1,199 research outputs found
Métodos multivariados aplicados ao melhoramento genético do feijoeiro visando ao aumento da tolerância ao estresse osmótico e biofortificação de grãos
O feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) é uma cultura agrÃcola muito importante economicamente e nutricionalmente para a população brasileira e necessita de metodologias simples e eficazes que auxiliem o processo de melhoramento genético. As técnicas empregadas devem minimizar os efeitos indesejáveis da multicolinearidade entre as caracterÃsticas estudadas durante o processo de seleção. A produção de sementes de feijão, normalmente, é limitada pela escassez hÃdrica e solos salinos. No entanto, devido a grande variabilidade genética, caracterÃstica da espécie, é possÃvel encontrar materiais genéticos mais tolerantes a esses estresses osmóticos. A germinação e o desenvolvimento inicial da plântula são fases crÃticas e desta maneira é importante selecionar os matérias genéticos mais tolerantes nestas fases. Além de selecionar genótipos tolerantes é necessário selecionar materiais genéticos que sejam ricos nutricionalmente, principalmente, em relação à composição mineralógica. Os principais objetivos almejados com este trabalho foram reduzir a multicolinearidade e selecionar genótipos para a tolerância ao estresse osmótico e a biofortificação dos grãos do feijoeiro, com base nos valores genéticos. Desta maneira, foram utilizadas duas técnicas para reduzir a influência da multicolinearidade: o descarte de variáveis redundantes pelas variáveis canônicas, e o uso das análises de fatores para reduzir o número de variáveis. As variáveis analisadas foram: porcentagem de germinação e de plântulas normais, tempo médio de germinação, Ãndice de velocidade de germinação, comprimentos de raiz e de hipocótilo, massas seca de raiz e da parte aérea, razão raiz/parte aérea e o produto da porcentagem de plântulas normais pelo comprimento das plântulas. Avaliou-se também a composição mineralógica dos grãos em relação à concentração de cálcio, ferro, zinco, potássio, magnésio, manganês e fósforo. Adicionalmente, para estimar os parâmetros e os valores genéticos realizou-se análise via modelos mistos, utilizando-se a técnica de REML/BLUP. Os genótipos foram selecionados com base da média genética, estabilidade e adaptabilidade, utilizando-se a técnica da média harmônica da performance relativa dos valores genéticos. Os genótipos que apresentaram as maiores tolerâncias, adaptabilidade e estabilidade quanto aos estresses osmóticos foram: CNFC 15466, CNFC 15462, CNFC 15630, BRS Valente, Capixaba Precoce, CNFP 15290, CNFP 15292 e CNFP 15302. Enquanto os genótipos mais ricos e divergentes geneticamente do grupo comercial carioca foram: CNFC 15475 e CNFC 15625, e do grupo comercial preto foram: CNFP 15310 e CNFP 15304. Conclui-se que a utilização de técnicas multivariadas facilita a seleção de genótipos promissores como parentais na formação de linhagens tolerantes ao estresse osmótico e biofortificados.
Palavras-chave: feijoeiro comum; seleção de genótipos; estresse hÃdrico e salino; multicolinearidade; composição mineral
Quark propagator in a covariant gauge
Using mean--field improved gauge field configurations, we compare the results
obtained for the quark propagator from Wilson fermions and Overlap fermions on
a \3 lattice at a spacing of fm.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, talk given by F.D.R. Bonnet at LHP 2001 workshop,
Cairns, Australi
Smart Material Implication Using Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Tunnel Junctions for Logic-in-Memory Computing
Smart material implication (SIMPLY) logic has been recently proposed for the design of energy-efficient Logic-in-Memory (LIM) architectures based on non-volatile resistive memory devices. The SIMPLY logic is enabled by adding a comparator to the conventional IMPLY scheme. This allows performing a preliminary READ operation and hence the SET operation only in the case it is actually required. This work explores the SIMPLY logic scheme using nanoscale spin-transfer torque magnetic tunnel junction (STT-MTJ) devices. The performance of the STT-MTJ based SIMPLY architecture is analyzed by varying the load resistor and applied voltages to implement both READ and SET operations, while also investigating the effect of temperature on circuit operation. Obtained results show an existing tradeoff between error rate and energy consumption, which can be effectively managed by properly setting the values of load resistor and applied voltages. In addition, our analysis proves that tracking the temperature dependence of the MTJ properties through a proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT) reference voltage at the input of the comparator is beneficial to mitigate the reliability degradation under temperature variations
SPh functionalized bridging-vinyliminium diiron and diruthenium complexes
The SPh functionalized vinyliminium complexes [Fe2{μ-η1:η3-Cγ(R′)Cβ(SPh)CαN(Me)(R)}(μ-CO)(CO)(Cp)2][SO3CF3] [R = Xyl, R′ = Me, 2a; R = Me, R′ = Me, 2b; R = 4-C6H4OMe, R′ = Me, 2c; R = Xyl, R′ = CH2OH, 2d; R = Me, R′ = CH2OH, 2e; Xyl = 2,6-Me2C6H3] are generated in high yields by treatment of the corresponding vinyliminium complexes [Fe2{μ-η1:η3-Cγ(R′)Cβ(H)CαN(Me)(R)}(μ-CO)(CO)(Cp)2][SO3CF3] (1a–e) with NaH in the presence of PhSSPh. Likewise, the diruthenium complex [Ru2{μ-η1:η3-Cγ(Me)Cβ(SPh)CαN(Me)(Xyl)}(μ-CO)(CO)(Cp)2][SO3CF3] (2f) was obtained from the corresponding vinyliminium complex [Ru2{μ-η1:η3-Cγ(Me)Cβ(H)CαN(Me)(Xyl)}(μ-CO)(CO)(Cp)2] (1f). The synthesis of 2c is accompanied by the formation, in comparable amounts, of the aminocarbyne complex [Fe2{μ-CN(Me)(4-C6H4OMe)}(SPh)(μ-CO)(CO)(Cp)2] (3). The molecular structures of 2d, 2e and 3 have been determined by X-ray diffraction studies
The electric dipole moment of the neutron from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
We compute the electric dipole moment d_n of the neutron from a fully
dynamical simulation of lattice QCD with 2+1 flavors of clover fermions and
nonvanishing theta term. The latter is rotated into the pseudoscalar density in
the fermionic action using the axial anomaly. To make the action real, the
vacuum angle theta is taken to be purely imaginary. The physical value of d_n
is obtained by analytic continuation. We find d_n = -3.8(2)(9) x 10^{-16}
[theta e cm], which, when combined with the experimental limit on d_n, leads to
the upper bound theta < 7.6 x 10^{-11}.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, matches PRL published versio
Hyperon Form Factors from N_f=2+1 QCD
We present results from the QCDSF/UKQCD collaboration for the electromagnetic
and semi-leptonic form factors for the hyperons. The simulations are performed
on our new ensembles generated with 2+1 flavours of dynamical O(a)-improved
Wilson fermions. A unique feature of these configurations is that the quark
masses are tuned so that the singlet quark mass is held fixed at its physical
value. We use 5 such choices of the individual quark masses on 24^3x48 lattices
with a lattice spacing of about 0.078 fm.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Talk presented at The XXVIII
International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Villasimius, Italy, 14-19
June 201
The adaptation of lipid profile of human fibroblasts to alginate 2D films and 3D printed scaffolds
Background: The investigation of the interactions between cells and active materials is pivotal in the emerging 3D printing-biomaterial application fields. Here, lipidomics has been used to explore the early impact of alginate (ALG) hydrogel architecture (2D films or 3D printed scaffolds) and the type of gelling agent (CaCl2 or FeCl3) on the lipid profile of human fibroblasts. Methods: 2D and 3D ALG scaffolds were prepared and characterized in terms of water content, swelling, mechanical resistance and morphology before human fibroblast seeding (8 days). Using a liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole-tandem mass spectrometry approach, selected ceramides (CER), lysophosphatidylcholines (LPC), lysophosphatidic acids (LPA) and free fatty acids (FFA) were analyzed. Results: The results showed a clear alteration in the CER expression profile depending of both the geometry and the gelling agent used to prepare the hydrogels. As for LPCs, the main parameter affecting their distribution is the scaffold architecture with a significant decrease in the relative expression levels of the species with higher chain length (C20 to C22) for 3D scaffolds compared to 2D films. In the case of FFAs and LPAs only slight differences were observed as a function of scaffold geometry or gelling agent. Conclusions: Variations in the cell membrane lipid profile were observed for 3D cell cultures compared to 2D and these data are consistent with activation processes occurring through the mutual interactions between fibroblasts and ALG support. These unknown physiologically relevant changes add insights into the discussion about the relationship between biomaterial and the variations of cell biological functions
Strange form factors of the nucleon in a two-component model
The strange form factors of the nucleon are studied in a two-component model
consisting of a three-quark intrinsic structure surrounded by a meson cloud. A
comparison with the available experimental world data from the SAMPLE, PVA4,
HAPPEX and G0 collaborations shows a good overall agreement. The strange
magnetic moment is found to be positive, 0.315 nm.Comment: 11 pages, 2 tables, 5 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys.
G. Revised version, new figures, extra table, new results, updated reference
Hadron Properties with FLIC Fermions
The Fat-Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action provides a new form of
nonperturbative O(a)-improvement in lattice fermion actions offering near
continuum results at finite lattice spacing. It provides computationally
inexpensive access to the light quark mass regime of QCD where chiral
nonanalytic behaviour associated with Goldstone bosons is revealed. The
motivation and formulation of FLIC fermions, its excellent scaling properties
and its low-lying hadron mass phenomenology are presented.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables. Contribution to lecure notes in 2nd
Cairns Topical Workshop on Lattice Hadron Physics 2003 (LHP 2003), Cairns,
Australia, 22-30 Jul 200
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