22 research outputs found


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    Objective: To develop and validate simple, accurate, rapid, precise, reproducible and cost effective spectrophotometric method for the quantitative estimation of carbamazepine in a pharmaceutical formulation.Methods: The developed UV spectrophotometric method for the quantitative estimation of carbamazepine is based on measurement of absorption at maximum wavelength 284 nm using methanol as a solvent. The stock solution of carbamazepine was prepared, and subsequent suitable dilution was prepared in distilled water to obtained standard curve. The standard solution of carbamazepine shows absorption maxima at 284 nm.Results: The drug obeyed beer lambert's law in the concentration range of 2-14 µg/ml with regression 0.9997 at 284 nm. The overall % recovery was found to be 99.99% which reflects that the method was free from the interference of the impurities and other excipients used in the formulation. The low value of % RSD was indicative of accuracy and reproducibility of the method. The % RSD for inter-day and intra-day precision was found to be 0.1568 and 0.1746 respectively which is<2% hence proved that method is precise.Conclusion: The results of analysis have been validated as per International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines. The developed method can be adopted in routine analysis of carbamazepine in tablet dosage form as well bulk dosage form.Keywords: Carbamazepine, UV Spectrophotometry, Method development, Validation, ICH guidelines, Methanol

    Functional gene analysis suggests different acetogen populations in the Bovine Rumen and Tammar Wallaby Forestomach

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    Reductive acetogenesis via the acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) pathway is an alternative hydrogen sink to methanogenesis in the rumen. Functional gene-based analysis is the ideal approach for investigating organisms capable of this metabolism (acetogens). However, existing tools targeting the formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase gene (fhs) are compromised by lack of specificity due to the involvement of formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (FTHFS) in other pathways. Acetyl-CoA synthase (ACS) is unique to the acetyl-CoA pathway and, in the present study, acetyl-CoA synthase genes (acsB) were recovered from a range of acetogens to facilitate the design of acsB-specific PCR primers. fhs and acsB libraries were used to examine acetogen diversity in the bovine rumen and forestomach of the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), a native Australian marsupial demonstrating foregut fermentation analogous to rumen fermentation but resulting in lower methane emissions. Novel, deduced amino acid sequences of acsB and fhs affiliated with the Lachnospiraceae in both ecosystems and the Ruminococcaeae/Blautia group in the rumen. FTHFS sequences that probably originated from nonacetogens were identified by low "homoacetogen similarity" scores based on analysis of FTHFS residues, and comprised a large proportion of FTHFS sequences from the tammar wallaby forestomach. A diversity of FTHFS and ACS sequences in both ecosystems clustered between the Lachnospiraceae and Clostridiaceae acetogens but without close sequences from cultured isolates. These sequences probably originated from novel acetogens. The community structures of the acsB and fhs libraries from the rumen and the tammar wallaby forestomach were different (LIBSHUFF, P < 0.001), and these differences may have significance for overall hydrogenotrophy in both ecosystems


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    The objective of the present study was to develop matrix tablets of salbutmol sulphate sustained release dosage form, for the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Compatibility study was performed through Fourier Transformer Infrared spectroscopy revealed that there no interaction between drug and polymers. Matrix tablets were prepared by wet granulation method using different concentration of Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose K100M (HPMC K100M), HPMC K15M and Ethyl Cellulose (EC). Prepared formulations were subjected to Pre-compression parameters like angle of repose, bulk and tapped density, Hausner’s ratio and car’s index and post-compression parameters like hardness, friability, thickness, % drug content, weight variation, swelling index. All the formulations resulted in acceptable limits. Tablets were subjected to In-Vitro drug release in 0.1 N HCl (pH 1.2) for first 2 hours followed by phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) for remaining 10 hours. In-vitro drug release data were fitting to zero order and Higuchi equation indicated that diffusion along with erosion could be the mechanism of drug release. It was observed that formulation F2 containing HPMC K100M exhibited the best release profile and able to sustain the drug release for prolong period of time. Swelling study suggested that when the matrix tablets come in contact with the dissolution medium, they take up water and swells, forming a gel layer around the matrix and simultaneously erosion also takes place. KEYWORDS: Matrix tablet, salbutmol sulphate, Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose K100M, Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose K15M and Ethyl Cellulose

