49 research outputs found

    Apparent digestibility and energy value of whole egg powder for broilers.

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    Resumo: Com a necessidade de buscar alimentos alternativos que visam baratear os custos na ração de frangos de corte e reaproveitar os resíduos de incubatório que compreendem material residual do processo de incubação, objetivou-se avaliar a digestibilidade e valor energético do ovo em pó desidratado para frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 300 frangos machos da linhagem COBB, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, composto por dois tratamentos constituídos por cinco repetições, com três animais em cada repetição. O experimento foi composto por um tratamento controle (ração referência) e um tratamento composto por ração referência + 15% de ovo desidratado em pó. Foi utilizado o método de coleta total de excretas para realizar as análises. Nas avaliações foram constatadas 7,010Kcal/kg de energia metabolizável e coeficiente de digestibilidade da proteína bruta e da matéria seca de 86,81% e 72,17%, respectivamente, parâmetros estes que podem ser inclusos em tabelas compiladas de composição de alimentos para a alimentação das aves. Conclui-se que o Ovo em pó integral desidratado pode ser utilizado adequadamente na alimentação de frangos de corte, pois possui alto valor energético e boa digestibilidade, assim seguindo os parâmetros nutricionais descritos. Abstract: In the need to seek alternative feedstuffs that aim to reduce costs in broiler rations and the reuse of hatchery waste, It was aimed in this work to evaluate the digestibility and energetic value of dehydrated egg powder for broiler chicks. Three hundred male COBB broilers were used, the experimental design was completely randomized, consisting of two treatments, consisting of five replicates with three broilers in each replicate. Being, treatment A control, reference. And treatment B control, reference with 15% dehydrated egg powder. To perform the analyzes, the total excreta collection method was used. In the evaluations it was found 7.010Kcal / kg of metabolizable energy and digestibility coefficient of crude protein and dry matter of 86.81% and 72.17%, respectively. This data can be included in feedstuffs compositional nutrition tables for broiler feed. It can be concluded that dehydrated whole egg powder can be properly used in broiler feed because it has high energy value and good digestibility, thus following the nutritional parameters described above. Resumen: Con la necesidad de buscar alimentos alternativos que tengan como objetivo reducir los costos de alimentación de pollos de engorde y reutilizar los residuos de incubación que comprenden material residual del proceso de incubación, el objetivo fue evaluar la digestibilidad y el valor energético del huevo en polvo deshidratado para pollos de engorde. Se utilizaron 300 pollos de engorde COBB machos, distribuidos en un diseño completamente al azar, compuesto por dos tratamientos consistentes en cinco repeticiones, con tres animales en cada repetición. El experimento consistió en un tratamiento de control (dieta de referencia) y un tratamiento que consistía en una dieta de referencia + 15% de huevo en polvo deshidratado. El método de recolección total de excretas se utilizó para realizar los análisis. En las evaluaciones, se encontró que 7.010 Kcal / kg de energía metabolizable y coeficiente de digestibilidad de proteína cruda y materia seca eran 86.81% y 72.17%, respectivamente, siendo posible sua inclusión em tablas de composición de alimentos para aves. Se concluye que el huevo entero en polvo seco puede usarse adecuadamente en la alimentación del pollo de engorde, ya que tiene un alto valor energético y buena digestibilidad, siguiendo así los parámetros nutricionales descritos

    Anonymous vs. Conference Peer Feedback for EAL Writing

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    Based on the interaction theory (Gass; Mackey, 2006; Long, 1996; Polio, 2012), it was hypothesised that the conference peer feedback group outperforming the anonymous peer feedback group in EAL writing. However, descriptive data showed a slight trend favouring the anonymous group, with no statistically significant difference between the two groups. The ANTCONC files allowed the mapping of the most frequent words, collocations and combination of words present in the answers to the open-ended questions in the questionnaires

    Anonymous vs. Conference Peer Feedback for EAL Writing

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    Based on the interaction theory (Gass; Mackey, 2006; Long, 1996; Polio, 2012), it was hypothesised that the conference peer feedback group would outperform the anonymous peer feedback group in EAL writing. However, descriptive data showed a slight trend favouring the anonymous group, with no statistically significant difference between the two groups. The ANTCONC files allowed the mapping of the most frequent words, collocations and combination of words present in the answers to the open-ended questions in the questionnaires

    Anonymous vs. Conference Peer Feedback on writing of English as an Additional Language learners

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    Based on the interaction theory (Gass; Mackey, 2006; Long, 1996; Polio, 2012), this study hypothesised that the conference peer feedback group would outperform the anonymous peer feedback group on EAL writing. However, descriptive data for the variable effectiveness showed a slight trend favouring the anonymous group, with no statistically significant difference between the two groups

    Anonymous vs. Conference Peer Feedback for EAL Writing

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    Based on the interaction theory (Gass; Mackey, 2006; Long, 1996; Polio, 2012), it was hypothesised that the conference peer feedback group outperforming the anonymous peer feedback group in EAL writing. However, descriptive data showed a slight trend favouring the anonymous group, with no statistically significant difference between the two groups. The ANTCONC files allowed the mapping of the most frequent words, collocations and combination of words present in the answers to the open-ended questions in the questionnaires


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    In [11] it is proved that length-minimizing curves in Carnot groups have infinitesimal excess at any point, for a suitable sequence of scales. In this paper we prove some results dealing with the small excess regime. We prove a height-estimate for horizontal curves and an approximation of geodesics with Lipschitz graphs along the direction where excess is small. The setting is that of free Carnot groups

    Anonymous vs. Conference Peer Feedback for EAL Writing

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    Based on the interaction theory (Gass; Mackey, 2006; Long, 1996; Polio, 2012), it was hypothesised that the conference peer feedback group would outperform the anonymous peer feedback group in EAL writing. However, descriptive data showed a slight trend favouring the anonymous group, with no statistically significant difference between the two groups. The ANTCONC files allowed the mapping of the most frequent words, collocations and combination of words present in the answers to the open-ended questions in the questionnaires.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV