecção neurológica em que o paciente apresenta convulsões de diferentes intensidades. A fisiopatogenia é complexa e está associada à descarga elétrica cerebral desordenada que pode acometer diferentes regiões do cérebro, comprometimento a consciência; as funções motoras, mentais e sensoriais. Visto que as intensidades das convulsões em um cão com epilepsia são variáveis, e podendo ser necessário o seu internamento, objetivou-se realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o manejo do paciente epiléptico canino no intensivismo, por meio de pesquisas qualitativas e descritivas bibliográficas nas bases de dados PubMed/Medline, Embase Scielo e Google Schoolar. Concluiu-se que as convulsões de origem epiléptica no paciente canino estão associadas aos distúrbios neurológicos, e o diagnóstico e tratamento precoce é necessário para que o prognóstico seja favorável. Paralelamente, cães com crises convulsivas intensas e recorrentes devem ser internados e monitorados devido aos distúrbios metabólicos que podem induzir a isquemia cerebral e morte neural, e assim causar danos cerebrais irreversíveis ou óbito

    Recidiva de fibrossarcoma de aplicação em gata idosa e tratamento multimodal de excisão cirúrgica e eletroquimioterapia transoperatória (Felis catus domesticus): relato de caso

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    Os fibrossarcomas ou sarcomas de tecido mole de aplicação são neoplasias malignas associadas à reação imunogênica às substâncias aplicadas por via subcutânea ou intramuscular, induzindo o aumento da produção de fibroblastos e miofibroblastos de alteração do DNA, e correspondem a 46% das neoplasias cutâneas e subcutâneas em gatos. A eletroquimioterapia é uma técnica que associa a eletroporação e a quimioterapia, tendo potencial para alcançar altas taxas de remissão neoplásica, e indicada para o tratamento de neoplasias cutâneas e subcutâneas de qualquer tipo histológico. Visto que o fibrossarcoma de aplicação é uma neoplasia maligna com alto índice de invasão dos tecidos circunvizinhos, e dependendo da fase evolutiva da afecção, o tratamento deve ser multimodal, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo descrever a recidiva à longo prazo de fibrossarcoma de aplicação em gata idosa, cujo o tratamento instituto foi a excisão cirúrgica associada à eletroquimioterapia transoperatória. Gata idosa, sem raça definida, foi diagnosticada com neoformação medindo 1,5 x 1,2 cm em região abdominal esquerda, mesma região onde um ano atrás foi diagnosticado e removido fibrossarcoma de aplicação. O exame citopatológico foi sugestivo à sarcoma de tecido mole. Após a exérese da neoplasia com margens de segurança de 4 cm e eletroquimioterapia transoperatória não foi identificada presença de células neoplásicas, e o exame histopatológico foi sugestivo à recidiva de fibrossarcoma de aplicação. Concluiu-se que o diagnóstico definitivo do fibrossarcoma de aplicação foi o exame histopatológico, e em casos recidivantes, a eletroquimioterapia transoperatória induziu efeitos benéficos na manutenção de margens cirúrgicas seguras em gato idoso

    Alfaxalona como alternativa para indução anestésica de cães e gatos durante a pandemia de Covid-19: revisão bibliográfica / Alfaxalone as an alternative for anesthetic induction in dogs and cats during the Covid-19 pandemic: literature review

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    A alfaxalona é um esteroide neuroativo derivado da progesterona com propriedades anestésicas, possuindo poucos efeitos adversos e alterações cardiorrespiratórias mínimas. Ela pode ser usada em cães e gatos de todas as faixas etárias incluindo cadelas gestantes, proporcionando uma alternativa para a indução anestésica. O mecanismo de ação está associado à sua modulação alostérica positiva do receptor ácido gama-aminobutírico tipo A (GABA). Visto que o cenário atual da pandemia do novo coronavírus (COVID-19) induziu à escassez de fármacos anestésicos como o propofol, e dessa forma afetando a Medicina Veterinária, existe a necessidade de introduzir alternativas anestésicas viáveis para indução anestésica em cães e gatos. Visto que que a alfaxalona possa ser um substituto do propofol em procedimentos anestésica e pouco usado no Brasil, objetiva-se com o presente trabalho realizar uma revisão bibliográfica atualizada sobre o uso da alfaxalona como alternativa para indução anestésica em cães e gatos. Concluiu-se que a alfaxalona, similar ao propofol, pode ser usada de forma segura na indução anestésica em cães e gatos, diante do COVID-19, e induz alterações cardiorrespiratórias mínimas

    Abraçadeiras autoestáticas de náilon poliamida 6.6 como alternativa nas ligaduras vasculares e cerclagem óssea em cães e gatos: revisão de bibliográfica / Adjustable nylon polyamide 6.6 cable-tie as an alternative for ligation of blood vessels and bone cerclage in dogs and cats: literature review

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    As abraçadeiras autoestáticas de náilon (AAN) são dispositivos produzidos pelo mesmo material do fio de náilon cirúrgico – a poliamida 6.6, e tem sido estudados como alternativa em procedimentos cirúrgicos na área da Medicina Humana e Veterinária. Visto que as AAN são produzidas pelo mesmo material do fio de náilon cirúrgico, e possuem um sistema autrotravante que garante maior eficácia na realização de hemostasia vascular e na fixação de fragmentos ósseos, o objetivou-se a realizar uma atualização bibliográfica sobre o uso das AAN (poliamida 6.6) como alternativa nas ligaduras vasculares e cerclagem óssea em cães e gatos, permitindo, também, a desmitificação sobre o seu uso na Medicina Veterinária. As AAN de poliamida 6.6 podem ser usadas como método alternativo na ligadura vascular de vasos de médio e grande calibre e na cerclagem óssea em cães e gatos visto que garantiram a segurança mecânica e biológica, porém existe a necessidade de se realizar estudos in vivo da reação tecidual das abraçadeiras a longo prazo. É imprescindível que os cirurgiões que queiram utilizar as AAN sejam submetidos à uma capacitação, permitindo um aprofundamento da técnica cirúrgica

    Aplicabilidade da vídeo neurocirurgia no tratamento da Mielopatia compressiva por Hérnia discal em cães e gatos: revisão bibliográfica: Applicability of video neurosurgery in the treatment of compressive Myelopathy caused by Herniated discs in dogs and cats: literature review

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    A doença do disco intervertebral (DDIV) é classificada em tipo I e tipo II, sendo o primeiro relacionado à extrusão do material discal, e a segundo à protrusão. As extrusões de disco na região cervical são as mais comuns na Medicina Veterinária. O tratamento cirúrgico para mielopatias cervicais compressivas por hérnia de disco é realizado principalmente por meio da técnica cirúrgica de slot cervical ventral. Contudo, estudos vêm demonstrando a aplicabilidade da cirurgia guiada por vídeo para o tratamento cirúrgico dessas mielopatias, tendo como vantagens, quando comparados às técnicas tradicionais, menor tempo cirúrgico, maior visualização das estruturas devido a magnificação da imagem e menor janela de acesso à medula espinhal. Porém, a técnica possui desvantagens que incluem o custo e a longa curva de aprendizado. Visto que a vídeo neurocirurgia possui vantagens expressivas quando comparadas à técnica cirúrgica de slot cervical ventral no tratamento da mielopatia compressiva por hérnia de disco em cães, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o uso da vídeo neurocirurgia no tratamento da DDIV em cães e gatos, atualizando sobre a sua aplicabilidade e importância na área da Medicina Veterinária. A vídeo neurocirurgia possui campo para que seja usada em mielopatias compressiva por hérnia discal em cães, permitindo a realização de procedimentos delicados e minimalistas, em menor tempo cirúrgico e melhor visualização das estruturas anatômicas locais. Por ser considerado um procedimento minimamente invasivo, o pós-operatório induz menor dor e recuperação mais rápida do paciente neurológico

    Caso raro de pilomatricoma benigno em cão adulto da raça Shih-Tzu

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    Background: Pilomatricomas are neoplasms of hair follicles, located in the hair bulb, and the incidence is uncommon in the clinical-surgical clinical routine of dogs and cats. It commonly affects adult animals, with no predisposition to sex or race, and is mainly located in the neck, back, and tail region. The diagnosis is made by histopathological examination, where cells are observed in which their nucleus does not stain with hematoxylin and eosin - empty nucleus. The present work aimed to report a case of benign pilomatricoma  since it is a rare condition in dogs and cats and, consequently, there is little information in the literature. Case: A 6-year-old male Shih-Tzu dog, not submitted to surgical contraception, weighing 6.9 kg, was treated at the Veterinary School Hospital (HVE) of the North Parana State University (UENP), Bandeirantes, PR, Brazil, with a history of nodules in the tail region, lasting 6 months. On physical examination, no changes were identified in the patient's physiological parameters. However, the presence of neoformations in the distal and medial region of the tail, similar to a nail, adherent, non-ulcerated and non-alopecic, and absence of pruritus or self-mutilation were identified. Vaccination and deworming were updated. Hematological examination, serum biochemicals (urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and albumin), and abdominal ultrasound showed no changes. According to the clinical and laboratory signs, it was decided to perform an excisional biopsy, using a caudectomy, for subsequent histopathological examination. The specimens were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and sent for histopathological examination. Histological examination was compatible with benign pilomatricoma. Postoperatively, cephalexin, dipyrone, tramadol hydrochloride, and meloxicam were prescribed, surgical wound cleaning, and the use of an Elizabethan collar until the suture was removed. After 10 days of the surgical procedure, the patient was asked to remove the sutures, and no changes were identified regarding the physiological parameters and blood count. Discussion: Pilomatricomas are commonly benign neoplasms arising from the germ cells of the follicular matrix. They present dermal or subdermal forms, with several cystic structures which are surrounded by keratinocytes, similar to the matrix cells of an anagen hair follicle, more keratinized and firmer areas, corroborating the results of the present report. In the ultrasound examination, the presence of intra-abdominal metastases was not identified, which is consistent with the literature, since in this type of neoplasm it is not common to identify foci of intra-abdominal and thoracic metastases. In the present report, immunohistochemistry was not used, even though it is used to differentiate follicular neoplasms from pilomatricomas. However, histopathological examination is considered the best method for the definitive diagnosis of pilomatricomas in dogs. It was concluded that the surgical treatment through excisional biopsy, with safety margins of 2 cm, was effective as a therapeutic method in the case of benign pilomatricoma, and the definitive diagnosis must be made through histopathological examination. Descritores: surgery, dermatology, hair follicle, neoplasia. Título: Pilomatricoma benigno em cão da raça Shih-Tzu Keywords: cirurgia, dermatologia, folículo piloso, neoplasia.Background: Pilomatricomas are neoplasms of hair follicles, located in the hair bulb, and the incidence is uncommon in the clinical-surgical clinical routine of dogs and cats. It commonly affects adult animals, with no predisposition to sex or race, and is mainly located in the neck, back, and tail region. The diagnosis is made by histopathological examination, where cells are observed in which their nucleus does not stain with hematoxylin and eosin - empty nucleus. Since the condition is a rare neoplasm in dogs and cats, and information is scarce in the literature, the present study aimed to report a case of benign pilomatricoma in an adult Shih-Tzu dog. Case: A six-year-old male Shih-Tzu dog, not submitted to surgical contraception, weighing 6.9 kg, was treated at the Veterinary School Hospital (HVE) of the North Parana State University (UENP), Bandeirantes, Paraná, Brazil, with a history of nodules in the tail region, lasting six months. On physical examination, no changes were identified in the patient's physiological parameters. However, the presence of neoformations in the distal and medial region of the tail, similar to a nail, adherent, non-ulcerated and non-alopecic, and absence of pruritus or self-mutilation were identified. Vaccination and deworming were updated. Hematological examination, serum biochemicals (urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and albumin), and abdominal ultrasound showed no changes. According to the clinical and laboratory signs, it was decided to perform an excisional biopsy, using a caudectomy, for subsequent histopathological examination. The specimens were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and sent for histopathological examination. Histological examination was compatible with benign pilomatricoma. Postoperatively, cephalexin, dipyrone, tramadol hydrochloride, and meloxicam were prescribed, surgical wound cleaning, and the use of an Elizabethan collar until the suture was removed. After ten days of the surgical procedure, the patient was asked to remove the sutures, and no changes were identified regarding the physiological parameters and blood count. Discussion: The present case report aimed to report a case of benign pilomatricoma, in an adult dog of the Shih-Tzu breed, treated at the HVE (UENP), Bandeirantes, Paraná, Brazil, since it is a rare condition in dogs and cats and, consequently, there is little information in the literature. Pilomatricomas are commonly benign neoplasms arising from the germ cells of the follicular matrix. They present dermal or subdermal forms, with several cystic structures which are surrounded by keratinocytes, similar to the matrix cells of an anagen hair follicle, more keratinized and firmer areas, corroborating the results of the present report. In the ultrasound examination, the presence of intra-abdominal metastases was not identified, which is consistent with the literature, since in this type of neoplasm it is not common to identify foci of intra-abdominal and thoracic metastases. In the present report, immunohistochemistry was not used, even though it is used to differentiate follicular neoplasms from pilomatricomas. However, histopathological examination is considered the best method for the definitive diagnosis of pilomatricomas in dogs. It was concluded that the surgical treatment through excisional biopsy, with safety margins of 2 cm, was effective as a therapeutic method in the case of benign pilomatricoma, and the definitive diagnosis must be made through histopathological examination

