29,045 research outputs found

    A Functional Approach to FBSDEs and Its Application in Optimal Portfolios

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    In Liang et al (2009), the current authors demonstrated that BSDEs can be reformulated as functional differential equations, and as an application, they solved BSDEs on general filtered probability spaces. In this paper the authors continue the study of functional differential equations and demonstrate how such approach can be used to solve FBSDEs. By this approach the equations can be solved in one direction altogether rather than in a forward and backward way. The solutions of FBSDEs are then employed to construct the weak solutions to a class of BSDE systems (not necessarily scalar) with quadratic growth, by a nonlinear version of Girsanov's transformation. As the solving procedure is constructive, the authors not only obtain the existence and uniqueness theorem, but also really work out the solutions to such class of BSDE systems with quadratic growth. Finally an optimal portfolio problem in incomplete markets is solved based on the functional differential equation approach and the nonlinear Girsanov's transformation.Comment: 26 page

    Impulse Generation by an Open Shock Tube

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    We perform experimental and numerical studies of a shock tube with an open end. The purpose is to investigate the impulse due to the exhaust of gases through the open end of the tube as a model for a partially filled detonation tube as used in pulse detonation engine testing. We study the effects of the pressure ratio (varied from 3 to 9.2) and the volume ratio (expressed as fill fractions) between the driver and driven section. Two different driver gases, helium and nitrogen, and fill fractions between 5 and 100% are studied; the driven section is filled with air. For both driver gases, increasing the pressure ratio leads to larger specific impulses. The specific impulse increases for a decreasing fill fraction for the helium driver, but the impulse is almost independent of the fill fraction for the nitrogen driver. Two-dimensional (axisymmetric) numerical simulations are carried out for both driver gases. The simulation results show reasonable agreement with experimental measurements at high pressure ratios or small fill fractions, but there are substantial discrepancies for the smallest pressure ratios studied. Empirical models for the impulse in the limits of large and small fill fractions are also compared with the data. Reasonable agreement is found for the trends with fill fractions using the Gurney or Sato model at large fill fractions, but only Cooper’s bubble model is able to predict the small fill fraction limit. Computations of acoustic impedance and numerical simulations of unsteady gas dynamics indicate that the interaction of waves with the driver-driven gas interface and the propagation of waves in the driven gas play an essential role in the partial-fill effect

    Universal Structure of Twist-3 Soft-Gluon-Pole Cross Sections for Single Transverse-Spin Asymmetry

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    We prove that twist-3 soft-gluon-pole (SGP) cross section for single spin asymmetries (SSA) is determined by a certain ``primordial'' twist-2 cross section up to kinematic and color factors in the leading order perturbative QCD. In particular, for the processes in which the partonic hard scattering occurs among massless partons, the invariance of the ``primordial'' partonic cross section under scale transformation leads to remarkable simplification of the SGP cross section, reproducing compact form that was recently observed for pion production ppπXp^\uparrow p\to \pi X and direct-photon production ppγXp^\uparrow p\to \gamma X.Comment: 5 pages in LaTex. 2 figures. Minor modifications in the tex

    Sectoral r modes and periodic RV variations of Sun-like stars

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    Radial velocity (RV) measurements are used to search for planets orbiting late-type main-sequence stars and confirm the transiting planets. The most advanced spectrometers are approaching a precision of 10\sim 10 cm/s that implies the need to identify and correct for all possible sources of RV oscillations intrinsic to the star down to this level and possibly beyond. The recent discovery of global-scale equatorial Rossby waves in the Sun, also called r modes, prompted us to investigate their possible signature in stellar RV measurements. R modes are toroidal modes of oscillation whose restoring force is the Coriolis force and propagate in the retrograde direction in a frame that corotates with the star. The solar r modes with azimuthal orders 3m153 \leq m \lesssim 15 were identified unambiguously because of their dispersion relation and their long e-folding lifetimes of hundreds of days. Here we simulate the RV oscillations produced by sectoral r modes with 2m52 \leq m \leq 5 assuming a stellar rotation period of 25.54 days and a maximum amplitude of the surface velocity of each mode of 2 m/s. This amplitude is representative of the solar measurements, except for the m=2m=2 mode which has not yet been observed. Sectoral r modes with azimuthal orders m=2m=2 and 33 would produce RV oscillations with amplitudes of 76.4 and 19.6 cm/s and periods of 19.16 and 10.22 days, respectively, for a star with an inclination of the rotation axis i=60i=60^{\circ}. Therefore, they may produce rather sharp peaks in the Fourier spectrum of the radial velocity time series that could lead to spurious planetary detections. Sectoral r~modes may represent a source of confusion in the case of slowly rotating inactive stars that are preferential targets for RV planet search. The main limitation of the present investigation is the lack of observational constraint on the amplitude of the m=2m=2 mode on the Sun.Comment: 7 pages; 4 figures; 1 table; accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    β\beta-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei and matter flow in the rr-process

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    The β\beta-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei with 20Z5020 \leqslant Z \leqslant 50 are systematically investigated using the newly developed fully self-consistent proton-neutron quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA), based on the spherical relativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (RHFB) framework. Available data are reproduced by including an isospin-dependent proton-neutron pairing interaction in the isoscalar channel of the RHFB+QRPA model. With the calculated β\beta-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei a remarkable speeding up of rr-matter flow is predicted. This leads to enhanced rr-process abundances of elements with A140A \gtrsim 140, an important result for the understanding of the origin of heavy elements in the universe.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Nuclear charge-exchange excitations in localized covariant density functional theory

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    The recent progress in the studies of nuclear charge-exchange excitations with localized covariant density functional theory is briefly presented, by taking the fine structure of spin-dipole excitations in 16O as an example. It is shown that the constraints introduced by the Fock terms of the relativistic Hartree-Fock scheme into the particle-hole residual interactions are straightforward and robust.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of INPC2013, Florence, Italy, 2-7 June 201

    Experimental data on the single spin asymmetry and their interpretations by the chromo-magnetic string model

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    An attempt is made to interpret the various existing experimental data on the single spin asymmetries in inclusive pion production by the polarized proton and antiproton beams. As the basis of analysis the chromo-magnetic string model is used. A whole measured kinematic region is covered. The successes and fails of such approach are outlined. The possible improvements of model are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Single transverse-spin asymmetry for DD-meson production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering

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    We study the single-transverse spin asymmetry for open charm production in the semi-inclusive lepton-hadron deep inelastic scattering. We calculate the asymmetry in terms of the QCD collinear factorization approach for DD mesons at high enough PhP_{h\perp}, and find that the asymmetry is proportional to the twist-three tri-gluon correlation function in the proton. With a simple model for the tri-gluon correlation function, we estimate the asymmetry for both COMPASS and eRHIC kinematics, and discuss the possibilities of extracting the tri-gluon correlation function in these experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure