5 research outputs found

    Infrared blocking materials

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    AlN thin films on the flexible polymeric Teflon and Mylar substrates show characteristics of efficient infrared (IR) blocking filters (IR “stealth”). They can suppress heat flows from the warm parts of objects (T ~ 300÷500 K) and block IR radiation from them, but are transparent in visible, microwave, and THz spectral regions in contrast to special paints that demonstrate a relatively high emissivity in the IR spectral rangeТонкі плівки AlN на гнучких полімерних підкладках тефлону та майла у характеризуються властивостями ефективних інфрачервоних (ІЧ) блокуючих фільтрів. Вони можуть придушувати теплові потоки від гарячих частин об'єктів (T ~ 300ч500 K) і блокувати ІЧ випромінювання від них, але є прозорими у видимому, мікрохвильовому та ТГц спектральних діапазонах на відміну від спеціальних фарб, що демонструють відносно високу випромінювальну здатність в ІЧ області спектра.Тонкие пленки AlN на гибких полимерных подложках тефлона и майлара характеризуются свойствами эффективных инфракрасных (ИК) блокирующих фильтров. Они могут подавлять тепловые потоки от нагретых частей объектов (T ~ 300ч500 K) и блокировать ИК излучение от них, но являются прозрачными в видимом, микроволновом и ТГц спектральных диапазонах в отличии от специальных красок, которые демонстрируют относительно высокую излучательную способность в ИК области спектра

    Morphologic and optical characterization of ZnO:Co thin films grown by PLD

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    The morphological properties of the surface and optical characteristics of nanocomposite ZnO:Co structures grown on substrates of monocrystalline silicon and sapphire by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method have been studied. The influence of thermal annealing on formation of characteristically developed surface of films has been analyzed. The experimental transmission and reflectance spectra in the visible region have been measured. In the framework of the dielectric function, the optical constants n and k and dispersion parameters of oscillators that provide the best fit with experimental data have been obtained. From the infrared reflectance spectra of ZnO:Co structures, the frequency positions of Е₁(LO) and Е₁(ТО) optical phonons have been determined. It gives a possibility to suppose that the obtained films possess the wurtzite structure

    Structure and optical properties of AlN films obtained using the cathodic arc plasma deposition technique

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    Aluminum nitride (AlN) film coatings have been obtained by a new technique of hybrid helikon-arc ion-plasma deposition. Possibility to combine the magnetic-filtered arc plasma deposition technique with a treatment in RF plasma of helicon discharge allowed us to deposit AlN coatings on thermolabile substrates, significantly increasing the deposition rate. A study of spectral properties of AlN films (reflection and transmission spectra within the range 2…25 µm) has been carried out by using the infrared Fourier spectrometer Spectrum BX-II. It has been shown that the obtained composite structures (AlN coatings on teflon and mylar substrates) could be used as passive filters in the infrared spectral range

    Detection of IR and sub/THz radiation using MCT thin layer structures: design of the chip, optical elements and antenna pattern

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    Two-color un-cooled narrow-gap MCT (mercury-cadmium-telluride) semiconductor thin layers, grown by liquid phase epitaxy or molecular beam epitaxy methods on high resistivity CdZnTe or GaAs substrates, with bow-type antennas were considered both as sub-terahertz direct detection bolometers and 3...10-micrometer infrared photoconductors. Optical system with aspheric THz lenses were designed and manufactured. An antenna pattern of structures on the thick substrate was discussed, and sensitivity of detector in both IR and sub-THz regions was measured