10 research outputs found

    Determinación de sebo bovino en mantequilla utilizando un método integral

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    The detection of animal fats such as tallow in butter using standard criteria is more difficult than vegetable fats. In order to perform a complete assessment, several methods are likely to be used together. In the experimental design of this research, compositional characteristics such as fatty acids, sterols and triacylglycerols, along with the conventional physicochemical characteristics of butter mixed with different percentages of tallow (0–15% w/w) were evaluated. An increase of less than 5% (w/w) in bovine tallow content in butter physicochemical tests, sterols and fatty acids could not indicate the adulteration level but the ratio of C6+8+10+12/C18 fatty acids, C52/C50، C52/C48, C52/C46 triacylglycerols, S1, S3, S5-value equation and C52 triacylglycerols could show this adulteration level in butter. Also, the successive use of fatty acids and triacylglycerols resulted in the capability to determine adulteration in butter including bovine tallow above 1% (w/w).La detección de grasas animales, como el sebo en mantequilla, utilizando criterios estándares es más difícil que las grasas vegetales y esto probablemente se puede evaluar mediante la recopilación de métodos de evaluación y mediante un enfoque completo. En el diseño experimental de esta investigación, se evaluaron las características composicionales como los ácidos grasos, esteroles y triacilgliceroles junto con los índices fisicoquímicos convencionales, en mantequilla mezclada con un porcentaje diferente de sebo (0–15% p/p). Mediante un aumento de menos del 5% (p/p) de contenido de sebo bovino en mantequilla, las pruebas fisicoquímicas, los esteroles y los ácidos grasos no pudieron indicar el nivel de adulteración, pero sí lo hizo la relación de ácidos grasos C6+8+10+12/C18, la relación de triacilgliceroles C52C50; C52/C48; C52/C46; los valores de S1, S3, S5 en la ecuación y los triacilgliceroles C52. Además, el uso sucesivo de ácidos grasos y triacilgliceroles dio como resultado la capacidad de determinar la adulteración en la mantequilla, incluido el sebo bovino por encima del 1% (p/p)

    Replacing Sugar by Date Syrup in Gaz and Investigation of Texture Properties

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    Date Syrup is a natural sweetener that is suitable replacement for sugar in food stuffs formulation. In this Research Amounts of 25-100 percent of sugar in Gaz formulation were replaced with date syrup and to study effect of its use in product formulation, characteristics of texture, color and sensory analyse of treatments were investigated. Statistical analyse of data was also done by SPSS software and Dankan test. The results of this research showed that amount of used date syrup in formulation had a significant effect on color parameters (L*,a*,b*), texture characteristics and sensory analyse of samples. By increase of date syrup in Gaz formulation, samples texture became softer than control sample and yellowness and redness index of samples were increasedDoi: DOI: 10.12777/ijse.6.1.11-15 [How to cite this article: Shafiei, Z., Hojjatoleslami, M., Soha, S., and Shariati, M.A. 2014. The Influence of Malt Extraction Adding to UF Fresh Low Fat Cheese on Its Textural Properties. International Journal of Science and Engineering, 6(1):57-60. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.6.1.11-1

    Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum on microbial population of Iranian fermented pickle

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    Pickle fermentation is a natural process in which microorganisms could affect the quality of the product. Amongst, Lactobacillus plantarum strains that improve the quality of fermented pickle. In this study, in order to produce safe and desirable fermented pickle, local cucumbers were immersed in 5% and 7% (w/v) brine solutions. The samples were inoculated with 0, 4 ´106, 4 ´107 and 6 ´108 cfu/ml of L. plantarum. The samples were kept at ambient temperature for 15 days followed by 30 days storage at 4 °C and 25 °C. The bacterial populations were analyzed during the aforementioned stages of fermentation and storage. According to the results, the maximum quantity (8.57 log10 cfu/ml) of L. plantarum was observed in the 9 day of fermentation and in the samples inoculated with 6 ´108 cfu/ml and kept in 5% brine solution. Moreover, compared to the other samples, the population of yeasts and aerobic mesophilic count were the least in the samples inoculated with 6 ´108 cfu/ml of L. plantarum and stored in 7% brine solution. During the storage period, the population of L. plantarum, yeasts and aerobic mesophilic in the samples stored at 25 °C were higher than the samples stored at 4 °C. Results revealed that in the 30 day of storage, the highest load (5.47 log10 cfu/ml) of L. plantarum was observed in the samples kept in 7% brine solution at 4 °C. It was concluded that providing the condition that favors the appropriate growth of L. plantarum could help to hinder the growth of undesirable organisms in fermented pickle