725 research outputs found


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    В статье рассматривается такое специфическое явление для музыканта-исполнителя как сценическое волнение. Выдающиеся музыканты предлагают способы преодоления избыточного сценического волненияIn the current article we are reviewing a stage distress, which is a specific for performers. Prominent performers describe various customs on how to overcome excessive stage agitatio

    Personality and individuality: their place in the art of interpretation

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    The article raises the problem of determining the concepts of personality and individuality and their expression in the creative work of performing musicians. The authors analyze thoughts and opinions of outstanding performers, teachers and composers about these concepts and come to the conclusion that personality traits acquired by a musician during his or her lifetime, their life experience, and spiritual development are the source of individuality in the artist’s workВ статье ставится задача определения двух понятий «личность» и «индивидуальность» и их проявления в творчестве музыкантов-исполнителей. Авторы анализируют мысли и высказывания выдающихся исполнителей, педагогов и композиторов, связанные с этими понятиями и делают вывод, что качества личности, приобретенные музыкантом в процессе жизни, его жизненный опыт, духовный уровень являются источником индивидуальности в его творчеств

    The problems of creating a pop-jazz band of Sverdlovsk regional musical aesthetic pedagogical college and Russian State Professional Pedagogical University: a mixed-age performing ensembel

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    This article discusses the problems of creation and development of a performing ensemble (a youth jazz band). The article analyzes the issue of different ages of the project participants and describes a variety of teaching methods used for various ages in the same creative group. The article reveals the many professional challenges that the band director faces. The author concludes that the success situation in the mixed-age jazz band of SOMAPK and RSVPU has undoubtedly been achieved through the fulfillment of psychological, pedagogical and professional (i.e. performing) tasksВ статье рассмотрены проблемы создания и развития творческого исполнительского коллектива (детско-юношеского джаз-оркестра). Проанализированы различные возрастные категории участников проекта и раскрыты различные педагогические способы воздействия на них в рамках одного творческого коллектива. В статье раскрываются многие профессиональные задачи, стоящие перед художественным руководителем творческого коллектива. Автор приходит к выводу, что ситуация успеха в объединенном джаз-оркестре СОМЭПК и РГППУ была без сомнения создана посредством решения психолого-педагогических и профессиональных (т.е. исполнительских) зада

    Early Cambrian Appalachian Archaeocyaths: Further Age Constraints from the Fauna of New Jersey and Virginia, U.S.A.

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    New data allow us to correlate the Early Cambrian archaeocyathan faunas of the Appalachian (eastern)and Cordilleran (western) faunal provinces of Laurentia. The precise relationships of fossil assemblages between these provinces have hitherto been controversial, with the correlation of the Elliptocephala asaphoides Fauna posing particular problems. New and revised data (including the new taxa Sekwicyathus tillmani nov. sp. Debrenne & A. Zhuravlev and Archaeosycon balsami nov. sp. Debrenne & A. Zhuravlev on archaeocyathan assemblages from the Appalachians New Jersey and Virginia allow correlation of these assemblages to the middle Bonnia-Olenellus Zone of the Pacific Laurentia (Late Botoman) and the Elliptocephala asaphoides Fauna with the middle-upper Bonnia-Olenellus Zone (Late Botoman-Early Toyonian). The Appalachian archaeocyathan assemblages are not endemic but originated from archaeocyaths of the Pacific Region in or near the Middle Botoman; then, during the Middle Botoman-Late Botoman, they migrated northward along the Appalachian margin of Laurentia (in term of modern coordinates). We discuss here the development and the extent of influence of the Hawke Bay regressive event, and the pattern of archaeocyathan migration as the Appalachian margin of Laurentia drifted northward into equatorial latitudes

    Palaeomagnetism of the Bayan Gol formation, western Mongolia

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    Oriented samples of the Lower Cambrian Bayan Gol Formation from Salaany Gol, Mongolia, were collected at roughly 5 m stratigraphic intervals for palaeomagnetic analysis. Progressive alternating-field and thermal demagnetization isolated two magnetic components: a present-field overprint, typically removed by 10 mT fields and ~200°C heating; and a high-coercivity, high-unblocking-temperature (550–600 °C), predominantly single-polarity component that was imparted to the rocks prior to early or middle Palaeozoic deformation. Single-polarity magnetization at Salaany Gol contrasts with results from Lower Cambrian rocks on the Siberian platform, previously considered correlative with the Bayan Gol Formation, which show a prominent change in polarity bias near the top of the Tommotian Stage. Two hypotheses can explain this discrepancy. First, the entire Bayan Gol Formation may correlate with the predominantly reversely polarized, lower half of the Tommotian Stage in Siberia. This model is consistent with plausible interpretations of δ^(13)C profiles for the Zavkhan basin and the Siberian platform. Alternatively, the characteristic magnetic direction from our samples may be a pre-fold overprint. If post-accretionary, then comparison with Siberian palaeomagnetic results suggest a Silurian–Devonian remagnetization age, and existing bioand chemostratigraphic correlations provide the most reliable spatial and temporal links between the Zavkhan basin and the Siberian platform. If the observed magnetic directions are primary or an immediate overprint then they may be used to constrain the early Cambrian palaeogeography of the Zavkhan basin and the Palaeo-Pacific Ocean. Mean inclination of 62 ± 4° corresponds to a palaeolatitude of 44 ± 5°, several thousand kilometres from the equatorial Siberian craton

    Extra Spin-Wave mode in Quantum Hall systems. Beyond the Skyrmion Limit

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    We report on the observation of a new spin mode in a quantum Hall system in the vicinity of odd electron filling factors under experimental conditions excluding the possibility of Skyrmion excitations. The new mode having presumably zero energy at odd filling factors emerges at small deviations from odd filling factors and couples to the spin-exciton. The existence of an extra spin mode assumes a nontrivial magnetic order at partial fillings of Landau levels surrounding quantum Hall ferromagnets other then the Skyrmion crystal.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure