886 research outputs found

    Human African trypanosomiasis : the current situation in endemic regions and the risks for non-endemic regions from imported cases

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    Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) is caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense and caused devastating epidemics during the 20th century. Due to effective control programs implemented in the last two decades, the number of reported cases has fallen to a historically low level. Although fewer than 977 cases were reported in 2018 in endemic countries, HAT is still a public health problem in endemic regions until it is completely eliminated. In addition, almost 150 confirmed HAT cases were reported in non-endemic countries in the last three decades. The majority of non-endemic HAT cases were reported in Europe, United States and South Africa, due to historical alliances, economic links or geographic proximity to disease endemic countries. Furthermore, with the implementation of the “Belt and Road” project, sporadic imported HAT cases have been reported in China as a warning sign of tropical diseases prevention. In this paper, we explore and interpret the data on HAT incidence and find no positive correlation between the number of HAT cases from endemic and non-endemic countries.This data will provide useful information for better understanding the imported cases of HAT globally in the post-elimination phase

    Vacuolar ATPase depletion contributes to dysregulation of endocytosis in bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei

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    BACKGROUND Vacuolar H-ATPase (V-ATPase) is a highly conserved protein complex which hydrolyzes ATP and pumps protons to acidify vacuolar vesicles. Beyond its role in pH maintenance, the involvement of V-ATPase in endocytosis is well documented in mammals and plants but is less clear in Trypanosoma brucei. METHODS In this study, the subcellular localization of V-ATPase subunit B (TbVAB) of T. brucei was assessed via in situ N-terminal YFP-tagging and immunofluorescence assays. Transgenic bloodstream forms (BSF) of T. brucei were generated which comprised either a V-ATPase subunit B (TbVAB) conditional knockout or a V-ATPase subunit A (TbVAA) knockdown. Acridine orange and BCECF-AM were employed to assess the roles of V-ATPase in the pH regulation of BSF T. brucei. The endocytic activities of three markers were also characterized by flow cytometry analyses. Furthermore, trypanosomes were counted from trypanolysis treatment groups (either containing 1% or 5% NHS) and endocytosed trypanosome lytic factor (TLF) was also analyzed by an immunoblotting assay. RESULTS TbVAB was found to localize to acidocalcisomes, lysosomes and probably also to endosomes of BSF of T. brucei and was demonstrated to be essential for cell growth. TbVAB depletion neutralized acidic organelles at 24 hours post-tetracycline depletion (hpd), meanwhile the steady state intracellular pH increased from 7.016 ± 0.013 to 7.422 ± 0.058. Trypanosomes with TbVAB depletion at 24 hpd were found to take up more transferrin (2.068 ± 0.277 fold) but less tomato lectin (49.31 ± 22.57%) by endocytosis, while no significant change was detected in dextran uptake. Similar endocytic dysregulated phenotypes were also observed in TbVAA knockdown cells. In addition, TbVAB depleted trypanosomes showed a low uptake of TLF and exhibited less sensitive to lysis in both 1% and 5% NHS treatments. CONCLUSIONS TbVAB is a key component of V-ATPase and was found to play a key function in endocytosis as well as exhibiting different effects in a receptor/cargo dependent manner in BSF of T. brucei. Besides vacuolar alkalinization, the dysregulation of endocytosis in TbVAB depleted T. brucei is considered to contribute to the reduced sensitivity to lysis by normal human serum

    Polarized positron beams via intense two-color laser pulses

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    Generation of ultrarelativistic polarized positrons during interaction of an ultrarelativistic electron beam with a counterpropagating two-color petawatt laser pulse is investigated theoretically. Our Monte Carlo simulation based on a semi-classical model, incorporates photon emissions and pair productions, using spin-resolved quantum probabilities in the local constant field approximation, and describes the polarization of electrons and positrons for the pair production and photon emission processes, as well as the classical spin precession in-between. The main reason of the polarization is shown to be the spin-asymmetry of the pair production process in strong external fields, combined with the asymmetry of the two-color laser field. Employing a feasible scenario, we show that highly polarized positron beams, with a polarization degree of ζ60%\zeta\approx 60\%, can be produced in a femtosecond time scale, with a small angular divergence, 74\sim 74 mrad, and high density 1014\sim 10^{14} cm3^{-3}. The laser-driven positron source, along with laser wakefield acceleration, may pave the way to small scale facilities for high energy physics studies

    Study on the construction workforce management based on lean construction in the context of COVID-19

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    Purpose The construction industry is facing challenges not only for workers' mobility in the pandemic situation but also for Lean Construction (LC) practise in responding to the high-quality development during the post-pandemic. As such, this paper presents a construction workforce management framework based on LC to manage both the emergency goal in migrant worker management and the long-term goal in labour productivity improvement in China. Design/methodology/approach The framework is created based on the integrated culture and technology strategies of LC. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is taken to explore factors influencing the mobility of construction workers and to measure labour productivity improvement. The case study approach is adopted to demonstrate the framework application. Findings For method application, a time-and-motion study and Percent Plan Complete indicator are proposed to offer labour productivity measurements of “resources efficiency” and “flow efficiency”. Moreover, the case study provides an industry level solution for construction workforce management and Lean Construction culture shaping, as well as witnesses the LC culture and technology strategies alignment contributing to LC practise innovation. Originality/value Compared with previous studies which emphasised solely LC techniques rather than socio-technical system thinking, the proposed integration framework as well as implementation of “Worker's Home” and “Lean Work Package” management models in the COVID-19 pandemic contribute to new extensions of both the fundamental of knowledge and practise in LC

