1,283 research outputs found

    Prevalence and pattern of dyslipidaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common secondary cause of dyslipidaemia, particularly if glycaemic control is poor, which in turn is an important risk factor for atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.Objectives: (1) To study the prevalence and pattern of dyslipidaemia in patients with type 2 DM. (2) To determine the relationship (if any) between HbA1C and the lipid profile in type 2 diabetic patients.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study done in 200 type 2 diabetic patients  attending the Diabetic Clinic at the Helen Joseph Hospital. Patients suffering from other known causes of secondary dyslipidaemia were excluded. Each patient’s  HbA1C and lipid profile results were recorded from their clinic files. The lipid profile included total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein  cholesterol (HDL-C) and calculated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Patients with one or more of the above parameters outside the targets recommended by the 2012 South African Dyslipidaemia Guidelines were considered to have uncontrolled dyslipidaemia.Results: Of the 200 type 2 DM patients studied, 86 (43%) were male and 114 (57%) female. Despite all patients being treated with lipid-lowering therapy  (simvastatin at a mean daily dose of 20 mg), 187 patients (93.5%) did not achieve all their lipid targets. The most prevalent lipid parameter not at target was an LDL-C of ≥ 1.8 mmol/l in nearly 80% of patients. The most common pattern of  dyslipidaemia was a combined dyslipidaemia (any two abnormal lipid parameters) affecting a total of 82 out of the 187 patients (43.8%) not reaching recommended  targets. No significant relationship was found between HbA1C and any of the lipid parameters.Conclusion: The vast majority of the type 2 diabetic patients studied had  dyslipidaemia not meeting recommended targets, despite the use of lipid-lowering therapy in all patients. There is a need for more intensive lipid-lowering therapy, particularly statin therapy in patients with dyslipidaemia. Measures aimed at  combating obesity and other lifestyle-related risk factors are also vital and need to be implemented for effectively controlling dyslipidaemia and reducing the burden of CVD.Keywords: combined dyslipidaemia, LDL, lipid target

    Effects of diabetes mellitus on health-related quality of life at a tertiary hospital in South Africa: A cross-sectional study

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    Background. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease that potentially causes debilitating and life-threatening complications, demands a lifestyle change, and has important implications with regard to wellbeing and health-related quality of life (HRQOL).Objectives. To: (i) determine the HRQOL of a sample of patients with type 2 diabetes; (ii) describe the demographics (age, gender, and smoking and alcohol use) of the population studied; (iii) document the following parameters, which are important in determining the control and severity of type 2 diabetes: (a) glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c), (b) total amount of insulin required per day (if on insulin therapy), (c) body mass index (BMI), and (d) exercise compliance; (iv) determine whether there was an association between any or all of the above parameters and the HRQOL of these patients; and (v) determine whether coexisting diseases (hypertension (HT) and dyslipidaemia) were present, and compare HRQOL between diabetic patients with and without these diseases.Methods. This was a cross-sectional and descriptive study of 200 patients attending the diabetes clinic at Helen Joseph Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa. HRQOL assessments were made using the Diabetes 39 (D-39) questionnaire, which patients filled in once consent had been obtained and if they fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Patients’ questionnaire forms were then analysed with regard to their demographics (age and gender), exercise regimen, smoking and alcohol history, employment status, living arrangements, age of diagnosis of DM, and concurrent use of antihypertensive and cholesterol-lowering drugs. The patients’ files were analysed and various clinical parameters were noted (HbA1c, lipogram, BMI, number of insulin units used per day, and whether any antihypertensive and/or lipidlowering drugs were used).Results. There was an association between HRQOL and HbA1c, and between HRQOL and HT and dyslipidaemia.Conclusions. No association was found between HRQOL and other clinical parameters, namely number of insulin units used per day, exercise, BMI, lipogram and the use of oral hypoglycaemic agents. Demographic parameters (age, gender, age at diagnosis, employment status and living arrangements) were also shown to have no impact on HRQOL. We found no association between HRQOL in patients who consumed alcohol and smoked cigarettes and in those who did not

    Localized states in sheared electroconvection

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    Electroconvection in a thin, sheared fluid film displays a rich sequence of bifurcations between different flow states as the driving voltage is increased. We present a numerical study of an annular film in which a radial potential difference acts on induced surface charges to drive convection. The film is also sheared by independently rotating the inner edge of the annulus. This simulation models laboratory experiments on electroconvection in sheared smectic liquid crystal films. The applied shear competes with the electrical forces, resulting in oscillatory and strongly subcritical bifurcations between localized vortex states close to onset. At higher forcing, the flow becomes chaotic via a Ruelle-Takens-Newhouse scenario. The simulation allows flow visualization not available in the physical experiments, and sheds light on previously observed transitions in the current-voltage characteristics of electroconvecting smectic films.Comment: To be published in EuroPhysics Letters, 6 pages, 6 figures: final versio

    Weakly Nonlinear Analysis of Electroconvection in a Suspended Fluid Film

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    It has been experimentally observed that weakly conducting suspended films of smectic liquid crystals undergo electroconvection when subjected to a large enough potential difference. The resulting counter-rotating vortices form a very simple convection pattern and exhibit a variety of interesting nonlinear effects. The linear stability problem for this system has recently been solved. The convection mechanism, which involves charge separation at the free surfaces of the film, is applicable to any sufficiently two-dimensional fluid. In this paper, we derive an amplitude equation which describes the weakly nonlinear regime, by starting from the basic electrohydrodynamic equations. This regime has been the subject of several recent experimental studies. The lowest order amplitude equation we derive is of the Ginzburg-Landau form, and describes a forward bifurcation as is observed experimentally. The coefficients of the amplitude equation are calculated and compared with the values independently deduced from the linear stability calculation.Comment: 26 pages, 2 included eps figures, submitted to Phys Rev E. For more information, see http://mobydick.physics.utoronto.c

    Bifurcations in annular electroconvection with an imposed shear

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    We report an experimental study of the primary bifurcation in electrically-driven convection in a freely suspended film. A weakly conducting, submicron thick smectic liquid crystal film was supported by concentric circular electrodes. It electroconvected when a sufficiently large voltage VV was applied between its inner and outer edges. The film could sustain rapid flows and yet remain strictly two-dimensional. By rotation of the inner electrode, a circular Couette shear could be independently imposed. The control parameters were a dimensionless number R{\cal R}, analogous to the Rayleigh number, which is V2\propto V^2 and the Reynolds number Re{\cal R}e of the azimuthal shear flow. The geometrical and material properties of the film were characterized by the radius ratio α\alpha, and a Prandtl-like number P{\cal P}. Using measurements of current-voltage characteristics of a large number of films, we examined the onset of electroconvection over a broad range of α\alpha, P{\cal P} and Re{\cal R}e. We compared this data quantitatively to the results of linear stability theory. This could be done with essentially no adjustable parameters. The current-voltage data above onset were then used to infer the amplitude of electroconvection in the weakly nonlinear regime by fitting them to a steady-state amplitude equation of the Landau form. We show how the primary bifurcation can be tuned between supercritical and subcritical by changing α\alpha and Re{\cal R}e.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. E. Minor changes after refereeing. See also http://mobydick.physics.utoronto.c

    Effects of diabetes mellitus on health-related quality of life at a tertiary hospital in South Africa: A cross-sectional study

