132 research outputs found

    Efficient Immortalization of luminal Epithelial Cells from Human Mammary gland by introduction of Simian virus 40 large Tumor antigen with a Recombinant Retrovirus

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    When defined in terms of markers for normal cell lineages, most invasive breast cancer cells correspond to the phenotype of the common luminal epithelial cell found in the terminal ductal lobular units. Luminal epithelial cells cultured from milk, which have limited proliferative potential, have now been immortalized by introducing the gene encoding simian virus 40 large tumor (T) antigen. Infection with a recombinant retrovirus proved to be 50-100 times more efficient than calcium phosphate transfection, and of the 17 cell lines isolated, only 5 passed through a crisis period as characterized by cessation of growth. When characterized by immunohistochemical staining with monoclonal antibodies, 14 lines showed features of luminal epithelial cells and of these, 7 resembled the common luminal epithelial cell type in the profile of keratins expressed. These cells express keratins 7, 8, 18, and 19 homogeneously and do not express keratin 14 or vimentin; a polymorphic epithelial mucin produced in vivo by luminal cells is expressed heterogeneously and the pattern of fibronectin staining is punctate. Although the cell lines have a reduced requirement for added growth factors, they do not grow in agar or produce tumors in the nude mouse. When the v-Ha-ras oncogene was introduced into two of the cell lines by using a recombinant retrovirus, most of the selected clones senesced, but one entered crisis and emerged after 3 months as a tumorigenic cell line

    Second-harmonic generation induced by electric currents in GaAs

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    We demonstrate a new, nonlinear optical effect of electric currents. First, a steady current is generated by applying a voltage on a doped GaAs crystal. We demonstrate that this current induces second-harmonic generation of a probe laser pulse. Second, we optically inject a transient current in an undoped GaAs crystal by using a pair of ultrafast laser pulses, and demonstrate that it induces the same second-harmonic generation. In both cases, the induced second-order nonlinear susceptibility is proportional to the current density. This effect can be used for nondestructive, noninvasive, and ultrafast imaging of currents. These advantages are illustrated by the real-time observations of a coherent plasma oscillation and spatial resolution of current distribution in a device. This new effect also provides a mechanism for electrical control of the optical response of materials.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    What is the effect of riskshaw noise on its driver?

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    Objective: Occupational hearing loss is common in the industrialized world. Road noise is a major contributor to perceived environmental noise. The objective of this study was to assess hearing loss in rickshaw drivers due to rickshaw noise.Methods: Hearing loss in rickshaw drivers and taxi drivers of Karachi who were 50 years of age or younger was estimated, with a Smith Hearing Screening (SHS) questionnaire that was modified, translated into the national language, Urdu and field tested prior to administration.Results: Interviews for 91 rickshaw drivers and 94 taxi drivers were completed. All subjects were male; mean ages were 34 and 33 years for rickshaw and taxi drivers respectively. None of the rickshaws were fitted with silencers. Rickshaw drivers were about thrice as likely to be screened as hearing impaired by the SHS questionnaire (RR 2.9, 95% confidence interval 1.6, 5.0), twice as likely to report tinnitus (RR 2.2, 95% confidence interval, 1.1, 3.3) and two and a half times as likely to have difficulty in following telephonic conversations (RR 2.4, 95% confidence interval 1.2, 4.8).CONCLUSION: There is loss of hearing and tinnitus among rickshaw drivers that could be attributed to their trade. Use of silencers by rickshaw drivers could result in less hearing loss among rickshaw drivers and less noise in the environment for the other 11 million residents in the city

    Young people today: news media, policy and youth justice

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    The new sociology of childhood sees children as competent social agents with important contributions to make. And yet the phase of childhood is fraught with tensions and contradictions. Public policies are required, not only to protect children, but also to control them and regulate their behaviour. For children and young people in the UK, youth justice has become increasingly punitive. At the same time, social policies have focused more on children's inclusion and participation. In this interplay of conflict and contradictions, the role the media play is critical in contributing to the moral panic about childhood and youth. In this article, we consider media representations of “antisocial” children and young people and how this belies a moral response to the nature of contemporary childhood. We conclude by considering how a rights-based approach might help redress the moralised politics of childhood representations in the media

