943 research outputs found

    Output-Sensitive Tools for Range Searching in Higher Dimensions

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    Let PP be a set of nn points in Rd{\mathbb R}^{d}. A point pāˆˆPp \in P is kk\emph{-shallow} if it lies in a halfspace which contains at most kk points of PP (including pp). We show that if all points of PP are kk-shallow, then PP can be partitioned into Ī˜(n/k)\Theta(n/k) subsets, so that any hyperplane crosses at most O((n/k)1āˆ’1/(dāˆ’1)logā”2/(dāˆ’1)(n/k))O((n/k)^{1-1/(d-1)} \log^{2/(d-1)}(n/k)) subsets. Given such a partition, we can apply the standard construction of a spanning tree with small crossing number within each subset, to obtain a spanning tree for the point set PP, with crossing number O(n1āˆ’1/(dāˆ’1)k1/d(dāˆ’1)logā”2/(dāˆ’1)(n/k))O(n^{1-1/(d-1)}k^{1/d(d-1)} \log^{2/(d-1)}(n/k)). This allows us to extend the construction of Har-Peled and Sharir \cite{hs11} to three and higher dimensions, to obtain, for any set of nn points in Rd{\mathbb R}^{d} (without the shallowness assumption), a spanning tree TT with {\em small relative crossing number}. That is, any hyperplane which contains wā‰¤n/2w \leq n/2 points of PP on one side, crosses O(n1āˆ’1/(dāˆ’1)w1/d(dāˆ’1)logā”2/(dāˆ’1)(n/w))O(n^{1-1/(d-1)}w^{1/d(d-1)} \log^{2/(d-1)}(n/w)) edges of TT. Using a similar mechanism, we also obtain a data structure for halfspace range counting, which uses O(nlogā”logā”n)O(n \log \log n) space (and somewhat higher preprocessing cost), and answers a query in time O(n1āˆ’1/(dāˆ’1)k1/d(dāˆ’1)(logā”(n/k))O(1))O(n^{1-1/(d-1)}k^{1/d(d-1)} (\log (n/k))^{O(1)}), where kk is the output size

    In the Name of Pluralism: Fighting the (Perceived) Ultraorthodox Penetration in the Baka Neighborhood of Jerusalem

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    In Jerusalem the term pluralism recently received an alternative meaningā€”non-Haredi. Conflicts between the ā€œpluralistā€ and the Ultra-Orthodox populations regarding the character of city neighborhoods are quite frequent. The focus of this article is one Jerusalem neighborhoodā€”Bakaā€”and the conflicts that occurred there around this issue in 2009ā€“10. Neighborhood residents interpreted and framed the conflicts as opposition to Ultra-Orthodox penetration, but I argue, relying on ethnographic data analysis of two conflicts, that the main focus was the definition of the public space. As these conflicts involved Ultra-Orthodox and organizations, in the sensitive context of Jerusalem, framing them as anti-Ultra-Orthodox penetration was useful in mobilizing residentsā€™ participation and in gaining wider legitimation and support. More broadly, based on my ethnography, I argue that residents participate in neighborhood affairs due to sentiments of belonging and commitment, thus creating the political format I term ā€œneighborhood citizenshipā€

    Učinki življenjsko-stilskih migracij Judov iz Zahodnih držav na Jeruzalem

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    Lifestyle migration has mainly been studied in the context of rural or coastal tourist destinations, less in cities. This case-study deals with the immigration of Jews from Western countries to Jerusalem, Israelā€™s capital city. These immigrants generally enjoy a high socio-economic status, and are motivated by ideological and religious reasons. Moreover, these immigrants are highly desired by the State in their ā€˜homecomingā€™. The article focuses on Baka, a neighbourhood in Jerusalem, where large communities of English- and French-speaking immigrants reside. This case-study contributes to the understanding of the effects lifestyle migration has on places, particularly gentrification, and expands our understanding of who lifestyle migrants are, what motivates them and how they live in their adopted countries.Življenjsko-stilske migracije so navadno proučevali v podeželskih ali obalnih turističnih destinacijah, manj pa v mestih. Pričujoča Å”tudija proučuje priseljevanje Judov iz Zahodnih držav v Jeruzalem, glavno mesto Izraela. Imigrante z večinoma visokim družbenoekonomskim statusom motivirata ideologija in vera, poleg tega pa so ti migranti ob Ā»prihodu domovĀ« s strani države močno zaželeni. Članek se osredotoča na jeruzalemsko četrt Baka, kjer prebivajo velike skupnosti angleÅ”ko in francosko govorečih migrantov in prispeva k razumevanju učinkov, ki jih ima življenjsko-stilska migracija na kraje, predvsem na gentrifikacijo, Å”iri pa tudi razumevanje o življenjsko-stilskih migrantih, njihovih motivih in načinu življenja v svojih privzetih državah

    City of go(l)d : spatial and cultural effects of high-status Jewish immigration from Western countries on the Baka neighbourhood of Jerusalem

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    Immigration to Israel by Jews from western countries has been growing over recent years. Jerusalem attracts more of these mainly religious immigrants than any other city in Israel. They are a desired population by the State of Israel, and for many reasons can be considered privileged immigrants. The way Diaspora Jews imagine Israel and Jerusalem plays a crucial role in their decision to move there. Many of these lifestyle/homecoming immigrants find their way to Baka, where they can live near other expatriates and enjoy the comforts of the ethnic enclave. The paper deals with the spatial and cultural implications that privileged lifestyle migration has on the space in which it settles. It focuses particularly on the case-study of English- and French-speaking Jewish immigrants who live in Baka and on their effects on the neighbourhoodā€™s gentrification process, its real estate market and issues of consumerism and belonging

    In the name of pluralism : fighting the (perceived) ultraorthodox penetration in the Baka neighborhood of Jerusalem

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    In Jerusalem the term pluralism recently received an alternative meaningā€”non-Haredi. Conflicts between the ā€œpluralistā€ and the Ultra-Orthodox populations regarding the character of city neighborhoods are quite frequent. The focus of this article is one Jerusalem neighborhoodā€”Bakaā€”and the conflicts that occurred there around this issue in 2009ā€“10. Neighborhood residents interpreted and framed the conflicts as opposition to Ultra-Orthodox penetration, but I argue, relying on ethnographic data analysis of two conflicts, that the main focus was the definition of the public space. As these conflicts involved Ultra-Orthodox and organizations, in the sensitive context of Jerusalem, framing them as anti-Ultra-Orthodox penetration was useful in mobilizing residentsā€™ participation and in gaining wider legitimation and support. More broadly, based on my ethnography, I argue that residents participate in neighborhood affairs due to sentiments of belonging and commitment, thus creating the political format I term ā€œneighborhood citizenshipā€

    Plant cells use auxin efflux to explore geometry

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    Cell movement is the central mechanism for animal morphogenesis. Plant cell development rather relies on flexible alignment of cell axis adjusting cellular differentiation to directional cues. As central input, vectorial fields of mechanical stress and gradients of the phytohormone auxin have been discussed. In tissue contexts, mechanical and chemical signals will always act in concert; experimentally it is difficult to dissect their individual roles. We have designed a novel approach, based on cells, where directionality has been eliminated by removal of the cell wall. We impose a new axis using a microfluidic set-up to generate auxin gradients. Rectangular microvessels are integrated orthogonally with the gradient. Cells in these microvessels align their new axis with microvessel geometry before touching the wall. Auxin efflux is necessary for this touch-independent geometry exploration and we suggest a model, where auxin gradients can be used to align cell axis in tissues with minimized mechanical tensions

    Peptic ulcer perforation after cesarean section; case series and literature review

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    BACKGROUND: Peptic ulcer perforation in the early post-cesarean period is rare but may result in maternal mortality. CASE PRESENTATION: Four cases of post-cesarean peptic ulcer perforation are presented. In all four patients, presentations include peritoneal signs such as acute abdominal pain and progressive distention, hemodynamic instability and intraperitoneal free fluid by ultrasound. Laparotomy and repair were done in all 4 cases. There were 2 maternal deaths. We also have reviewed English literature for the similar cases reported from 1940 to March 2019. CONCLUSION: New onset tachycardia, abdominal pain and progressive distension after cesarean section without congruent changes in hemoglobin should raise concerns for intra-abdominal emergencies including perforated peptic ulcer. Early use of ultrasound should be considered to assist in diagnosis. Coordinated care by an obstetrician and a general surgeon is necessary in presence of any unusual postoperative abdominal pain. Early recognition of the disease is imperative to limit the surgical delay and to improve the outcomes


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    O transporte aĆ©reo por helicĆ³ptero Ć© atividade de significativo valor para a economia do paĆ­s. Sua regulaĆ§Ć£o Ć© destinada a garantir a seguranƧa das operaƧƵes, mas o custo de atendimento aos requisitos regulamentares pode inibir seu desenvolvimento. Este trabalho analisa a conciliaĆ§Ć£o dos objetivos de seguranƧa e crescimento do setor, a partir da observaĆ§Ć£o ex-post dos efeitos econĆ“micos advindos da simplificaĆ§Ć£o dos requisitos de certificaĆ§Ć£o de pessoal para operaĆ§Ć£o de helicĆ³pteros, implantados pela emenda 6 do Regulamento Brasileiro de AviaĆ§Ć£o Civil nĀŗ 61. Como resultado, observa-se a reduĆ§Ć£o de 40% nos custos para o mercado, sem efeitos negativos em termos de seguranƧa. Espera-se que as anĆ”lises sugiram mecanismos para uso em AnĆ”lises de Impacto RegulatĆ³rio, equilibrando o peso da intervenĆ§Ć£o estatal na maximizaĆ§Ć£o do bem-estar social
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