1,357 research outputs found

    Organizzare il processo conoscitivo nell’indagine archeologica: riflessioni metodologiche ed esperimenti digitali

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    The excavation conducted since 2002 by the Department of Archaeology of Siena University in the s.c. Byzantine District near the Pythion shrine in Gortyn (Crete) gave the opportunity to develop some methodological reflections about the documentation of the cognitive process performed during archaeological excavations. From this point of view, GIS represents the end-point of an archaeological documentation system that links finds to their physical dimension and spatial position. But GIS appears to be at a hard point when it comes to recording the other side of archaeological information, linked with non-material evidence, functional and non-spatial relationships. This is the kind of information that emerges from the interaction between the clues and finds system and the reading/understanding ability of the team that does the fieldwork. This kind of interaction finds a better form of expression in a “narrative” language (multi-vocal excavation report and video recording). At the same time the opportunity of using a wiki as a platform for a web-based reconstruction of the team’s “mind map” was experimented. With this kind of system every piece of information can find its “place” for archiving, discussing and publishing

    Pubblicare uno scavo all’epoca di YouTube: comunicazione archeologica, narratività e video

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    Methodological reflection on communication in archaeology greatly developed over the past fifteen years. It is now widely accepted that video-narrative medium has a larger potential compared with other media commonly used up to now. The archaeological video can be divided into some different categories - documentary, video update, docudrama - each of them potentially destined to a variety of audiences when the movie is inserted into a narrative framework. By its nature, the archaeological site of Vignale, where the relative poverty of the remains on the ground sharply contrasts with the richness of the 'stories' the site itself can narrate, is an ideal place to test the docudrama-model video. Initially intended to be just an instrument for communicating with and involving local population in the archaeological project as a whole, the video-narrative proved to be a powerful tool in stimulating the research group itself towards a more thoughtful and 'multivocal' recording of the fieldwork done. The output of the project was the making of a brief 'series' of videos, with the general title of 'The Excavation and its Stories. They were initially used as an educational support for younger students in archaeology, but later obtained a wider audience through the web

    Evidências de validade da escala de comportamentos do transtorno do espectro autista

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    Aún se necesitan instrumentos de cribado para detectar los síntomas del trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) en el contexto escolar. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo construir la Escala de Comportamiento del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (EC-TEA) según los criterios del Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM-V). La escala consta de 31 ítems, divididos en comunicación; interacciones sociales; conductas restrictivas, repetitivas y rituales; y otros indicadores. La validez de contenido incluyó a cinco jueces expertos y la muestra piloto con 29 niños de entre 6 y 12 años de edad. Los resultados demostraron ser adecuados, todos los ítems alcanzaron tasas de acuerdo superiores al 80% y el Kappa de 0,84. Los análisis estadísticos exploratorios mostraron un alfa de Cronbach igual a 0,78, valores de sensibilidad que oscilan entre el 86% y el 93% y una especificidad del 34% al 100%. EC-TEA se aplica rápidamente, utiliza al profesor como informante y contribuye a la evaluación psicológica.Screening instruments to detect symptoms of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the school setting are still needed. The study aimed to develop the Autistic Spectrum Disorder Behavior Scale (ASD-BS) according to the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – DSM-V. The scale consists of 31 items, divided into communication; social interactions; restrictive, repetitive and ritual behaviors; and other indicators. The content validity included five expert judges and a pilot sample with 29 children between six and 12 years old. The results were shown to be adequate, all items reached agreement rates above 80% and Kappa of 0.84. Exploratory statistical analyzes showed Cronbach's alpha equal to 0.78, sensitivity values ​​ranging from 86 to 93% and specificity from 34 to 100%. ASD-BS is of quick implementation, uses the teacher as an informant and contributes to psychological assessment.Instrumentos de rastreio para detectar sintomas do Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) no contexto escolar ainda são necessários. O estudo teve por objetivo a construção da Escala de Comportamentos do Transtorno do Espectro Autista (EC-TEA) de acordo com os critérios do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais - DSM-V. A escala é composta por 31 itens, divididos em comunicação; interações sociais; comportamentos restritivos, repetitivos e rituais; e outros indicadores. A validade de conteúdo contou com cinco juízes especialistas e amostra piloto com 29 crianças entre seis e 12 anos. Os resultados se mostraram adequados, todos os itens alcançaram índices de concordâncias acima de 80% e Kappa de 0,84. As análises estatísticas exploratórias demonstraram Alfa de Cronbach igual a 0,78, valores de sensibilidade variando de 86 a 93% e especificidade de 34 a 100%. EC-TEA é de rápida aplicação, utiliza o professor como informante e contribui com a avaliação psicológica

    Lo sviluppo embrionale delle uova del Filugello di razza bivoltina

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    L'albero è fonte di ricchezza e di vita

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    High-speed and high-resolution 2D and 3D elemental imaging of corroded ancient glass by laser ablation-ICP-MS

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    In this work, laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry was used to investigate for the first time glass weathering mechanisms using high-resolution 2D and 3D elemental maps of altered layers of ancient glass. Roman archaeological glass shards, displaying several corrosion indicators, were studied using multiple raster-scanning ablation with high depth and lateral resolution. The concentration gradients of different elements were captured (in their variations from the surface to the bulk of pristine glass) by multiple ablations on degraded regions of interest to observe the dissolution of the glass network due to the hydration and leaching processes that occur during its alteration. The results indicated an enrichment of silicon and a depletion of alkaline/alkaline earth element concentration in the first few microns of depth under the surface area suggesting that a de-alkalinisation phenomenon occurs on the glass surface when ancient items have been buried under soil for extended timeframes. The layer-by-layer elemental distribution revealed also how the composition of the archaeological glass changes from the bulk to the surface, shedding light on the leaching behaviour of glass constituents during the alteration process