184 research outputs found

    Undermodeling affects minimal model indexes : insights from a two-compartment model

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    The classic (hereafter cold) and the labeled (hereafter hot) minimal models are powerful tools to investigate glucose metabolism. The cold model provides, from intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) data, indexes of glucose effectiveness (SG) and insulin sensitivity (SI) that measure the effect of glucose and insulin, respectively, to enhance glucose disappearance and inhibit endogenous glucose production. The hot model provides, from hot IVGTT data, indexes of glucose effectiveness (SG*) and insulin sensitivity (SI*) that, respectively, measure the effects of glucose and insulin on glucose disappearance only. Recent reports call for a reexamination of some of the assumptions of the minimal models. We have previously pointed out the criticality of the single-compartment description of glucose kinetics on which both the minimal models are founded. In this paper we evaluate the impact of single-compartment undermodeling on SG, SI*, and by using a two-compartment model to describe the glucose system. The relationships of the minimal model indexes to the analogous indexes measured with the glucose clamp technique are also examined. Theoretical analysis and simulation studies indicate that cold indexes are more affected than hot indexes by undermodeling. In particular, care must be exercised in the physiological interpretation of SG, because this index is a local descriptor of events taking place in the initial portion of the IVGTT. As a consequence, SG not only reflects glucose effect on glucose uptake and production but also the rapid exchange of glucose between the accessible and nonaccessible glucose pools that occurs in the early part of the test

    Glucose production during an IVGTT by deconvolution : validation with the tracer-to-tracee clamp technique

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    Recently, a new method, based on a two-compartment minimal model and deconvolution [A. Caumo and C. Cobelli. Am. J. Physiol 264 (Endocrinol. Metab. 37): E829-E841, 1993; P. Vicini, G. Sparacino, A. Caumo, and C. Cobelli. Comput. Meth. Prog. Biomed. 52: 147-156, 1997], has been proposed to estimate endogenous glucose production (EGP) from labeled intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) data. Our aim here is to compare this EGP profile with that independently obtained with the reference method, based on the tracer-to-tracee ratio (TTR) clamp. An insulin-modified (0.03 U/kg body wt infused over 5 min) [6,6-2H2]glucose-labeled IVGTT (0.33 g/kg of glucose) was performed in 10 normal subjects. A second tracer ([U-13C]glucose) was also infused during the test in a variable fashion to clamp endogenous glucose TTR. The TTR clamp was quite successful. As a result, the EGP profile, reconstructed from [U-13C]glucose data with the models of Steele and Radziuk, were almost superimposable. The deconvolution-obtained EGP profile, calculated from [6,6-2H2]glucose data, showed remarkable agreement with that obtained from the TTR clamp. Some differences between the two profiles were noted in the estimated basal EGP and in the initial modalities of EGP inhibition. A high interindividual variability was also observed with both methods in the resumption of EGP to baseline; variability was high in both the timing and the extent of resumption. In conclusion, the use of the two-compartment minimal model of the IVGTT and deconvolution allows the estimation of a profile of EGP that is in very good agreement with that independently obtained with a TTR clamp

    Laparoskopowe umocowanie źle działającego cewnika Tenckhoffa metodą PIRS. Opis dwóch przypadków

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    Malfunction of a peritoneal catheter is among the most common complications of peritoneal dialysis in children. The paper presents a novel laparoscopic method — PIRS (percutaneous internal ring suturing) — with the catheter being fixed to the anterior abdominal wall in two cases of malfunctioning peritoneal catheters. One patient presented with an untypical displacement of the catheter tip with its holes partially occluded by the greater omentum. Following the initial classic surgical revision, only a short-term improvement was achieved. In the second patient, dialyzate outflow was stopped, but no catheter tip displacement was observed. Intraoperatively, the catheter was found to be embedded in a peritoneal pocket, what rendered its normal functioning impossible. The catheter tip required repositioning and placement in the proper location above the right iliac ala. A novel laparoscopic method was employed in both patients, with a single port being used in the first patient. Subsequently, peritoneal dialysis was successfully continued in both children.Nieprawidłowe działanie cewnika otrzewnowego stanowi jedno z najczęstszych powikłań dializy otrzewnowej u dzieci. W pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie nowatorskiej metody laparoskopowej PIRS (percutaneous internal ring suturing) z umocowaniem cewnika do przedniej ściany jamy brzusznej w dwóch przypadkach źle działającego cewnika otrzewnowego. U jednego pacjenta stwierdzono nietypowe przemieszczenie się końcówki cewnika z upośledzeniem drożności jego otworów przytkanych siecią większą. Po pierwszej klasycznej chirurgicznej rewizji uzyskano tylko krótkotrwałą poprawę. U drugiego pacjenta stwierdzono brak wypływu dializatu i nie stwierdzono przemieszczenia końcówki cewnika. Śródoperacyjnie uwidoczniono cewnik umocowany w kieszeni otrzewnej, co uniemożliwiało jego prawidłowe działanie. Konieczne było przemieszczenie końcówki cewnika do prawidłowej lokalizacji nad prawym talerzem biodrowym. U obojga pacjentów zastosowano nowatorską metodę laparoskopową, u pierwszego pacjenta wykorzystano tylko jeden port wizyjny. W obydwu przypadkach następnie kontynuowano skutecznie dializę otrzewnową