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    Background. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease that potentially causes debilitating and life-threatening complications, demands a lifestyle change, and has important implications with regard to wellbeing and health-related quality of life (HRQOL).Objectives. To: (i) determine the HRQOL of a sample of patients with type 2 diabetes; (ii) describe the demographics (age, gender, and smoking and alcohol use) of the population studied; (iii) document the following parameters, which are important in determining the control and severity of type 2 diabetes: (a) glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C), (b) total amount of insulin required per day (if on insulin therapy), (c) body mass index (BMI), and (d) exercise compliance; (iv) determine whether there was an association between any or all of the above parameters and the HRQOL of these patients; and (v) determine whether coexisting diseases (hypertension (HT) and dyslipidaemia) were present, and compare HRQOL between diabetic patients with and without these diseases.Methods. This was a cross-sectional and descriptive study of 200 patients attending the diabetes clinic at Helen Joseph Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa. HRQOL assessments were made using the Diabetes 39 (D-39) questionnaire, which patients filled in once consent had been obtained and if they fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Patients’ questionnaire forms were then analysed with regard to their demographics (age and gender), exercise regimen, smoking and alcohol history, employment status, living arrangements, age of diagnosis of DM, and concurrent use of antihypertensive and cholesterol-lowering drugs. The patients’ files were analysed and various clinical parameters were noted (HbA1C, lipogram, BMI, number of insulin units used per day, and whether any antihypertensive and/or lipid-lowering drugs were used).Results. There was an association between HRQOL and HbA1C, and between HRQOL and HT and dyslipidaemia.Conclusions. No association was found between HRQOL and other clinical parameters, namely number of insulin units used per day, exercise, BMI, lipogram and the use of oral hypoglycaemic agents. Demographic parameters (age, gender, age at diagnosis, employment status and living arrangements) were also shown to have no impact on HRQOL. We found no association between HRQOL in patients who consumed alcohol and smoked cigarettes and in those who did not

    Target Mass Monitoring and Instrumentation in the Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors

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    The Daya Bay experiment measures sin^2 2{\theta}_13 using functionally identical antineutrino detectors located at distances of 300 to 2000 meters from the Daya Bay nuclear power complex. Each detector consists of three nested fluid volumes surrounded by photomultiplier tubes. These volumes are coupled to overflow tanks on top of the detector to allow for thermal expansion of the liquid. Antineutrinos are detected through the inverse beta decay reaction on the proton-rich scintillator target. A precise and continuous measurement of the detector's central target mass is achieved by monitoring the the fluid level in the overflow tanks with cameras and ultrasonic and capacitive sensors. In addition, the monitoring system records detector temperature and levelness at multiple positions. This monitoring information allows the precise determination of the detectors' effective number of target protons during data taking. We present the design, calibration, installation and in-situ tests of the Daya Bay real-time antineutrino detector monitoring sensors and readout electronics.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figures; accepted by JINST. Changes in v2: minor revisions to incorporate editorial feedback from JINS

    Annular electroconvection with shear

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    We report experiments on convection driven by a radial electrical force in suspended annular smectic A liquid crystal films. In the absence of an externally imposed azimuthal shear, a stationary one-dimensional (1D) pattern consisting of symmetric vortex pairs is formed via a supercritical transition at the onset of convection. Shearing reduces the symmetries of the base state and produces a traveling 1D pattern whose basic periodic unit is a pair of asymmetric vortices. For a sufficiently large shear, the primary bifurcation changes from supercritical to subcritical. We describe measurements of the resulting hysteresis as a function of the shear at radius ratio η0.8\eta \sim 0.8. This simple pattern forming system has an unusual combination of symmetries and control parameters and should be amenable to quantitative theoretical analysis.Comment: 12 preprint pages, 3 figures in 2 parts each. For more info, see http://mobydick.physics.utoronto.c

    Knots and Random Walks in Vibrated Granular Chains

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    We study experimentally statistical properties of the opening times of knots in vertically vibrated granular chains. Our measurements are in good qualitative and quantitative agreement with a theoretical model involving three random walks interacting via hard core exclusion in one spatial dimension. In particular, the knot survival probability follows a universal scaling function which is independent of the chain length, with a corresponding diffusive characteristic time scale. Both the large-exit-time and the small-exit-time tails of the distribution are suppressed exponentially, and the corresponding decay coefficients are in excellent agreement with the theoretical values.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure