154 research outputs found

    Requirements Negotiation: Does Consensus Reduce Software Development Cost?

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    The requirements engineering activities within a software project are known to be critical to the successful production of a correctly functioning system. This is particularly so when considering the varying views of multiple stakeholders. One promising approach for improving the outcome is to introduce formal negotiation. Negotiation is beneficial to identify and to resolve conflicts between stakeholders. Consensus achieved through negotiation represents all key stakeholders’ perspectives and perceptions regarding the system to be developed. The aim of implementing negotiation is to minimize the possibility of introducing defects during the creation of requirements and to decrease later effort required to fix requirements’ defects. This paper answers the question of whether consensus gives positive significant impact to the software project as a whole or not. It presents an approach to estimate the savings from implementing negotiation in the requirements elicitation process. An empirical evaluation study is adopted through a role play experiment to evaluate the benefit of exercising negotiation. The net gain and the return on investment show positive values which suggest that negotiation activities are worth an investment. Based on a return on investment of 197 percent on average, this paper suggests that negotiation is a useful prevention activity to inhibit defects from occurring during the requirements creation process

    The Data Journalism Practices in the Production of Investigative News Videos by Narasi TV

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    The digital and open data era has given rise to the development of methods in data journalism to create an in-depth or investigative news report. The widespread use of social media, dominated by the Y and Z generations, has also encouraged journalists to present the story in attractive formats. As one of the digital media in Indonesia, Narasi TV has data-based long-form stories called Buka Mata, presented in video forms and published through various social media. This research aims to answer the question, “How does Narasi TV produce the data journalism videos in Buka Mata?” to describe Narasi TV’s data journalism practices. This study uses a constructivist paradigm, a qualitative approach, and the case study method; and refers to the data journalism concept from The Data Journalism Handbook in 2012 to solve the research question. The findings show that Narasi TV has implemented data journalism practices such as gathering, verifying, analyzing, and visualizing data in producing Buka Mata. Furthermore, Narasi TV also uses an open-source intelligence (OSINT) method to create its investigative news videos

    The future journalists of Timor-Leste: Job expectations, knowledge and skills on multimedia journalism

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    In April 2019, Jakarta-based UNESCO with two lecturers from the Department of Communication Science at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and one researcher at PR2Media prepared a plan to hold multimedia journalism training workshops at the Department of Social Communication (DSC) of the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) in Timor-Leste (East Timor). This article describes the current aspirations of the trainees related to their future media and journalism career in East Timor as well as the reflective evaluations of the Indonesian trainers on the training complemented with students’ pre-test and post-test survey on multimedia journalism knowledge and skills. Participants on the multimedia journalism training carried out in July-August 2019 were adept with the required technological skills. Their biggest challenges came from basic language and journalism skills, such writing in good Tetum, Portuguese, Indonesian or English (in East Timor, Tetum and Portuguese are the official languages, while Indonesian and English were designated as ‘working’ languages), covering the stories, and presenting the stories in a journalistic style. Despite these challenges, they were finally able to produce basic multimedia stories with a local perspective on the designated news site

    Environmental awareness and attitude among Iranian students in Malaysian universities

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    This study focuses on environmental awareness and attitude among Iranian students in Malaysian universities. It evaluates the awareness and attitude of a group of 541 from 14 universities. The figure to 541 is considered the representative of these students and the selection was based on Stratified Random sampling method and G-power soft ware. A set of questionnaire which comprised of 25 questions was applied as instrument for data collection. The results revealed that environmental awareness was overall moderate while environmental attitude was high. The study also found that there was no significant difference observed between sex groups while environmental awareness results indicated that there were significant difference among different levels of education. This trend was in contrast with observation for environment alattitude status. The age groups analysis results revealed significant difference in environmental awareness and attitude. It was also found that the media positively affected the level of environmental awareness and attitude among students. The study concluded that increase on age and level of education would improve the level of awareness and attitude regarding to environmental issues

    Greening cloud-enabled big data storage forensics : Syncany as a case study

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    The pervasive nature of cloud-enabled big data storage solutions introduces new challenges in the identification, collection, analysis, preservation and archiving of digital evidences. Investigation of such complex platforms to locate and recover traces of criminal activities is a time-consuming process. Hence, cyber forensics researchers are moving towards streamlining the investigation process by locating and documenting residual artefacts (evidences) of forensic value of users’ activities on cloud-enabled big data platforms in order to reduce the investigation time and resources involved in a real-world investigation. In this paper, we seek to determine the data remnants of forensic value from Syncany private cloud storage service, a popular storage engine for big data platforms. We demonstrate the types and the locations of the artefacts that can be forensically recovered. Findings from this research contribute to an in-depth understanding of cloud-enabled big data storage forensics, which can result in reduced time and resources spent in real-world investigations involving Syncany-based cloud platforms

    Survey of Millennial and Generation Z Response to Native Advertising Trends in Online News Portal

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    Native advertising is a commercial message wrapped in an informative article that borrows the credibility of the newsroom, which is a crucial issue in the realm of journalism and advertising. This research aims to determine the trend of audience response in the Millennial generation and Z generation in responding to native advertising content on online news portals. Using the Persuasion Knowledge Model theory, this study used a quantitative approach by surveying 401 respondents. The research results show that the audience response is positive towards native advertising, with a percentage of 76.16%. In addition, respondents also provided support for native advertising as an innovation in the field of advertising to continue to develop in Indonesia. Native advertising adalah pesan komersial dibalut artikel informatif yang meminjam kredibilitas ruang redaksi yang menjadi isu krusial dalam ranah jurnalisme dan periklanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kecenderungan respons audiens pada generasi Milenial dan generasi Z dalam menanggapi konten native advertising di portal berita daring. Dengan menggunakan teori Model Pengetahuan Persuasi, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan melakukan survei kepada 401 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa respons audiens positif terhadap native advertising dengan persentase sebesar 76,16%. Selain itu, responden turut memberi dukungan bagi native advertising sebagai inovasi dalam bidang periklanan untuk terus berkembang di Indonesia

    Metamorphosis Induction of the Dog Conch Strombus canarium (Gastropoda: Strombidae) Using Cues Associated with Conch Nursery Habitat

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    Strombus canarium is a commercially important gastropod that has great potential for advancement into aquaculture. In this study, the metamorphosis response of Strombus canarium larvae to various metamorphosis cues associated with conch nursery habitat and to KCl and GABA, were tested. Bioassays were run as static, no choice experiment and adopting a continuous exposure approach. Strombus canarium larvae showed strong metamorphosis responses when sediment (i.e., conch nursery habitat sediment/SD-NU) and detrital substrata (i.e., Thalassia detritus leachate/T-LC) from their nursery habitat were used (p<0.05). There was no metamorphosis in treatments using sterilized conch nursery habitat sediment (SD-ST) and sediment taken from outside conch nursery habitat (SD-OT). Experiments using fresh macrophyte blades of Enhalus acoroides (EA), Thalassia hemprichii (TH), Halophila ovalis (HA) and Ulva (UL) and adult conditioned seawater (SD-SW) also showed negative respond. Conch larvae demonstrate active habitat selection during metamorphosis and no spontaneous metamorphosis was observed. Settlement in S. canarium is associative in nature where epibionts associated with conch nursery habitat could be the cue for the metamorphosis. However, the specific epibionts/inducers and mechanisms underlining the process were not studied and therefore are subjected to more detailed investigation. The use of KCl was comparable with treatments using natural inducers (SD-NU and T-LC), thus was suggested for application in hatchery spat production of the species

    Parametric sensitivity analysis of the separation process for n-butanol production

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    n-butanol and iso-butanol are commonly produced by the hydrogenation of n-butyraldehyde and iso-butyraldehyde employing the patented copper catalyst accommodated in the reactors in series. The main cause of the lower n-butanol and iso-butanol yield was due to the catalyst blockage rendering a pressure build-up that could lead to a plant shut down. Bypassing the last reactor from the series could be a potential solution to continue running the plant until the next shutdown plan to replace catalyst. The study adopted simulation approach using Aspen Plus V10 to investigate the effect of bypassing the last reactor in the series to the product purity of the downstream separation processes. The iso-butanol and n-butanol with the desired purity were produced from the distillate and bottom product when the column was operated at the RR of 8.03 and DF of 0.328. The reaction conversion of R-102 was varied from 0.1-0.995 but the variation did not significantly change the composition of the main product. Hence, the present study affirmed that the bypassing of third reactor from the reactor train would not affect the product purity of the main product, n-butanol

    Development of a questionnaire for the study of malnutrition among children in rural Kelantan, Malaysia

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    Introduction Historical data have shown the contributing factors underlying malnutrition among children are diverse, multi-sectoral, interrelated. These entail biological, social, cultural, and economic factors. To determine the contributing factors, the development of an accurate and reliable questionnaire is essential. Method Based on a previously described conceptual framework of malnutrition in children, this study was conducted in two phases. During the first phase, an in-depth interview of 20 health workers who provide direct care to malnourished children in the study was conducted using semi-structured questionnaire. Based on the findings, a theoretical framework was generated to assist the development of quantitative questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed and then tested using quantitative approach to establish its reliability and validity. Results Qualitative analysis of the in-depth interview revealed 17 items which were used to build a conceptual framework for questionnaire development. The questionnaire later was administered to 295 children and their parents/caregivers, with 28.76-35.28% of their children showed sign of malnutrition in the form of stunting, wasting, and underweight. Exploratory factor analysis showed two factors: environmental and behavioral. Composite reliability for environmental factor was 0.70, and 0.74 for behavioral factor. The quantitative findings showed that fourteen items were identified. The items generated were further tested and factor loadings showed that they can be loaded into 2 factors. Conclusion The instrument developed appeared to be a potentially valid and reliable tool to determine the contributing factors for malnutrition amongst children in rural and poor communities in Tumpat, Kelantan, Malaysia