18 research outputs found

    Avicin D: A Protein Reactive Plant Isoprenoid Dephosphorylates Stat 3 by Regulating Both Kinase and Phosphatase Activities

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    Avicins, a class of electrophilic triterpenoids with pro-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, have been shown to induce redox-dependant post-translational modification of cysteine residues to regulate protein function. Based on (a) the cross-talk that occurs between redox and phosphorylation processes, and (b) the role of Stat3 in the process of apoptosis and carcinogenesis, we chose to study the effects of avicins on the processes of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in Stat3. Avicins dephosphorylate Stat3 in a variety of human tumor cell lines, leading to a decrease in the transcriptional activity of Stat3. The expression of Stat3-regulated proteins such as c-myc, cyclin D1, Bcl2, survivin and VEGF were reduced in response to avicin treatment. Underlying avicin-induced dephosphorylation of Stat3 was dephosphorylation of JAKs, as well as activation of protein phosphatase-1. Downregulation of both Stat3 activity and expression of Stat 3-controlled pro-survival proteins, contributes to the induction of apoptosis in avicin treated tumor cells. Based on the role of Stat3 in inflammation and wounding, and the in vivo inhibition of VEGF by avicins in a mouse skin carcinogenesis model, it is likely that avicin-induced inhibition of Stat3 activity results in the suppression of the pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant stromal environment of tumors. Activation of PP-1, which also acts as a cellular economizer, combined with the redox regulation by avicins, can aid in redirecting metabolism from growth promoting anabolic to energy sparing pathways

    Tumor marker protein for cancer risk assessment

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    This invention relates to the isolation, identification and sequencing of a cancer associated protein, preparation of hybridization probes therefrom, preparation of antibodies thereto, and methods of cancer risk assessment and diagnosis.Board of Regents, University of Texas Syste

    An assessment of quality of the surgical curriculum in Pomeranian Medical University in years 2015-2017

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    The objective of this study was assessment of quality of the surgical curriculum in Pomeranian Medical University in years 2015-2017. Material and methods. A questionnaire-survey has been conducted in a group of 100 of Polish students from the Medical Faculty just before the final test-exam in subject surgery. Main topics of the questionnaire items concerned students’ opinion on the expected usefulness of acquired surgical knowledge for future medical practice, acquired manual skills, range of knowledge learned in particular academic years and on understanding the term “skill/competency-oriented teaching” surgery. Results. Knowledge from general and oncologic surgery was scored by students the highest as potentially most useful for future medical practice. Learning manual skills (mostly put stiches on a pig trotter) was considered the most valuable portion of surgical curriculum. Acquiring of manual skills was also believed as the closest of meaning the term “skill/competency-oriented teaching” surgery. Sixth (last) year of studying was considered the most effective in acquiring surgical knowledge. Most responders considered time assigned for teaching surgery in the university curriculum adequate, but not optimally employed. A critical discussion of the results was done in a light of the results of earlier studies and the literature. Conclusions. Outcomes of this study showed the students’ expectations in teaching surgery in the medical university curriculum and what was a grade of its performance. Awareness of this may have effect on modification of the curriculum and methods of undergraduate teaching surgery

    Nucleocytoplasmic Release of Repetitive DNA Transcripts in Carcinogenesis Correlates With a 60 Kilodalton Cytoplasmic Protein

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    Treatment of rats with the hepatocarcinogen 3′-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene (3′-MeDAB) causes the appearance in the liver cytosol of a 60 kilodalton oncofetal protein. The appearance of this factor occurs within 40 h of treatment and coincides with the increase in the amount of rapidly labeled RNA released from nuclei in a reconstituted cell-free system. Cross-over experiments show that this increase is due to an enhanced transport capacity of the cytosol. The 60 kilodalton RNA transport factor is also present in the cytosol of tumor cells. Addition of the 60 kilodalton factor to normal liver cytosol causes the transport of repetitive RNA sequences similar to those transported from liver nuclei to tumor cell cytosol and those transported to the tumor cell cytoplasm in vivo. This factor modifies nuclear RNA restriction, at least in part, by eliciting the transport of repetitive RNA normally retained within the nucleus of the normal cell

    Ocena jakości nauczania chirurgii w Pomorskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym w latach 2015-2017

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    Celem pracy była ocena jakości kształcenia w dziedzinie chirurgii w Pomorskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym w latach 2015–2017. Materiał i metody: Ankietę przeprowadzono w grupie 100 polskich studentów VI roku Wydziału Lekarskiego, przed końcowym egzaminem testowym z chirurgii. Tematyka pytań dotyczyła opinii na określone zagadnienia w kontekście ich potencjalnej przydatności dla przyszłej praktyki lekarskiej, uzyskanych umiejętności manualnych, wiedzy zdobywanej na poszczególnych latach studiów oraz tzw. upraktycznienia kształcenia chirurgii. Wyniki: Za najbardziej przydatną dla przyszłej pracy studenci ocenili wiedzę z chirurgii ogólnej i onkologicznej. Za najbardziej wartościowy element prowadzenia zajęć – naukę umiejętności manualnych, z których najczęściej wykonywali szycie na modelu świńskiej nogi. Ten aspekt był także uważany jako najbliższy pojęciu „upraktycznienia” nauczania chirurgii. Najwięcej wiedzy chirurgicznej studenci przyswoili sobie na ostatnim roku studiów, a większość z nich uważała, że czas przeznaczony na nauczanie chirurgii jest adekwatny do zakresu przekazywanej wiedzy, ale jego wykorzystanie nie jest optymalne. Przeprowadzono krytyczną analizę uzyskanych wyników w odniesieniu do wcześniejszych badań i piśmiennictwa. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, jakie są oczekiwania studentów w zakresie nauczania chirurgii w trakcie studiów medycznych, a także jaki jest stopień ich realizacji. Wiedza ta może przyczynić się do modyfikacji programu i metod nauczania chirurgii na studiach medycznych