    Community engagement in cutaneous leishmaniasis research in Brazil, Ethiopia, and Sri Lanka: a decolonial approach for global health

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a parasitic skin disease endemic in at least 88 countries where it presents an urgent, albeit often "neglected" public health problem. In this paper, we discuss our model of decolonial community engagement in the ECLIPSE global health research program, which aims to improve physical and mental health outcomes for people with CL. The ECLIPSE program has four interlinked phases and underpinning each of these phases is sustained and robust community engagement and involvement that guides and informs all activities in ECLIPSE. Our decolonial approach implies that the model for community engagement will be different in Brazil, Ethiopia and Sri Lanka. Indeed, we adopt a critical anthropological approach to engaging with community members and it is precisely this approach we evaluate in this paper. The data and material we draw on were collected through qualitative research methods during community engagement activities. We established 13 Community Advisory Groups (CAGs): in Brazil (n = 4), Ethiopia (n = 6), and Sri Lanka (n = 3). We identified four overarching themes during a thematic analysis of the data set: (1) Establishing community advisory groups, (2) CAG membership and community representation, (3) Culturally appropriate and context-bespoke engagement, and (4) Relationships between researchers and community members. During our first period of ECLIPSE community engagement, we have debunked myths (for instance about communities being "disempowered"), critiqued our own practices (changing approaches in bringing together CAG members) and celebrated successes (notably fruitful online engagement during a challenging COVID-19 pandemic context). Our evaluation revealed a gap between the exemplary community engagement frameworks available in the literature and the messy, everyday reality of working in communities. In the ECLIPSE program, we have translated ideal(istic) principles espoused by such community engagement guidance into the practical realities of "doing engagement" in low-resourced communities. Our community engagement was underpinned by such ideal principles, but adapted to local sociocultural contexts, working within certain funding and regulatory constraints imposed on researchers. We conclude with a set of lessons learned and recommendations for the conduct of decolonial community engagement in global health research

    Structural Basis of Chemokine Sequestration by CrmD, a Poxvirus-Encoded Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor

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    Pathogens have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to evade detection and destruction by the host immune system. Large DNA viruses encode homologues of chemokines and their receptors, as well as chemokine-binding proteins (CKBPs) to modulate the chemokine network in host response. The SECRET domain (smallpox virus-encoded chemokine receptor) represents a new family of viral CKBPs that binds a subset of chemokines from different classes to inhibit their activities, either independently or fused with viral tumor necrosis factor receptors (vTNFRs). Here we present the crystal structures of the SECRET domain of vTNFR CrmD encoded by ectromelia virus and its complex with chemokine CX3CL1. The SECRET domain adopts a β-sandwich fold and utilizes its β-sheet I surface to interact with CX3CL1, representing a new chemokine-binding manner of viral CKBPs. Structure-based mutagenesis and biochemical analysis identified important basic residues in the 40s loop of CX3CL1 for the interaction. Mutation of corresponding acidic residues in the SECRET domain also affected the binding for other chemokines, indicating that the SECRET domain binds different chemokines in a similar manner. We further showed that heparin inhibited the binding of CX3CL1 by the SECRET domain and the SECRET domain inhibited RAW264.7 cell migration induced by CX3CL1. These results together shed light on the structural basis for the SECRET domain to inhibit chemokine activities by interfering with both chemokine-GAG and chemokine-receptor interactions

    “But the moment they find out that you are MSM…”: a qualitative investigation of HIV prevention experiences among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Ghana’s health care system

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    Abstract: The prevalence of HIV in Ghana is 1.3%, compared to 17% among men who have sex with men (MSM). There is limited empirical data on the current health care climate and its impact on HIV prevention services for Ghanaian MSM. The purposes of this study were to investigate (1) MSM’s experiences using HIV prevention resources, (2) what factors, including health care climate factors, influenced MSM’s use of prevention resources and (3) MSM self-identified strategies for improving HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention among MSM in Ghanaian communities. Methods: We conducted 22 focus groups (n = 137) with peer social networks of MSM drawn from three geographic communities in Ghana (Accra, Kumasi, Manya Krobo). The data were examined using qualitative content analysis. Interviews with individual health care providers were also conducted to supplement the analysis of focus group findings to provide more nuanced illuminations of the experiences reported by MSM..