36 research outputs found

    EV integration in smart grids through interoperability solutions

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    The high total cost of ownership and the uncertainties surrounding battery reliability are still the main barriers for electric vehicle (EV) market take off in Europe. Storage evolution, leading to both price reduction and performance improvement, is a huge technical challenge in the medium-long term. In the meantime, new business models and market niche developments might play a facilitator role for EV deployment by tackling the economic gap between conventional ICE and electromobility (e-mobility) solutions. Based on the analysis of the state of the art, this paper considers new business model aspects, but with an especial focus on smart grid integration and interoperability. Available solutions for electro-mobility are sketched out and presented according to the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM), giving hints on regulation, business, services, components and communication and information. The smart grid integration of EVs is highly dependent on the interoperability of e-mobility solutions with electric network management procedures. In addition, it is expected that the interoperability between different e-mobility developments results in lower prices and extended services availability for final users. This makes this subject to be of great importance at international level. To achieve this, it is necessary to be able to assess interoperability, not only at the level of physical systems but at all domains, including stakeholder interactions in the frame of a broad diversity of services, business models and regulatory schemes. COTEVOS project aim is to help tackle this challenge.EC FP

    Assessment of ICT-based Architectures for the integration of EVs in smart grids

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    The involvement of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) systems in the evolution of distribution networks towards smart grid approaches is critical. The use of ICTs in the electrical system is already a fact, mainly in transmission but also at energy distribution level. It is expected that this dependency will increase in the future and, among other functionalities, it will help integrate distributed energy resources (DER), including electric vehicles (EVs), into network operation. Both remote communications and automated actions will be a characteristic of smart grids design, permitting higher levels of control and visibility in distribution networks. In general, smart grid features and processes in the fields of distribution automation, advanced metering, DER integration and customer empowering will condition the availability of services. DER system involvement in network operation processes is one of the main tools for flexibility enhancement in smart grids and the principal scope of this study. The services that could most suitably be provided by EVs to the network have been analysed through use case descriptions, involving: frequency regulation, load balancing, voltage regulation/reactive power provision, peak shaving, load profile flattening and renewable energy system (RES) integration. As result of the study, general ICT system requirements, including a network architecture, are proposed for the provision of advanced network services by EVs and other demand resources in smart grid environments.EC FP

    Lucha médico-social contra las cardiopatías reumáticas

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    La frecuencía creciente de las afecciones cardiovasculares en estos últimos años, es un hecho concreto que constatan las estadísticas de todos los países civilizados del mundo. Publicaciones cada voz más numerosas destacan la gravedad da este problema, haciendo notar todas ellas, sin excepción, la forma alarmante en que han crecido los índices de morbimortalidad. La estadística moderna llevada al terreno de los problemas médico-sociales por los norteamericanos, ha permitido a los investigadores de ese país constatar que en 1900 el índice de mortalidad por cardiopatías era 132 por cada 100.000 habitantes y desde 1920 las cifras progresan.Tesis digitalizada en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Economic Impact of Distribution Grid Operation Scenarios for the Integration of Electric Vehicles

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    The paper lists the drivers and the barriers for a widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), describes the different stakeholders involved in the electro-mobility ecosystem and summarises the main issues for the integration of EVs in distribution grids. Then, it presents some outcomes of the PlanGridEV Project, including the proposed new grid planning criteria, the envisaged future scenarios for EV integration, the expected services to be provided by EVs to distribution system operators and the ICT requirements linked to those services.Electric Vehicles (EVs) will become an important part of the transport system in Europe and can thus create a number of benefits in term of oil dependence reduction, air quality improvement and trade balance enhancement. However, they can also become a burden for distribution system operator (DSOs) if they charge in an uncontrolled way. In addition, the increasing deployment of renewable energy sources (RES) and other distributed energy resources (DER) are making the distribution grid planning more complicated than in the past, when consumers were considered to be passive elements and grid was dimensioned to meet peak demand. PlanGridEV project proposes new planning procedures, which take into account the possibility to manage consumers’ electricity demand, including the charging process of EVs, both to better integrate DER and to more efficiently plan the investments in the distribution grid. The planning rules will be validated by carrying out four test beds, which will serve as an input for assessing the economic performance of four scenarios, representing four theoretical alternatives for distribution grid planning. Different services that EVs can provide to DSOs and other actors in the e-mobility ecosystem will be analysed in each scenario. Then, a grid planning tool will be developed to help DSOs consider EVs and demand and other demand response (DR) capabilities when planning distribution grid extension.European Commission's FP

