92 research outputs found

    Decision making and risk management in adventure sports coaching

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    Adventure sport coaches practice in environments that are dynamic and high in risk, both perceived and actual. The inherent risks associated with these activities, individuals’ responses and the optimal exploitation of both combine to make the processes of risk management more complex and hazardous than the traditional sports where risk management is focused almost exclusively on minimization. Pivotal to this process is the adventure sports coaches’ ability to make effective judgments regarding levels of risk, potential benefits and possible consequences. The exact nature of this decision making process should form the basis of coaching practice and coach education in this complex and dynamic field. This positional paper examines decision making by the adventure sports coach in these complex, challenging environments and seeks to stimulate debate whilst offering a basis for future research into this topic

    The Use of Flight Progress Strips While Working Live Traffic: Frequencies, Importance, and Perceived Benefits

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    The Federal Aviation Administration's effort to automate air traffic control (ATC) requires that the functionality provided today be captured in future systems. We report the first quantitative naturalistic observation of paper flight progress strip interactions during operational use. Strip use was similar in a variety of situations, but some uses varied as a function of altitude, staffing, or the cooperative style used by controller teams. Design of automation should proceed by prioritizing changes based on frequency of use and importance and should ensure that an effective method of interacting with flight information is incorporated. In addition to applied relevance to the ATC domain, the results touch on several theoretical concerns relevant to dynamic environments. Actual and potential applications of this research include the establishment of a database of strip activity and an arsenal of information valuable to system designers.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    The quality of options in strategic decision making: a study about creativity and completeness in business decision making

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    A qualidade das decisões estratégicas dos empresários está diretamente relacionada à capacidade que eles demonstram para encontrar alternativas criativas quando enfrentam os problemas de suas empresas. Essas alternativas podem ser geradas intuitivamente, utilizando heurísticas. As pesquisas sobre geração de alternativas têm indicado consistentemente que as pessoas não são eficientes nessa atividade. As explicações para esse fato, contidas na literatura sobre decisão, não são conclusivas e permitem especulações a respeito. Para explorar essa questão e relacioná-la ao administrador brasileiro, foi idealizado um experimento com 174 alunos de quatro cursos de MBA para avaliar a originalidade e a completude das alternativas. O experimento e a respectiva análise basearam-se na confluência da pesquisa experimental, oriunda da psicologia cognitiva da decisão, com as visões da ciência da decisão organizacional tradicional e o novo campo de estudo das decisões intuitivas ou naturalísticas. Para mensurar a criatividade das alternativas apresentadas durante o experimento, empregou-se o conceito de árvore hierárquica, que demonstrou ser uma poderosa ferramenta para a tipologia de alternativas. O resultado desse experimento confirmou o baixo desempenho em geração de alternativas dos gerentes e, ao mesmo tempo, indicou que, provavelmente, a etapa de geração de alternativas isolada da etapa de escolha pode melhorar a qualidade das alternativas. A heurística, por sua vez, não demonstrou influenciar o conjunto de alternativas geradas. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The quality of strategic decisions of executives is directly related to the ability they have to find creative alternatives when facing business problems. These alternatives could be generated intuitively, using heuristics. On the other hand, the researches on alternatives generation have consistently indicated that people are not efficient on this duty. The argument for that, contained in the decision’s literature, is not conclusive and it allows speculation about it. To explore this issue and relate it to the Brazilian Administration, an experiment was designed for 174 students of four courses of MBA. The experiment and the analysis were resulted from the confluence between the experimental research from decision cognitive psychology with science’s vision of the traditional organizational decision and the new field of study on naturalistic or intuitive decisions. To measure the creativity of the alternatives presented during the experiment, the concept of hierarchical tree was utilized and it has proved a powerful tool to the typology of alternatives. The result of this experiment confirmed the poor performance in alternatives generation by managers and at the same time, indicated that probably, the generation of options isolated of analysis can produce better quality of alternatives. The heuristic, do not demonstrated any influence on options generated

    An Accident Waiting to Happen

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