    Nondipole Coulomb sub-barrier ionization dynamics and photon momentum sharing

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    The nondipole under-the-barrier dynamics of the electron during strong-field tunneling ionization is investigated, examining the role of the Coulomb field of the atomic core. The common analysis in the strong field approximation is consequently generalised to include the leading light-front non-dipole Coulomb corrections and demonstrates the counter-intuitive impact of the sub-barrier Coulomb field. Despite its attractive nature, the sub-barrier Coulomb field increases the photoelectron nondipole momentum shift along the laser propagation direction, involving a strong dependence on the laser field. The scaling of the effect with respect to the principal quantum number and angular momentum of the bound state is found. With an improved light-front classical Monte Carlo model, we disentangle sub-barrier and continuum Coulomb effects in the nondipole regime. We demonstrate that the signature of Coulomb induced sub-barrier effects can be identified in the asymptotic photoelectron momentum distribution with state-of-the-art experimental techniques of mid-infrared lasers.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Origin of high energy enhancement of photoelectron spectra in tunneling ionization

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    Recently, in a strong Coulomb field regime of tunneling ionization an unexpected large enhancement of photoelectron spectra due to the Coulomb field of the atomic core has been identified by numerical solution of time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{117}, 243003 (2016)] in the upper energy range of the tunnel-ionized direct electrons. We investigate the origin of the enhancement employing a classical theory with Monte Carlo simulations of trajectories, and a quantum theory of Coulomb-corrected strong field approximation based on the generalized eikonal approximation for the continuum electron. Although the quantum effects at recollisions with a small impact parameter yield an overall enhancement of the spectrum relative to the classical prediction, the high energy enhancement itself is shown to have a classical nature and is due to momentum space bunching of photoelectrons released not far from the peak of the laser field. The bunching is caused by a large and nonuniform, with respect to the ionization time, Coulomb momentum transfer at the ionization tunnel exit

    The effect of normal human serum on the mouse trypanosome Trypanosoma musculi in vitro and in vivo

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    Trypanosoma musculi, a common blood flagellate found in mice, is similar in morphology and life cycle to the rat trypanosome T. lewisi. Both species belong to the subgenus Herpetosoma, and as T. lewisi has recently been shown to be a zoonotic pathogen, there is concern that T. musculi could also be potentially infective to humans. To test this hypothesis, a well-established method, the normal human serum (NHS) incubation test, was carried out which distinguishes human and non-human infective trypanosomes. We found that T. musculi could grow in 0.31% NHS in vitro, and even kept their infectivity to mice after incubation with 10% NHS for 24 h. In in vivo experiments, T. musculi were only slightly affected by NHS injection, confirming that it was less sensitive to the NHS than T. b. brucei, but more sensitive than T. lewisi. This resistance probably does not rely on a restricted uptake of ApoL-1. Due to this partial resistance, we cannot definitively confirm that T. musculi has the potential for infection to humans. As resistance is less than that of T. lewisi, our data suggest that it is unlikely to be a zoonotic pathogen although we would advise caution in the case of immunocompromised people such as AIDS and cancer patients

    Effect of Interlayer Coupling on Ultrafast Charge Transfer from Semiconducting Molecules to Mono- and Bilayer Graphene

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    Graphene is used as flexible electrodes in various optoelectronic devices. In these applications, ultrafast charge transfer from semiconducting light absorbers to graphene can impact the overall device performance. Here, we propose a mechanism in which the charge-transfer rate can be controlled by varying the number of graphene layers and their stacking. Using an organic semiconducting molecule as a light absorber, the charge-transfer rate to graphene is measured by using time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Compared to graphite, the charge transfer to monolayer graphene is about 2 times slower. Surprisingly, the charge transfer to A−B–stacked bilayer graphene is slower than that to both monolayer graphene and graphite. This anomalous behavior disappears when the two graphene layers are randomly stacked. The observation is explained by a charge-transfer model that accounts for the band-structure difference in mono- and bilayer graphene, which predicts that the charge-transfer rate depends nonintuitively on both the layer number and stacking of graphene

    Prevalence and co-infection of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in Apodemus sylvaticus in an area relatively free of cats

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    The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is prevalent worldwide and can infect a remarkably wide range of hosts despite felids being the only definitive host. As cats play a major role in transmission to secondary mammalian hosts, the interaction between cats and these hosts should be a major factor determining final prevalence in the secondary host. This study investigates the prevalence of T. gondii in a natural population of Apodemus sylvaticus collected from an area with low cat density (<2·5 cats/km2). A surprisingly high prevalence of 40·78% (95% CI: 34·07%–47·79%) was observed despite this. A comparable level of prevalence was observed in a previously published study using the same approaches where a prevalence of 59% (95% CI: 50·13%–67·87%) was observed in a natural population of Mus domesticus from an area with high cat density (>500 cats/km2). Detection of infected foetuses frompregnant dams in both populations suggests that congenital transmission may enable persistence of infection in the absence of cats. The prevalences of the related parasite, Neospora caninum were found to be low in both populations (A. sylvaticus: 3·39% (95% CI: 0·12%–6·66%); M. domesticus: 3·08% (95% CI: 0·11%–6·05%)). These results suggest that cat density may have a lower than expected effect on final prevalence in these ecosystems