3,062 research outputs found

    Growing and Diversifying Chinese Investment in Canada: 2000-2010

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    This paper profiles the scope and diversity of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) in Canada over the last decade. The study includes an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese FDI for Canada and its implications for Sino-Canadian relations. It also discusses how Chinese FDI has diversified and what this should mean for public policy in Canada.Keywords: foreign direct investment; China; Canada; public polic

    Is attending a mental process?

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    The nature of attention has been the topic of a lively research programme in psychology for over a century. But there is widespread agreement that none of the theories on offer manage to fully capture the nature of attention. Recently, philosophers have become interested in the debate again after a prolonged period of neglect. This paper contributes to the project of explaining the nature of attention. It starts off by critically examining Christopher Mole’s prominent “adverbial” account of attention, which traces the failure of extant psychological theories to their assumption that attending is a kind of process. It then defends an alternative, process-based view of the metaphysics of attention, on which attention is understood as an activity and not, as psychologists seem to implicitly assume, an accomplishment. The entrenched distinction between accomplishments and activities is shown to shed new light on the metaphysics of attention. It also provides a novel diagnosis of the empirical state of play

    "It doesn't exist…": negotiating palliative care from a culturally and linguistically diverse patient and caregiver perspective.

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    BACKGROUND: The end of life represents a therapeutic context that acutely raises cultural and linguistic specificities, yet there is very little evidence illustrating the importance of such dynamics in shaping choices, trajectories and care practices. Culture and language interplay to offer considerable potential challenges to both patient and provider, with further work needed to explore patient and caregiver perspectives across cultures and linguistic groups, and provider perspectives. The objective of this study was to develop a critical, evidence-based understanding of the experiences of people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds, and their caregivers, in a palliative care setting. METHODS: A qualitative study, using semi-structured interviews to explore key experiences and perspectives of CALD patients and caregivers currently undergoing treatment under oncology or palliative care specialists in two Australian hospitals. Interviews were digitally audio recorded and transcribed in full. A thematic analysis was conducted utilising the framework approach. RESULTS: Sixteen patients and fourteen caregivers from a range of CALD backgrounds participated in semi-structured interviews. The research identified four prevalent themes among participants: (1) Terminology in the transition to palliative care; (2) Communication, culture and pain management; (3) (Not) Talking about death and dying; and, (4) Religious faith as a coping strategy: challenging the terminal diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: CALD patients and caregivers' experiences are multifaceted, particularly in negotiating linguistic difficulties, beliefs about treatment, and issues related to death and dying. Greater attention is needed to develop effective communication skills, recognise CALD patients' particular cultural, linguistic and spiritual values and needs, and acknowledge the unique nature of each doctor-patient interaction

    Auditing Standards in ChinaÐA Comparative Analysis with Relevant International Standards and Guidelines

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    Abstract: The continuing and deepenin

    Excited-state optically detected magnetic resonance of spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride

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    Negatively charged boron vacancy (VB-) centers in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) are promising spin defects in a van der Waals crystal. Understanding the spin properties of the excited state (ES) is critical for realizing dynamic nuclear polarization. Here, we report zero-field splitting in the ES of DES = 2160 MHz and an optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) contrast of 12% at cryogenic temperature. The ES has a g-factor similar to the ground state. The ES photodynamics is further elucidated by measuring the level anti-crossing of the VB- defects under varying external magnetic fields. In contrast to nitrogen vacancy (NV-) centers in diamond, the emission change caused by excited-state level anti-crossing (ESLAC) is more prominent at cryo-temperature than at room temperature. Our results provide important information for utilizing the spin defects of hBN in quantum technology

    Mortality in the UK STRIDER trial of sildenafil therapy for the treatment of severe early-onset fetal growth restriction.

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    Severe early-onset fetal growth restriction (FGR) is an untreatable condition associated with significant mortality and morbidity for the fetus and neonate. There has been growing interest in novel therapies such as nitic oxide donors/promotors to improve placental function and outcomes for these high-risk pregnancies. The recently published STRIDER UK trial was designed to test the effectiveness of sildenafil (25mg three times a day) versus placebo at prolonging gestation in severe early-onset

    A multi-centre phase IIa clinical study of predictive testing for preeclampsia: Improved pregnancy outcomes via early detection (IMPROvED)

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    Background: 5% of first time pregnancies are complicated by pre-eclampsia, the leading cause of maternal death in Europe. No clinically useful screening test exists; consequentially clinicians are unable to offer targeted surveillance or preventative strategies. IMPROvED Consortium members have pioneered a personalised medicine approach to identifying blood-borne biomarkers through recent technological advancements, involving mapping of the blood metabolome and proteome. The key objective is to develop a sensitive, specific, high-throughput and economically viable early pregnancy screening test for pre-eclampsia.Methods/Design: We report the design of a multicentre, phase IIa clinical study aiming to recruit 5000 low risk primiparous women to assess and refine innovative prototype tests based on emerging metabolomic and proteomic technologies. Participation involves maternal phlebotomy at 15 and 20 weeks' gestation, with optional testing and biobanking at 11 and 34 weeks. Blood samples will be analysed using two innovative, proprietary prototype platforms; one metabolomic based and one proteomic based, both of which outperform current biomarker based screening tests at comparable gestations. Analytical and clinical data will be collated and analysed via the Copenhagen Trials Unit.Discussion: The IMPROvED study is expected to refine proteomic and metabolomic panels, combined with clinical parameters, and evaluate clinical applicability as an early pregnancy predictive test for pre-eclampsia. If 'at risk' patients can be identified, this will allow stratified care with personalised fetal and maternal surveillance, early diagnosis, timely intervention, and significant health economic savings. The IMPROvED biobank will be accessible to the European scientific community for high quality research into the cause and prevention of adverse pregnancy outcome.Trial registration: Trial registration number NCT01891240. The IMPROvED project is funded by the seventh framework programme for Research and Technological development of the EU. http://www.fp7-improved.eu/

    Factibilidad Técnica y Económica de un Proyecto de Cultivo de Robalo (Centropomus nigrescens) a pequeña escala como alternativa económica de familias en la Comuna La Entrada

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    Se realizó un proyecto piscícola enfocado en el Robalo (Centropomus nigrescens) como fuente de recuperación económica para esta comuna, a su vez con el fin de diversificar el sector acuícola y mitigar el impacto negativo que conlleva la pesca artesanal en este filo costero. Se realizó un análisis de mercado para determinar las especies con alta demanda desde la zona de Olón hasta Puerto López y a su vez se realizó una comparativa de las especies estudiadas. Se realizó un análisis financiero con proyecciones a 10 años mediante índices de viabilidad económica donde se determinó que este proyecto es rentable a partir del 4to año

    Pressure-induced structural change in liquid GaIn eutectic alloy

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    Synchrotron x-ray diffraction reveals a pressure induced crystallization at about 3.4 GPa and apolymorphic transition near 10.3 GPa when compressed a liquid GaIn eutectic alloy up to ~13 GPa atroom temperature in a diamond anvil cell. Upon decompression, the high pressure crystalline phaseremains almost unchanged until it transforms to the liquid state at around 2.3 GPa. The ab initiomolecular dynamics calculations can reproduce the low pressure crystallization and give some hints onthe understanding of the transition between the liquid and the crystalline phase on the atomic level.The calculated pair correlation function g(r) shows a non-uniform contraction reflected by the differentcompressibility between the short (1st shell) and the intermediate (2nd to 4th shells). It is concludedthat the pressure-induced liquid-crystalline phase transformation likely arises from the changes in localatomic packing of the nearest neighbors as well as electronic structures at the transition pressure