61 research outputs found

    Th1 and Th2 cytokine profile in patients with early onset periodontitis and their healthy siblings.

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    Early onset periodontitis (EOP) is a chronic inflammatory periodontal disease with a strong genetic link affecting individuals aged 17 to 25. In the familial studies we tested the hypothesis about the role of Th1 and Th2 cytokines in the pathogenesis of EOP disease. The study involved 6 individuals with EOP disease and their 6 siblings with healthy periodontium. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (A. a), a bacterium typical for EOP, was detected in all people studied. Th1 and Th2 cytokine production was measured after in vitro stimulation. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated and cultivated for 24 h and 7 days with PWM, A. a. or Escherichia coli. The levels of IL-4, IFN-gamma, IgA, IgG and IgM were measured by ELISA methods. After in vitro stimulation of PBMC, a significantly higher production of IL-4 and significantly lower production of IFN-gamma were found in the group of patients compared with their healthy siblings. The increased level of IL-4 in patients was in good agreement with an increased level of IgM after stimulation of lymphocytes with E. coli. These results support Seymour's hypothesis according to which patients with progressive disease primarily activate Th2 lymphocytes while non-susceptible individuals activate Th1 lymphocytes

    Turnip yellow mosaic virus in Chinese cabbage in Spain: Commercial seed transmission and molecular characterization

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    [EN] Seed transmission of Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV, genus Tymovirus) was evaluated in the whole seeds and seedlings that emerged from three commercial Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) seed batches. Seedlings in the cotyledon stage and adult plants were assayed for TYMV by DAS-ELISA and confirmed by RT-PCR. The proportion of whole seeds infected with TYMV was at least 0.15 %. The seeds of the three seed batches were grown in Petri dishes, and surveyed in the cotyledon stage in trays that contained a peat:sand mixture grown in greenhouses or growth chambers, which were analysed in the cotyledon and adult stages. The seed-to-seedling transmission rate ranged from 2.5 % to 2.9 % in two different seed batches (lot-08 and lot-09, respectively). Spanish isolates derived from turnip (Sp-03) and Chinese cabbage (Sp-09 and Sp-13), collected in 2003, 2009 and 2013 in two different Spanish regions, were molecularly characterised by analysing the partial nucleotide sequences of three TYMV genome regions: partial RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), methyltransferase (MTR) and coat protein (CP) genes. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the CP gene represented two different groups: TYMV-1 and TYMV-2. The first was subdivided into three subclades: European, Australian and Japanese. Spanish isolate Sp-03 clustered together with European TYMV group, whereas Sp-09 and Sp-13 grouped with the Japanese TYMV group, and all differed from group TYMV-2. The sequences of the three different genomic regions examined clustered into the same groups. The results suggested that Spanish isolates grouped according to the original hosts from which they were isolated. The inoculation of the Spanish TYMV isolates to four crucifer plants species (turnip, broccoli, Brunswick cabbage and radish) revealed that all the isolates infected turnip with typical symptoms, although differences were observed in other hosts.Alfaro Fernández, AO.; Serrano, A.; Tornos, T.; Cebrian Mico, MC.; Córdoba-Sellés, MDC.; Jordá, C.; Font San Ambrosio, MI. (2016). Turnip yellow mosaic virus in Chinese cabbage in Spain: Commercial seed transmission and molecular characterization. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY. 146(2):433-442. doi:10.1007/s10658-016-0929-3S4334421462Assis Filho, M., & Sherwood, J. L. (2000). Evaluation of seed transmission of Turnip yellow mosaic virus and Tobacco mosaic virus in Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytopathology, 90, 1233–1238.Benetti, M. P., & Kaswalder, F. (1983). Trasmisione per seme del virus del mosaico giallo rapa. Annali dell Istituto Sperimentale per la Patologia Vegetale, 8, 67–70.Blok, J., Mackenzie, A., Guy, P., & Gibbs, A. (1987). Nucleotide sequence comparisons of Turnip yellow mosaic virus isolates from Australia and Europe. Archives of Virology, 97, 283–295.Brunt, A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M., Gibbs, A., Watson, L., & Zurcher, E.J. (1996). Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and Lists from the VIDE Database. Version: 20th August 1996. URL http://biology.anu.edu.au/Groups/MES/vide/ .Campbell, R. N., Wipf-Scheibel, C., & Lecoq, H. (1996). Vector-assissted seed transmission of melon necrotic spot virus in melon. Phytopathology, 86, 1294–1298.Dreher, T. W., & Bransom, K. L. (1992). Genomic RNA sequence of Turnip yellow mosaic virus isolate TYMC, a cDNA-based clone with verified infectivity. Plant Molecular Biology, 18, 403–406.Fakhro, A., Von Bargen, S., Bandte, M., Büttner, C., Franken, P., & Schwarz, D. (2011). Susceptibility of different plant species and tomato cultivars to two isolates of Pepino mosaic virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 129, 579–590.Gibbs, A. J., & Gower, J. C. (1960). The use of a multiple-transfer method in plant virus transmission studies: some statistical points arising in the analysis of results. Annals of Applied Biology, 48, 75–83.Hayden, C. M., Mackenzie, A. M., & Gibbs, A. J. (1998a). Virion protein sequence variation among Australian isolates of turnip yellow mosaic tymovirus. Archives of Virology, 143, 191–201.Hayden, C. M., Mackenzie, A. M., Skotnicki, M. L., & Gibbs, A. (1998b). Turnip yellow mosaic virus isolates with experimentally produced recombinant virion proteins. Journal of General Virology, 79, 395–403.Hein, A. (1984). Transmission of Turnip yellow mosaic virus through seed of Camelina sativa gold of pleasure. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 91, 549–551.Herrera-Vásquez, J. A., Córdoba-Sellés, M. C., Cebrián, M. C., Alfaro-Fernández, A., & Jordá, C. (2009). Seed transmission of Melon necrotic spot virus and efficacy of seed-disinfection treatments. Plant Pathology, 58, 436–452.Hull, R. (2002). 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Archives of Virology, 150, 2347–2355.Pagán, I., Fraile, A., Fernández-Fueyo, E., Montes, N., Alonso-Blanco, C., & García-Arenal, F. (2010). Arabidopsis thaliana as a model for the study of plant-virus co-evolution. Philosophical Transations of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 365, 1983–1995.Paul, H. L., Gibbs, A., & Wittman-Liebold, B. (1980). The relationships of certain Tymoviruses assessed from the amino acid composition of their coat proteins. Intervirology, 13, 99–109.Pelikanova, J. (1990). Garlic mustard a spontaneous host of TYMV. Ochrana Rostlin, 26, 17–22.Procházková, Z. (1980). Host range and symptom differences between isolates of Turnip mosaic virus obtained from Sisymbrium loeselii. Biologia Plantarum, 22, 341–347.Rimmer, S. R., Shtattuck, V. I., & Buchwaldt, L. (2007). Compendium of brassica diseases (1ª Edición ed.p. 117). USA: APS press.Rot, M. E., & Jelkman, W. (2001). Characterization and detection of several filamentous viruses of cherry: Adaptation of an alternative cloning method (DOP-PCR), and modification of an RNA extraction protocol. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 107, 411–420.Sabanadzovic, S., Abou-Ghanem, N., Castellano, M. A., Digiaero, M., & Martelli, G. P. (2000). Grapevine fleck virus-like in Vitis. Archives of Virology, 145, 553–565.Špack, J., & Kubelková, D. (2000). Serological variability among European isolates of Radish mosaic virus. Plant Pathology, 49, 295–301.Špack, J., Kubelková, D., & Hnilicka, E. (1993). Seed transmission of Turnip yellow mosaic virus in winter turnip and winter oilseed rapes. Annals of Applied Biology, 123, 33–35.Stobbs, L. W., Cerkauskas, R. F., Lowery, T., & VanDriel, L. (1998). Occurrence of Turnip yellow mosaic virus on oriental cruciferours vegetables in Southern Ontario, Canada. Plant Disease, 82, 351.Tamura, K., Peterson, D., Peterson, N., Stecher, G., Nei, M., & Kumar, S. (2011). MEGA5: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis using maximum likelihood, evolutionary distance, and maximum parsimony methods. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28, 2731–2739

    Climate-smart agriculture practices for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions

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    Agricultural lands make up approximately 37% of the global land surface, and agriculture is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Those GHGs are responsible for the majority of the anthropogenic globalwarming effect.Agricultural GHG emissions are associated with agricultural soil management (e.g. tillage), use of both synthetic and organic fertilisers, livestock management, burning of fossil fuel for agricultural operations, and burning of agricultural residues and land use change. When natural ecosystems such as grasslands are converted to agricultural production, 20-40% of the soil organic carbon (SOC) is lost over time, following cultivation.We thus need to develop management practices that can maintain or even increase SOC storage in and reduce GHG emissions from agricultural ecosystems. We need to design systematic approaches and agricultural strategies that can ensure sustainable food production under predicted climate change scenarios, approaches that are being called climate-smart agriculture (CSA). Climate-smart agricultural management practices, including conservation tillage, use of cover crops and biochar application to agricultural fields, and strategic application of synthetic and organic fertilisers have been considered a way to reduce GHG emission from agriculture. Agricultural management practices can be improved to decreasing disturbance to the soil by decreasing the frequency and extent of cultivation as a way to minimise soil C loss and/or to increase soil C storage. Fertiliser nitrogen (N) use efficiency can be improved to reduce fertilizer N application and N loss. Management measures can also be taken to minimise agricultural biomass burning. This chapter reviews the current literature on CSA practices that are available to reduce GHG emissions and increase soil C sequestration and develops a guideline on best management practices to reduce GHG emissions, increase C sequestration, and enhance crop productivity in agricultural production systems

    The Physiology and Proteomics of Drought Tolerance in Maize: Early Stomatal Closure as a Cause of Lower Tolerance to Short-Term Dehydration?

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    Understanding the response of a crop to drought is the first step in the breeding of tolerant genotypes. In our study, two maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes with contrasting sensitivity to dehydration were subjected to moderate drought conditions. The subsequent analysis of their physiological parameters revealed a decreased stomatal conductance accompanied by a slighter decrease in the relative water content in the sensitive genotype. In contrast, the tolerant genotype maintained open stomata and active photosynthesis, even under dehydration conditions. Drought-induced changes in the leaf proteome were analyzed by two independent approaches, 2D gel electrophoresis and iTRAQ analysis, which provided compatible but only partially overlapping results. Drought caused the up-regulation of protective and stress-related proteins (mainly chaperones and dehydrins) in both genotypes. The differences in the levels of various detoxification proteins corresponded well with the observed changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes. The number and levels of up-regulated protective proteins were generally lower in the sensitive genotype, implying a reduced level of proteosynthesis, which was also indicated by specific changes in the components of the translation machinery. Based on these results, we propose that the hypersensitive early stomatal closure in the sensitive genotype leads to the inhibition of photosynthesis and, subsequently, to a less efficient synthesis of the protective/detoxification proteins that are associated with drought tolerance

    Sedimentary evidence for an ice-sheet dammed lake in a mountain valley of the Eastern Sudetes, Czechia

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    An accumulation of glacial sediments is located near Písečná village in the depression between the Sokol Ridge and Zlaté Hory Highlands NNE of Jeseník town (Eastern Sudetes). The accumulation lies at the lateral side of the mountain valley of the Bělá River and fills a preglacial palaeovalley of this river. Research combining facies analysis of outcrops, ground penetrating radar survey, interpretation drilling survey, and modelling of the preglacial relief was undertaken at the site. According to the results obtained, the upper part of the sedimentary accumulation represents a coarse-grained terminoglacial glaciofluvial delta of the Gilbert type. The development of the accumulation has dominantly been driven by the preglacial morphology. Facies typical for foresets of coarse-grained deltas represented mainly by high-density flows, cohesionless debris flows, debris falls and less common low-density flows were found in the outcrops. The delta near Písečná prograded into a lake dammed by the ice-sheet front in the north. The lake was bounded by the slopes of Sokol Ridge, Zlaté Hory Highlands and Góry Parkowe on other sides. The lake level reached an altitude of up to 430 m a.s.l., as the coarse-grained delta plain base lies at this level

    Resonance-assisted stabilisation of hydrogen bonds probed by NMR spectroscopy and path integral molecular dynamics

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    Path integral molecular dynamics and experimental NMR data are used to investigate resonance-assisted hydrogen bonds (RAHBs). When nuclear delocalisation is included in chemical shift calculations, the agreement with experiment is excellent, while static calculations show very poor performance. The results support the concept of RAHB, which has recently been questioned