398 research outputs found

    Symbolic Tensor Calculus -- Functional and Dynamic Approach

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    In this paper, we briefly discuss the dynamic and functional approach to computer symbolic tensor analysis. The ccgrg package for Wolfram Language/Mathematica is used to illustrate this approach. Some examples of applications are attached

    Past endolithic life in metamorphic ocean crust

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    The known deep subsurface biosphere on Earth persists in diversified habitats, including deep within igneous rocks of the oceanic crust. Here, we extend the range of the deep subsurface biosphere to metamorphic ocean crust of a subduction zone. We report fossilised life in zeolite facies rocks, which formed by low grade metamorphism, from the southern Mariana trench. Dense carbonaceous spheroids, filaments, and Frutexites-like structures are preserved in these rocks, which are enriched in organic carbon but depleted in 13C. The distinct difference in the GDGT-0 vs. crenarchaeol and the branched vs. isoprenoid tetraether values between the inner and outer portions of these rocks indicate the in situ production of organic carbon. We demonstrate that these structures may result from the past activity of potential chemolithoautotrophs within the metamorphic crust, as implied by their morphologies, Raman spectra, carbon isotopes, and biomarker signatures, as well as the Fe oxidation state within whole rocks. We propose that fluid-rock reactions at temperatures within the tolerance of life during low grade metamorphism contributed to microbial subsistence within the biotope. The low grade metamorphic ocean crust of the subduction zone likely represents Earth’s deepest, and one of its largest, microbial ecosystems, which may potentially influence the deep carbon cycle

    Effect of synthesis conditions on formation pathways of metal organic framework (MOF-5) Crystals

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    Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) represent a class of nanoporous crystalline materials with far reaching potential in gas storage, catalysis, and medical devices. We investigated the effects of synthesis process parameters on production of MOF-5 from terephthalic acid and zinc nitrate in diethylformamide. Under favorable synthesis conditions, we systematically mapped a solid formation diagram in terms of time and temperature for both stirred and unstirred conditions. The synthesis of MOF-5 has been previously reported as a straightforward reaction progressing from precursor compounds in solution directly to the final MOF-5 solid phase product. However, we show that the solid phase formation process is far more complex, invariably transferring through metastable intermediate crystalline phases before the final MOF-5 phase is reached, providing new insights into the formation pathways of MOFs. We also identify process parameters suitable for scale-up and continuous manufacturing of high purity MOF-5

    Dilatonic ghost condensate as dark energy

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    We explore a dark energy model with a ghost scalar field in the context of the runaway dilaton scenario in low-energy effective string theory. We address the problem of vacuum stability by implementing higher-order derivative terms and show that a cosmologically viable model of ``phantomized'' dark energy can be constructed without violating the stability of quantum fluctuations. We also analytically derive the condition under which cosmological scaling solutions exist starting from a general Lagrangian including the phantom type scalar field. We apply this method to the case where the dilaton is coupled to non-relativistic dark matter and find that the system tends to become quantum mechanically unstable when a constant coupling is always present. Nevertheless, it is possible to obtain a viable cosmological solution in which the energy density of the dilaton eventually approaches the present value of dark energy provided that the coupling rapidly grows during the transition to the scalar field dominated era.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    A striking correspondence between the dynamics generated by the vector fields and by the scalar parabolic equations

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    The purpose of this paper is to enhance a correspondence between the dynamics of the differential equations y˙(t)=g(y(t))\dot y(t)=g(y(t)) on Rd\mathbb{R}^d and those of the parabolic equations u˙=Δu+f(x,u,u)\dot u=\Delta u +f(x,u,\nabla u) on a bounded domain Ω\Omega. We give details on the similarities of these dynamics in the cases d=1d=1, d=2d=2 and d3d\geq 3 and in the corresponding cases Ω=(0,1)\Omega=(0,1), Ω=T1\Omega=\mathbb{T}^1 and dim(Ω\Omega)2\geq 2 respectively. In addition to the beauty of such a correspondence, this could serve as a guideline for future research on the dynamics of parabolic equations

