1,051 research outputs found

    A Historical Perspective and Review of the Evidence to Support Fruit Bats as the Natural Reservoir for Ebola Viruses

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    The Ebola viruses cause sporadic outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) where origins have been traced to the continent of Africa and the Philippines. Since the initial discovery of Zaire and Sudan ebolavirus in 1976, the Ebola viruses have been responsible for severe hemorrhagic fever outbreaks in Africa with case fatality rates between 40-90%. The natural reservoir(s) of the Ebola viruses is currently unknown, but there is mounting evidence that fruit bats may play a key role. The goal of the current study is to screen a large variety of bat species from Africa and Asia where Ebola is known to be endemic for the presence of IgG specific antibody to Ebola virus in order to see which bat species may show evidence of past Ebola virus infection. Ebola virus would not be expected to cause lethal disease in its natural reservoir; therefore the presence of IgG antibody would be present. Identifying the species of bats that have been infected will allow researchers to hopefully isolate Ebola virus from bats adding to the evidence that bats are a reservoir species. The knowledge gained may also provide clues to new species of bats yet to be identified as possible natural reservoir(s) as well as expand the known geographical range of known Ebola virus outbreaks. Knowing which species of bats as well as their geographic range may help prevent future Ebola outbreaks by minimizing human-reservoir contact

    From Student to Teacher: Renegotiating Professional Identities

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    This case-study examines how first-year educators renegotiated their teacher identities as they transitioned from pre-service teachers (PSTs) to professionals. Both participants graduated from the same Teacher Education Program (TEP) and conducted their student internship in the same school as their first year of teaching. The results of this study have unique implications on first-year teachers working in the location of their student internships, as they reported isolation, internalized infantilization, and inconsistent identities. The author argues for TEPs to intentionally prepare PSTs for navigating this transition, and challenge preconceived notions of the benefits of student teaching and working in the same K-12 institution


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    Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) is a widely used tool for trace gas sensing and molecular lineshape studies which involves the use of high-finesse optical cavities to provide long effective pathlengths and high spectral resolution. Here, we present a novel implementation of CRDS where the probe laser is phase locked to a self-referenced octave-spanning optical frequency comb referenced to a Cs clock, and in which the optical cavity is subsequently locked to the stabilized probe laser beam. This approach provides an absolute frequency axis and increased coupling efficiency. It allows for frequency steps of arbitrary size to be made, which can be as small as the order of the linewidth of the stabilized probe laser. The optical cavity follows tunable optical sidebands of the probe laser generated with an electro-optic modulator. This allows for up to 40 GHz of tuning in a single spectral scan, with spectral intervals as small as 200 kHz. The optical cavity is locked to the stabilized probe laser by inducing a slight axial dither (20 kHz modulation amplitude in the optical domain) on a piezo-driven cavity mirror. The resulting transmitted probe beam generates an error signal which can be used to center the piezo offset voltage with a low-bandwidth lock. The absolute frequency uncertainty of the locked probe laser is 1 kHz on a timescale of several hours, which is well in excess of the measurement time. We present a variety of measurements that highlight the power of this technique. Line positions and pressure shifting coefficients can be determined with nearly an order of magnitude smaller uncertainty by comparison to those obtained using conventional FS-CRDS measurements. We apply this technique to several H2_2O and CO2_2 transitions in the 1.6 μ\mum wavelength region and report standard uncertainties in line positions as low as 20 kHz

    Spectroscopic line parameters of helium- and hydrogen-broadened 12c16o transitions in the 3–0 band from 6270 cm−1to 6402 cm−1.

