178 research outputs found

    Excitation of the classical-limit state of an atom

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    We describe a technique designed to excite a classical-limit state of an atom. A picosecond electric field pulse converts a circular state into a Rydberg wave packet which is localized in all three dimensions and travels along a classical Kepler orbit with arbitrary ellipticity

    Excitation of the classical-limit state of an atom

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    We describe a technique designed to excite a classical-limit state of an atom. A picosecond electric field pulse converts a circular state into a Rydberg wave packet which is localized in all three dimensions and travels along a classical Kepler orbit with arbitrary ellipticity

    Spin-Orbit Pendulum: the Microscopic Stern-Gerlach Effect

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    The motion of a particle with a spin in spherical harmonic oscillator potential with spin-orbit interaction is studied. We have focus our attention on spatial motion of wave packets, giving a description complementary to motion of spin discussed already in [1]. The particular initial conditions studied here lead to the most transparent formulas and can be treated analytically. A strong analogy with the Stern-Gerlach experiment is suggested. [1] R.Arvieu and P.Rozmej, Phys.Rev.A50 (1994) 4376.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX (precisely RevTeX), attached 4 complicated Postscript figures , Paper submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Long-Term Evolution and Revival Structure of Rydberg Wave Packets for Hydrogen and Alkali-Metal Atoms

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    This paper begins with an examination of the revival structure and long-term evolution of Rydberg wave packets for hydrogen. We show that after the initial cycle of collapse and fractional/full revivals, which occurs on the time scale trevt_{\rm rev}, a new sequence of revivals begins. We find that the structure of the new revivals is different from that of the fractional revivals. The new revivals are characterized by periodicities in the motion of the wave packet with periods that are fractions of the revival time scale trevt_{\rm rev}. These long-term periodicities result in the autocorrelation function at times greater than trevt_{\rm rev} having a self-similar resemblance to its structure for times less than trevt_{\rm rev}. The new sequence of revivals culminates with the formation of a single wave packet that more closely resembles the initial wave packet than does the full revival at time trevt_{\rm rev}, i.e., a superrevival forms. Explicit examples of the superrevival structure for both circular and radial wave packets are given. We then study wave packets in alkali-metal atoms, which are typically used in experiments. The behavior of these packets is affected by the presence of quantum defects that modify the hydrogenic revival time scales and periodicities. Their behavior can be treated analytically using supersymmetry-based quantum-defect theory. We illustrate our results for alkali-metal atoms with explicit examples of the revival structure for radial wave packets in rubidium.Comment: To appear in Physical Review A, vol. 51, June 199

    Nucleophilic Functionalization of the Calix[6]arene Para- and Meta-Position via p‑Bromodienone Route

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    It is here demonstrated that the p-bromodienone route, previously reported for calix[4]arenes, is also effective for the functionalization of the calix[6]arene macrocycle. Thus, alcoholic O-nucleophiles can be introduced at the calix[6]arene exo rim. In addition, the reaction of a calix[6]arene p-bromodienone derivative with an actived aromatic substrate, such as resorcinol, led to the first example of a meta-functionalized, inherently chiral calix[6]arene derivativ

    Time dependent partial waves and vortex rings in the dynamics of wave packets

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    We have found a new class of time dependent partial waves which are solutions of time dependent Schr\"odinger equation for three dimensional harmonic oscillator. We also showed the decomposition of coherent states of harmonic oscillator into these partial waves. This decomposition appears perticularly convenient for a description of the dynamics of a wave packet representing a particle with spin when the spin--orbit interaction is present in the hamiltonian. An example of an evolution of a localized wave packet into a torus and backwards, for a particular initial conditions is analysed in analytical terms and shown with a computer graphics.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 6 postscript figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Bubble propagation in a helicoidal molecular chain

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    We study the propagation of very large amplitude localized excitations in a model of DNA that takes explicitly into account the helicoidal structure. These excitations represent the ``transcription bubble'', where the hydrogen bonds between complementary bases are disrupted, allowing access to the genetic code. We propose these kind of excitations in alternative to kinks and breathers. The model has been introduced by Barbi et al. [Phys. Lett. A 253, 358 (1999)], and up to now it has been used to study on the one hand low amplitude breather solutions, and on the other hand the DNA melting transition. We extend the model to include the case of heterogeneous chains, in order to get closer to a description of real DNA; in fact, the Morse potential representing the interaction between complementary bases has two possible depths, one for A-T and one for G-C base pairs. We first compute the equilibrium configurations of a chain with a degree of uncoiling, and we find that a static bubble is among them; then we show, by molecular dynamics simulations, that these bubbles, once generated, can move along the chain. We find that also in the most unfavourable case, that of a heterogeneous DNA in the presence of thermal noise, the excitation can travel for well more 1000 base pairs.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Resolved-sideband Raman cooling to the ground state of an optical lattice

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    We trap neutral Cs atoms in a two-dimensional optical lattice and cool them close to the zero-point of motion by resolved-sideband Raman cooling. Sideband cooling occurs via transitions between the vibrational manifolds associated with a pair of magnetic sublevels and the required Raman coupling is provided by the lattice potential itself. We obtain mean vibrational excitations \bar{n}_x \approx \bar{n}_y \approx 0.01, corresponding to a population \sim 98% in the vibrational ground state. Atoms in the ground state of an optical lattice provide a new system in which to explore quantum state control and subrecoil laser coolingComment: PDF file, 13 pages including 3 figure

    Minimum-Uncertainty Angular Wave Packets and Quantized Mean Values

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    Uncertainty relations between a bounded coordinate operator and a conjugate momentum operator frequently appear in quantum mechanics. We prove that physically reasonable minimum-uncertainty solutions to such relations have quantized expectation values of the conjugate momentum. This implies, for example, that the mean angular momentum is quantized for any minimum-uncertainty state obtained from any uncertainty relation involving the angular-momentum operator and a conjugate coordinate. Experiments specifically seeking to create minimum-uncertainty states localized in angular coordinates therefore must produce packets with integer angular momentum.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Radial Squeezed States and Rydberg Wave Packets

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    We outline an analytical framework for the treatment of radial Rydberg wave packets produced by short laser pulses in the absence of external electric and magnetic fields. Wave packets of this type are localized in the radial coordinates and have p-state angular distributions. We argue that they can be described by a particular analytical class of squeezed states, called radial squeezed states. For hydrogenic Rydberg atoms, we discuss the time evolution of the corresponding hydrogenic radial squeezed states. They are found to undergo decoherence and collapse, followed by fractional and full revivals. We also present their uncertainty product and uncertainty ratio as functions of time. Our results show that hydrogenic radial squeezed states provide a suitable analytical description of hydrogenic Rydberg atoms excited by short-pulsed laser fields.Comment: published in Physical Review