    Economic assessment of strategies to deploy publicly accessible charging infrastructure

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    From the end user perspective, the main barriers for widespread electric vehicle (EV) adoption are high purchase cost and range anxiety, both regarding battery capacity and availability of accessible EV charging infrastructure. Governments and public bodies in general are taking steps towards overcoming these barriers by, among others, setting up regulatory requirements regarding standardisation, customer information and recommending objectives of publicly accessible charging infrastructure. However, the economic performance of publicly accessible charging infrastructure is unknown and any deployment plan should be backed up by a rigorous cost-benefit analysis, to check the efficiency of the plan in economic terms. This paper presents the results of the economic assessment performed within the FP7 EU-funded Green eMotion project, where relevant conclusions for helping industry strategic approach and decision makers have been taken.European Commission's FP

    Hydrological dataset of a sub-humid continental plain basin (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    The Chaco-Pampean Plain (Argentina) is the strongest economic region and the most inhabited in the country, comprising approximately 66% of the country's population (26,500 million). In this region, surface slopes are very low (<0.1%) and due to the current climatological features, floods and droughts alternate over time. Salinity and alkalinity of water and soil increase towards the flattest sector of the basin, as well as the contents of arsenic and fluoride, which restrict their human use. Worldwide, population growth and global warming, in addition to political decisions, are leading to abrupt land use changes. Under this premise, identifying and quantifying the hydrological processes that control water quantity and its chemical quality become an imperative task. This data article provides a long-term hydrological dataset from a sector of the Chaco-Pampean Plain, the Del Azul creek basin. Hydrological data such as flow rates and piezometric levels, and physical–chemical (i.e., major and minor solutes, and trace elements) and isotopic (δ18O, δ2H; and d-excess) data from rainwater, surface (creek and wetland) and groundwater (at two depths) are available. Rainwater samples are derived from three precipitation collectors installed at different altitudes (monitoring period: 2010–2019; n = 57). Surface water samples were collected at three sampling sites located along the Del Azul Creek and six wetlands (monitoring period: 2018–2019; n = 12). Groundwater samples were collected from 17 piezometers with depths ranging between 3 and 10 m, and from 12 piezometers of 30 m depth, all located throughout the entire basin (monitoring period: 2018–2019; n = 115). Sampling campaigns were performed during the austral dry (summer) and wet (spring) seasons. This dataset provides useful information to understand a) how water moves from recharge to discharge areas, b) how water acquires salinity, and c) how particular solutes of concern, such as arsenic and fluoride, are distributed in space and time across in an extensive plain.Fil: Zabala, Maria Emilia. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff". - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff". - Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff"; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez Murillo, Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica; Costa RicaFil: Dietrich, Sebastián. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff". - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff". - Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff"; ArgentinaFil: Gorocito, Martin. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff"; ArgentinaFil: Vives, Luis Sebastián. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff"; ArgentinaFil: Manzano, Marisol. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Departamento de Ingeniería Minera y Civil; EspañaFil: Varni, Marcelo Raúl. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff"; Argentin

    Memory and resistance in the stories of the copla of the Calchaquí Valley (Salta, Argentina) Conceptions about nature

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    La etnografía en sociedades no occidentales ha puesto en tensión la concepción naturaleza-cultura, y esto le ha quitado el carácter de universalidad. En el marco de esta discusión, en este trabajo nos proponemos explorar los matices que adquiere esta relación a partir de los relatos de la copla, un tipo de narrativa que da cuenta de las maneras de significar y representar el mundo para quienes las producen y reproducen. A los fines de nuestro objetivo trabajamos a partir de un conjunto de coplas procedentes de la zona norte del Valle Calchaquí, específicamente en el departamento de Cachi (Salta) y de entrevistas semiestructuradas, obtenidas en trabajos de campo, así como de recopilaciones bibliográficas. En algunos casos, personificada, la naturaleza aparece dotada de cualidades de sujeto en la interacción con los humanos. Interpretamos estas características en asociación con las formas de ver el mundo de los pueblos indígenas que habitaron la región y que ha quedado plasmada en el registro de las piedras huanca.Ethnography in non-Western societies has put a strain on the nature-culture conception, taking away its universal character. Within the framework of this discussion, here we propose to explore the nuances that this relationship acquires from the coplas, a type of narrative that accounts for the ways of signifying and representing the world for those who produce and reproduce them. For our purposes we work on a set of coplas from the northern zone of the Calchaquí Valley, specifically in the department of Cachi (Salta) and from semi-structured interviews, obtained in field work, as well as from bibliographical compilations. In some cases nature appears personified, endowed with the qualities of a subject in her interaction with humans. We interpret these characteristics in association with the forms of representation of the indigenous peoples that inhabited the region and which have been represented in the huanca stones.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    La copla: un aporte al debate naturaleza / cultura

