372 research outputs found

    Phase transitions induced by correlated hopping in the Falicov-Kimball model

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    The extrapolation of finite-cluster calculations is used to examine properties of the one-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model with correla It is shown that the correlated hopping strongly influences both the transitions and the conducting properties of the model and so it sho neglected in the correct description of materials with correlated el This is illustrated for two selected values of the Coulomb interacti that represent typical behavior of the model for small and intermedi (strong) interactions. In both cases the insulator-metal transitions (accompanied by continuous or discontinuous valence transitions) ind correlated hopping are observed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, LaTe

    Pengaruh Sosialisasi Perpajakan, Pengetahuan Perpajakan, Persepsi Wajib Pajak Tentang Sanksi Pajak dan Implementasi Pp Nomor 46 Tahun 2013 terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi ( Studi Empiris pada Wajib Pajak di Kabupaten Banjarnegara )

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    This study aimed to analyze the factors that affect an individual taxpayer compliance in Banjarnegara. This study consists of four independent variables and the dependent variable. independent variable in this study is the socialization of taxation, tax knowledge, perceptions taxpayer about tax penalties and taxpayers perception on the implementation of PP 46 tahun2013. While the dependent variable in this study is the individual taxpayer compliance.This study used a simple random sampling technique and using the questionnaire survey method in data collection, respondents were sampled individual taxpayers who are enrolled in KP2KP Banjarnegara. Research data analysis using multiple regression analysis with SPSS 16.0.Based on the analysis that has been done, this study shows that the socialization of taxation, tax knowledge, and perceptions of the taxpayer of PP 46 in 2013 and a significant positive effect on the individual taxpayer compliance. While the taxpayer perceptions about tax penalties do not affect the compliance of individual taxpayers

    Metafora Pada Lirik Lagu Soundtrack Anime Guilty Crown

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    This study discusses the types of categories and analysis of metaphorical meanings contained in the lyrics of anime anime soundtrack Guilty Crown. The purpose of this study is to determine the type of category and the meaning of the metaphor in the lyrics of anime soundtrack Guilty Crown. The object of this study is four songs of anime soundtrack Guilty Crown. This is a quantitative study with with descriptive method. The result of study found eleven metaphorical expressions and type of categories as human, living, object, substance, energy, cosmic, and beimg. The categories of animate and terrestrial beings are not found in this study. In addition, this study uses association techniques in determining the meaning of metaphor

    Terjemahan Kalimat Pasif Bahasa Indonesia Ke Dalam Bahasa Jepang (Studi Pada Novel Laskar Pelangi Dan Niji No Shounen Tachi)

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    This study discusses the translation of Indonesian's passive voice in the Laskar Pelangi into Japanese on a Niji No Shounen Tachi novel. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of the passive voice translation into Niji No Shounen Tachi Japanese novel and how to shift and modulation in the passive voice translation using Catford theory and Newmark in Machali. The object of research is passive voice on Laskar Pelangi and Niji No Shounen Tachi novel. This research is a qualitative descriptive method. Results of the study found that passive voice translation is not always translated as passive voice in the target language. In this study found few differences in meaning in the Indonesia's passive voice translation into Japanese so that shifting, but the message conveyed in Indonesian into Japanese translation

    Pengaruh Bereavement Life Review terhadap Kesejahteraan Spiritual pada Keluarga Pasien Stroke

