83 research outputs found

    Paper of Dagestan Arabographic Manuscripts and Epistolary Documents of 19th — Early 20th Centuries: Ways of Receipt and Chronology of Use

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    The article is devoted to the paper of Dagestan Arabic manuscripts and epistolary documents of the 19th — early 20th centuries, as an important aspect of source study. This work allows you to get an idea of the history of Russia’s cultural and economic ties with Dagestan and the countries of the East. In the course of the study, a comparative historical method was used. The authors analyzed the works of domestic and foreign experts on this issue, highlighted the main identification features of the paper of these written documents. The relevance of the ongoing research is due to the need for a comprehensive study of the writing material of the Arabographic monuments of Dagestan origin. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the paper of these historical sources for the first time became the object of study in domestic source studies. It has been established that in the Dagestan manuscripts and epistolary documents of the 19th — early 20th centuries, the marked paper of Russian manufactories and factories is mainly represented. The article notes that for a full-fledged study of Dagestan Arabographic sources, it is necessary to use advanced digital technology and modern natural scientific developments. The study of historical sources paper is of great importance in the preservation and restoration of monuments of the written culture of the Dagestan peoples

    Data on Sheikh Abdurakhman-Haji as-Suguri in Collection of Sufi Biographies “Khikaya va Manaqib al-Mashaikh an-Naqshbandiyina” by Sharafaddin al-Kikuni

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    Data on known Dagestan religious and political figure of the 19th century - the Sufi Sheikh Abdurakhman-Haji as-Suguri - found in the Arabic collection of Sufi biographies “Khikaya va manaqib al-Mashaikh an-naqshbandiyina” by Sharafaddin al-Kikuni are considered. The authors of the article translated the fragments of the section of this work. On the example of the analysis of this information, an attempt is made to study the biography of a famous historical figure in the context of the narrative about the surreal events that took place in his life. In the course of work on the text, details are revealed that clarify previously known facts from the biography of a famous religious figure who played an important role in the spread of Sufism ideology in Dagestan. The authors raise the question of the expediency of using the revealed information in research works as a historical source. The textual, historical and philological analysis of the above-mentioned work by Sheikh Sharafaddin al-Kikuni is carried out. Attention is paid to the interpretation of the hagiographic components of the Sufi text, which are closely intertwined with well-known episodes from the biography of Abdurahman-Haji as-Suguri. The researchers conclude that the information about Sheikh as-Sughuri, given in the collection, deserve the attention of experts in various fields of humanitarian knowledge: philologists, historians, religious scholars, ethnographers, etc. Its consideration is important for the study of social, religious and cultural life of Dagestan society of the late 19th - early 20th centuries

    Dagestan Arabic-Language Epistolary Materials of the 19th — Early 20th Centuries

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    The article deals with the Arabic-language epistolary documents of Dagestan origin, dating back to the late 19th — early 20th centuries. The relevance of this study is due to the need to enter into scientific circulation epistolary material from the Fund of Oriental Manuscripts of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is noted that the introduction of these materials into scientific circulation will allow them to be used as sources of factual information, which can significantly supplement or clarify the facts already known to a specialist historian dealing with a particular problem. An overview of some Arabic-language epistolary documents of Dagestan origin is presented, their thematic characteristics are given, individual excerpts of letters from Arabic into Russian are translated, and the features of these documents are described in a historical context. Particular attention is paid to sources, as a storehouse of valuable information on the study of the socio-economic and political life of the Dagestan society. It is shown that the epistolary heritage allows one to reconstruct and interpret the history of everyday life, personal relationships in society and clarify certain aspects of the life of Dagestan society in the 19th — early 20th centuries

    Isomerization of 3 β-acetyl-α-3,4-epoxycarane

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    3 β-Acetyl-α-3,4-epoxycarane under the influence of bases is easily rearranged to the α, β-unsaturated ketol, namely 3 β-acetyl-4-caren-3-ol, by the E2 mechanism of the β-elimination reaction. © 1972 Consultants Bureau

    Oxidation of 3-carene with oxygen in presence of chromig anhydride

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    1. The oxidation of 3-carene with oxygtn in presence of CrO3 proceeds with predominant formation of ketones. 2. The primary products of the reaction are probably hydroperoxides, which decompose under the influence of the catalyst to ketones and alcohols. 3. The formation of the products described is accompanied by profound structural changes in the 3-carene. © 1963 Consultants Bureau Enterprises Inc

    The conformation of 3-acetyl-Δ3-carene and 3-carene-7-al

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    The conformations of 3-acetyl-Δ3-carene and 3-carene-7-al were established on the basis of the spectral data and molar Kerr constants. © 1971 Consultants Bureau

    Stereochemistry of reduction of 4-acetyl-3α,4α-epoxycarane by sodium borohydride

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    It was shown that the hydrogenolysis of 4-acetyl-3α,4α-epoxycarane using NaBH4 is accomplished stereoselectively in harmony with its steric structure. © 1979 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Light Sterile Neutrinos: A White Paper

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    This white paper addresses the hypothesis of light sterile neutrinos based on recent anomalies observed in neutrino experiments and the latest astrophysical data
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