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    We present helium- and hydrogen-broadened linewidths, pressure-induced shifts, and collisional narrowing coefficients for selected lines in the P- and R- branch of the second overtone (3–0) band of CO, spanning from 6270 \wn to 6402 \wn. The contribution of speed dependent effects and partial correlation between velocity-changing and dephasing collisions on the foreign broadened line shapes are also discussed. The data were obtained using the frequency-stabilized cavity ringdown spectroscopy technique. Spectra were collected at room temperature over a pressure range from 13.3 kPa to 100 kPa. The spectrum frequency axis is referenced via an optical frequency comb to a Cs clock, which provides pressure shifting values with uncertainties as low as 100 kHz/atm. The spectra exhibited signal-to-noise ratios as high as 20,000:1, which enables rigorous tests of theoretical line profiles through multi-spectrum least squares data analysis. The partially correlated, quadratic-speed-dependent Nelkin Ghatak profile gives a quality of fit mostly commensurate with the high spectrum signal-to-noise and minimizes structural residuals


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    We have developed a portable photoacoustic spectrometer for high precision measurements of the 13^{13}CO2_{2}/12^{12}CO2_{2} isotope ratio and the absolute molar concentration of each isotope. The spectrometer extends on our previous work at 1.57 mumum [1], and now employs two separate intensity modulated distributed feedback lasers and a fiber amplifier, operating in the 2.0 mumum wavelength region. Each DFB is selected to probe individual spectrally isolated ro-vibrational transitions for 12^{12}CO2_{2} and 13^{13}CO2_{2}. The spectrometer is actively temperature controlled, mitigating variations in the two spectral line intensities and the temperature dependent system response. _x000d_ _x000d_ For measurements of ambient concentrations of carbon dioxide at nominally natural abundance in dry air, we demonstrate a measurement precision of 140 ppb for 12^{12}CO2_{2} with a 1 s averaging time and 10 ppb for 13^{13}CO2_{2} with a 60 s averaging time. Precision in deltadelta13C of better than 0.1 permil is demonstrated. The analyzer response is calibrated in terms of certified gas mixtures and compared to characterization by cavity ringdown spectroscopy. We also investigate how water vapor affects the photoacoustic signals by promoting collisional relaxation for each isotope. _x000d_ _x000d_ [1] Z.D. Reed, B. Sperling, et al. App. Phys. B. 117, 645-657, 201


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    Here we present some recent advances in frequency stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy (FS-CRDS) measurements of molecular line intensities of carbon dioxide in the (30012)\leftarrow (00001), the (30013)\leftarrow(00001), and the (30014)\leftarrow(00001) bands near 1.6 μ\mum. These measurements were performed near 296K using a frequency stabilized cavity ringdown spectrometer [1]. Additional independent measurements were performed on a frequency agile rapid scanning (FARS) CRDS [2]. We have compared the line intensities obtained from Hartmann Tran Profile (HTP) fits of the measured spectra to several spectroscopic databases, including UCL (ie, HITRAN2016) [3]. The overall agreement between these results and the ab initio calculations of Zak et al is excellent [3], although some individual transitions show deviations of up to 1\%. The intensities for the (30012)\leftarrow(00001) show average agreement at the 0.1\% level. Preliminary measurements on the (30013)\leftarrow(00001), and the (30014)\leftarrow(00001) bands in this region also show good agreement with the ab initio of Zak et al for the (30013)\leftarrow(00001), but considerably poorer agreement for the (30014)\leftarrow(00001) band. No significant J-dependence is observed for any of the three bands. This work demonstrates significant improvement in experimental determination of important CO2_{2} line intensities in the 1.6 μ\mum region. It also demonstrates that it may be feasible for ab initio theory to provide sufficiently accurate results for global determinations of line intensities in the near future. [1] H. Lin, Z. D. Reed, V. T. Sironneau, and J. T. Hodges, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 161, 11-20 (2015). [2] G. W. Truong, K. O. Douglass, S. E. Maxwell, R. D. van Zee, D. F. Plusquellic, J. T. Hodges, and D. A. Long, Nat. Photonics 7, 532-534 (2013). [3] E. J. Zak, J. Tennyson, O. L. Polyansky, L. Lodi, N. F. Zobov, S. A. Tashkun, and V. I. Perevalov, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 189, 267-280 (2017)