    A multi-proxy approach to exploring Homo sapiens’ arrival, environments and adaptations in Southeast Asia

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    The capability of Pleistocene hominins to successfully adapt to different types of tropical forested environments has long been debated. In order to investigate environmental changes in Southeast Asia during a critical period for the turnover of hominin species, we analysed palaeoenvironmental proxies from five late Middle to Late Pleistocene faunas. Human teeth discoveries have been reported at Duoi U’Oi, Vietnam (70–60 ka) and Nam Lot, Laos (86–72 ka). However, the use of palaeoproteomics allowed us to discard the latter, and, to date, no human remains older than ~ 70 ka are documented in the area. Our findings indicate that tropical rainforests were highly sensitive to climatic changes over that period, with significant fluctuations of the canopy forests. Locally, large-bodied faunas were resilient to these fluctuations until the cooling period of the Marine Isotope Stage 4 (MIS 4; 74–59 ka) that transformed the overall biotope. Then, under strong selective pressures, populations with new phenotypic characteristics emerged while some other species disappeared. We argue that this climate-driven shift offered new foraging opportunities for hominins in a novel rainforest environment and was most likely a key factor in the settlement and dispersal of our species during MIS 4 in SE Asia

    The influence of a pre-exercise sports drink (PRX) on factors related to maximal aerobic performance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pre-exercise sports drinks (PRX) are commonly used as ergogenic aids in athletic competitions requiring aerobic power. However, in most cases, claims regarding their effectiveness have not been substantiated. In addition, the ingredients in PRX products must be deemed acceptable by the athletic governing bodies that regulate their use in training and competition. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a modified PRX formulation (known as EM·PACT™) from earlier investigations on factors related to maximal aerobic performance during a graded exercise test. The modification consisted of removing creatine to meet the compliance standards set forth by various athletic organizations that regulate the use of nutritional supplements.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-nine male and female college students varying in levels of aerobic fitness participated in a randomized crossover administration of PRX (containing 14 g/serving of fructose, medium-chain triglycerides, and amino acids mixed with 8 oz. of water) and placebo (PL) 30 minutes prior to performing a treadmill test with approximately one week separation between the trials. VO<sub>2</sub>max, maximal heart rate (HR), time to exhaustion (Time), and percentage estimated non-protein fat substrate utilization (FA) during two <it>a priori </it>submaximal stages of a graded exercise testing were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The VO<sub>2</sub>max mean value of the PRX trial was significantly greater than the PL trial (P < 0.01). The mean value for Time was also observed to be greater for the PRX trial compared to PL (P < 0.05). Additionally, percentage of FA during submaximal stages of the exercise test was greater for PRX trial in comparison to PL (P < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The modified PRX formulation utilized in this investigation supports the findings of the previous investigation and its efficacy for enhancing indices of aerobic performance (specifically VO<sub>2</sub>max, Time, & FA) during graded exercise testing.</p

    Nutrition aspects in children receiving maintenance hemodialysis: impact on outcome

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    Children with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) have rates of mortality estimated to be 30-times higher than expected for age compared with those of healthy children. Physical manifestations of under-nutrition, such as body mass index (BMI) and low height standard deviation score (SDS), have been associated with increased risk of mortality. Traditional measures, such as height, weight and serum albumin concentration, may not be accurate indicators to assess the nutritional status of children receiving maintenance hemodialysis. Normalized protein catabolic rate (nPCR) has emerged as a better marker of nutritional status of such children. Meeting the special nutritional needs of these children often requires nutritional supplementation, by either the enteral or the parenteral route. Recently, in children receiving maintenance hemodialysis who are malnourished, intradialytic parenteral nutrition (IDPN) has been utilized as a means to provide additional protein and calories. This article is a state-of-the-art review of malnutrition in children receiving maintenance hemodialysis, with special focus on outcome, nPCR and IDPN

    Nutrition in children with CRF and on dialysis

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    The objectives of this study are: (1) to understand the importance of nutrition in normal growth; (2) to review the methods of assessing nutritional status; (3) to review the dietary requirements of normal children throughout childhood, including protein, energy, vitamins and minerals; (4) to review recommendations for the nutritional requirements of children with chronic renal failure (CRF) and on dialysis; (5) to review reports of spontaneous nutritional intake in children with CRF and on dialysis; (6) to review the epidemiology of nutritional disturbances in renal disease, including height, weight and body composition; (7) to review the pathological mechanisms underlying poor appetite, abnormal metabolic rate and endocrine disturbances in renal disease; (8) to review the evidence for the benefit of dietetic input, dietary supplementation, nasogastric and gastrostomy feeds and intradialytic nutrition; (9) to review the effect of dialysis adequacy on nutrition; (10) to review the effect of nutrition on outcome