1,096 research outputs found

    Nuclear and Quark Matter at High Temperature

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    We review important ideas on nuclear and quark matter description on the basis of high- temperature field theory concepts, like resummation, dimensional reduction, interaction scale separation and spectral function modification in media. Statistical and thermodynamical concepts are spotted in the light of these methods concentrating on the - partially still open - problems of the hadronization process.Comment: Review intended for EPJ A Topical Issu

    Z2 monopoles in D=2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theory

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    We calculate the Euclidean action of a pair of Z2 monopoles (instantons), as a function of their spatial separation, in D=2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theory. We do so both above and below the deconfining transition at T=Tc. At high T, and at large separation, we find that the monopole `interaction' grows linearly with distance: the flux between the monopoles forms a flux tube (exactly like a finite portion of a Z2 domain wall) so that the monopoles are linearly confined. At short distances the interaction is well described by a Coulomb interaction with, at most, a very small screening mass, possibly equal to the Debye electric screening mass. At low T the interaction can be described by a simple screened Coulomb (i.e. Yukawa) interaction with a screening mass that can be interpreted as the mass of a `constituent gluon'. None of this is unexpected, but it helps to resolve some apparent controversies in the recent literature.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Vortices and confinement in hot and cold D=2+1 gauge theories

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    We calculate the variation with temperature of the vortex free energy in D=2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theories. We do so both above and below the deconfining transition at T=Tc. We find that this quantity is zero at all T for large enough volumes. For T<Tc this observation is consistent with the fact that the phase is linearly confining; while for T>Tc it is consistent with the conventional expectation of `spatial' linear confinement. In small spatial volumes this quantity is shown to be non-zero. The way it decreases to zero with increasing volume is shown to be controlled by the (spatial) string tension and it has the functional form one would expect if the vortices being studied were responsible for the confinement at low T, and for the `spatial' confinement at large T. We also discuss in detail some of the direct numerical evidence for a non-zero spatial string tension at high T, and we show that the observed linearity of the (spatial) potential extends over distances that are large compared to typical high-T length scales.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    On generalization of electric field strength in longitudinally blown arcs

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    Generalization of av. elec. field strength for different discharge conditions in longitudinally blown arcs is considered. Exptl. data for distinctive devices and different gases were used for phys. modeling. Anal. showed that heat transfer processes are responsible for I-E characteristic formation. Turbulent heat transfer is the most effective for atm. pressure discharges while convection plays the main role in vacuum arcs. A generalized I-E characteristic was obtained. [on SciFinder (R)

    Active actinometry on a cold hydrogen afterglow

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    Summary form only given. A new method of actinometry has developed to characterize the cold afterglow of an expanding thermal plasma source in hydrogen. A small electrode is placed in the afterglow to generate a local low-frequency (100-500 kHz) plasma. In this plasma fast electrons are created that can excite particles from the ground state to visible light emitting levels. The atomic Balmer alpha line and the molecular Fulcher band are used to determine the atomic and molecular abundances of the plasma. The power input from the low frequency discharge is kept low enough to assure that the plasma composition and the gas temperature are not significantly influenced. Active actinometry thus offers a method to sample the composition and the ground state molecular populations of the flowing afterglow plasma. The method has been successfully applied under plasma conditions with a low electron temperature (&lt;0.2 eV) and a low electron density (&lt;10/sup 17/ m/sup -3/
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