1,290 research outputs found

    R2D2 - a symmetric measurement of reactor neutrinos free of systematical errors

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    We discuss a symmetric setup for a reactor neutrino oscillation experiment consisting of two reactors separated by about 1 km, and two symmetrically placed detectors, one close to each reactor. We show that such a configuration allows a determination of sin⁥22Ξ13\sin^22\theta_{13} which is essentially free of systematical errors, if it is possible to separate the contributions of the two reactors in each detector sufficiently. This can be achieved either by considering data when in an alternating way only one reactor is running or by directional sensitivity obtained from the neutron displacement in the detector.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, clarifications added, some numbers in relation with the neutron displacement corrected, version to appear in JHE

    Quality of life after aortic valve repair is similar to Ross patients and superior to mechanical valve replacement: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: In patients after aortic valve surgery, the quality of life is hypothesized to be influenced by the type of the valve procedure. A cross-sectional study on the postoperative quality of life was carried out in patients after aortic valve-sparing surgery (with regards to the age of the patient), Ross procedure and mechanical aortic valve replacement. Methods: Quality of life was studied in 139 patients after aortic valve surgery divided into four study groups (Y - aortic valve-sparing procedure at the age below 50years, mean age 36.2years; O - aortic valve-sparing procedure at the age 50years and over, mean age 59.2years; R - Ross procedure, mean age 37.8years and M - mechanical aortic valve replacement at the age below 50years, mean age 39.2years). SF-36 Short Form and valve-specific questionnaires were mailed to the patients after 6months or later following surgery (median 26.9months). Results: In SF-36, the younger aortic valve repair patients and the Ross patients scored significantly better in 4 of 4 physical subscales and in 2 of 4 mental subscales than the older aortic valve repair and mechanical valve replacement patients. In the valve-specific questionnaire; however, all 3 groups free of anticoagulation (Y, O, and R) displayed greater freedom from negative valve-related concerns. Conclusions: Postoperative quality of life is influenced by the type of aortic valve procedure and is negatively linked with mechanical prosthesis implantation and long-term anticoagulation. Aortic valve-sparing strategy should be considered in cases with suitable valve morphology due to favorable clinical results and beneficial impact on the long-term quality of life

    Antineutrino Geophysics with Liquid Scintillator Detectors

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    Detecting the antineutrinos emitted by the decay of radioactive elements in the mantle and crust could provide a direct measurement of the total abundance of uranium and thorium in the Earth. In calculating the antineutrino flux at specific sites, the local geology of the crust and the background from the world's nuclear power reactors are important considerations. Employing a global crustal map, with type and thickness data, and using recent estimates of the uranium and thorium distribution in the Earth, we calculate the antineutrino event rate for two new neutrino detectors. We show that spectral features allow terrestrial antineutrino events to be identified above reactor antineutrino backgrounds and that the uranium and thorium contributions can be separately determined.Comment: Published paper differs from original submitted preprint because reviewers suggested updated continental crust U/Th abundances. Kamioka geographical location error was in preprint, partially corrected in published version. This version is the same as the published paper, with Kamioka fully corrected. Because of recent interest in this topic, this version is being made available, despite this work being 8 years ol

    Formation of convective cells in the scrape-off layer of the CASTOR tokamak

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    Understanding of the scrape-off layer (SOL) physics in tokamaks requires diagnostics with sufficient temporal and spatial resolution. This contribution describes results of experiments performed in the SOL of the CASTOR tokamak (R=40 cm, a = 6 cm) by means of a ring of 124 Langmuir probes surrounding the whole poloidal cross section. The individual probes measure either the ion saturation current of the floating potential with the spatial resolution up to 3 mm. Experiments are performed in a particular magnetic configuration, characterized by a long parallel connection length in the SOL, L_par ~q2piR. We report on measurements in discharges, where the edge electric field is modified by inserting a biased electrode into the edge plasma. In particular, a complex picture is observed, if the biased electrode is located inside the SOL. The poloidal distribution of the floating potential appears to be strongly non-uniform at biasing. The peaks of potential are observed at particular poloidal angles. This is interpreted as formation of a biased flux tube, which emanates from the electrode along the magnetic field lines and snakes q times around the torus. The resulting electric field in the SOL is 2-dimensional, having the radial as well as the poloidal component. It is demonstrated that the poloidal electric field E_pol convects the edge plasma radially due to the E_pol x B_T drift either inward or outward depending on its sign. The convective particle flux is by two orders of magnitude larger than the fluctuation-induced one and consequently dominates.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Probing Sterile Neutrino Parameters with Double Chooz, Daya Bay and RENO

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    In this work, we present a realistic analysis of the potential of the present-day reactor experiments Double Chooz, Daya Bay and RENO for probing the existence of sterile neutrinos. We present exclusion regions for sterile oscillation parameters for each of these experiments, using simulations with realistic estimates of systematic errors and detector resolutions, and compare the sterile parameter sensitivity regions we obtain with the existing bounds from other reactor experiments. We find that these experimental set-ups give significant bounds on the parameter \Theta_{ee} especially in the low sterile oscillation region 0.01 < \Delta m_{41}^2 < 0.05 eV^2. These bounds can add to our understanding of the sterile neutrino sector since there is still a tension in the allowed regions from different experiments for sterile parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Maximum likelihood analysis of the first KamLAND results

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    A maximum likelihood approach has been used to analize the first results from KamLAND emphasizing the application of this method for low statistics samples. The goodness of fit has been determined exploiting a simple Monte Carlo approach in order to test two different null hytpotheses. It turns out that with the present statistics the neutrino oscillation hypothesis has a significance of about 90% (the best-fit for the oscillation parameters from KamLAND are found to be: ÎŽm122∌7.1×10−5\delta m_{12}^2 \sim 7.1 \times 10^{-5} eV2^2 and sin⁥2Ξ12=0.424/0.576\sin^2 \theta_{12} = 0.424/0.576), while the no-oscillation hypothesis of about 50%. Through the likelihood ratio the hypothesis of no disappearence is rejected at about 99.9% C.L. with the present data from the positron spectrum. A comparison with other analyses is presented.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Status of the PICASSO Project

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    The Picasso project is a dark matter search experiment based on the superheated droplet technique. Preliminary runs performed at the Picasso Lab in Montreal have showed the suitability of this detection technique to the search for weakly interacting cold dark matter particles. In July 2002, a new phase of the project started. A batch of six 1-liter detectors with an active mass of approximately 40g was installed in a gallery of the SNO observatory in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada at a depth of 6,800 feet (2,070m). We give a status report on the new experimental setup, data analysis, and preliminary limits on spin-dependent neutralino interaction cross section.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the TAUP 2003 conference, 5-9 September, 2003, University of Washington, Seattle, US