    Necrotic Wound Caused by Jararaca (Bothrops jararaca) in a Dog - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBTO)

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    Background: Snakebites are the main responsible for envenoming in dogs and the bothropic venom remains the most common in Brazil, which can induce a necrotic skin wound. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) use 100% oxygen under high pressure and used to treat different wounds in human patients. To the authors’ knowledge, no reports regarding to use the HBOT in skin wound caused by snakebite (Bothrops jararaca) are present in the literature. The present clinical case aimed to describe the use of HBOT for the treatment of an extensive necrotic wound caused by jararaca snakebite in a dog.Case: A neutered 8-year-old mixed-breed dog, weighing 12 kg, was admitted with a 7-day history of extensive necrotic wound was identified in the face and neck causing by a snakebite, and no sign of pain. The procedure of HBOT (single sessions of 1.5 ATM, 45 min, repeated every 48 h, up to 12 sessions) was decided, and the complete blood cells, alanine aminotransferase, creatinine, creatine kinase, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, wound clinical evaluation were measured at the following time-points: 2nd, 5th, 10th, and 12th sessions. At the 5th session was identified leukopenia, neutropenia and lymphopenia. Wound re-epithelialization was initiated after the 5th session, and the complete epithelialization was identified at the 12th session of HBOT. During the HBOT no side effects were identified. Three months after the HBOT finished, the animal returned to the clinic and the clinical status evolved positively, and the wound was completed healed.Discussion: This report described the treatment of an extensive necrotic skin wound caused by snakebite (Bothrops jararaca) in an 8-year-old, neutered, mixed-breed dog using the HBOT. The wound healing was achieved after 12 sessions, similar to the literature, which reported a ranging from 1 to 12 sessions. The HBOT protocol used in this case was similar as reported for human patients with chronic wounds due to the lack of HBOT protocols for animals. No reports regarding the use of HBOT for treat necrotic wound caused by snakebite was described in the literature, and to the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report in Brazil describing the use of HBOT in dogs. On the other hand, dogs with surgically induced skin wounds and treated with daily session of HBOT using the treatment protocol of 1.7 ATM (30 min) and 2.0 ATM (40 min) up to 7th day of treatment did not show significant results on healing [9]. This fact was associated with the HBOT achievement in the proliferative and remodeling phases of the healing process. The high intensity of HBOT was between the 5th and 10th session since the wound showed a higher area decrease rate and consequently increase of wound contraction. This period was corresponding to the 10th and 20th day of the healing process, which can be identified angiogenic activity, re-epithelialization, and collagen maturation. The decrease in PVC has been associated with the anticoagulant and/or hemorrhagic activity caused by the venom, and leukopenia, neutropenia and lymphopenia was related with possible bone marrow exhaustion. Single sessions of HBOT (1.5 ATM, 45 min, and repeat each 48 h, up to 12 session) induces healing of necrotic wound caused by snakebite (Bothrops jararaca) in an 8-year-old, neutered, mixed-breed dog without any side effects.Keywords: dog, healing, hyperbaric chamber, skin wound, snake