28 research outputs found

    Nuclear SUN1 stabilizes endothelial cell junctions via microtubules to regulate blood vessel formation

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    Endothelial cells line all blood vessels, where they coordinate blood vessel formation and the blood-tissue barrier via regulation of cell-cell junctions. The nucleus also regulates endothelial cell behaviors, but it is unclear how the nucleus contributes to endothelial cell activities at the cell periphery. Here, we show that the nuclear-localized linker of the nucleoskeleton and cyto-skeleton (LINC) complex protein SUN1 regulates vascular sprouting and endothelial cell-cell junction morphology and function. Loss of murine endothelial Sun1 impaired blood vessel formation and destabilized junctions, angiogenic sprouts formed but retracted in SUN1-depleted sprouts, and zebrafish vessels lacking Sun1b had aberrant junctions and defective cell-cell connections. At the cellular level, SUN1 stabilized endothelial cell-cell junctions, promoted junction function, and regulated contractility. Mechanistically, SUN1 depletion altered cell behaviors via the cytoskeleton without changing transcriptional profiles. Reduced peripheral microtubule density, fewer junction contacts, and increased catastrophes accompanied SUN1 loss, and microtubule depolymerization phenocopied effects on junctions. Depletion of GEF-H1, a microtubule-regulated Rho activator, or the LINC complex protein nesprin-1 rescued defective junctions of SUN1-depleted endothelial cells. Thus, endothelial SUN1 regulates peripheral cell-cell junctions from the nucleus via LINC complex-based microtubule interactions that affect peripheral microtubule dynamics and Rho-regulated contractility, and this long-range regulation is important for proper blood vessel sprouting and junction integrity

    Modelling the risk of Taenia solium exposure from pork produced in western Kenya

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    The tapeworm Taenia solium is the parasite responsible for neurocysticercosis, a neglected tropical disease of public health importance, thought to cause approximately 1/3 of epilepsy cases across endemic regions. The consumption of undercooked infected pork perpetuates the parasite’s life-cycle through the establishment of adult tapeworm infections in the community. Reducing the risk associated with pork consumption in the developing world is therefore a public health priority. The aim of this study was to estimate the risk of any one pork meal in western Kenya containing a potentially infective T. solium cysticercus at the point of consumption, an aspect of the parasite transmission that has not been estimated before. To estimate this, we used a quantitative food chain risk assessment model built in the @RISK add-on to Microsoft Excel. This model indicates that any one pork meal consumed in western Kenya has a 0.006 (99% Uncertainty Interval (U.I). 0.0002–0.0164) probability of containing at least one viable T. solium cysticercus at the point of consumption and therefore being potentially infectious to humans. This equates to 22,282 (99% U.I. 622–64,134) potentially infective pork meals consumed in the course of one year within Busia District alone. This model indicates a high risk of T. solium infection associated with pork consumption in western Kenya and the work presented here can be built upon to investigate the efficacy of various mitigation strategies for this locality

    The disturbances of the life raft leeway induced by the fluctuations of wind direction in the life raft coordinate system

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    The paper presents the results of investigations on the life raft leeway induced by the fluctuations of wind direction. The surface current is one of the main factors determining the life raft leeway, but the recently conducted research confirmed that there are also other elements influencing the perturbations of leeway direction. The field experiments showed diversion of the life raft leeway from the downwind direction. This diversion can be explained by the existing cross wind component. The wind tunnel tests allowed to determine the aerodynamic coefficients in the fluid-state control system. On the basis of the test results the expression for the wind pressure force has been formulated. The mean deviation and median of probability distribution of the leeway diversions from the downwind direction has been determined on the basis of investigations conducted at sea. The models for the life raft velocity dependent on wind velocity, developed for the life raft with drogue and without drogue, are presented in the paper

    Applicational of Fokker-Planck equation for modeling the search and rescue area at sea

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    The main components influencing the efficiency of rescue actions are: estimating the localization of an accident, estimating the survivor acting and error of its valuation, marking out the estimated survivors localization and an error of that localization, correct estimating a search are. The following elaboration presents the method of estimating the search and rescue area based on the search objects leeway speed regression model. There have been used a diffusion process (Fokker – Planck equation) during projecting a model to mark out a search probability area map

    Bayesian methods in reliability of search and rescue action

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    This paper concerns the application of bayesian network to planning and monitoring life saving actions at sea. The presented bayesian network was formed a.o. on the basis of the determined life raft safety function. The proposed bayesian network makes it possible to determine reliability of conducted life saving action, with accounting for a large number of events which influence course of the action. Reliability control was proposed to be applied to search and rescue - SAR action in contrast to risk control. Reliability levels were defined to make the assessing of safety of conducted SAR action, possible

    Risk estimation of SAR action

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    The paper presents the influence of shipborne incidents on possible consequences. Non rescue ship during SAR action can come under risk. The presented hazard function in dependence on the vessel type, involved in SAR action, possible consequences for ships during the SAR action allow proposing the risk measure and matrix of vessel suitability during SAR action

