2,015 research outputs found

    Magnetoresistance and Hall effect in e-doped superconducting SrLaCuO thin films

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    We have epitaxially grown c-axis oriented SrxLa1-xCuO2 thin films by rf sputtering on KTaO3 substrates with x = 0.12. The as-grown deposits are insulating and a series of superconducting films with various Tc(R=0) up to 26 K have been obtained by in-situ oxygen reduction. Transport measurements in the ab plane of these samples have been undertaken. We report original results on the temperature dependence of the Hall effect and on the anisotropic magnetoresistance (T > Tc). We discuss the magnitude of upper critical fields and anisotropy, the Hall effect, which presents changes of sign indicative of the existence of two types of carriers, the normal state magnetoresistance, negative in parallel magnetic field, a possible signature of spin scattering. These properties are compared to those of hole-doped cuprates, such as BiSr(La)CuO with comparable Tc.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Proceedings of LT25, Journal of Physics : Conference Serie

    Physical model of quantum-well infrared photodetectors

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    A fully quantum mechanical model for electron transport in quantum well infrared photodetectors is presented, based on a self-consistent solution of the coupled rate equations. The important macroscopic parameters like current density, responsivity and capture probability can be estimated directly from this first principles calculation. The applicability of the model was tested by comparison with experimental measurements from a GaAs/AlGaAs device, and good agreement was found. The model is general and can be applied to any other material system or QWIP design

    Penetration depth of electron-doped-infinite-layer Sr0.88_{0.88}La0.12_{0.12}CuO2+x_{2+x} thin films

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    The in-plane penetration depth of Sr0.88_{0.88}La0.12_{0.12}CuO2+x_{2+x} thin films at various doping obtained from oxygen reduction has been measured, using AC susceptibility measurements. For the higher doping samples, the superfluid density deviates strongly from the s-wave behavior, suggesting, in analogy with other electron-doped cuprates, a contribution from a nodal hole pocket, or a small gap on the Fermi surface such as an anisotropic s-wave order parameter. The low value of the superfluid densities, likely due to a strong doping-induced disorder, places the superconducting transition of our samples in the phase-fluctuation regime

    Optically pumped intersublevel midinfrared lasers based on InAs-GaAs quantum dots

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    We propose an optically pumped laser based on intersublevel transitions in InAs-GaAs pyramidal self-Assembled quantum dots. A theoretical rate equations model of the laser is given in order to predict the dependence of the gain on pumping flux and temperature. The energy levels and wave functions were calculated using the 8-band k . p method where the symmetry of the pyramid was exploited to reduce the computational complexity. Carrier dynamics in the laser were modeled by taking both electron-longitudinal optical phonon and electron-longitudinal acoustic phonon interactions into account. The proposed laser emits at 14.6 μm with a gain of g ≈ 570 cm(-1) at the pumping flux Φ= 10(24) cm(-2) s(-1) and a temperature of T = 77 K. By varying the size of the investigated dots, laser emission in the spectral range 13-21 μm is predicted. In comparison to optically pumped lasers based on quantum wells, an advantage of the proposed type of laser is a lower pumping flux, due to the longer carrier lifetime in quantum dots, and also that both surface and edge emission are possible. The appropriate waveguide and cavity designs are presented, and by comparing the calculated values of the gain with the estimated losses, lasing is predicted even at room temperature for all the quantum dots investigated

    Investigation of thermal effects in quantum-cascade lasers

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    The development of a thermal model for quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) is presented. The model is used in conjunction with a self-consistent scattering rate calculation of the electron dynamics of an InGaAs-AlAsSb QCL to calculate the temperature distribution throughout the device which can be a limiting factor for high temperature operation. The model is used to investigate the effects of various driving conditions and device geometries, such as epilayer down bonding and buried heterostructures, on the active region temperature. It is found that buried heterostructures have a factor of eight decrease in thermal time constants compared to standard ridge waveguide structures in pulsed mode and allow a /spl sim/78% increase in heat sink temperature compared to epilayer down mounted devices in continuous-wave mode. The model presented provides a valuable tool for understanding the thermal dynamics inside a quantum cascade laser and will help to improve their operating temperatures

    Asymptotic bounds on minimum number of disks required to hide a disk

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    We consider the problem of blocking all rays emanating from a closed unit disk with a minimum number of closed unit disks in the two-dimensional space, where the minimum distance from a disk to any other disk is given. We study the asymptotic behavior of the minimum number of disks as the minimum mutual distance approaches infinity. Using a regular ordering of disks on concentric circular rings we derive an upper bound and prove that the minimum number of disks required for blocking is quadratic in the minimum distance between the disks

    Optically pumped terahertz laser based on intersubband transitions in a GaN/AlGaN double quantum well

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    A design for a GaN/AlGaN optically pumped terahertz laser emitting at 34 µm (ΔE~36 meV) is presented. This laser uses a simple three-level scheme where the depopulation of the lower laser level is achieved via resonant longitudinal-optical-phonon emission. The quasibound energies and associated wave functions are calculated with the intrinsic electric field induced by the piezoelectric and the spontaneous polarizations. The structures based on a double quantum well were simulated and the output characteristics extracted using a fully self-consistent rate equation model with all relevant scattering processes included. Both electron-longitudinal-optical phonon and electron-acoustic-phonon interactions were taken into account. The carrier distribution in subbands was assumed to be Fermi–Dirac-like, with electron temperature equal to the lattice temperature, but with different Fermi levels for each subband. A population inversion of 12% for a pumping flux Φ=10(27) cm(–2) s(–1) at room temperature was calculated for the optimized structure. By comparing the calculated modal gain and estimated waveguide and mirror losses the feasibility of laser action up to room temperature is predicted

    Influence of Intra-cell Traffic on the Output Power of Base Station in GSM

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    In this paper we analyze the influence of intracell traffic in a GSM cell on the base station output power. It is proved that intracell traffic increases this power. If offered traffic is small, the increase of output power is equal to the part of intracell traffic. When the offered traffic and, as the result, call loss increase, the increase of output power becomes less. The results of calculation are verified by the computer simulation of traffic process in the GSM cell. The calculation and the simulation consider the uniform distribution of mobile users in the cell, but the conclusions are of a general nature

    Dilute magnetic semiconductor quantum-well structures for magnetic field tunable far-infrared/terahertz absorption

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    The design of ZnCdSe–ZnMnSe-based quantum wells is considered, in order to obtain a large shift of the peak absorption wavelength in the far infrared range, due to a giant Zeeman splitting with magnetic field, while maintaining a reasonably large value of peak absorption. A triple quantum-well structure with a suitable choice of parameters has been found to satisfy such requirements. A maximal tuning range between 14.6 and 34.7 meV is obtained, when the magnetic field varies from zero to 5 T, so the wavelength of the absorbed radiation decreases from 85.2 to 35.7 μm with absorption up to 1.25% at low temperatures. These structures might form the basis for magnetic field tunable photodetectors and quantum cascade lasers in the terahertz range

    Designing strain-balanced GaN/AlGaN quantum well structures: Application to intersubband devices at 1.3 and 1.55 mu m wavelengths

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    A criterion for strain balancing of wurtzite group-III nitride-based multilayer heterostructures is presented. Single and double strain-balanced GaN/AlGaN quantum well structures are considered with regard to their potential application in optoelectronic devices working at communication wavelengths. The results for realizable, strain-balanced structures are presented in the form of design diagrams that give both the intersubband transition energies and the dipole matrix elements in terms of the structural parameters. The optimal parameters for structures operating at lambda ~1.3 and 1.55 µm were extracted and a basic proposal is given for a three level intersubband laser system emitting at 1.55µm and depopulating via resonant longitudinal optical(LO)phonons (h omega(LO)approximate to 90 meV). © 2003 American Institute of Physics