    Primary inoculation tuberculosis following a vehicular accident

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    Tuberculosis is considered as a ′re emerging disease′, because of its resurgence and increased incidence in the 21 st century particularly in immuno-compromised patients. About one fifth of diagnosed new cases of tuberculosis have an extrapulmonary lesion, of which about one-tenth involve the musculoskeletal system. Tuberculosis involving the soft tissue from adjacent bone or joint is well recognized but cutaneous tuberculous infection is rare, accounting for 0.1% of all cases seen in a dermatology service. We report a case of primary cutaneous tuberculosis of forearm following a vehicular accident in a young immunocompetent female

    Concurrent evaluation of microscopic observation of drug susceptibility assay for pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis

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    BACKGROUND: Methods for detection and drug susceptibility of tuberculosis (TB) with solid media are inexpensive but slow and laborious. Rapid methods to diagnose TB and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) are a global priority for TB control. OBJECTIVES: A study was performed to compare the sensitivity of detection of mycobacterial growth and time of culture positivity by microscopic observation of drug susceptibility (MODS) assay with that of Lowenstein–Jensen (LJ) culture in pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB and to evaluate the concordance of the susceptibilities to isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RIF) by MODS and proportion method on LJ. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective, laboratory-based study was conducted on a total of 300 samples from suspected cases of pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB. Samples were inoculated on LJ medium as per the standard guidelines and MODS assay was performed. RESULTS: Sensitivity of MODS assay was 80% and 83.3% and specificity was 92.9% and 83.3% for pulmonary and extrapulmonary samples, respectively. Difference between mean time to detection of Mycobacterium TB (MTB) by LJ medium and MODS was statistically significant, with MODS being faster. drug susceptibility testing (DST) by MODS when compared to economic variant of proportion method was 87.87% for RIF, 90.9% for INH, and 96.96% for MDR-TB detection. CONCLUSIONS: MODS assay provides rapid, safe, and sensitive detection of TB faster than the existing gold standard. It is extremely promising in effectively diagnosing MDR-TB


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    This project proposed an embedded system for mine worker’s safety purpose using ARM7.A smart helmet has been developed that is able to detection of hazardous events in the mines industry. In the development of helmet, we have considered the four main types of hazards such as air quality, temperature and humidity and smoke detection. The first is the level of the hazardous gases such as methane, butane, etc. for which MQ4 gas sensor is used. The second hazardous level is a temperature to measure temperature LM35 is used .Third level is humidity in the mine, to measure humidity HSM-20G is used. The fourth hazardous level is smoke detection for smoke detection MQ2 sensor is used. Thisdata will be transmitted to the control room through zigbee wireless network. If these parameters crossed their limit, it will alert the workers by turning ON the buzzer which is situated on helmet then information can provide tocontrol room using zigbee transmitter and receiver. When buzzer is on the mine workers haveto chance to safety his life from the hazards levels occursin coal mines

    Recent trends and future of pharmaceutical packaging technology

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    The pharmaceutical packaging market is constantly advancing and has experienced annual growth of at least five percent per annum in the past few years. The market is now reckoned to be worth over $20 billion a year. As with most other packaged goods, pharmaceuticals need reliable and speedy packaging solutions that deliver a combination of product protection, quality, tamper evidence, patient comfort and security needs. Constant innovations in the pharmaceuticals themselves such as, blow fill seal (BFS) vials, anti-counterfeit measures, plasma impulse chemical vapor deposition (PICVD) coating technology, snap off ampoules, unit dose vials, two-in-one prefilled vial design, prefilled syringes and child-resistant packs have a direct impact on the packaging. The review details several of the recent pharmaceutical packaging trends that are impacting packaging industry, and offers some predictions for the future

    Intelligent Helmet Safety System for Mine Workers

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    This project proposed an embedded system for mine worker's safety purpose using ARM7.A smart helmet has been developed that is able to detection of hazardous events in the mines industry. In the development of helmet, we have considered the four main types of hazards such as air quality, temperature and humidity and smoke detection. The first is the level of the hazardous gases such as methane, Butane, etc. for which MQ4 gas sensor is used. The second hazardous level is a temperature to measure temperature LM35 is used .Third level is humidity in the mine, to measure humidity HSM-20G is used. The fourth hazardous level is smoke detection for smoke detection MQ2 sensor is used. Thisdata will be transmitted to the control room through zigbee wireless network. If these parameters crossed their limit, it will alert the workers by turning ON the buzzer which is situated on helmet then information can provide tocontrol room using zigbee transmitter and receiver. When buzzer is on the mine workers haveto chance to safety his life from the hazards levels occursin coal mines