141 research outputs found

    Cartography as a tool for interpreting the results of spatial decomposition: new proposals with application to the analysis of employment in Friuli Venezia Giulia

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    Quando si considera l’analisi di fenomeni quantitativi spazialmente distribuiti, come quelli di carattere economico, è necessario adottare strumenti specifici in grado di trattare il problema autocorrelazione spaziale. Negli ultimi dieci anni, grazie alla diffusione di software per l’analisi di dati spaziali, e di strumenti per la visualizzazione grafica dei dati, il numero di studi economici territoriali sta progressivamente crescendo. Nella maggior parte dei casi gli strumenti disponibili consentono una rappresentazione efficiente sia dei dati “grezzi” sia dei risultati finali delle analisi. Questo lavoro mostra invece come la cartografia possa fungere da risultato intermedio, ma fondamentale, nell’analisi shift-share di tipo spaziale. Un’osservazione grafica preliminare del vicinato, condotta considerando un algoritmo basato sulla autocorrelazione spaziale, può essere utile per ottenere non solo risultati significativi, ma anche più facilmente interpretabili. Nel presente articolo saranno dapprima sviluppati alcuni risultati teorici riguardanti la modifica del ben noto metodo di ricerca del vicinato AMOEBA. Successivamente, l’analisi spaziale sarà applicata ai dati sull’occupazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia raccolti nell’Archivio delle Imprese Attive (ASIA) gestito dall’Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT). Sia la cartografia intermedia sia gli algoritmi di scomposizione sono stati sviluppati in R integrando le librerie già disponibili per la visualizzazione dei dati spaziali con uno script sviluppato per l’occasione.In the framework of the analysis of spatially distributed quantitative phenomena, as for instance the economic ones, it is necessary to adopt specific tools able to deal with the spatial autocorrelation issue. In the last decade, thanks to the deployment of software for spatial data analysis and visualization, the number of spatial economic studies progressively increased. In the most of cases the available software allow for efficient data representation. The present work aims at introducing cartography as an intermediate but crucial result in the Spatial Shift Share Analysis. A preliminary graphical analysis of the neighborhood, conducted by considering an algorithm based on the spatial autocorrelation, can be fundamental in order to obtain meaningful and interpretable results. Theoretical results regarding the modification of the well-known AMOEBA neighboring method are developed here and the spatial analysis is applied to the occupation data observed in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Data are collected in the Statistical Business Register, socalled ASIA, administered by the Italian National Statistical Institute (ISTAT). Both the intermediate cartography and the spatial decomposition algorithms are developed in R integrating the available spatial libraries with an ad-hoc script

    Green Economy as a New Pathway to Development (and Cohesion)? Place Evidence Analysis in the North-Eastern Italy: First Findings of an Ongoing Research Project

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    This paper shows the first findings of an ongoing research project on \u201cTerritorial Impact Assessment of the Italian regions territorial cohesion. Place based evidence model for the policy evaluation towards the development of green economy in inner and metropolitan peripheries\u201d, coordinated by Maria Prezioso (Tor Vergata University, Rome) as Principal Investigator. We hereby present the results of the first two years of investigation carried out by the Research Unit number 8, located in Trieste

    ZWT: A new cross-platform graphical interface framework for Java applications

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    The Java Programming Language revolutionized the world of software development in the last decades. Thanks to its portability, Java makes it possible to develop software that can run everywhere, in a truly cross-platform computing environment. Although running the same Java code anywhere works smoothly on major desktop and server platforms, this becomes much more complicated when different devices and platforms, such as smartphones or embedded systems, are taken into account. Furthermore, even if we consider devices that natively support the Java programming language, the same application may not run without re-writing part or the entire source code. This is mainly due to the existence of platform specific libraries for accessing input/output peripherals or system-specific features. In particular, the main limitation is usually associated to the different APIs that must be used for programming the Graphical User Interface (GUIs). In this paper, we present a novel framework that can be used by developers to write Java applications with portable GUIs that are truly platform-independent and thus can run on different systems such as PCs, Workstations, Android devices or mobile phones and embedded systems with Java MicroEdition (Java ME)

    Interprofessional education and competencies : development of an assessment tool for pharmacy practice

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    Interprofessional education (IPE) activities have an impact on the development of healthcare students’ competencies. Best practices for assessing the impact of IPE have not yet been identified. The aim was to design outcome assessment methodologies capable of evaluating IPE on pharmacy competencies development.peer-reviewe

    Point-of-Care testing devices and clinical skills practical sessions : a blended learning approach

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    For academic year 2020-21, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the point-of-care testing devices and clinical skills practical sessions for first year undergraduate pharmacy students were converted to a blended learning approach, combining traditional in-person laboratory practical training with pre-laboratory synchronous remote sessions. The practical sessions consisted of: 1) Three x 2 hours synchronous pre-laboratory sessions for all the class held using Zoom, and 2) Three x 2 hours in-person laboratory sessions for each student held in groups of three students. In-person laboratory sessions covered urinalysis, blood glucose monitoring, blood pressure measurement, lipid profile and obesity measurements and injection techniques.peer-reviewe

    Una modalità di fruizione lenta del paesaggio: il cicloturismo fotografico

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    Quello tra turismo e fotografia costituisce un connubio esistente sin dalla nascita di quest’ultima, o quanto meno da quando gli apparecchi fotografici, grazie all’evoluzione della tecnologia, sono diventati più maneggevoli e facili da trasportare. Anche la relazione tra foto-grafia e paesaggio si perde nella storia o, tornando indietro nel tempo, fino a quando J.N. Niépce, presumibilmente nel 1826, non immortalò dalla sua finestra la vista del panorama circostante. La possibilità di fotografare il mondo accrebbe inoltre l’importanza e la funzione dei nuovi mezzi di locomozione – non solo per poter raggiungere nuovi luoghi da ritrarre “su carta”, ma anche per poter portare con sé l’amato apparec-chio – compresa, ça va sans dire, la bicicletta


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    E-commerce and courier service quality during the pandemic crisis: an Italian case study. In 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic caused many daily activities to be carried out online in Italy due to restrictions on mobility. Consequently, consumers took advantage of the opportunities offered by e-commerce and accelerated a shift in buying habits that had begun several years before. After providing a brief overview of e-commerce in Italy based on European and national data, the paper goes on to examine in depth the case of Friuli Venezia Giulia, where a series of sample surveys were conducted to study the effects of the pandemic on household consumption. These surveys have allowed us not only to understand what motivates people to buy online and ascertain what is purchased, but also to evaluate the quality of courier services. Moreover, the analysis is differentiated both by consumer gender and age