245 research outputs found

    Boson-fermion mixtures inside an elongated cigar-shaped trap

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    We present mean-field calculations of the equilibrium state in a gaseous mixture of bosonic and spin-polarized fermionic atoms with repulsive or attractive interspecies interactions, confined inside a cigar-shaped trap under conditions such that the radial thickness of the two atomic clouds is approaching the magnitude of the s-wave scattering lengths. In this regime the kinetic pressure of the fermionic component is dominant. Full demixing under repulsive boson-fermion interactions can occur only when the number of fermions in the trap is below a threshold, and collapse under attractive interactions is suppressed within the range of validity of the mean-field model. Specific numerical illustrations are given for values of system parameters obtaining in 7Li-6Li clouds.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Boson-fermion demixing in a cloud of lithium atoms in a pancake trap

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    We evaluate the equilibrium state of a mixture of 7Li and 6Li atoms with repulsive interactions, confined inside a pancake-shaped trap under conditions such that the thickness of the bosonic and fermionic clouds is approaching the values of the s-wave scattering lengths. In this regime the effective couplings depend on the axial confinement and full demixing can become observable by merely squeezing the trap, without enhancing the scattering lengths through recourse to a Feshbach resonance.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Phase separation in a boson-fermion mixture of Lithium atoms

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    We use a semiclassical three-fluid model to analyze the conditions for spatial phase separation in a mixture of fermionic Li-6 and a (stable) Bose-Einstein condensate of Li-7 atoms under cylindrical harmonic confinement, both at zero and finite temperature. We show that with the parameters of the Paris experiment [F. Schrek et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 080403 (2001)] an increase of the boson-fermion scattering length by a factor five would be sufficient to enter the phase-separated regime. We give examples of configurations for the density profiles in phase separation and estimate that the transition should persist at temperatures typical of current experiments. For higher values of the boson-fermion coupling we also find a new phase separation between the fermions and the bosonic thermal cloud at finite temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, new version of Fig. 4 and typos correcte

    Collective dynamics of fermion clouds in cigar-shaped traps

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    The propagation of zero sound in a spin-polarized Fermi gas under harmonic confinement is studied as a function of the mean-field interactions with a second Fermi gas. A local-density treatment is compared with the numerical solution of the Vlasov-Landau equations for the propagation of density distortions in a trapped two-component Fermi gas at temperature T=0.2 Tf. The response of the gas to the sudden creation of a sharp hole at its centre is also studied numerically.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Structure and stability of quasi-two-dimensional boson-fermion mixtures with vortex-antivortex superposed states

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    We investigate the equilibrium properties of a quasi-two-dimensional degenerate boson-fermion mixture (DBFM) with a bosonic vortex-antivortex superposed state (VAVSS) using a quantum-hydrodynamic model. We show that, depending on the choice of parameters, the DBFM with a VAVSS can exhibit rich phase structures. For repulsive boson-fermion (BF) interaction, the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) may constitute a petal-shaped "core" inside the honeycomb-like fermionic component, or a ring-shaped joint "shell" around the onion-like fermionic cloud, or multiple segregated "islands" embedded in the disc-shaped Fermi gas. For attractive BF interaction just below the threshold for collapse, an almost complete mixing between the bosonic and fermionic components is formed, where the fermionic component tends to mimic a bosonic VAVSS. The influence of an anharmonic trap on the density distributions of the DBFM with a bosonic VAVSS is discussed. In addition, a stability region for different cases of DBFM (without vortex, with a bosonic vortex, and with a bosonic VAVSS) with specific parameters is given.Comment: 8 pages,5 figure

    Demixing in mesoscopic boson-fermion clouds inside cylindrical harmonic traps: quantum phase diagram and role of temperature

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    We use a semiclassical three-fluid thermodynamic model to evaluate the phenomena of spatial demixing in mesoscopic clouds of fermionic and bosonic atoms at high dilution under harmonic confinement, assuming repulsive boson-boson and boson-fermion interactions and including account of a bosonic thermal cloud at finite temperature T. The finite system size allows three different regimes for the equilibrium density profiles at T=0: a fully mixed state, a partially mixed state in which the overlap between the boson and fermion clouds is decreasing, and a fully demixed state where the two clouds have zero overlap. We propose simple analytical rules for the two cross-overs between the three regimes as functions of the physical system parameters and support these rules by extensive numerical calculations. A universal ``phase diagram'' expressed in terms of simple scaling parameters is shown to be valid for the transition to the regime of full demixing, inside which we identify several exotic configurations for the two phase-separated clouds in addition to simple ones consisting of a core of bosons enveloped by fermions and "vice versa". With increasing temperature the main role of the growing thermal cloud of bosons is to transform some exotic configurations into more symmetric ones, until demixing is ultimately lost. For very high values of boson-fermion repulsive coupling we also report demixing between the fermions and the thermally excited bosons.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Collective excitations of a trapped boson-fermion mixture across demixing

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    We calculate the spectrum of low-lying collective excitations in a mesoscopic cloud formed by a Bose-Einstein condensate and a spin-polarized Fermi gas as a function of the boson-fermion repulsions. The cloud is under isotropic harmonic confinement and its dynamics is treated in the collisional regime by using the equations of generalized hydrodynamics with inclusion of surface effects. For large numbers of bosons we find that, as the cloud moves towards spatial separation (demixing) with increasing boson-fermion coupling, the frequencies of a set of collective modes show a softening followed by a sharp upturn. This behavior permits a clear identification of the quantum phase transition. We propose a physical interpretation for the dynamical transition point in a confined mixture, leading to a simple analytical expression for its location.Comment: revtex4, 9 pages, 8 postscript file

    Collective excitations in trapped boson-fermion mixtures: from demixing to collapse

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    We calculate the spectrum of low-lying collective excitations in a gaseous cloud formed by a Bose-Einstein condensate and a spin-polarized Fermi gas over a range of the boson-fermion coupling strength extending from strongly repulsive to strongly attractive. Increasing boson-fermion repulsions drive the system towards spatial separation of its components (``demixing''), whereas boson-fermion attractions drive it towards implosion (``collapse''). The dynamics of the system is treated in the experimentally relevant collisionless regime by means of a Random-Phase approximation and the behavior of a mesoscopic cloud under isotropic harmonic confinement is contrasted with that of a macroscopic mixture at given average particle densities. In the latter case the locations of both the demixing and the collapse phase transitions are sharply defined by the same stability condition, which is determined by the softening of an eigenmode of either fermionic or bosonic origin. In contrast, the transitions to either demixing or collapse in a mesoscopic cloud at fixed confinement and particle numbers are spread out over a range of boson-fermion coupling strength, and some initial decrease of the frequencies of a set of collective modes is followed by hardening as evidenced by blue shifts of most eigenmodes. The spectral hardening can serve as a signal of the impending transition and is most evident when the number of bosons in the cloud is relatively large. We propose physical interpretations for these dynamical behaviors with the help of suitably defined partial compressibilities for the gaseous cloud under confinement.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, revtex

    Transmittivity of a Bose-Einstein condensate on a lattice: interference from period doubling and the effect of disorder

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    We evaluate the particle current flowing in steady state through a Bose-Einstein condensate subject to a constant force in a quasi-onedimensional lattice and to attractive interactions from fermionic atoms that are localized in various configurations inside the lattice wells. The system is treated within a Bose-Hubbard tight binding model by an out-of-equilibrium Green's function approach. A new band gap opens up when the lattice period is doubled by locating the fermions in alternate wells and yields an interference pattern in the transmittivity on varying the intensity of the driving force. The positions of the transmittivity minima are determined by matching the period of Bloch oscillations and the time for tunnelling across the band gap. Massive disorder in the distribution of the fermions will wash out the interference pattern, but the same period doubling of the lattice can be experimentally realized in a four-beam set-up. We report illustrative numerical results for a mixture of 87Rb and 40K atoms in an optical lattice created by laser beams with a wavelength of 763 nm.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Shell structure in the density profile of a rotating gas of spin-polarized fermions

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    We present analytical expressions and numerical illustrations for the ground-state density distribution of an ideal gas of spin-polarized fermions moving in two dimensions and driven to rotate in a harmonic well of circular or elliptical shape. We show that with suitable choices of the strength of the Lorentz force for charged fermions, or of the rotational frequency for neutral fermions, the density of states can be tuned as a function of the angular momentum so as to display a prominent shell structure in the spatial density profile of the gas. We also show how this feature of the density profile is revealed in the static structure factor determining the elastic light scattering spectrum of the gas.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure