38 research outputs found

    Kitaibel Pál (1757–1817) és a 21. század – mitől lesz „élő” egy 200 éves herbárium? = A 200-year-old “living herbarium” – bringing botanist Pál Kitaibel (1757–1817) into the 21st century

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    With about 15 thousand specimens, the first major Hungarian plant collection, the Kitaibel Herbarium, spans the turn of the 18th to 19th centuries. After several years of work, databasing and digitising the entire collection was completed in 2013. To mark this occasion, this paper discusses the merits of such a historic plant collection and the signifi cance of its precious herbarium samples for modern botanical research. With 2 figures

    Asterolinon linum-stellatum (Primulaceae) In Hungary

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    Book Reviews

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    Vegetation-based landscape regions of Hungary.

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    he first version of the map of the Hungarian vegetation-based landscape regions were prepared at the scale of 1 : 200,000 (1 km or higher resolution). The primary goal of the map was to provide an exact background for the presentation and evaluation of the data of theMÉTA database. Secondly, we intended to give an up-to-date and detailed vegetation-based division of Hungary with a comprehensive nomenclature of the regions. Regions were primarily defined on the basis of their present zonal vegetation, or their dominant extrazonal or edaphic vegetation. Where this was not possible, abiotic factors that influence the potential vegetation, the flora were taken into consideration, thus, political and economical factors were ignored. All region borders were defined by local expert botanists, mainly based on their field knowledge. The map differs in many features from the currently used, country- wide, flora- or geography-based divisions in many features. We consider our map to be temporary (i.e. a work map), and we plan to refine and improve it after 5 years of testing

    European Red List of Habitats Part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats

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    New or interesting floristical records from Albania

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    In this paper new records of 9 vascular plant species are discussed, 7 of which are new for the flora of Albania and 2 species are less known. Orobanche lavandulacea and Teline monspessulana were found near the Adriatic Sea, Verbascum orientale and Lathyrus saxatilis far from the sea at lower altitudes, while Corydalis pumila, Stellaria holostea, Anemone ranunculoides, Lathyrus pallescens and Gagea fistulosa in mountains, at different altitudes

    Development of microsatellite markers for horse-chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), their polymorphism in natural Greek populations, and cross-amplification in related species

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    New nuclear microsatellite markers (SSRs) were developed for Aesculus hippocastanum, a relict tree species from the Balkan Peninsula. The development of microsatellites was done using the Illumina MiSeq PE300 platform. Out of a set of 500 SSRs designed, a subset of 13 loci was tested using 290 individuals from seven natural populations. Twelve species-specific loci were polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 17 and expected heterozygosity from 0.089 to 0.800 with a mean value of 0.484. The population of Kalampaka had the lowest value of allelic richness (2.63) and gene diversity in comparison to the remaining populations. STRUCTURE analysis confirmed isolation of population Mariolata from the southern edge of the species range and genetic similarity among populations from the Pindos Mts. Additionally, the utility of new SSRs in 29 individuals from nine other Aesculus taxa was tested. Eleven markers gave polymorphic products for all tested species. For 24 individuals, a high-quality product was obtained for each marker. Results confirmed the utility of specific markers for future population genetics studies

    News from the early spring flora of Albania

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    Six new species for the flora of Albania ( Convolvulus siculus, Gagea amblyopetala, Gagea bohemica agg., Ptilostemon chamaepeuce, Spergula pentandra and Stachys canescens ) were collected during the 2010 March field trip and are discussed here. Additionally, the occurrence of Ceratocephala falcata in Albania is confirmed and contributions to the distribution of other four, rare and of insufficiently known range taxa ( Bellevalia dubia, Hyacinthella leucophaea, Phagnalon saxatile and Teline monspessulana ) are given. The listed species are the members of the native flora of Albania, except for Stachys canescens , which, according to the assumption of the authors can be an old introduction

    Typification of five names listed by Roberto de Visiani in Plantarum Serbicarum Pemptas

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    Clementi, Moreno, Kuzmanović, Nevena, Barina, Zoltan, Lakušić, Dmitar, Vukojičić, Snežana (2014): Typification of five names listed by Roberto de Visiani in Plantarum Serbicarum Pemptas. Phytotaxa 170 (1): 57-60, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.170.1.9, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.170.1.

    Typification of names in the Sesleria juncifolia species complex (Poaceae)

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    This paper is a nomenclatural revision of the group of Sesleria juncifolia. This group of grasses is one of the most important complex for the flora and vegetation of the mountain areas. In phytosociological terms the species of this group characterizes high rank syntaxa such as Seslerietalia tenuifoliae, Festuco-Seslerietea, Seslerion apenninae etc.The nomenclature of the linear-leaved species of the Sesleria juncifolia complex is one of the topics of ongoing research on the taxonomy, genetic variation, and coenology of the genus Sesleria. This paper deals with the typification of five names belonging to the S. juncifolia complex that are widely used in the taxonomical and phytosociological literature. The holotype of S. juncifolia Suffren has been located. The names S. interrupta, S. juncifolia Host, and S. tenuifolia are lectotypified. A neotype is selected for S. ujhelyi. Images for all type specimens are provided, including those for members of the complex that are already validly typified (S. kalnikensis, S. albanica, S. apennina, S. calabrica)