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    Spirituality is a protective factor of grieving process in patient and family with chronic illness. Bereavement life review is one of the interventions which is enhancing the spiritual well-being in cancer diseases. Cancer and Stroke are chronic diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of bereavement life review of the spiritual well-being of stroke family. Quasi-experimental with pretest posttest control group used in study. Sample in this study are stroke family who caring the stroke patient in hospital which is 28 respondents. The intervention group was given bereavement life review with two sessions which given by expert in psychiatric nursing. Spiritual well-being was measured by SWBS (spiritual well-being scale). Data analysis were using a dependent t-test, Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon. Homogenity of respondent characteristics showed that it have not correlation between control and intervention group (p > 0,05). The study showed the difference in the mean posttest scores of spiritual well-being of the control group with the intervention group (98.71 ± 3.65 and 106.5 ± 1.83, p = 0.000). There were differences in the mean scores pretest to posttest spiritual well-being in the intervention group (99.07 ± 2.95 and 106.5 ± 1.83, p = 0.001). Bereavement life review is a process of enhancing spirituality through recontextualization, forgiveness, and reflection proccess that strengthening coping process. Bereavement life review has positive effect on the spiritual well-being of the stroke family which can be considered as an intervention in the treatment of stroke patients and families. Further study know the effect of bereavement life review in other chronic diseases patient, like hypertension or diabetes mellitus. Moreover, other psychological outcome for this intervention needs to be explored

    Analisis Pemahaman Mahasiswa Tingkat II Terhadap Penggunaan Ungkapan Ndesu Atau Noda

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    The aim of this research is to know how good is the comprehension of second semester students of Japanese Language Study Program FKIP University of Riau in using Ndesu expression. In this research, the writer use descriptive method with quantitative approach. Object of this research is second semester students of academic year 2014/2015 Japanese Education Study Program FKIP University of Riau that consists of 39 students, but only 22 students are ready to join in collecting the data. The writer use questionnaire and test as the data collecting technique in this research. Questionnaire given to the students contains students' prior knowledge about ndesu expression, and test that given to the students contains questions about ndesu expression. The result of the questionnaire and the test are manually calculated to know the result of the questionnaire and the test.The result of this research is respondents understand with the function of ndesu expression in asking the reason and mentioning the reason, and respondents not understand with the function of the ndesu expression in asking the explanation and (先触れ。前置き)sakibure maeoki

    Adaptation of a Mice Doppler Echocardiography Platform to Measure Cardiac Flow Velocities for Embryonic Chicken and Adult Zebrafish.

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    Ultrasonography is the most widely used imaging technique in cardiovascular medicine. In this technique, a piezoelectric crystal produces, sends, and receives high frequency ultrasound waves to the body to create an image of internal organs. It enables practical real time visualization in a non-invasive manner, making the modality especially useful to image dynamic cardiac structures. In the last few decades, echocardiography has been applied to cardiac disease models, mainly to rodents. While clinical echocardiography platforms can be used for relatively large animals such as pigs and rats, specialized systems are needed for smaller species. Theoretically, as the size of the imaged sample decreases, the frequency of the ultrasound transducer needed to image the sample increases. There are multiple modes of echocardiography imaging. In Doppler mode, erythrocytes blood flow velocities are measured from the frequency shift of the sent ultrasound waves compared to received echoes. Recorded data are then used to calculate cardiac function parameters such as cardiac output, as well as the hemodynamic shear stress levels in the heart and blood vessels. The multi-mode (i.e., b-mode, m-mode, Pulsed Doppler, Tissue Doppler, etc.) small animal ultrasound systems in the market can be used for most cardiac disease models including mice, embryonic chick and zebrafish. These systems are also associated with significant costs. Alternatively, there are more economical single-mode echocardiography platforms. However, these are originally built for mice studies and they need to be tested and evaluated for smaller experimental models. We recently adapted a mice Doppler echocardiography system to measure cardiac flow velocities for adult zebrafish and embryonic chicken. We successfully assessed cardiac function and hemodynamic shear stress for normal as well as for diseased embryonic chicken and zebrafish. In this paper, we will present our detailed protocols for Doppler flow measurements and further cardiac function analysis on these models using the setup. The protocols will involve detailed steps for animal stabilization, probe orientation for specific measurements, data acquisition, and data analysis. We believe this information will help cardiac researchers to establish similar echocardiography platforms in their labs in a practical and economical manner.Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), National Priority Research Program NPRP 10-0123-170222. The publication of this article was funded by the Qatar National Library