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    The ultimate precision of highly sensitive cavity-enhanced spectroscopic measurements is often limited by interferences (etalons) caused by weak coupled-cavity effects. Differential measurements of ring-down decay constants have previously been demonstrated to largely cancel these effects, but the measurement acquisition rates were relatively low [1,2]. We have previously demonstrated the use of frequency agile rapid scanning cavity ring-down spectroscopy (FARS-CRDS) for acquisition of absorption spectra [3]. Here, the method of rapidly scanned, frequency-agile differential cavity ring-down spectroscopy (FADS-CRDS) is presented for reducing the effect of these interferences and other shot-to-shot statistical variations in measured decay times. To this end, an electro-optic phase modulator (EOM) with a bandwidth of 20 GHz is driven by a microwave source, generating pairs of sidebands on the probe laser. The optical resonator acts as a highly selective optical filter to all laser frequencies except for one tunable sideband. This sideband may be stepped arbitrarily from mode-to-mode of the ring-down cavity, at a rate limited only by the cavity buildup/decay time. The ability to probe any cavity mode across the EOM bandwidth enables a variety of methods for generating differential spectra. The differential mode spacing may be changed, and the effect of this method on suppressing the various coupled-cavity interactions present in the system is discussed. Alternatively, each mode may also be differentially referenced to a single point, providing immunity to temporal variations in the base losses of the cavity while allowing for conventional spectral fitting approaches. Differential measurements of absorption are acquired at 3.3 kHz and a minimum detectable absorption coefficient of 5 x1012^{-12} cm1^{-1} in 1 s averaging time is achieved. \ \ \ 1. J. Courtois, K. Bielska, and J.T Hodges J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 30, 1486-1495, 2013 \ 2. H.F. Huang and K.K. Lehmann App. Optics 49, 1378-1387, 2010 \ 3. G.-W. Truong, K.O. Douglass, S.E. Maxwell, R.D. van Zee, D.F. Plusquellic, J.T. Hodges, and D.A. Long Nature Photonics, 7, 532-534, 201


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    We have measured several carbon monoxide transitions in the (3rightarrowrightarrow0) and (4rightarrowrightarrow1) band using frequency stabilized cavity ringdown spectroscopy (FS-CRDS). The measured transitions are compared to the line strength values in HITRAN 2012 [1], those determined by Wojtewitz et al [2], and to theoretical calculations. The cavity length is actively locked to an iodine stabilized HeNe laser, providing long term frequency stability of 10 kHz and is linked to a self-referenced, octave-spanning frequency comb. The temperature of the optical cavity is actively regulated at the mK level, and the pressure measurements are SI-traceable. The sample is a NIST calibrated reference mixture of 11.98575(95)% CO in N2_{2}. _x000d_ The absorption spectra are modeled using the Hartmann-Tran profile (HTP). The SNR in these spectra may exceed 10,000:1, which necessitates including the effects of speed dependence, collisional narrowing, and correlation between velocity-changing and dephasing collisions. _x000d_ _x000d_ The relative uncertainties of the line strengths calculated in this study are better than 0.1%. There are systematic differences on the 1% level for 12^{12}CO against both HITRAN [1] and the previous work by Wojtewitz et al [2]. The measurement uncertainties are nearly an order of magnitude lower than previous results. Additionally, the relative uncertainties in the integrated areas of selected 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO transitions are less than 0.006% and 0.02%, respectively, providing an excellent test case for determination of isotope ratios by direct use of theoretical line intensity calculations. _x000d_ _x000d_ newlinenewline_x000d_ [1] Wojtewicz, S., et al., J Quant Spect and Rad Trans,2013. 130: p.191-200. newlinenewline_x000d_ [2]Rothman, L.S., et al., Journal of Quant Spect and Rad Trans, 2013. 130: p. 4-50._x000d