298 research outputs found

    Redes telemáticas: educación a distancia y educación cooperativa

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    Se plantea en este articulo el concepto de Educación a Distancia así como sus ventajas dentro de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Los cambios producidos en la transmisión de la información y el nacimiento de la Telemática que se define como métodos, técnicas y herramientas de la Informática aplicados. Se presentan algunos conceptos y técnicas relacionadas con la telemática. Como modalidades de comunicación: la comunicación directa y estructurada por ordenador, el correo electrónico, la teleconferencia informática así como el acceso a bases de datos. Se señalan también los soportes de algunos tipos de redes como la mensajería, las redes locales, Bolletin Board System, la evolución de las redes teleinformáticas, Videotexto (Ibertex)

    Ciencia compartida y métodos emergentes de investigación / Shared science and emerging research methods

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    Internet and World Wide Web were designed as research resources. It has been diverted society that this use was planned. Many aspects of our daily life, of which no less important are the media, have changed dramatically in the last twenty years. In a just act of reciprocity, it would be nice that science and research from obtaining advantage of these changes to its aims and procedures. In this paper we apply this thinking to science as a shared activity and emerging forms of research

    Gestión del aprendizaje en Educación Superior y web social

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    This work originates in a proposal for features and quality indicators, published as "Quality assessment in social learning environments" (Zapata-Ros, 2011) on the integration of learning management systems and social web environments in the Higher Education. The work proposes the validation of the indicators and the need for a framework for a pedagogical model and an instructional design

    Gestión del aprendizaje y web social en la Educación Superior en línea / Learning management and social web in Higher Education online

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    This work can be understood as a response to the widespread use of the social web as a means of communication and a framework of respect and coexistence between students and teachers. As a result, this text emphasizes the need for a framework of a pedagogical model and an instructional design that integrate the social web. This paper also raises the need for an analysis of the necessary conditions for the validation of that model. Finally through a system based on experience, a series of responses to the failure of political institutions that consider modalities of integration is suggested, as well as their impact. The paper provides the processed results and the conclusions drawn from research on the preferences of the early adopters of social web included in the learning management through instructional design practices. The final purpose is to offer the university teaching community proposals, recommendations, models and the state-of-the-art in terms of teaching and development in the practice of innovative teacher

    Presentación Experiencias y tendencias en affordances de campus virtuales universitarios

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    The fact that Learning Management Systems (LMS) were born in 1995 and became widely used in 2011 is commonly accepted with little variation. However, as we have often mentioned, LMS’ have seldom been treated in their theoretical and functional aspects from just an instructional or interdisciplinary point of view. The centre of the analysis has usually been based on technological aspects, but not even those cases deal with technological affordances from an educational perspective. Neither issues related to teaching, learning or methodologies for evaluation are dealt, nor issues related to other variables of instructional design. Computer magazines often make only references to generic issues and do not include references to social web environments or their integration either. There is, thus, a key question at present –that of the methodological innovation implied by LMS, but not always enforced. This lack of treatment coincides with the lack of reference to social web, which makes sense because of its being a novelty and because of the caution with which it is being observed. It also coincides with the fact that LMS have become environments where conventional educational management activity takes place, instead of actual educational activity. The moment has come then, to carry out a methodological revision and to accept the fact that LMS have become the new learning environments for Higher Education thanks to the pedagogic potential of the social web: the social learning management systems. This monographic issue offers the chance to consider and analyse two elements, among others, closely related to learning and teaching in Higher Education: the integration of the social web, and the analysis of new educational affordances.Comúnmente se acepta que, con una ligera variación, los entornos de gestión del aprendizaje nacieron en 1995 y se generalizaron en 2011. Sin embargo, como hemos visto en distintas ocasiones su tratamiento teórico y funcional raras veces se ha producido desde un punto de vista exclusivamente instruccional o interdisciplinar. Frecuentemente el eje del análisis se ha basado en aspectos exclusivamente tecnológicos. Pero incluso en estos casos no se abordan las affordances tecnológicas desde un enfoque educativo. Así no se tratan en general cuestiones de metodología docente, aprendizajes o evaluación, ni con relación a otras variables del diseño educativo, como condicionantes con propiedad del diseño tecnológico. No es frecuente encontrar en revistas de computación referencias que vayan más allá de cuestiones genéricas. Tampoco abordan la aparición de entornos de web social ni su integración. Hay pues una cuestión de importancia clave en esos momentos: la innovación metodológica que llevan asociados los campus virtuales y que no siempre se ha producido. Coincide esto con la ausencia de toda referencia a la web social, lo cual es lógico por la novedad y las reservas con que se acepta, y con el hecho de que los LMS se han transformado de forma generalizada en entornos de gestión de la actividad convencional que se realiza alrededor de la educación más que de propia educación. Es el momento pues de realizar una revisión metodológica y aceptar el hecho de que los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, merced a las potencialidades pedagógicas que encierra la web social, se están constituyendo en unos nuevos entornos de aprendizaje en la Educación Superior (ES): En los entornos sociales de gestión del aprendizaje. En este número monográfico ofrecemos pues la posibilidad de considerar y analizar dos elementos, entre otros, en lo que pueden ser los nuevos entornos en los que produzca el aprendizaje y la enseñanza en la Educación Superior: La integración de la web social y el análisis de las nuevas affordances educativa

    Questionnaire “ Quality Assesment for Full Teaching Training Programmes Through Open and Distance Learning Strategies”.Methodology and indicators descripción of use

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    Este cuestionario está pensado inicialmente para formar parte de un plan de recogida de datos en un trabajo de investigación para determinar valores estándares en un sistema de indicadores de evaluación de la calidad, con referencia a un plano de programas completos de formación abiertos y a distancia. También está pensado para describir mediante la evaluación de la calidad la situación, con referencia a esta modalidad de formación, en un sistema completo o cualquiera de las dimensiones que en el propio cuestionario y en esta nota se consideranThis questionnaire is meant as part of a scheduled data gathering for a research that aims at determining standard values in a system of metrics for quality assessment, related to a set of full open and distance training programmes. The questionnaire is also meant to describe the situation, through quality assessment, in reference to this learning modality, of a complete system or in any of the dimensions that are considered either in the questionnaire itself or in this not


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    This monograph is presented as a response to an indisputable fact: The use of the social web as a means of communication and a framework of relationship and coexistence between students and teachers. We want to point out the need for a framework of pedagogical model and instructional design for the use of the social web.We also raise the need for an analysis of the necessary conditions for the validation of their uses.Finally, we propose to disseminate the analyses based on particular experiences, given the insufficiency of institutional policies that contemplate integration modalities and their consequences.We see necessary and accept proposals for indicators on quality in social learning environments. As results processed and conclusions obtained from research and experiences.On the other hand, we are accustomed to a literature that emphasizes the possibilities of intelligent education, and of big data combined with response algorithms to create unique and unprecedented opportunities for academic organizations. Opportunities that promise training with higher standards and innovative approaches.This issue tries to see what theoretical approaches, practices and experiences are present and available about(1) learning and teaching strategies: intelligent pedagogy,(2) highly technological and singular services based on environments of this type, both for local students, on campus, and for remote students, online,(3) innovative smart classroom configurations with easy local / remote student interaction with teachers and centers. And also for local / remote collaboration between students,(4) design and development of multimedia-enriched content based on the Web, with interactive presentations, videoconferences, questionnaires and interactive web-based tests that allow instant and intelligent knowledge evaluation(5) other affordances and managed environments with technology and intelligent response software.In this monograph we want to accommodate the results of research projects and ongoing experiences.We will also give space to works that aim to create a taxonomy of intelligent university education and identify its main characteristics and components.Pierre Lévy and Miguel Zapata-Ro

    Patrones de Pensamiento Computacional y corpus lingüísticos: el aprendizaje de lenguas con datos lingüísticos

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    The language of pedagogic patterns is not only a vehicle for communication between individuals with different degrees of expertise but also a vehicle for interdisciplinary collaboration. In this paper, we use pedagogic patterns, pattern language and computational thinking in language learning. Language corpora are large databases of language that document native speakers’ real use of language while engaged in different communication events. In this paper, we seek to motivate and design a pedagogic pattern for the use of Data-driven-Learning (DDL) activities in the context of language teaching and inductive learning with language corpora. By accessing these resources, learners may tap into the type of knowledge and understanding of language uses that only L1 speakers have. The proposed pedagogic pattern facilitates the acquisition and dissemination of good practices that can serve as a reference for new applications. The storing and processing of these pedagogic patterns allows professionals and experts in teaching and instructional design to build well documented databases that can be of use in future pedagogic applications

    Docencia universitaria en la Sociedad del Conocimiento

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    Resumen.- En este trabajo se analiza la web social como contexto de trabajo para la investigación científica y los rasgos metodológicos que confieren estos entornos al trabajo de los investigadores. Se hace una propuesta de los conceptos y características de e-Ciencia, Ciencia 2.0 y ciencia compartida. Se analizan y definen los Entornos Virtuales de Investigación Científica (VREs) en función de su desarrollo histórico desde los primitivos entornos basados en la mensajería y el gopher hasta la web social. Profundizando en los rasgos que confiere la web social a los VREs, en función de la naturaleza compartida de la ciencia y de la investigación. Se hace especial énfasis en el apoyo a la edición científica digital, sobre todo en la fase de revisión por pares y se hace una propuesta de revisión a través de las redes sociales. En este punto se recogen algunos de los reparos más frecuentes presentados, sobre todo en áreas experimentales y de la coincidencia de métodos y objetivos con la revisión en Ciencias Sociales, en la que adquiere especial importancia la Investigación Formativa. Finalmente se pone de relieve, en este sentido, la necesidad de contar con la información viva de la investigación que hay más allá de lo publicado y que está en "la nube". Y se concluye señalando la necesidad de que las agencias e instituciones de investigación contemplen en la financiación y en los proyectos, además del apoyo a la edición abierta, las infraestructuras de VREs y de edición digital en entornos y con estándares de comunicación con la web social. Palabras clave.-Web social, e-Ciencia, Ciencia 2.0 y ciencia compartida, Entornos Virtuales de Investigación Científica, VREs, Investigación Formativa, edición científica digital, revisión por pares, computación en nube Abstract.- In this paper, the social web as a work context for scientific research and the methodological features accrued to researchers by those work contexts are analyzed. Asociated concepts to e-Science, Science 2.0 and Shared Science and their characteristics are proposed. Virtual Research Environments (VREs) are defined and analyzed taking into account their historical development since the first primitive environments based on messaging service and gopher, up to the current ones that use social web tools and services, focusing on the features accrued to VREs by the social web as regards the shared nature of science and research. Special emphasis on support to digital scientific edition is made -mainly on peer review-and a proposal for revision through social networks is made. On this point, some of the most frequent objections -mainly on experimental areas-are mentioned. The coincidence of methods and objectives between these environments and those of the revisions in Social Sciences in which Formative Research has more relevance are also analyzed. Furthermore, in this sense the meaning, importance and possibility of having live information from a research beyond what is published and that is on the cloud stand out. Finally, the paper concludes with the need for suppport from agencies and research institutions to open edition as well as toVREs infrastructure and digital edition in environments with standards for communication in the social network as regards funding and projects

    Gestión del aprendizaje y web social en la Educación Superior en línea / Learning management and social web in Higher Education online

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    This work can be understood as a response to the widespread use of the social web as a means of communication and a framework of respect and coexistence between students and teachers. As a result, this text emphasizes the need for a framework of a pedagogical model and an instructional design that integrate the social web. This paper also raises the need for an analysis of the necessary conditions for the validation of that model. Finally through a system based on experience, a series of responses to the failure of political institutions that consider modalities of integration is suggested, as well as their impact. The paper provides the processed results and the conclusions drawn from research on the preferences of the early adopters of social web included in the learning management through instructional design practices. The final purpose is to offer the university teaching community proposals, recommendations, models and the state-of-the-art in terms of teaching and development in the practice of innovative teacher