689 research outputs found

    VHE observations of the gamma-ray binary system LS 5039 with H.E.S.S

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    LS 5039 is a gamma-ray binary system observed in a broad energy range, from radio to TeV energies. The binary system exhibits both flux and spectral modulation as a function of its orbital period. The X-ray and very-high-energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray fluxes display a maximum/minimum at inferior/superior conjunction, with spectra becoming respectively harder/softer, a behaviour that is completely reversed in the high-energy domain (HE, 0.1 < E < 100 GeV). The HE spectrum cuts off at a few GeV, with a new hard component emerging at E > 10 GeV that is compatible with the low-energy tail of the TeV emission. The low 10 - 100 GeV flux, however, makes the HE and VHE components difficult to reconcile with a scenario including emission from only a single particle population. We report on new observations of LS 5039 conducted with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) telescopes from 2006 to 2015. This new data set enables for an unprecedentedly-deep phase-folded coverage of the source at TeV energies, as well as an extension of the VHE spectral range down to ~120 GeV, which makes LS 5039 the first gamma-ray binary system in which a spectral overlap between satellite and ground-based gamma-ray observatories is obtained.Comment: Proceeding for ICRC 201

    Structural characterization and energy performance of novel hybrid PVT solar-panels through 3-D FEM and CFD simulations

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    Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) panels generate both power and heat from the same area with overall efficiencies up to 70%. This work assesses the performance of novel hybrid PVT solar panels considering alternative geometries and materials that maximize heat transfer while allowing weight and cost reductions. A three-dimensional (3-D) model previously developed and validated using 3-D Finite-Element and Computational Fluid-Dynamics (FEM and CFD) software is used for this purpose. The most promising configurations and materials for the absorber-exchanger unit of the proposed PVT panel are studied to analyse their energy performance and behaviour in terms of a thermal-stress assessment. Apart from an assessment of the steady-state performance, for the type of solar PVT panels considered, especially those made of polymeric materials, it is important to evaluate the thermal expansion that the collector suffers, so as to verify whether the associated thermal stresses and strains are within the limits that guarantee a proper performance during its lifetime. The most promising PVT panel is then integrated within a Solar Combined Heat and Power (S-CHP) system for power and heating provision to a single-family house located in Zaragoza (Spain), in order to assess its daily energy performance through transient simulations on half-hourly basis. The results show that these novel polymeric PVT panel configurations are a promising alternative to commercial PVT panel designs, achieving an improved thermal performance compared to a reference case (4% higher optical efficiency and 15% lower heat loss coefficient), while suffering lower strains in most of the PVT layers. Furthermore, the novel polycarbonate 3×2 mm flat-box configuration has the potential to cover, on average, around 50% of the total space heating and Domestic Hot Water (DHW) demand and around 87% of the total electricity demand (including lighting, cooling and home appliances)

    Reinforcement of wood with natural fibers

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    This paper describes an experimental programme which examines the reinforcement in flexure of timber beams with composite materials based on natural fibers in the form of fabrics made from hemp, flax, basalt and bamboo fibers. The industrial use of natural fibers has been continuously increasing since 1990s due to their advantages in terms of production costs, pollution emissions and energy consumption for production and disposal. The technique allows the reinforcement of the intrados of beams, avoiding the dismantling of the overlying part of the structure with significant savings in terms of costs and work time. The test program consists of three phases incorporating 45 beams. The bending tests on the wooden elements made it possible to measure the increase in capacity and stiffness resulting from the composite reinforcement. This was applied to beams, creating different arrangements and using different quantities (number of layers). Despite the diversity of the various tests carried out, the results obtained in some cases showed significant increases in terms of load-carrying capacity and in deflection ductility

    Development of new vocational training modules on sustainable buildings maintenance and refurbishment

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    This article presents the methodology and main results obtained in Spain within the FORMAR project, a European-funded project under the Leonardo Da Vinci scheme (Lifelong Learning Programme), whose main goal is to jointly develop training resources and modules to improve the skills on sustainability issues of buildings maintenance and refurbishment workers, in three different European countries: Spain, Portugal (Project Coordinator) and France. The Units of Short-term Training (UST) developed within this project are focused on the VET of carpenters, painters, bricklayers, building technicians and installers of solar panels, and a transversal unit containing basic concepts on sustainable construction and nearly Zero Energy Buildings (n-ZEB) is also developed. In parallel, clients’ guides for the aforementioned professionals are also implemented to improve the information provided to clients and owners in order to support the procurement decisions regarding building products and materials. Therefore, the project provides an opportunity to exchange experiences between organizations of these three European countries, as the UST will be developed simultaneously in each of them, exploring opportunities for training, guidance and exchange of experience. Even though the UST will have a common structure and contents, they will be slightly different in each country to adapt them to the different specific training needs and regulations of Spain, Portugal and France. This paper details, as a case study, the development process of the UST for carpenters and building technicians in Spain, including the analysis of needs and existing training materials, the main contents developed and the evaluation and testing process of the UST, which involves the active participation of several stakeholders of this sector as well as a classroom testing to obtain the students’ feedback

    The Markowitz model for portfolio selection

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    Since its first appearance, The Markowitz model for portfolio selection has been a basic theoretical reference, opening several new development options. However, practically it has not been used among portfolio managers and investment analysts in spite of its success in the theoretical field. With our paper we would like to show how The Markowitz model may be of great help in real stock markets. Through an empirical study we want to verify the capability of Markowitz’s model to present portfolios with higher profitability and lower risk than the portfolio represented by IBEX-35 and IGBM indexes. Furthermore, we want to test suggested efficiency of these indexes as representatives of market theoretical-portfolioMarkowitz, portfolio selection, portfolio management, portfolio performance

    Assessment of weed control via foliar application of quinate

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    En estudios previos se detectó una importante acumulación de quinato en la parte aérea de las plantas tratadas con herbicidas inhibidores de la biosíntesis de aminoácidos, lo que podría explicar su capacidad de inducir la respuesta tóxica. También se evaluó el potencial efecto fitotóxico en función del modo de aplicación exógena, que fue superior tras aplicaciones radicales que foliares. En este trabajo se planteó valorar la utilización del quinato, pulverizado exógenamente, para el control del crecimiento de ciertas malas hierbas. Se realizaron aplicaciones foliares de quinato mediante pulverización en post-emergencia sobre plantas en diferentes estados fenológicos de “Sinapis alba”, “Papaver rhoeas”, “Lolium rigidum”, “Bromus diandrus” y “Cynodon dactylon”. Los resultados muestran que dicho compuesto presentó un mayor control y un efecto fitotóxico más evidente en las especies dicotiledóneas que en las monocotiledóneas, siendo “P. rhoeas” la única especie susceptible de ser controlada en sus estadios iniciales con este compuesto. En “S. alba” únicamente se produjo una reducción temporal del crecimiento sin llegar a ser letal.In previous studies quinate was accumulated in leaves of plants treated with amino acid biosynthesis inhibiting herbicides, which begged the question of whether quinate have the capacity of inducing the toxic effects of the herbicides. The phytotoxic effects of exogenous application were more evident when quinate was applied to the nutrient solution than when it was sprayed onto the foliage. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether sprayed quinate could control the growth of some weed species. This was evaluated by spraying quinate to the leaves of plants of “Sinapis alba”, “Papaver rhoeas”, “Lolium rigidum”, “Bromus diandrus” and “Cynodon dactylon” at different phenological states in postemergence. Exogenous application of quinate was more phytotoxic on dicotyledonous species than monocotyledonous species. “Papaver rhoeas” was the only species tested that would be potentially affected and controlled with the application of quinate, specifically in the initial states of plant development. Growth of “S. alba” was only temporally arrested after quinate application, but the treatment was not lethal

    Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for energy efficiency in buildings: Review and analysis of results from EU pilot projects

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    Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) can play a potential role in improving the energy performance of buildings by the implementation of effective solutions that take advantage of the energy interactions between all the elements included in a building. A revision of the 105 pilots implemented or under implementation in 18 projects in the area of ICTs for energy efficiency in buildings located in 23 European countries, through 88 cities with different types of climates, buildings and technologies have been carried out through documentary and field analysis of the energy, economic and social project results. These results have been extrapolated to assess the potential energy savings which could be expected at the EU level by implementing the solutions proposed by the projects. By the implementation of the different ICT solutions, buildings have achieved more than 20% energy savings. Pilots have demonstrated that the effectiveness of the ICT solution does not depend directly on the different climates where the solutions are implemented, but on several factors, such as the level of motivation, perceived thermal comfort, quality of social interaction and communication and ICT support