3,778 research outputs found

    The transition temperature of the dilute interacting Bose gas for NN internal degrees of freedom

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    We calculate explicitly the variation δTc\delta T_c of the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature TcT_c induced by weak repulsive two-body interactions to leading order in the interaction strength. As shown earlier by general arguments, δTc/Tc\delta T_c/T_c is linear in the dimensionless product an1/3an^{1/3} to leading order, where nn is the density and aa the scattering length. This result is non-perturbative, and a direct perturbative calculation of the amplitude is impossible due to infrared divergences familiar from the study of the superfluid helium lambda transition. Therefore we introduce here another standard expansion scheme, generalizing the initial model which depends on one complex field to one depending on NN real fields, and calculating the temperature shift at leading order for large NN. The result is explicit and finite. The reliability of the result depends on the relevance of the large NN expansion to the situation N=2, which can in principle be checked by systematic higher order calculations. The large NN result agrees remarkably well with recent numerical simulations.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    A renormalized large-n solution of the U(n) x U(n) linear sigma model in the broken symmetry phase

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    Dyson-Schwinger equations for the U(n) x U(n) symmetric matrix sigma model reformulated with two auxiliary fields in a background breaking the symmetry to U(n) are studied in the so-called bare vertex approximation. A large n solution is constructed under the supplementary assumption so that the scalar components are much heavier than the pseudoscalars. The renormalizability of the solution is investigated by explicit construction of the counterterms.Comment: RevTeX4, 14 pages, 2 figures. Version published in Phys. Rev.

    Condensation temperature of interacting Bose gases with and without disorder

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    The momentum-shell renormalization group (RG) is used to study the condensation of interacting Bose gases without and with disorder. First of all, for the homogeneous disorder-free Bose gas the interaction-induced shifts in the critical temperature and chemical potential are determined up to second order in the scattering length. The approach does not make use of dimensional reduction and is thus independent of previous derivations. Secondly, the RG is used together with the replica method to study the interacting Bose gas with delta-correlated disorder. The flow equations are derived and found to reduce, in the high-temperature limit, to the RG equations of the classical Landau-Ginzburg model with random-exchange defects. The random fixed point is used to calculate the condensation temperature under the combined influence of particle interactions and disorder.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Nonperturbative Functional Renormalization Group for Random Field Models. III: Superfield formalism and ground-state dominance

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    We reformulate the nonperturbative functional renormalization group for the random field Ising model in a superfield formalism, extending the supersymmetric description of the critical behavior of the system first proposed by Parisi and Sourlas [Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 744 (1979)]. We show that the two crucial ingredients for this extension are the introduction of a weighting factor, which accounts for ground-state dominance when multiple metastable states are present, and of multiple copies of the original system, which allows one to access the full functional dependence of the cumulants of the renormalized disorder and to describe rare events. We then derive exact renormalization group equations for the flow of the renormalized cumulants associated with the effective average action.Comment: 28 page

    Disorder-induced metal-insulator transitions in three-dimensional topological insulators and superconductors

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    We discuss the effects of disorder in time-reversal invariant topological insulators and superconductors in three spatial dimensions. For three-dimensional topological insulator in symplectic (AII) symmetry class, the phase diagram in the presence of disorder and a mass term, which drives a transition between trivial and topological insulator phases, is computed numerically by the transfer matrix method. The numerics is supplemented by a field theory analysis (the large-NfN_f expansion where NfN_f is the number of valleys or Dirac cones), from which we obtain the correlation length exponent, and several anomalous dimensions at a non-trivial critical point separating a metallic phase and a Dirac semi-metal. A similar field theory approach is developed for disorder-driven transitions in symmetry class AIII, CI, and DIII. For these three symmetry classes, where topological superconductors are characterized by integer topological invariant, a complementary description is given in terms of the non-linear sigma model supplemented with a topological term which is a three-dimensional analogue of the Pruisken term in the integer quantum Hall effect.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Superfluidity and magnetism in multicomponent ultracold fermions

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    We study the interplay between superfluidity and magnetism in a multicomponent gas of ultracold fermions. Ward-Takahashi identities constrain possible mean-field states describing order parameters for both pairing and magnetization. The structure of global phase diagrams arises from competition among these states as functions of anisotropies in chemical potential, density, or interactions. They exhibit first and second order phase transition as well as multicritical points, metastability regions, and phase separation. We comment on experimental signatures in ultracold atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Seiberg-Witten maps and noncommutative Yang-Mills theories for arbitrary gauge groups

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    Seiberg-Witten maps and a recently proposed construction of noncommutative Yang-Mills theories (with matter fields) for arbitrary gauge groups are reformulated so that their existence to all orders is manifest. The ambiguities of the construction which originate from the freedom in the Seiberg-Witten map are discussed with regard to the question whether they can lead to inequivalent models, i.e., models not related by field redefinitions.Comment: 12 pages; references added, minor misprints correcte

    Background gauge invariance in the antifield formalism for theories with open gauge algebras

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    We show that any BRST invariant quantum action with open or closed gauge algebra has a corresponding local background gauge invariance. If the BRST symmetry is anomalous, but the anomaly can be removed in the antifield formalism, then the effective action possesses a local background gauge invariance. The presence of antifields (BRST sources) is necessary. As an example we analyze chiral W3W_3 gravity.Comment: 17pp., Latex, mispelling in my name! corrected, no other change

    Emergent Photons and New Transitions in the O(3) Sigma Model with Hedgehog Suppression

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    We study the effect of hedgehog suppression in the O(3) sigma model in D=2+1. We show via Monte Carlo simulations that the sigma model can be disordered while effectively forbidding these point topological defects. The resulting paramagnetic state has gauge charged matter with half-integer spin (spinons) and also an emergent gauge field (photons), whose existence is explicitly demonstrated. Hence, this is an explicit realization of fractionalization in a model with global SU(2) symmetry. The zero temperature ordering transition from this phase is found to be continuous but distinct from the regular Heisenberg ordering transition. We propose that these phases and this phase transition are captured by the {\it noncompact} CP1CP^1 model, which contains a pair of bosonic fields coupled to a noncompact U(1) gauge field. Direct simulation of the transition in this model yields critical exponents that support this claim. The easy-plane limit of this model also displays a continuous zero temperature ordering transition, which has the remarkable property of being self-dual. The presence of emergent gauge charge and hence Coulomb interactions is evidenced by the presence of a finite temperature Kosterlitz-Thouless transition associated with the thermal ionization of the gauge charged spinons. Generalization to higher dimensions and the effects of nonzero hedgehog fugacity are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Phase boundaries in fig7 corrected, reference added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Temperature driven structural phase transition for trapped ions and its experimental detection

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    A Wigner crystal formed with trapped ion can undergo structural phase transition, which is determined only by the mechanical conditions on a classical level. Instead of this classical result, we show that through consideration of quantum and thermal fluctuation, a structural phase transition can be solely driven by change of the system's temperature. We determine a finite-temperature phase diagram for trapped ions using the renormalization group method and the path integral formalism, and propose an experimental scheme to observe the predicted temperature-driven structural phase transition, which is well within the reach of the current ion trap technology.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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