347 research outputs found

    Long-time stress relaxation of filled amorphous networks under uniaxial tension: The dynamic constrained junction model

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    The dynamic constrained junction model, based on the equilibrium theory of rubber elasticity, is applied to study the effects of fillers on the relaxation of stress in uniaxially deformed rubbers. Only low degrees of reinforcement are considered where complications such as filler-filler interactions are not pronounced. The proposed model is based on a purely molecular picture of the network and attempts to explain the molecular origins of the deformation and time dependence of stress in filled rubbers. Comparison with experimental data on filled (poly) isoprene networks showed that the deformation and time dependence of lightly filled samples can be predicted satisfactorily by the model

    Long time stress relaxation of amorphous networks under uniaxial tension: The Dynamic Constrained Junction Model

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    Poly-isoprene networks with different degrees of cross-linking and filler amount are studied under uniaxial stress relaxation. Time decay of stress obeys a stretched exponential form with a stretching parameter of 0.4 that is same for all independent variables, i.e., extensions, crosslink density and filler amount. Relaxation time τ increases with increasing strain, and decreases with both cross-link and filler content. Dependence of τ on filler content is less sensitive than on cross-link density. The isochronous Mooney-Rivlin plots show that the phenomenological constant 2C1 is time independent, and all time dependence results from that of 2C2 , which is associated with relaxation of intermolecular interactions at and above the length-scales of network chain dimensions. The relatively low value of the stretching parameter is interpreted in terms of a molecular model where entanglements contribute to relaxation at a wide spectrum of time scales

    Data-driven short-term load forecasting for heating and cooling demand in office buildings

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    Short-term forecasts of energy demand in buildings serve as key information for various operational schemes such as predictive control and demand response programs. Despite this, developing forecast models for heating and cooling loads has received little attention in the literature compared to models for electricity load. In this paper, we present data-driven approaches to forecast hourly heating and cooling energy use in office buildings based on temporal, autoregressive, and exogenous variables. The proposed models calculate hourly loads for a horizon between one hour and 12 hours ahead. Individual models based on artificial neural networks (ANN) and change-point models (CPM) as well as a hybrid of the two methods are developed. A case study is conducted based on hourly thermal load data collected from several office buildings located on the same campus in Ottawa, Canada. The models are trained with more than two years of hourly energy-use data and tested on a separate part of the dataset to enable unbiased validation. The results show that the ANN model can achieve higher forecasting accuracy for the longest forecast horizon and outperforms the results obtained by a Naïve approach and the CPM. However, the performance of the hybrid CPM-ANN method is superior compared to individual models for all studied buildings

    Morphometric and morphological evaluation of mastoid emissary canal using cone-beam computed tomography

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    Objectives: This study aimed to determine mastoid emissary canal’s (MEC) and mastoid foramen (MF) prevalence and morphometric characteristics on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images to underline its clinical significance and discuss its surgical consequences. Methods: In the retrospective analysis, two oral and maxillofacial radiologists analyzed the CBCT images of 135 patients (270 sides). The biggest MF and MEC were measured in the images evaluated in MultiPlanar Reconstruction (MPR) views. The MF and MEC mean diameters were calculated. The mastoid foramina number was recorded. The prevalence of MF was studied according to gender and side of the patient. Results: The overall prevalence of MEC and MF was 119 (88.1%). The prevalence of MEC and MF is 55.5% in females and 44.5% in males. MEC and MF were identified as bilateral in 80 patients (67.20%) and unilateral in 39 patients (32.80%). The mean diameter of MF was 2.4 ± 0.9 mm. The mean height of MF was 2.3 ± 0.9. The mean diameter of the MEC was 2.1 ± 0.8, and the mean height of the MEC was 2.1 ± 0.8. There is a statistical difference between the genders (p = 0.043) in foramen diameter. Males had a significantly larger mean diameter of MF in comparison to females. Conclusion: MEC and MF must be evaluated thoroughly if the surgery is contemplated. Radiologists and surgeons should be aware of mastoid emissary canal morphology, variations, clinical relevance, and surgical consequences while operating in the suboccipital and mastoid areas to avoid unexpected and catastrophic complications. CBCT may be a reliable imaging diagnostic technique


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    Existing models of information security policy as one of the main components of information security were analysed. Based on the analysis determined the optimal policy, whose main function is to protect information resources (courses training programs, personal user data repository, etc.) in distance education system "Virtual university" Lviv State University of Vital Activity Safety. Represents an effective model of role differentiation of access to this training system that helps ensure the proper level of information security against external and internal threats.Проведено аналіз моделей існуючих політик інформаційної безпеки як однієї з основних складових системи захисту інформації. На основі проведеного аналізу визначено найбільш оптимальну політику, основною функцією якої є захист інформаційних ресурсів (курси навчальних програм, особисті дані користувачів, репозитарій та ін.) системи дистанційного навчання "Віртуальний університет" Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності. Наведено модель рольового розмежування доступу до цієї навчальної системи, що дає змогу забезпечити належний рівень захисту інформації від зовнішніх і внутрішніх загроз

    Interpolation function of the genocchi type polynomials

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    The main purpose of this paper is to construct not only generating functions of the new approach Genocchi type numbers and polynomials but also interpolation function of these numbers and polynomials which are related to a, b, c arbitrary positive real parameters. We prove multiplication theorem of these polynomials. Furthermore, we give some identities and applications associated with these numbers, polynomials and their interpolation functions.Comment: 14 page

    Nasopharynx evaluation in children of unilateral cleft palate patients and normal with cone beam computed tomography

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the morphological characteristics of the nasopharynx in unilateral Cleft lip/palate (CL/P) children and non-cleft children using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). METHODS: A retrospective study consisted of 54 patients, of which 27 patients were unilateral CL/P, remaining 27 patients have no CL/P. Eustachian tubes orifice (ET), Rosenmuller fossa (RF) depth, presence of pharyngeal bursa (PB), the distance of posterior nasal spine (PNS)-pharynx posterior wall were quantitatively evaluated. RESULTS: The main effect of the CL/P groups was found to be effective on RF depth-right (p < 0.001) and RF depth-left (p < 0.001). The interaction effect of gender and CL/P groups was not influential on measurements. The cleft-side main effect was found to be effective on RF depth-left (p < 0.001) and RF depth-right (p  =  0002). There was no statistically significant relationship between CL/P groups and the presence of bursa pharyngea. CONCLUSIONS: Because it is the most common site of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), the anatomy of the nasopharynx should be well known in the early diagnosis of NPC

    Light-induced picosecond rotational disordering of the inorganic sublattice in hybrid perovskites.

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    Femtosecond resolution electron scattering techniques are applied to resolve the first atomic-scale steps following absorption of a photon in the prototypical hybrid perovskite methylammonium lead iodide. Following above-gap photoexcitation, we directly resolve the transfer of energy from hot carriers to the lattice by recording changes in the mean square atomic displacements on 10-ps time scales. Measurements of the time-dependent pair distribution function show an unexpected broadening of the iodine-iodine correlation function while preserving the Pb-I distance. This indicates the formation of a rotationally disordered halide octahedral structure developing on picosecond time scales. This work shows the important role of light-induced structural deformations within the inorganic sublattice in elucidating the unique optoelectronic functionality exhibited by hybrid perovskites and provides new understanding of hot carrier-lattice interactions, which fundamentally determine solar cell efficiencies

    Особенности контроля качества термообработки изделий из стали У8А при двухполярном несимметричном импульсном намагничивании

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    To detect deviations of required heat treatment temperature of tool carbon steel U8A is one of the important tasks of manufactured products quality assurance. By analyzing researchings, held earlier, it was found that most of instrumental carbon steels standard magnetic characteristics have ambiguous dependence from the heat treatment temperature and cannot be used for purposes of nondestructive testing. Results of researching magnetic parameters of high-quality tool carbon steel U8A, which are good for heat treatment quality testing, are considered. The parameters were defined on steel cylindrical samples by the instrument IMI–I, suited for measuring the ferromagnetic rods magnetic induction during pulsed magnetization in open magnetic circuit. Applicability of the difference δBmp–Br between the magnetic induction of maximum demagnetizing pulse amplitude and the residual magnetic induction for tool carbon steel U8A hardening temperature testing is determined. The coercive force Hс and the coercive force taking on asymmetric magnetic hysteresis loop Hса of the steel can be used to determine underheating and overheating during hardening but these magnetic parameters are inapplicable for hardening temperature testing. It is given that the magnetic induction taking on asymmetric magnetic hysteresis loop Brа and the magnetic induction ВδmH of the magnetic field strength of maximum difference δmH along the axis Н can give measurement sensitivity more than 40 % per 100 °C in low temperature (under 350 °C) tempering testing.Выявление воздействия отклонений от требуемого режима термообработки изделий из инструментальной углеродистой стали У8А является одной из важных задач обеспечения качества изготавливаемой продукции. Анализ проведенных ранее исследований показал, что для большинства стандартных магнитных характеристик инструментальных углеродистых сталей характерна неоднозначная зависимость их величин от режима проведенной термообработки, что не позволяет использовать стандартные магнитные характеристики инструментальных углеродистых сталей для неразрушающего контроля. В работе приводятся результаты исследований магнитных параметров инструментальной высококачественной углеродистой стали У8А при импульсном режиме перемагничивания в разомкнутой магнитной цепи с использованием прибора для измерения магнитной индукции ферромагнитных стержней в процессе импульсного намагничивания-перемагничивания ИМИ–И на цилиндрических образцах. Установлено, что для контроля температуры нагрева под закалку изделий из инструментальной углеродистой стали У8А можно использовать величину разности δBmp–Br между магнитной индукцией при максимальной амплитуде размагничивающего импульса и остаточной магнитной индукцией. Выявить недогрев и перегрев под закалку рассматриваемой марки стали можно по величинам коэрцитивной силы Hс и коэрцитивной силе по несимметричной петле магнитного гистерезиса Hса, однако контроль температуры закалки по этим параметрам затруднителен. Показано, что контроль низкотемпературного (до 350 °С) отпуска с достаточно высокой (не менее 40 % на 100 °С) чувствительностью возможен по таким параметрам, как остаточная магнитная индукция по несимметричной петле Brа и магнитная индукция ВδmH при напряженности магнитного поля, соответствующей максимальной разности δmH вдоль оси Н