427 research outputs found

    Economic evaluation of municipal solid waste recycling in Yazd: Cost-benefit analysis

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    Background and aims: In every urban waste management plan, recycling and reuse is considered as an economic pattern. This study aimed to economic evaluation of municipal solid waste recycling in Yazd by cost-benefit analysis in 2015. Methods: This research is a descriptive–analytic study which in the data about quality and quantity of municipal solid waste in Yazd city were collected through the sampling and physical analysis and the data about total income and costs from the implementation of waste separation and recycling were collected by interview with recovery officials and field observations and were analyzed through the economic analysis of the cost-benefit. Results: The results indicated that the mean of waste produced annually in Yazd city was 109679.51 tons per years. The percentage of municipal waste components was organic matter (67%), plastics (7%), paper and cardboard (5%), metals (2%), wood (2%), glass (2%), leather and rubber (1%), textiles (1%) and PET containers (1%), respectively. Also, Only 2 percent of total daily production of waste were separated and recycled at source. The implementation a cost of waste separation at source on a monthly basis was 768,880,000 Rails and the benefits of it was 904,667,400 Rails and as a result, the amount of net benefit derived from the recycling scheme was 135,787,400 Rails. Conclusion: Considering the economic benefits of waste separation and recycling at source in the city of Yazd, can be in addition to compensate the many of the waste management sector costs and reduced waste disposal and management costs, Preventing environmental degradation and pollution of water, soil and air resources

    Evaluation of effectiveness Benson’s relaxation method on anxiety level of patients undergoing heart surgery

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    اضطراب دارای سابقه ای به قدمت حیات انسان است. عمل جراحی، بخصوص جراحی قلب، نوعی تهدید سلامتی است. بیماران کاندید جراحی قلب مستعد نگرانی و اضطراب می باشند، لذا تامین سلامتی و کاهش اضطراب آنان امری واجب و ضروری است. پژوهش حاضر یک کارآزمایی بالینی است که بر روی 105 نفر (در دو گروه آزمون و شاهد) از بیماران کاندید جراحی قلب و به منظور بررسی تاثیر آرامسازی بر میزان اضطراب بیماران تحت عمل جراحی قلب بستری در بیمارستان قلب شهید رجایی تهران انجام گرفته است. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات شامل پرسشنامه، اسفیگمومانومتر، استتوسکوپ و ترمومتر بود. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات از آمار توصیفی (فراوانی مطلق و نسبی) و آمار استنباطی (آزمون آماری X² و T-test) استفاده گردید. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد با بکارگیری آرامسازی، میزان اضطراب آشکار و پنهان واحدهای پژوهش در گروه آزمون کاهش معنی داری یافت درحالی که میزان اضطراب آشکار واحدهای پژوهش در گروه شاهد در روز قبل از عمل نسبت به بدو پذیرش افزایش قابل توجهی داشته است. همچنین با بکارگیری آرامسازی در گروه آزمایش مقادیر علایم حیاتی بیماران شامل فشار خون سیستولیک، فشار خون دیاستولیک، نبض، تعداد تنفس و درجه حرارت در روز قبل از عمل نسبت به بدو پذیرش به طور معنی داری کاهش یافت درحالی که در گروه شاهد این مقادیر شامل فشار خون سیستولیک، فشار خون دیاستولیک، نبض، تعداد تنفس و درجه حرارت در روز قبل از عمل نسبت به بدو پذیرش افزایش معنی داری داشته است. همچنین باتوجه به نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش با بکارگیری آرامسازی در گروه آزمون پس از عمل میزان داروی ضد درد کمتری مصرف شده است و تعداد بیمارانی که در این گروه از داروی ضد درد استفاده کرده اند، نسبت به گروه شاهد کمتر بوده است. با عنایت به نتایج حاصله، اهمیت نقش پرستاران در کاستن اضطراب در بیماران تحت عمل جراحی قلب با بکارگیری تدابیر مختلف مشخص می گردد

    Paradox of Modern Pregnancy: A Phenomenological Study of Women's Lived Experiences from Assisted Pregnancy

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    The purpose of our study was describing the meaning of pregnancy through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs). A qualitative design with hermeneutic phenomenology approach was selected to carry out the research. Semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 women who experienced assisted pregnancy. Three themes emerged from women's experience including finding peace in life, paradoxical feelings, and struggling to realize a dream. We concluded that pregnancy is the beginning of a new and hard struggle for women with fertility problems. The findings of our study resulted in helpful implications for the health care professionals managing assisted pregnancies. Copyright © 2015 Fahimeh Ranjbar et al

    Level Statistics of SU(3)↔ SU(3) Transitional Region

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    Level statistics oftransitional region of SU(3)↔ SU(3) bar interacting boson model is described with emphasis on the nearest neighbor spacing distributions. The energy levels of transitional Hamiltonian are calculated via the SO(6) representation of eigenstates. By employing the MLE technique, the parameter of Abul-Magd distribution is estimated which suggests less regular dynamics for transitional region as compared to dynamical symmetry limits. Also, the O(6) dynamical symmetry which is known as the critical point of this transitional region, describes a deviation to more regular dynamics

    Fabrication and characterization of cobalt- and copper-doped mesoporous borate bioactive glasses for potential applications in tissue engineering

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    Developing novel compositions of bioactive glasses (BGs) is key for accelerating tissue repair and regeneration. In this work, we developed a series of cobalt (Co)- and copper (Cu)-doped mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBGs) based on borate 13-93B3 composition using nitrate precursors. We took benefit from data science algorithms to predict and assess the physico-chemical and biological properties of the samples. The results showed that the presence of the dopants (Co and Cu) in the MBGs could change the glass transition temperature (Tg) (from 773 to 539 °C), the zeta potential (from -12 to -43 mV), and surface area (from 54 to 194 m2/g). However, the presence of 2.5 mol% of dopants in the composition led to just a slight decrease in their bioactivity. In vitro biocompatibility assays confirmed that all the glass samples were biocompatible. Furthermore, the doped MBGs exhibited potent antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In addition, these glasses could induce the mobility of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and enhance new blood vessel formation in ovo. According to the obtained data, it can be stated that this type of doped borate MBGs held great promise in tissue engineering applications

    The impact of third party reproduction on family and kinship

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    The development of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the UK, in 1978, proved a major breakthrough in the process of human reproduction, which had remained constant in human history. The impact of IVF and the ensuing assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) has not been limited in revolutionizing the "natural" practice of biological reproduction, but has reached out to and affected almost every institution in society. Family and kinship, as the social expression of reproduction and the institutions which are the most transparently structured realm of human life are those most profoundly affected by ARTs. Although literature on the implications of ARTs is in general abundant, this article presents new insights on their impact on family and kinship in Iran, which remains a unique case in the Muslim world. It explores the particular way ARTs, especially third-party donation, have been endorsed and practiced in Iran, and their consequences for the family, the infertile individuals, and their position vis-à -vis their kin and social group. The conclusion points to the lack of clarity concerning the initial rulings by the Islamic jurists, who allowed the practice of ARTs, and which has led to a number of unintended consequences regarding the legal, religious, cultural, and ethical issues, affecting the family, its structure and the relationship between the kin group. These consequences range, inter alia, from the question of the anonymity of third-party donor, to the permissibility of gamete donation between blood relatives, and to the absence of enforceable legislation. © 2021 Avicenna Research Institute. All rights reserved