    Risk analysis of the overtaking manoeuvre on the basis of the Bayesian network

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    Nawigacja na obszarach ograniczonych wymaga prawidłowej interpretacji i oceny bezpieczeństwa statku w trakcie jej realizacji. Problem manewro-wania statkiem na torach podejściowych, w strefach rozgraniczenia ruchu jest zagadnieniem złożonym, ponieważ żegluga na tych akwenach powo-duje zwiększenie poziomu zagrożenia statku. Artykuł przedstawia wstępną ocenę prawdopodobieństwa kolizji podczas wyprzedzania na torze wod-nym z wykorzystaniem sieci Bayesa.There are many close quarter situations at sea, especially, in narrow channels (traffic lanes). The problem of manoeuvring on fairways or traffic separation schemes is a complex issue. Navigation, when carried out in such areas, causes a reduction in the vessel's safety level, so the navigator and watch officer should take into consideration factors which have an influence on it. These limits are the ship's particulars and her manoeuvring characteristics, fairway's parameters, and traffic. The paper presents the tentative evaluation of the probability of collision during overtaking in the fairway

    Wpływ koordynatora akcji SAR na jej efektywność

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    The success of Search and Rescue action depends on the large number of different factors such as accident characteristics, environmental conditions and human factor. Accident characteristics and environmental conditions are outer controlled factors which have to be considered with respect to the action success assessment. The preparation and conducting of the SAR action can be the decisive factors of action success. Nowadays the organization of SAR action entirely depends on the coordinator decisions. His knowledge, experience and attitudes are the critical factors for the action success. The paper presents the influence of the coordinator attitudes on SAR action efficiency and idea of a decisional model with respect to the tasks of the coordinator. The basic human attitudes to take a risk: aversion to risk, neutrality and predisposition to take a risk have been studied.Sukces akcji poszukiwania i ratownictwa (SAR) zależy od różnych czynników, tj. charakteru zdarzenia, warunków zewnętrznych oraz czynników ludzkich. Charakterystyka wypadku oraz warunki zewnętrzne są czynnikami niezależnymi od nas. Należy je jednak rozważyć w celu oszacowania sukcesu akcji. Przygotowanie i przeprowadzenie akcji SAR może być czynnikiem decydującym o jej powodzeniu. Obecnie organizacja akcji poszukiwania i ratownictwa całkowicie zależy od koordynatora akcji. Jego wiedza, doświadczenie oraz postawa są decydującymi czynnikami. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ postawy koordynatora na efektywność akcji SAR oraz zaprezentowano ideę modelu decyzyjnego w odniesieniu do zadań koordynatora. Zbadano również podstawowe ludzkie postawy przy podejmowaniu ryzyka: niechęć, neutralność i skłonność do podjęcia

    Manoeuvring characteristics of the push train with an auxiliary steering device

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    The carried out and planned studies on the revitalisation of Odra and Vistula rivers in Poland and restoration of regular inland navigation put a great attention into environmental issues related to the operation of inland waterborne transport means. The design and operational parameters of inland ships and convoys are dependent on waterways dimensions and their influence on the environment. The article presents problems related to manoeuvring performance of the push train, which is the most popular inland waterborne means of freight transport in Poland and in Europe. The alternative auxiliary steering device improving push train manoeuvrability has been tested on the physical model of a push barge. The active bow steering device consisted two bow rotors has the influence on the operational safety of the push train with respect to improved manoeuvring characteristics and decreased impact on the environment, port and lock facilities, ships and boats in narrow passages. The results of model tests presented in the article allowed for estimation of turning ability of the push train with and without bow rotors. A significant difference was observed with respect to the manoeuvring area, distances of advance, tactical diameter, and time of the manoeuvre

    The assessment of a seabed protection system near a quay wall

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    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję oceny stanu umocnień dna w basenach portowych, w rejonie cumowania statków wykorzystujących własne urządzenia napędowe i sterujące, w szczególności promów i statków ro-ro. Omówiono czynniki wpływające na stan systemu. Do opisu procesu degradacji systemu umocnień dna zaproponowano proces gamma (Xt)t≥ 0, który może być określony na podstawie fizycznych charakterystyk degradacji systemu. Podano przykład badań symulacyjnych i obliczeń numerycznych umożliwiających przewidywanie oddziaływania strumieni zaśrubowych statku na dno i nabrzeże podczas manewrów.This paper presents a concept for the assessment of the state of a seabed protection system in docks, in the area of self-berthing operations, performed by ferries and ro-ro vessels. The factors influencing the system state are described. The Gamma process (Xt)t≥ 0 has been proposed do describe the process of degradation of seabed protection systems, which can be described by physical characteristics. The example of ship motion simulation and CFD calculation were presented to demonstrate the possibility of predicting the influence of a propeller jet on seabed protection and quay wall during manoeuvres