25 research outputs found
Avaliacao do desempenho reprodutivo e estabelecimento da estacao de monta de equinos em regime de monta natural a campo no Pantanal.
O cavalo Pantaneiro caracteriza-se pela sua rusticidade e adaptacao as condicoes ecologicas do Pantanal, fruto de selecao natural por mais de dois seculos. Como animal de trabalho, constitui fator de importancia economica e social auxiliando nas producao pecuaria, alem de contribuir para a fixacao do homem na regiao. A partir de 1900, cruzamentos indiscriminados com outras racas, alem da disseminacao de enfermidades, como o "mal-de-cadeiras" (tripanosomose) e mais recentemente a anemia infecciosa equina (AIE), contribuiram para a diminuicao do seu efetivo. A AIE, enfermidade endemica para a regiao, apresenta incidencia media de 42,7% (SILVA, et al. 1995), sendo considerada, atualmente o principal fator limitante para a expansao da criacao de equino no Pantanal. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho reprodutivo do plantel, submetido ao metodo de acasalamento direcionado a campo e estabelecer a epoca mais adequada para a estacao de monta de equinos no Pantanal Mato-Grossense.bitstream/item/79384/1/COT15.pd
Expressão dos filamentos intermediários no diagnóstico dos tumores mamários de cadelas
Immunohistochemical evaluation was performed to study the histogenesis of canine mammary tumors and to contribute to a better understanding of their classification. Monoclonal antibodies specific for different types of intermediate filaments (cytokeratins, vimentin, α-actin) were used. Epithelial cells stained positively for cytokeratins and their expression was lost as the malignant transformation occurs. Myoepithelial cells stained positively for vimentin and α-actin. In contrast to vimentin, α-actin lost the expression as the cartilaginous or osseous metaplasia occurs. Immunohistochemical evaluation with monoclonal antibodies proved to be efficient for identification of tumor histogenesis
Land use effects on the ecohydrology in headwater areas of the Jaguari river basin.
The headwaters of the Jaguari river basin are strategically important to the water resources in the largest reservoir system of the São Paulo state, called ?Cantareira?, which has recently suffered the largest water crisis in its history. Investigation at small watershed scales is a valuable tool to understand land-water interactions and their associated hvdrological processes. Our research approach included evaluations of streamwater uality and quantity, aquatic biota, overland flow, solls, land use, and land management As part of the region is under a conservation program of payment for environmental services (PES),we also examine the efficiency of this public policy. In addition, our study could help guide the agricultural management of rural properties. We detected that water quality drastically decreased downstream in the main channels of the basin and that the reforestation has improved some water quality parameters over time. Moreover, using macroinvertebrates as bioindicators we observed a trend of stream aquatic biota recovery at a catchment under the PES program comparing with a quasi-pristine stream and another stream under impacts from careless agriculture practices. Besides this, some preliminary results demonstrate aneed to regulate the use of pesticides at some agricultural areas; also considering the potential of sediment and water transfer from the steep slopes to the stream, improved management for farm soil and water conservation is needed urgently in this partof the basin. Such management together with PESprograms can help to maintain the sustainability of the water resources of the ?Cantareira? under increased rainfall variability
Effects of irrigation on the seasonal abundance of Empoasca vitis in north-italian vineyards.
The effect of irrigation on the abundance of Empoasca vitis (Go\ua8 the) populations was
investigated in four vineyards located in northeastern Italy. In two experiments, we compared
leafhopper population densities in plots irrigated (micro-spray irrigation system) or nonirrigated. In
another experiment, we studied the effect of various irrigation systems on E. vitis populations over
two successive seasons. In particular,
eve treatments were compared: control (not irrigated), traditional
drip system, three types of subirrigation varying in distance from the row (40, 135, and 95 cm).
In this vineyard, stem water potential was monitored with a pressure chamber. E. vitis population
densities were affected by irrigation, with higher densities of this pest recorded on irrigated vines.
Highest E. vitis densities were detected in drip irrigation plots compared with nonirrigated plots where
water stress was highest. Moderate water stress (subirrigation plots) was associated with intermediate
leafhopper densities. Implications for integrated pest management are discussed
Isotonia e soluzioni tampone
Il testo offre una visione completa ed esauriente delle metodologie utilizzate nelle formulazioni farmaceutiche e dei calcoli matematici necessari alla loro preparazione. L'approccio semplice ma approfondito con cui sono affrontati i vari argomenti, insieme alla grande quantit\ue0 di esercizi con cui mettere in pratica i concetti affrontati, lo rendono il testo ideale da associare allo studio delle tecnologie farmaceutiche oltre che per chi desidera specializzarsi in preparazioni galeniche e in farmacia ospedaliera. Ogni capitolo riporta le informazioni fondamentali necessarie per poter procedere nella preparazione farmaceutica trattata insieme alle informazioni di supporto che spiegano lo scopo, farmaceutico o clinico, che portano a scegliere quel particolare preparato. Sono presenti numerosi problemi ed esercizi riguardanti la pratica farmaceutica. Una selezione di etichette di prodotti attualmente in commercio, con relativi esercizi, aiuta ancor maggiormente a capire come mettere in pratica gli argomenti trattati. I riferimenti alla farmacopea, alle ricette elettroniche, ai principi attivi e al regolamento sull'allestimento e preparazione di prodotti farmaceutici completano questa guida alle differenti preparazioni farmaceutiche
Consensus for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of canine mammary tumors
The purpose of this paper is to establish criteria that could guide the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of canine mammary neoplasias. It was elaborated during the Mammary Pathology Meeting: Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment of the Canine Mammary Neoplasm, held on November 6 th and 7 th, 2010 in Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil, sponsored by the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology - UFMG, with the support of the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Pathology (ABPV) and Brazilian Association of Veterinary Oncology (ABROVET). Academics from several regions of Brazil were present and contributed to this work
The maspin expression in canine mammary tumors: an immunohistochemical and molecular study A expressão do maspin nos tumores mamários caninos: um estudo imuno-histoquÃmico e molecular
The serpin maspin, a tumor suppressor in breast cancer was described as an inhibitor of cell migration and inducer of cell adhesion between the basement membrane and extracellular matrix resulting in inhibition of tumor metastasis. In contrast, overexpression of maspin is correlated with poor prognosis in other types of cancer. Little is known about expression, regulation and function of maspin in canine mammary tumors. It was demonstrated in this study, a loss of maspin expression in malignant canine mammary cells compared with a pool of normal canine mammary tissue, analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR; weak maspin expression in malignant canine mammary tumors were observed by immunohistochemistry. It was also demonstrated that a correlation with nuclear maspin expression and a good prognosis. It is suggested that maspin could be used as a prognostic marker in canine mammary neoplasia.<br>O serpin maspin, um supressor tumoral no câncer de mama foi descrito como inibidor de migração celular e indutor de adesão celular entre a membrana basal e a matriz extracelular resultando na inibição da metástase tumoral. Por outro lado, a alta expressão do maspin está relacionada com um mau prognóstico em outros tipos de câncer. Pouco se sabe sobre a expressão, regulação e função do maspin nos tumores mamários caninos. Neste estudo, foi demonstrada uma perda da expressão de maspin nas células mamárias malignas de cães quando comparadas com um pool de tecido mamário normal de cães, analisado por PCR quantitativa em tempo real. Houve uma expressão fraca maspin em preparações de tumores mamários malignos observadas por imuno-histoquÃmica. Também foi verificado que a expressão nuclear do maspin em tumores mamários caninos está relacionada a um bom prognóstico. Assim, o maspin pode ser utilizado como um marcador prognóstico nas neoplasias mamárias em cães
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology
The purpose of this paper is to establish criteria that could guide the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of canine mammary neoplasias. It was elaborated during the Mammary Pathology Meeting: Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment of the Canine Mammary Neoplasm, held on November 6th and 7th, 2010 in Belo Horizonte – MG, Brazil, sponsored by the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology – UFMG, with the support of the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Pathology (ABPV) and Brazilian Association of Veterinary Oncology (ABROVET). Academics from several regions of Brazil were present and contributed to this work