    Ameliorated ConA-Induced Hepatitis in the Absence of PKC-theta

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    Severe liver injury that occurs when immune cells mistakenly attack an individual's own liver cells leads to autoimmune hepatitis. In mice, acute hepatitis can be induced by concanavalin A (ConA) treatment, which causes rapid activation of CD1d-positive natural killer (NK) T cells. These activated NKT cells produce large amounts of cytokines, which induce strong inflammation that damages liver tissues. Here we show that PKC-θ−/− mice were resistant to ConA-induced hepatitis due to essential function of PKC-θ in NKT cell development and activation. A dosage of ConA (25 mg/kg) that was lethal to wild-type (WT) mice failed to induce death resulting from liver injury in PKC-θ−/− mice. Correspondingly, ConA-induced production of cytokines such as IFNγ, IL-6, and TNFα, which mediate the inflammation responsible for liver injury, were significantly lower in PKC-θ−/− mice. Peripheral NKT cells had developmental defects at early stages in the thymus in PKC-θ−/− mice, and as a result their frequency and number were greatly reduced. Furthermore, PKC-θ−/− bone marrow adoptively transferred to WT mice displayed similar defects in NKT cell development, suggesting an intrinsic requirement for PKC-θ in NKT cell development. In addition, upon stimulation with NKT cell-specific lipid ligand, peripheral PKC-θ−/− NKT cells produced lower levels of inflammatory cytokines than that of WT NKT cells, suggesting that activation of NKT cells also requires PKC-θ. Our results suggest PKC-θ is an essential molecule required for activation of NKT cell to induce hepatitis, and thus, is a potential drug target for prevention of autoimmune hepatitis

    Deadly liaisons: fatal attraction between CCN matricellular proteins and the tumor necrosis factor family of cytokines

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    Recent studies have revealed an unexpected synergism between two seemingly unrelated protein families: CCN matricellular proteins and the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family of cytokines. CCN proteins are dynamically expressed at sites of injury repair and inflammation, where TNF cytokines are also expressed. Although TNFα is an apoptotic inducer in some cancer cells, it activates NFκB to promote survival and proliferation in normal cells, and its cytotoxicity requires inhibition of de novo protein synthesis or NFκB signaling. The presence of CCN1, CCN2, or CCN3 overrides this requirement and unmasks the apoptotic potential of TNFα, thus converting TNFα from a proliferation-promoting protein into an apoptotic inducer. These CCN proteins also enhance the cytotoxicity of other TNF cytokines, including LTα, FasL, and TRAIL. Mechanistically, CCNs function through integrin α6β1 and the heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) syndecan-4 to induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation, which is essential for apoptotic synergism. Mutant CCN1 proteins defective for binding α6β1-HSPGs are unable to induce ROS or apoptotic synergism with TNF cytokines. Further, knockin mice that express an α6β1-HSPG-binding defective CCN1 are blunted in TNFα- and Fas-mediated apoptosis, indicating that CCN1 is a physiologic regulator of these processes. These findings implicate CCN proteins as contextual regulators of the inflammatory response by dictating or enhancing the cytotoxicity of TNFα and related cytokines

    Investigating older adults’ preferences for functions within a human-machine interface designed for fully autonomous vehicles

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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. Compared to traditional cars, where the driver has most of their attention allocated on the road and on driving tasks, in fully autonomous vehicles it is likely that the user would not need to intervene with driving related functions meaning that there will be little need for HMIs to have features and functionality relating to these factors. However, there will be an opportunity for a range of other interactions with the user. As such, designers and researchers need to have an understanding of what is actually needed or expected and how to balance the type of functionality they make available. Also, in HMI design, the design principles need to be considered in relation to a range of user characteristics, such as age, and sensory, cognitive and physical ability and other impairments. In this study, we proposed an HMI specially designed for connected autonomous vehicles with a focus on older adults. We examined older adults’ preferences of CAV HMI functions, and, the degree to which individual differences (e.g., personality, attitude towards computers, trust in technology, cognitive functioning) correlate with preferences for these functions. Thirty-one participants (M age = 67.52, SD = 7.29), took part in the study. They had to interact with the HMI and rate its functions based on the importance and likelihood of using them. Results suggest that participants prefer adaptive HMIs, with journey planner capabilities. As expected, as it is a CAV HMI, the Information and Entertainment functions are also preferred. Individual differences have limited relationship with HMI preferences