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    Una revisión del desarrollo del pensamiento occidental nos permite advertir la importancia de la visión dualista del mundo, en donde lo humano se impone por sobre la naturaleza. No obstante, la etnografía en sociedades no-occidentales ha puesto en tensión esta concepción, quitándole su carácter de universalidad. En el marco de esta discusión, en este trabajo nos proponemos explorar la relación naturaleza/cultura en el relato plasmado en la copla. De acuerdo a nuestras observaciones, la misma se presenta como un terreno posible a partir del cual identificar otras maneras de significar y representar el mundo. A los fines de nuestro objetivo trabajamos a partir de un conjunto de coplas procedentes de la zona norte del Valle Calchaquí, específicamente en el departamento de Cachi (Salta), las que fueron obtenidas a través de nuestros trabajos de campo, así como de recopilaciones bibliográficas. Las primeras observaciones en torno a esta forma de composición popular dan cuenta de un relato donde se representan elementos de la vida cotidiana, en el que la referencia a la naturaleza -y sobre todo a la tierraocupa un lugar central, en algunos casos personificada.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Reverse smokers?s and changes in oral mucosa : Department of Sucre, Colombia

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    Objectives: This work is intended to establish the prevalence of reverse smokers at the villages of Hato Nuevo, San Francisco and Cayo de Palma, Department of Sucre, Colombia, characterizing their socio-culture conditions, clinical and histological changes in the oral mucosa. Design of study: A descriptive study was done through a home to home inquiry to select the people with inclusion criteria for a posterior clinical test and a biopsy of the affected oral mucosa. Results and conclusions: Reverse smokers?s prevalence was from the 15%, mainly women (p<0.001) with an age average of 59.3 years. The lesions were classified clinically in mild, moderate and severe changes. Tongue moderate lesions presented the higher frequency (80%), followed by severe lesions on palate (74%). Oral cancer prevalence was 10.8% in the San Francisco village and 18.2% in Cayo de Palma village, no new cases were reported in Hato Nuevo village. This was the highest prevalence reported in comparison with other studies with similar population. The clinical and histological findings agree with the reported in literature, no relation was found between the degree of clinical severity and the dysplasia itself. Cases of oral submucous fibrosis-like lesions were found, which had never been reported in Latin America. Further studies are required in order to decrease the morbidity for this habit and to identify other related risk factors

    Aplicación del desarrollo guiado por pruebas como una práctica de la ingeniería de software.

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    El diseño de aplicaciones móviles es considerado como una de las prioridades tecnológicas en el mundo moderno. Estas se encaminan a satisfacer la demanda de los usuarios para garantizar eficiencia y productividad empresarial mediante la automatización de sus procesos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar una aplicación web móvil para el registro de lectura de los medidores del consumo de agua y cobros por servicios prestados. Para su desarrollo se utilizó la metodología ágil, en particular Scrum, que permitió ejecutar las tareas de manera eficaz con participación activa del cliente; se aplicó el Desarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas para la realización de pruebas unitarias en las tareas de programación y pruebas de aceptación para validar funcionalidades. Como principal resultado se obtuvo el diseño y ejecución de una aplicación web/ móvil que cumple con el objetivo previsto y que superó las primeras pruebas de calidad y funcionamiento, estando pendiente en un segundo momento su implementación a escala funcional. La Metodología Scrum y el Desarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas TDD, constituyen herramientas de invaluable valor en el diseño y elaboración de aplicaciones web para ser implementadas en el sector empresarial.The design of mobile applications is considered one of the technological priorities in the modern world. These are aimed at satisfying the demand of users to ensure efficiency and business productivity through the automation of their processes. The objective of this research was to develop a mobile web application for the reading of water consumption meters and charges for services rendered. For its development, the agile methodology was used, , the Scrum method, which allowed executing the tasks efficiently with active participation of the client; Test-Driven Development was applied to perform unit tests in programming tasks and acceptance tests to validate functionalities. The main result was the design and execution of a web application that meets the target and exceeded the first quality and performance tests, pending implementation at a functional scale. The Scrum method and Test Driven Development are tools of invaluable value in the design and development of web applications to be implemented in the business sector